In a low-gravity, non-atmospheric environment, zombies should be less threatening, slower, and easier to kill, right? In theory, maybe. But zombie anatomy research is an under-funded and often ridiculed branch of science, so there’s plenty we don’t know. In this final Black Ops DLC pack, the undead are taking the fight to the moon, and they’re as hungry for brains as we’ve ever seen. We’ve got this massive lunar level covered as well as quick walkthroughs of the four “re-mastered” zombie maps. So put on your space helmet, grab your assault rifle, and get ready to kill some freakin’ space zombies!
At the start you’ll find yourself on Earth, just outside Hangar 18. The giant teleporter in front of you is your goal, but you can rack up some serious points by taking out as many zombies as you can as quickly as you can. Remember that it only takes one melee hit to kill at the start. Be careful though - once the alarm goes off, the zombies will become stronger (no more one-hit kills) and faster (they all run). Stand on the teleporter along with any allies you may have and warp to the moon! Don’t forget to grab the spacesuit once you do.
Above: How to nab some juggernog before teleporting
If you’re feeling bold, you can rack up enough points in on Earth to buy a perk from the machine near the teleporter before heading to the moon. The perk is either a speed cola (green machine) or juggernog (red machine). You want the latter, so restart the level until you see red. The trick is to kill as many zombies as you can before the alarm goes off, then run around in circles as the undead chase you. At first it will be difficult to avoid their deadly fingers, but after a short while they will all line up as they run after you. This is when you can use a cooked grenade to obliterate your rabid followers for a good amount of points. This is not at all easy, but having juggernog right off the bat is well worth it.
One of the first things you’ll notice is the wandering astronaut. He’s about as slow as a real spaceman, but get too close and he’ll grab you and execute a strange headbutt that will hurt (but not kill if you’re at full health), warp you to another portion of the level, and force you to drop a perk. You can blow him up with a few headshots for a measly 60 points, but he’ll always respawn. However, any zombie caught in the blast radius will be taken out. Killing the astronaut is a situational judgment call, and can be either worthless or life-saving.
In the first room, there are two doors that can be opened. Opening one automatically unlocks the other, and they both lead to the same outside area. You should have enough points to forego the Olympia and the M1 for now.
From this outside area, you’ll have the option of tunnel 6 or tunnel 11. Both paths eventually lead to the same area via an equal number of doors, and both contain a valuable SMG along the way, so there’s no real advantage to choosing one over the other. Including the door you choose, it will cost you about 3000 points to reach the central area, which contains the Stakeout shotgun and often, the mystery box. If the box is not here, it may appear later in the level on the moon’s surface.
The central room has the power switch. It’s near the pyramid. You’ll now want to head up the stars to the right of the pyramid. Continue through the doors until you can see the surface of the moon through a window. From this room, you can go through the door to the surface, or turn right and head through the other door to get to the biodome. Either way, you’ll eventually loop around to the other area.
Above: When in the biodome, watch out for
the Pauly Shore zombie (sigh...sorry)
There will be a series of launch platforms in the biodome. If don’t want to risk dying from fall damage, avoid the first launch platform and search the ground level for the PhD perk. This makes you immune to fall damage, and also produces a mini-explosion if you dive to prone from a height that would normally hurt you. Alternatively, just avoid the launch platforms all together.
Once out on the surface, continue until you see the large circular teleporter just below. This will take you back to Hangar 18, where you began the level. Early on, you would only want to return there to pick up some juggernog or get the pack-a-punch perk, because no matter how many zombies were left on the moon, several more will spawn here and they’ll all be runners. In later rounds, with proper firepower, you can return to Hangar 18 to rack up lots of ‘free’ points, since killing those zombies doesn’t affect the round count.
Inside the labs on a desk (which one is random) you’ll find the hacking device. Before you decide to grab it, know that you have to trade in your spacesuit for it. Obviously, this restricts you to only certain areas of the map, unless you’re very quick when moving between safe zones. With the tool you can also hack virtually anything that costs points. For instance, when you hack a gun, the upgraded ammo becomes a lot cheaper. Hacking a mystery box re-rolls the weapon. You can even hack the pack-a-punch machine back at Hangar 18 which closes the gate around you, protecting you from the horde.
At any time after you flip on the power, an excavator may fire up. You’ll hear fair warning over the loudspeaker when one does. Excavators will block off certain pathways as well as bore through some of the indoor sections, draining them of oxygen and gravity. In order to shut one off, you need to get to that excavator’s respective control panel in the first room (the one you first teleported into) and use the hacker to shut it off. For later waves, you may want to let one of the excavators breach the biodome. The launch pads inside the biodome coupled with low gravity make it the perfect place to fight the horde.
Mule Kick
This classic map is absolutely tiny compared to the moon. There are only three rooms: the one you start in, an adjacent room on the ground level, and the upstairs section. As far as weapons go, you’ll want to grab the Thompson and open the mystery box as much as possible.
The mystery box is in the second room on the ground level. Because of this, you should unlock this room first, before clearing the debris leading upstairs.
The cabinet on the upper level costs 1500 points and always contains a sniper rifle. We recommend you never even bother with this.
Upstairs is generally the best place to hold out. You have the high ground here, and can shoot zombies as they ascend the bottleneck staircases.
This classic map introduced perks and the power switch concept for zombie mode. There are two separate spawn points, but from either one your goal should be to make your way upstairs, then follow the lightning bolt marks to find the power switch.
Juggernog is arguably the best perk you can buy, upping the number of consecutive hits you can survive from two to four at a cost of 2500. Look for the machine on the first floor, to the left of the stairs. It’s not far from the quick revive machine.
When you reach the power room, unlocking the next door will start you on a path back to the beginning of the level. The power room may have the mystery box in it (next to the fence), which is very rewarding. There are many different box spawn points on this map, so chances are you’ll run into one without having to really search for it.
In the early rounds, the electric barriers may not seem worth your points at a cost of 1000 to activate. However, later on when points become less of an issue these barriers can stop an entire horde. Be aware that the barriers last longer when playing on solo. Also, zombies that pass through the barriers will not die immediately, so you’ll want to stay a few feet back.
We’re not sure who told game developers that swamps are fun. Shi No Numa’s dense foliage, fog, deep water, and unlimited shades of brown make it one of the more difficult zombie maps. Zombie’s not only come through the standard barriers, but also from beyond fences, under the water, and from behind trees. Yay! At least the power is already on when the level begins...
The layout is simple in concept: a central hub (where you start) surrounded by four outlying structures. It costs 1000 points to open one of four doors leading out of the hub, then an additional 750 to gain access to a hut. Just because you’re outside the hub doesn’t mean that you’ll have access to the other huts though. Each hut is blocked off from the others, meaning you’ll have to spend quite a few points if you want access to all four.
Each hut features a random perk inside. This makes finding the yummy juggernog an annoying game of chance.
You can discern the location of the mystery box at any time by simply looking to the sky. The column of light will tell you where to find the box. This is especially useful if the box is in one of the huts as opposed to the central hub.
The Flogger is a very cool trap involving two rotating spiked logs. It’s near the gate that leads to the fishing hut (which you have to open before activating the trap) and costs 750 to turn on. It only lasts about 30 seconds, but will instantly kill any zombie that wanders into it. It can be turned on from either side.
The zipline goes from the second floor of the hub to the doctor’s quarters. You need to turn it on from the doctor’s quarters before you can use it.
The classic zombie factory is back. Newcomers should be warned that In between waves there’s a chance of an all-hellhound wave. These can actually be a reprieve as there aren’t many dogs per wave and they are easy to kill. It’s also important to know that while the teleporter pad near the beginning of the level is immediately useless, it later serves as a central hub to three other teleporters scattered throughout the map.
It’s not hard to find the power switch here. Just choose one of the two doors from the start of the level and continue on until you find some stairs to take you to the second level. From there, you can drop down into the pit where the power switch is. Turning on the power drops the barriers leading back to where you started the level, and lowers the drawbridge connecting the two second story areas.
Above: The juggernog is just through here before the stairs
If you want the juggernog asap, face the teleporter at the beginning of the level and choose the door to the right. If you take this path, you’ll pass the juggernog before you reach the power switch.
From the area with the power switch, you can open another door for 1250 that leads to one of three teleporters in this level. If you activate a teleporter, you’ll have 30 seconds to rush back to the mainframe where you began the level and complete the link. Doing so may cause a free power up to spawn about one hundred feet away.
See the map above for the complete layout of the level. The central mainframe (where all the teleporters lead) is at the bottom center.
If you link all three teleporters to the central mainfram successfully, the pack-a-punch machine becomes accessible.
Aug 31, 2011