The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Goddess Cube guide

Throughout your journey in Skyward Sword, Link will come across numerous large metallic blocks that are known as “Goddess Cubes.” These blocks are scattered throughout the various lands, and when encountered, Link can give them a Skyward strike with his sword. When he does, the cubes will transform into beams of light that will then allow a treasure chest to become available throughout the skies.  Some of the cubes can be a little tricky to nab and some will require a little back tracking after you have acquired the appropriate item to access its location. 

Below we have listed the location for each of the 26 Goddess Cubes, as well as what will be unlocked when you decide to go forth and claim your prizes. Happy hunting!

Faron Woods Locations

Lake Foria Locations

Eldin Volcano Locations

Lanayru Desert Locations

Faron Woods Locations

The Great Tree

At the Great Tree in Faron Woods, there are sections of land that are raised up on the trees roots to the east, south, and west sides.  Go into the tree and exit the tunnel to the first landing outside, where there are three wooden platforms.  Jump off the second platform to the right and you will land on one of these raised parts of land that also has a Goddess Cube on it.

Item Recovered: Rupee Medal

On another raised part of land, this Cube is more out in the open.  Go to the east side of the tree and you will see the cube sitting in the middle of the area high atop the grass covered root.  To get to it, you will need the clawshot and you’ll need to grapple to the target that is sneakily hidden to the right of the cube, under the root’s curl.

Item Recovered: Piece of Heart

For this cube, head up the Great Tree to the second outside area and walk to the North side where there is a wooden ledge outcropping.  Jump off it to the east, and below there will be two raised pieces of land that are connected by a rope.  Land on the closest part and cross the rope to the second land mass that will have the cube on it.

Item Recovered: Rupee Medal

Deep Woods

Once you enter the Deep Woods, the Goron there will introduce you to the Goddess Cubes, making this one is pretty hard to miss.

Item Recovered: Adventure Pouch Slot

Right after you get your first cube from speaking to the Goron, this one will be not too far away. Just hop down the ledge to the north and the cube will be just outside the Temple entrance.

Item Recovered: Heart Piece

Go through the Deep Woods to the Skyview Temple and make your way to the right of it. On the east side wall, near the stairs, there will be a patch of vines high up that you can grapple onto with the Clawshot. Do so and then climb up the next vine wall to find the cube hidden there.

Item Recovered: Treasure Medal

Skyview Temple

In the Skyview Temple, after defeating the boss and entering the Spring through the door, look behind the platform that the Spinning symbol is resting on to find the Goddess Cube in the water there.

Item Recovered: Gold Rupee

Lake Foria Locations

When you are going through the water filled caves to find the Water Dragon, you will come to the middle cave area after jumping over the bars in the water.  The cube will be sitting on the land that surrounds the cavern, on the far side across a bridge.  Follow the walkway around to find it.

Item Recovered: Small Bomb Bag

At the bird statue for Floria Waterfall, look up above the statue and there will be a patch of vines there.  Use the Clawshot to grapple up to it and you will find the cube hiding out there.

Item Recovered: Gold Rupee

Eldin Volcano Locations

Eldin Volcano

As soon as you enter the Eldin Volcano starting area, look to the left and off the edge of the path will be the cube sitting there.

Item Recovered: Silver Rupee

This cube can be seen from the beginning and can be found along the walkway in front of the central rock that Ledd tells you a mysterious person in black jumped into. You can grab the Cube when you make your way to the ledge by using the air spout that lifts you to the walkway and not the spout that will lift you to the ledge that leads inside the central cave.

Item Recovered: Small Seed Satchel

When you enter the central cave after bombing the lava plug, drop down off the edge of the entrance platform for the long drop down. While falling, direct yourself towards the Goddess Cube that is sitting on top of a pillar.  Land on it and give it a whack.

Item Recovered: Gold Rupee

When you reach the Earth Temple, go to the left side and dig to find an air spout there.  When it is open, toss a bomb flower into the upwards air and blow up the breakable rocks there.  Make them go kablooey and you’ll find the Cube inside.

Item Recovered: Gold Rupee

Go to the right side of the right side of the Temple and you will be at a Bokoblin camp of sorts.  You will need to take the path of crossing the knocked over tower to progress, but before you do that, there will be a cube located to the far right of the area, down a path alongside the river of lava.

Item Recovered: Treasure Medal

When you cross over the knocked over tower, continue across the bridge, through the archway, and up the slope to where it starts to get really hot.  Make the first quick left and you will slide down a sand hill.  Keep to the left and hit the first air spout to land on top of a platform.  When on it, walk off the far side to land on another platform where a cube will be.

Item Recovered: Gold Rupee

Volcano Summit

When you enter the volcano summit, go directly to the east to enter the large lava filled room that leads you to the Fire Dragon.  In this room, there will be a Goddess Cube just to the right resting in the lava.  To hit it, you need to jump on one of the floating lava platforms and give it a whack as you pass by.

Item Recovered: Heart Piece

Make your way to the very northwest of the summit, to the exit that can be found there.  Go outside and you will find a waterfall on the left and a ledge leading to nothing on the right.  Jump off the ledge and glide yourself forward and around to the left, in front of the large pillar there.  Just in front of it will be a low platform that has a Goddess Cube on top of it.

Item Recovered: Glass Bottle

Lanayru Desert Locations

Lanayru Mine

As soon as you enter the Desert at the Lanayru Mine Entrance, look behind the large pillar where you arrive and find the cube hiding behind there.

Item Recovered: Silver Rupee

Lanayru Desert

When you get to the Desert Entrance, make your way to the west side and there will be an area where you need to hop on top of the empty shells of the Ampilus to get across. While hopping across them, jump to the left side of the area and there will be a Goddess Cube there.

Item Recovered: Heart Medal

Outside the Temple of Time, to the north is a mine cart that you need to ride in after hitting the time crystal in the cave across from you. When you are riding the cart, you’ll need to hit the Goddess Cube at the top of the ramp on the left as you pass it.

Item Recovered: Heart Piece

At the North Desert, there is a loop to the North East that you can enter through a cracked wall that you can bomb open.  Enter the cave and at the end you will be able to grapple after grapple along the desert walls until you finally reach a goddess Cube on the right side.

Item Recovered: Heart Medal

At the South section of the Desert, there is a Goddess Cube that is sitting on top of the broken walls, but it can only be reached once you can grapple to it. Look for the target to the north east – to the right- of the cube and grapple up to grab it.

Item Recovered: Life Medal

Lanayru Gorge

When you are in the Lanayru Gorge, to the left of the bird statue that you arrive at, you will be able to find a Goddess Cube right near the Tree of Life that you take to help the Dragon. Hit the time crystal to make the tree a seedling and then you can hop down to the right and get the cube.

Item Recovered: Small Quiver

Ancient Harbor

When you arrive in the Ancient Harbor, go to the north and climb up the stack of boxes in the center. Grapple to the west side and then drop down and you will see a doorway you can enter. Once inside, clear the room and whack the cube.

Item Recovered: Gold Rupee

Skipper’s Retreat

Make your way up to the Skipper’s Retreat until you come to a bridge with a shield wielding Moblin. Hop over him, or take him out and look to the left to see the cube sitting on a platform there. Grapple to the grey vines on the pillars to get to the cube.

Item Recovered: Potion Medal

Pirate Stronghold

When you arrive at the Pirate Stronghold, walk to the middle of the area and look up to the center of the buildings front. High above will be a grapple target that you can latch onto. Grapple up a couple times and you will come to the cube resting on a platform above the walkway.

Item Recovered: Piece of Heart