LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4 character guide

With LEGO Harry Potter Years 5 – 7 having been released recently now is a great time to revisit the previous game in the series and finish up any missing achievements. Perhaps the most elusive one is to find all of the various hidden characters. While most of them can be gotten by just playing through the levels and interacting with everything in sight a few of them are a bit trickier or require solving puzzles to get to. And that’s where we aim to help!

This guide is broken up rather simply – it goes stage by stage and explains what you need to have to unlock the hidden character and where to find it. Generally speaking, some of them can be gotten while playing levels but it’s usually best to focus on simply completing the levels instead of searching them. In many cases you will have to revisit the level in Free Play to unlock a specific character or two so waiting until you meet all of the requirements before bothering to revisit will spare you replaying each level yet more times than necessary.

Upon starting up the game you will automatically obtain the trio of Harry Potter, Ron and Hermoine. However none of them have any special abilities that are helpful to begin with. As they learn abilities through the years at school more abilities will unlock on the characters so it’s going to be a bit before they’re as useful as they can be. By and large the most useful abilities to have are strength (Hagrid), Reducto (most wizards) and Dark Magic (any Death Eater). Ron / Hermoine’s respective pets will come in handy in a few situations as well and the short characters come up a few times but the above trio of abilities are ones you will want ASAP, so buy the first Dark Magic user you can.


Year one

Year two

Year three

Year four


Diagon Alley

Knockturn Alley


- Characters A - Ge

- Characters Gi - Ma

- Characters Mi - Pr

- Characters Pro - W

Story Mode

If you’re looking to get the characters as soon as possible then you will want to simply play through the levels as quickly as possible, not bothering with True Wizard, Red Bricks or unlockable characters. Then devote a replay to getting every single last thing you can in a level all in one fell swoop. A few of the characters can easily be nabbed while playing the game like normal; those will be noted in the list.

Year One

1.1 – The Magic Begins

Mr. Ollivander
– Inside of the bank, once you open the first gate with Griphook look to the left. There is a chest here that you must use a Reducto spell to open.

Tom the Innkeeper
– From there head the opposite direction to find another Reducto locked chest.

– Upon arrival at the storage vaults there is a chest directly to your right with another Reducto lock. Blow it open to get the valuable Griphook and his key.

1.2 – Out of the Dungeon

Ron (Girl Disguise)
– On a free play of the level use Hermoine’s book to open the bureau to the left of the starting point.

Harry (Hogwarts)
– Down the hallway from the bathroom is a silver lock on a writing desk. Blast it open to reach Harry.

Madam Malkin – Once you spawn into the bathroom go straight to the left to find a silver lock on a locker. Blow the lock then open it up to find Madam Malkin.

1.3 – A Jinxed Broom

Fred (Quidditch)
– When you reach the tunnel that Ron has to send Scabbers through use Reducto on the chest to the left to get this token.

Harry (Girl Disguise)
– After getting to the top of the previous area you will reach another LEGO puzzle. Take out Scabbers (or Hermoine’s cat) and send it under the wooden stairs to reach Harry.

Marcus Flint
– Past the previous token you will enter an interior area. Here use your Dark Magic to blow open a cabinet and reveal Marcus.

1.4 – The Restricted Section

Harry (Pajamas)
– Blast open the metal container near the bookcase on the right side of the room.

Filch – When you enter the second area of the library go straight to the far side of the room and use Griphook to open the safe to reveal Filch.

Neville (pajamas)
– In the final area of this level there is a Dark Magic cabinet in the far corner of the room. Pop it open to get the token.

1.5 – The Forbidden Forest

– To unlock Fang you need to use Fang or Hermoine’s cat to dig in the first area of the level. It is located in a hidden, off-screen area in the southeast part of the level you start on.

– In the third area you will see a sealed chest, blast it open with Reducto to unlock Hagrid.

Draco (Hogwarts)
– Found just past where you got Hagrid. Go to the upper level via the LEGO bricks and use your Dark magic to pop open the rock and get this token.

1.6 – Face of the Enemy

Harry (Slytherin Disguise)
– In the room with all of the flying keys a treasure chest with a Reducto lock can be found in the far corner. Blow it open to find this token.

Professor Quirrel – When you enter the chessboard room use Dark Magic to destroy the fallen chess piece right by the entrance door.

Ron (Cardigan)
– On the far side of the chessboard room is another fallen black piece, use Dark Magic to break this and get the final token of Year One.

Year Two

 Floo Powder!

George Weasley
– In the far corner of the yard is a dig spot next to a basketball hoop. Dig up this token there with either Fang or Hermoine’s cat.

Arthur Weasley
– After using the Floo Powder and ending up inside of Borgin and Burkes this is found in a Dark Magic cabinet near the exit door.

Harry (Sweater)
– Just before the exit to Knockturn Alley you will see a chest to your left. Pop it open to find this token.

2.2 – Dobby’s Plan

Draco (Quidditch)
– In the first part of the level, after using Hagrid to pull the switch, you use magic to put a staircase back together. Walk past that into the corner to find a Dark Magic cabinet.

– In the infirmary go to the left side beds and walk down to the bed with the green screen above it. Bounce on this bed to reach the token.

Madam Pomfrey
– Leave the infirmary and go into the office. Here you will see a Dark Magic lock near a cabinet, destroy that and the blast the container itself to reveal the character token.

NOTE: Between 2.2 and 2.3 you will obtain the following character as part of the storyline:

Justin Finch Fletchley
– When the story leads you into the potions room creating the indicated potion nets you this character. Drinking from the cauldron will then allow you to Polyjuice into him

2.3 – Crabbe and  Goyle

Vincent Crabbe
– When replaying the level you will be able to Reducto blast the silver barriers blocking off the other side of the fountain.

Gregory Goyle
– Near the fireplace in the Slytherin Dorm is a Dark Magic container, open it to get the token.

Ron (Slytherin Disguise)
– In the far side of the Slytherin dorm leap over the couches and use Reducto to blow open the writing desk to release this token.

2.4 – Tom Riddle’s Diary

Moaning Myrtle
– On the far side of the fountain a Dark Magic cabinet needs to be popped open for this.

– Once you’ve entered the diary go through the first room. As soon as you enter the second hallway open the safe with Griphook for this token.

Professor Vector
– At the far end of the same hallway you can find another safe that contains Vector.

2.5 – Follow the Spiders

Professor Sinistra
– Upon crossing the lake via broom a dark magic cabinet will be along the wall to your north, the professor is inside.

Ron (Sweater)
– This one is kind of hard to miss. When going through the level the staircase you’re looking to use will be stolen by the pixies. After climbing the nearby ladder this can be found to the left.

Lucious Malfoy
– While fighting the giant spider there is a treasure chest to your right with a silver lock. Use the Reducto spell to blow this open and get this character.

2.6 – The Basilisk

Gilderoy Lockhart / Wizard (Green)
– Once you drop down into the caverns head to the left and remove the plants from the two chests. Open them with Dark Magic to get these two.

Tom Riddle
– In the Basilisk’s Lair you will have to open up the safe in the far right corner of the room. Unfortunately you’ll have to fight the Basilisk again to make Tom Riddle move the heck out of the way so fight him just enough to get him to move, open the safe and then save / quit the level.

Year Three

3.1 – News from Azkaban

Shaun Shunpike
– On the train platform use your Dark Magic to pop the lock on the treasure chest near the benches and open it up for Shaun.

Ernie Prang
– At the far end of the train platform is a Dark Magic cabinet, open it to get the token.

Trolly Witch
– On the train move the Trolly Witch out of the way to reveal a Dark Magic lock on the bathroom door. Yank it open and get the token from inside.

3.2 – Hogsmeade

Crabbe (Sweater)
– In the tunnel you will need to use a torch to drop platforms in your path. On the other side break open the Dark Magic rock to reveal this token.

Goyle (Sweater)
– When you appear in the candy shop use Reducto on the fortune telling machine near where you start.

Draco (sweater)
– Just outside Hogsmeade go down the left path to find a purple wizard with the token. Zap him and he will move down to the end of the right path. Zap him again and he will move near the giant snowball. Use Reducto to blast open the lock on the container and then use Wingardium Leviosa to reveal a snake. This scares off the wizard and nets you the token.

3.3 – Mischief Managed

George (Sweater)
– When you reach the first large room look to your left to see a cabinet that Hermoine can interact with. Open it up to release a table that can be put together. Leap off of it to reach the token.

The Grey Lady
– Once you’re outside climb up to the upper level with Filch. Use Reducto on the leftmost window to blow it open and rescue a student. Hop on in and go to the left to find the token (you should be able to see it faintly).

Fred (Sweater)
– Near the exit from the upper area there is an open window. Leap inside and behind the table to find this hidden token.

3.4 – The Shrieking Shack

Witch (Grey)
– When fighting the Whomping Willow head to the left and use Fang to dig up the ground. This reveals a Dark Magic chest, open it to receive the token.

Peter Pettigrew
– Inside of the Shrieking Shack head to the left where the kids are hiding. Use your Dark Magic to pop open the cabinet and get this token.

Hermoine (Red Hooded Top)
– Once you’re back outside there will be a locked chest with a Reducto lock on it, Hermoine is inside.

3.5 – Dementor’s Kiss

Professor Lupin – After filling in the lake head to the upper level and look to the right of the small lake here. Use Reducto on the chest to open it up and get this token.

Cornelius Fudge
– When you reach the final fight with the Dementors ignore them and go straight to the right to find some silver plants. Blow them up and speak to the snake to receive this token.

– This takes a bit of doing. After using the rock to get the attention of the Dementors ignore them again and go up the right side. Climb up to the second level then use the levitating platform to reach the Dark Magic rocks and reveal this token.

3.6 – The Dark Tower

James Potter (Ghost)
– This token can be seen in the background as soon as you start the mission. However you’ll have to cross the bridge before you can get to it. Turn to the left and blow open the locked door with Reducto to reveal a staircase that leads to the token.

Lily Potter (Ghost)
– As soon as you go inside this is in a locked Reducto chest in front of you. It’s impossible to miss.

Sirius Black
– When you get back outside drop down off the bottom of the building to where the purple gargoyle is. Place it back on its platform to break the window and then head inside. Now use Dark Magic on the cabinet in here to receive this final token.

Year Four

4.1 – The Quidditch World Cup

Death Eater
– South of the living book a Death Eater will blow up some stands. When he does this he reveals a Dark Magic rock – destroy this to get to the token.

Ginny (Hooded Top) – Once you proceed to the second part of the level leap over the first pit and then head south. This token is found inside a container here.

Barty Crouch Junior
– While gathering the supplies for the cauldron you will find a silver locked chest near the purple flower. Simply use Reducto to get to the token.

4.2 – Dragons

Durmstrang Student – After crossing the second pit area by avoiding the blue flames this Dark Magic chest can be seen off in the far right corner.

Cedric (Sweater)
– Upon crossing the LEGO bridge you will reach a safe that, upon opening, pops out this token.

Dragon Handler
– When you reach the final area there will be a sealed Reducto chest right behind you. Blow that open to get this token.

4.3 – The First Task

Cedric (Dragon Task)
– As soon as the level starts turn around and use the bucket to put out the fire. This causes the token to appear.


Fleur (Dragon Task) – After grabbing the golden egg you will be on the run from the dragon. When you enter the first interior area that stops the dragon this token is to your immediate right.

Harry (Dragon Task)
– Once you get past the first barrier you will see a Dark Magic rock along the upper wall. Pop that open to get to the character token.

4.4 – The Secret of the Egg

Moaning Myrtle (Swimsuit) – As soon as you appear there will be a Dark Magic cabinet right next to the entrance door. Open it up to reveal this character.

Cedric Diggory
– Inside of the bathroom a boggart will jump out of the chest. In Free Play you can use Riddikulus to get rid of this but in story mode just have Harry use Patronus to dispatch it.

Fleur (Lake Task) – In the sub-area of the bathroom look to your south to see a silver lock. Blast this with Reducto and then blast the container to prompt it to drop this token.

4.5 – The Black Lake

Harry (Lake Task)
– From the beginning of the level head forward until you can use a pipe to travel into the foreground.

– After getting past the octopus go into the next area. Turn to the left and use your wand to blast open the treasure chest in the seaweed to release the character.

Krum (Shark)
– In the second area you will reveal a pipe that allows you to travel into the background. Go to the left and open the chest to find this token.

4.6 – The Dark Lord Returns

Cedric (Maze Task)
– This is a bit of an odd one. You will have to shoot eight different large yellow plants while exploring the maze. A picture of them can be found below. They are spread throughout the maze so just search areas thoroughly and you’ll find them. They’re pretty hard to miss.

Fleur (Maze Task)
– From the above image, turn to the south in this small walkway and go forward. A boggart will pop out at you, use Riddikulus to get rid of it and find this token.

Victor (Maze Task)
– You will reach an area where you must place an arrow sign on a pedestal to open the path forward. There is a Dark Magic wall here, open it and go through the fog. Here use Fang to dig up this character token in the obvious dig spot.

Free Play

Diagon Alley

Harry (Tuxedo)
– Enter Madam Malkin’s Robes and go up the stairs. Walk up to the changing room next to the stairs and it will open, revealing a mostly undressed wizard. When he closes the shade you will get this character.

Hermoine (Ballgown) – Inside of Madam Malkin’s robes use Wingardium Leviosa to put the clothes back on the racks to cause this to appear.

Knockturn Alley

Igor Karkaroff
– As you walk down the alley this is visible on a bridge above you. Use Wingardium Leviosa to create stairs using the nearby cartful of planks to reach it.

Shifty Wizard – Just past Igor Karkaroff this is floating in the air to the left. You’ll need to move the nearby table under it via Reducto to reach the token.

The Bloody Baron
– Climb into the cart that you pulled the wooden planks out of and zap the cart to send yourself flying up to the character token.

– To unlock the big guy himself you have to do a whole lot of work. You must acquire all 200 gold bricks and all red bricks to prompt a door to appear in the store. Go inside and complete the rather tedious mission to get Voldemort to unlock.


Alicia Spinnet – Go from the moving stairs into the lobby area and unlock the door in the upper left corner with the green key. This leads to the library where four characters are found. Go to the far end of the room and head to the right. Blast open the chest here and then levitate the glasses onto the painting to open the age locked door. You’ll either have to create the potion for aging or you’ll need an adult. Either way go into the next room and use Hermoine’s book skill to open up the cabinet. This gives you a book trolley to ride, ride this to pick up the various books to make Alicia appear.

Amos Diggory – When in Hagrid’s garden go all the way to your right to find a locked chest. Blast this open with Reducto to reveal the token.

Angelina Johnson – Take the exit from the fountain courtyard towards the pendulum to enter a rear courtyard. Here you will need to run around and zap the ten torch sconces around the area to get this token to appear.

Bassist – Outside of Hogwarts, past Hagrid’s Hut, is a silver gate that can be blown open to access the lake area. Here you can get the Bassist token to appear by repeatedly blasting the moles.

Boy – In the Charms classroom use magic on the bookcase on the upper level and just wait until this spawns in. It’ll take like three or four uses before it appears.

Cedric (Lake Task) – Outside of Hogwarts, near Hagrid’s Hut, there are three rockets. Setting off the red one calls up a Krum token, setting off the blue calls up a Ginny one and, after those have been set off, the third green one can be set off. This calls up Cedric in the air.

Cho Chang – From the courtyard with the fountain take the exit towards the pendulum to reach another courtyard. Defeat the boggart in the chest to the south to get the key to the gate to the north, this leads to the path to the owlry. Free the four owls (one is in the egg inside the maze) and go to the upper level. Here you need to play three records on the player, two of which are in plain view and one of which is inside the drawers in the back of the room.

Dean Thomas / Seamus Finnigan – Go into the Gryffindor boys bedroom and open the treasure chest to reveal the grandfather clock. With this you can use the Time Turner and go back to another version of the room. Then simply open both of the chests in here to get both of these characters.

Doris Crawford – Getting Doris is a bit confusing. You have to use Wingardium Leviosa on the six torches in the room at the foot of the moving staircase. Then head out through the upper right hand door to reach another hallway that is connected to the lobby area. Now use WL on the three torches here (one with a Reducto lock of all things) to cause this one to pop up.

Draco Malfoy – In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom there is a Dark Magic gate that can be opened to receive Ginny Weasley. Go through that hallway and you will be in a room with pendulums being swung by pixies. Destroy the four pixies on this level to prompt this token to appear.

Drummer – Make your way to the Herbology class and blow open the door in the rear to reach a back area of the greenhouse. Go through the northern door and you will be in a large domed room. Go up the stairs to reach a treasure chest that has a boggart in it. Get rid of it to reveal this token.

Dudley Dursley - Go onto the staircase and follow it up to the blue door on the level below Dumbledores office. Blast the switch near the door to get inside and start blasting the computer. After a few hits it will spit out this character token.

Ernie McMillan – In the main hall that leads to most of the classes you will need to use the Mandrake to break the six glass domes spread out around the area. The token will appear in front of you when you do.

Gabrielle Delacour – Upon entering the actual Ravenclaw dorm zap the treasure chest near the writing desk. This prompts a red orb to fly around the room until caught by an animal head. Once it’s caught the token appears under the head.

George (Quidditch) – Make your way to the Quidditch Stadium, the entrance is near Hagrid’s Hut, and use the Time Turner to go into the past. Head on over to the popcorn stand and use Wingardium Leviosa to put the nearby corn into the stand itself. This will make the token appear after a few moments.

Gilderoy Lockhart (Green Jacket) – Head on over to Hagrid’s Garden and use the Time Turner to travel to the past. Walk over to the left side of the garden and use Wingardium Leviosa to use the axe

Ginny Weasley – In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom there is a metal grate in the back that requires Dark Magic to break. Do so to retrieve this token.

Ginny (Cardigan) – Outside of Hogwarts, near Hagrid’s Hut, go to the south to find a pixie holding up a blue rocket. Get rid of it and then light up the rocket to cause this token to appear. Get the flying pumpkin from the other pixie and then fly on up to it.

Girl – In the second charms classroom you need to light the two candles on the first floor and two on the second to make this token appear.

Gryffindor Boy
– In the main room of the Gryffindor Dorm jump over the top left red sofa (with the boy on it) to find this token behind him. You may have to zap him before you can get to this. 

Gryffindor Girl – After learning Lumos head towards the Potions classroom. Here you will see a boy waving around a character token – zap him, chase him and zap him again. When he moves near the door use Wingardium Leviosa to open the container behind him to reveal a snake, this scares him into dropping the token for you.

Hannah Abbot
– In the main hall that leads to most of the classes you will have to travel around the hall and light the various torches around the area to make this appear before you.

Harry (Blue Shirt) – When you open the way to the bathrooms from the Great Hall this will be beneath the spiral staircase and is pretty hard to miss.

Harry (Maze Task) – In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts room there is a chest in the back that, when opened, can be used to create a door to a hidden clockwork room. There are three multicolored banners on the rear wall, blast these three to cause the token to appear.

Harry (Quidditch) – Head out onto the Quidditch field and send out Fang or Hermoine’s cat and have it dig up the five dig spots. This will cause the character token to pop out of the last hole.

Hermoine (Cat) – Make your way to the great hall and take the right spiral staircase into the bathroom hallway. As soon as you enter there is a cabinet to your left that Hermoine can open to get this token.

Hermoine (Grey Hooded Top) – From the large fountain courtyard move to the west and then continue to the north to reach the Owlery (opening the door by defeating the boggart). When you enter the Owlery go up the stairs above you and use Wingardium Leviosa to put the staircase back together. Drop back down and go to the right, using the bridge to reach the token.

Hermoine (Grey Top) / Professor Trelawnay – Head on up to the Divination classroom with a goblin and Dark Magic user. Go to the north side of the room and unlock the safe to get the Professor and destroy the Dark Magic cabinet to get Hermoine.

Hufflepuff Boy – In the large courtyard with the fountain, pick up the mandragora and bring it to each of the five glass domes to reveal this token. If you’re having a hard time finding the last one then it’s probably in the location in the screenshot below.

Hufflepuff Girl
– Getting to this girl is a huge pain in the rear. First you have to be able to enter the Hufflepuff dorm then you have to figure out how to open up the freaking bedroom. This requires that you use Wingardium Leviosa to bend down the candelabra right next to the entrance door. Doing this prompts a secret door under the stairs to open up and inside is a mandragora. Pick it up and put it inside of the flower pot near the left side of the room to open the door up. Now go inside the bedroom and look right next to you, there is a treasure chest there that can be blasted open. Do so and then use WL to put the pieces together into a radio, prompting this character to spawn.

Hufflepuff Prefect – From the courtyard with the fountain in it leave via the left exit to reach a second smaller courtyard. Use your magic on the upper left chest to reveal LEGO pieces that must be used to build a path up to the character token.

Katie Bell – In the area outside of the Quidditch Stadium use magic on the five Gryffindor house banners to prompt this token to appear.

Lee McMillan
– In the main hall that leads to most of the classrooms go up the right stairs and to the right to find three golden statues. Blast them to reveal this token.

Mad Eye Moody
– Go back to the Charms classroom and use Reducto to get down to the underground. Head to the right and blast the two rocks. Levitate the two parts back onto the dragon to cause Mad-Eye Moody’s character token to reappear.

Madam Hooch – From the bathroom hallway go to the far door and use Reducto to open it up. In here, the boys bathroom, make your way to the bottom right corner of the room. Use Wingardium Leviosa to move the paint can around to paint a face on the wall which prompts this token to spawn in.

Madam Pince – In the main area at the foot of the moving stairs take the exit in the upper right corner. Now blast the three panels on the wall in this outdoor hallway to cause her token to appear.

Madam Rosmeta – There is a clock tower that can be entered from the outdoor area near the Quidditch field. You’ll have to defeat the boggart in the chest along the right side of the yard. Use the key this boggart drops and open the door. Go inside and use the Time Turner to have a quick jaunt to the past. Head to the rear corner of the room to find a cabinet sealed with a Reducto lock, blast it open and use Hermoine to open the door and get this token.

Milicent Bulstrode – In the main hall that connects to most of the classrooms head up the left staircase. Here you will find a Dark Magic cabinet , blow this up to get this character.

Milkman – There is a clock tower that can be entered from the outdoor area near the Quidditch field. You’ll have to defeat the boggart in the chest along the right side of the yard. Use the key this boggart drops and open the door. Go inside and use the Time Turner to have a quick jaunt to the past – this will be right out in the open.

Molly Weasley / Colin Greevy – From the Great Hall head on into the dining hall to your north. At the far corner of the room you can find two Reducto locks, one to the right and one to the left. Blow these open to find these two characters.

Mr. Mason
– Go onto the staircase and follow it up to the blue door on the level below Dumbledores office. Blast the switch near the door to get inside and then start zapping the Cedric Diggory bobbleheads to make this appear next to them.

Mrs. Mason – Go onto the staircase and follow it up to the blue door on the level below Dumbledores office. Blast the switch near the door to get inside and then shoot the floor buffer in the bottom right corner to make this appear. Jump off of a flower to reach it easily.

Nearly Headless Nick – Inside of Dumbledore’s office go to the far side of the room and blast the candles atop the candle holder. This causes a blue flame to float over to the wall and reveal this ghost.

Neville Longbottom
– Head inside of the Hufflepuff dormitory and go to the southeast part of the room. Here a mandrake is harassing the students so yoink it up by the leaves and use it to shatter the three glass objects in the room. That will prompt this to spawn in.

Oliver Wood – From the main classroom area go out the doors to the east. This will leave you in a garden area where you have to gather the ingredients for a strength potion – do so and then pull the chain. This causes a series of rings to appear above you so hop onto a broom and fly through them to get this token.

Padma Patil
– In the area outside of the Quidditch stadium use magic on the four Slytherin house banners to prompt this token to appear.

Padma (Ballgown) – In the Ravenclaw dorm go into the bedroom and blast the bed closest to the door. This will knock the top of it off and allow you to bounce on the bed to reach the token.

Parvati Patil
– In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom use your magic on the four blue books to get this token to appear.

Parvati (Ballgown) – In the second Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom destroy the three spider webs around the room to prompt this token to appear.

Penelope Clearwater – Inside of the Ravenclaw area, just outside the dorm proper, blow open the door to the left of the entrance you came in from. Put together the telescope and this will appear in front of it.

Percy Weasley – Outside of Hogwarts, near Hagrids Hut, you will unlock this character by uprooting all four carrots out here.

Percy (Sweater) – Head up the moving staircase until you reach the blue door. Use your magic on the flowers just outside to make this token appear.

Petunia Dursley – Make your way to Hagrid’s Garden and use the Time Turner to go back into the past. Head over to the upper right side of the garden and dig there to find Petunia buried there.

Professor Binns – Take the moving stairs up to Dumbledore’s office. Here use Wingardium Leviosa to prompt the character token to appear.

Professor Dumbledore / Professor Dumbledore (Grey) – Head into Dumbledore’s office at the top of the moving stairs. Here you’ll need to search the room to gather the ingredients for a strength potion then use it. Go to the top of the stairs and pull the chain to open a door beneath you (full of blue studs) and send a space model down from the ceiling. The blue stud room has a Dark Magic chest that can be opened to get Dumbledore 1 and start blasting at the model. Blast all of the planets and then the sun to make Professor Dumbledore (Grey) appear.

Professor Flitwick – In the second charms classroom you will need to use Griphook to open the sub-area. Go down and navigate over to grates to the chest and blast the boggart that comes out to get this token.

Professor McGonnagal / Fred Weasley – Head on into the upper right classroom in the main hall to get a Transfiguration lesson. Then use Reducto on the left wall to blow open the silver lock and go into the next room. Use Transfiguration to get rid of the moving targets to net a gold brick and Professor McGonnagal. Then go the upper left corner and behind the chalkboard to get Fred.

Professor Quirrel – In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom there is a Dark Magic gate that can be opened to receive Ginny Weasley. Go through that hallway and you will be in a room with pendulums being swung by pixies. Get past them and go down to the lower level to deal with more pixies. At the far end of this lower level is this character token.

Professor Snape – Make your way to the potions classroom and go through the door at the far end of the room. Here you must gather three keys and place them in the gate on the right side of the room and this will require a Hufflepuff student, Griphook and Hermoine. The student can get one key by waving at the picture, Hermoine can open the cabinet to get another and Griphook can use his key to open up the safe that you can build inside of the snakes stomach. Put these in the gate to cause LEGO blocks to spill out. Now use these to build a staircase going up to the left and run to the far end of this platform to find a Reducto locked chest containing Snape.

Professor Sprout – Go into the Herbology classroom and use a Reducto spell to open a door at the back left side of the greenhouse. Go into the far door and you will be in a large dome shaped room. Pick up the mandrake and walk it around the room, shattering the glass objects to get this token.

Ravenclaw Boy – Make your way to the Quidditch Stadium, the entrance to which is near Hagrid’s Hut, and go over to the popcorn stand. Use Wingardium Leviosa to place the corn into the stand. The token will spawn in after a few moments.

Ravenclaw Girl – Go from the moving stairs into the lobby area and unlock the door in the upper left corner with the green key. This leads to the library where four characters are found. Use Reducto on the right door and then put together the radio that comes out. This causes some dancing skeletons to appear and also spawns in this token.

Ravenclaw Prefect – This one takes a bit of work. Go out to the large courtyard with the fountain and destroy the four statues around said fountain. Next combine the parts with Wingardium Leviosa to create a suit of armor that will remove the plunger from the fountain. Destroy the now inert suit of armor to scatter goop around the area, climb onto the plunger and bounce around the goop to clean it up. Once all of it is gone the character token will appear in the middle of the fountain.

Rita Skeeter – In the exterior part of the Slytherin Dorm run around and blast the four locks on the grates the snake came out of before. Put the switch together from the pieces  and then use Hagrid to pull on both of the chains to reveal this token.

Ron (Brown Jacket) – In Hagrid’s Garden use magic on the three mushroom clusters to make this token appear in the center of the garden.

Ron (Hogwarts) – As soon as you start in the Gryffindor Boys Dorm open up the chest near the southeast bed with your wand to find this token inside.

Ron (Pajamas) – In the second Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom use Wingardium Leviosa on the four torches high on the walls to get him to appear.

Ron (Tuxedo) – Outside of Hogwarts, past Hagrid’s Hut, is the locked entrance to the lake area. Blow it open with Reducto and go through. Head down the stairs and blow open the boxes here, using the wood to create a path to save the student in peril. Where he was standing a token will appear, grab it to unlock this version of Ron.

Station Guard
– In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom use Wingardium Leviosa on the four torches high on the walls to cause this token to appear.

Slytherin Boy – Using a Slytherin character (Marcus Flint is an easy one to get) or Dumbledore make your way into the Slytherin dorm. Inside blast the picture to cause the couch to drop a box, then blast the box to release this token.

Slytherin Girl
– In the main Slytherin dorm area go around and use Wingardium Leviosa on the five green canisters scattered around the room. Once the last is activated this will appear in front of the stairs down.

Slytherin Prefect
– From the large fountain courtyard exit to the left to reach a smaller one. Here use your Dark Magic on the chest to reveal a flower pot and flower. Use magic on these to prompt a plant to grow, using this you can get up to the character token.

Susan Bones – Go from the moving stairs into the lobby area and unlock the door in the upper left corner with the green key. This leads to the library where four characters are found. Use Wingardium Leviosa to open the three shutters on the left side of the room, the bottom one will release a flaming object. Use WL on that to light the torches in the room and then blast the one near the living painting. This causes him to run to another painting and cause the plants to bloom. Now jump on the left plant and be levitated up to the token.

Above: This the painting in question.

The Fat Friar – Make your way inside of the Hufflepuff dormitory, an action that requires you to have a Hufflepuff character. Once inside go to the far end of the room and blast the painting there to prompt it to drop a cake. Blast this twice to get this character token.

Vernon Dursley – There is a clock tower that can be entered from the outdoor area near the Quidditch field. You’ll have to defeat the boggart in the chest along the right side of the yard. Use the key this boggart drops and open the door. Make your way to the rear of the room and use Parseltongue to move a serpent into a tunnel where its butt sticks out, blast the butt to get this token.

Viktor Krum
– Outside of Hogwarts, near Hagrids Hut, you will see a Dark magic icon to the south. Use that and then Reducto to send off a rocket that conjures up this token. Grab one of the pumpkins and fly on up to retrieve it.

Viktor (Dragon Task) – Head out onto the Quidditch field and use Reducto on the chest. This will prompt a series of hoops to come flying out. Hop on a broom and fly through them to cause the token to appear.

Viktor (Tuxedo)
– In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts room there is a chest in the back that, when opened, can be used to create a door to a hidden clockwork room. Use magic on the seven lamps to cause this token to appear.

Witch (White) – Go to the great hall of the building and head to the left. There will be a cabinet that Hermoine can open but more important is the Dark Magic container. Open it up to find this character.

Wizard (Red)
– Go from the moving stairs into the lobby area and unlock the door in the upper left corner with the green key. This leads to the library where four characters are found. Go to the far end of the room and head to the right. Blast open the chest here and then levitate the glasses onto the painting to open the age locked door. You’ll either have to create the potion for aging or you’ll need an adult. Hop on the books here to be levitated to the upper level and use Dark Magic to open the bookshelf. You’ll have to dismiss an angry ghost with a blast and then blast a bunch of monsters that spawn in including a Dementor. This will release this character token.