CoD Black Ops 3 weapons guide, best gun to rank up quickly

CoD Black Ops 3 weapons guide, best gun to rank up quickly

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is now available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, with versions for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 only with multiplayer, no single player campaign.
This week we learned that there are still 12 million players a month who enjoy Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012), which serves to get a good idea of the tremendous success of the Treyarch’s previous game, that neither Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013) nor Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (2014) have managed to replicate in the new generation of consoles. Three years later comes the third installment of this series, Call of Duty: Black Ops III , a set of very caring and full of content that fulfills everything we hoped for the return of Treyarch’s action game.
A full four-player cooperative campaign with new and daring ideas within the series, and a host of little surprises and secret game modes a more elaborate way zombies than ever, with a unique personality and fun, and a way terribly addictive and spectacular multiplayer, definitely where the brighter the product. The best from Call of Duty Black Ops II, and in terms of quality and quantity of content, one of the best in the whole saga.

Although the latest installment in the Call of Duty series plays in the future also, have weapons to a conventional design. As usual, you can equip all weapons with scopes, grenades essays or colorful skins. The following list shows you all available weapons in the final version of the game
The pistols, rifles and rocket launchers are always divided into several categories. In addition, a distinction is made between primary and secondary weapons.
KRM-262: Causes additional damage from close range. Pump-action firing mode. 205 Brecci: Two goals lead to death - semi-automatic shotgun. Haymaker 12 (from level 10): Fully automatic fire mode provides strong rate of fire and average damages. Argus (from Level 37): Precise shot scattering - particularly effective with target device.

Light Machine Guns
BRM: Low recoil and high damage value. Dingo: Fully automatic fire mode, slight recoil and rate of fire. Gorgon (level 7): Heavy MG settled goals with two goals. 48 Dredge (from Level 34): salvos-MG with 6-shot mode and a high rate of fire.
Sniper Rifles
Drakon: Results from the chest up lead up to death - semi-automatic firing mode. Locus: straight pull ensures direct death at torso or head hits. P-06 (from level 25): charge sniper rifle. Fires deadly 3-round burst. SVG-100 (from Level 52): results above the hips lead to death.
Kuda: Fully automatic fire mode, average rate of fire and low recoil. VMP: Low amount of magazine is offset by a very high damage. Weevil (level 4): Large Magazine and decent damage value. Vesper (from Level 19): Maximum rate of fire among the MPs, weak value of accuracy. Pharo (from Level 31): 4-round burst with moderate damage and precision. Razorback (from Level 46): effective in the medium distance, thanks to the highest accuracy among the MPs.
Assault Rifles
ARK-7: High rate of fire and moderate recoil, combined with a fully automatic fire mode. XR-2: 3 Round-operation with average damage. HVK-30 (level 2): Fully automatic fire mode with the highest rate of fire this category. ICR 1 (from Level 16): Minimal recoil, for very low damage. Man-O-War (from Level 28): High damage, for very low rate of fire. Sheiva (from Level 43): Long range and good damage, thanks to semi-automatic fire mode. M8A7 (from Level 55): This weapon is characterized by high accuracy and range.

MR6: Highest damage under the guns - semiautomatic fire mode. RK5 (from Level 22): Option for fire shock or single-shot function. L-CAR 9 (from Level 49): High rate of fire and a decent amount of damage.
Rocket launcher
XM-53: Optional target acquisition and two shot in the magazine. Black Cell (from level 13): target acquisition for vehicles and four shot in the magazine.
Combat knife (from Level 40)

Call of Duty Black Ops 3: List of All Weapons - guide

Best gun to rank up quickly video guide