Dragon Age 2 Walkthrough

Dragon Age 2 Walkthrough

Building on the story of Dragon Age: Origins, but not exactly picking up where it left off, Bioware’s 2011 fantasy epic, Dragon Age 2, will center around a place called Kirkwall. The burg is beset by many of the omnipresent problems of the company’s proprietary fantasy universe: skullduggerous nobles, Templar vs. Mage conflicts, and, last but not least, the Blight.

Though players will not have the opportunity to select their race, they do have control of gender and class, and the choices don’t end there. As in every Bioware game, the player is given a huge amount of discretion over how the story plays out, discretion that can often be a little bit overwhelming or confusing. Regardless of its effect, we’re preparing a full text and video walkthrough to guide you through every aspect of the game. We’ve also got lists of Trophies and Achievements, as well as a Cheats page, which collects all sorts of useful Dragon Age 2 information.

  • Act II
    • Main Plot: Finding Home
    • Companion Plot: Consoling Words
    • Companion Plot: Speak to Fenris
    • Companion Plot: Visit Anders
    • Companion Plot: Plans for the Future
    • Companion Plot: Calling on the Captain
    • Companion Plot: Isabela’s Ongoing Search
    • Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs
    • Secondary Plot: Night Terrors
      • Companion Plot: Isabela’s Apology
    • Main Plot: Prime Suspect
      • Companion Plot: An Update
        • Companion Plot: Family Matter
          • Companion Plot: A Story Being Told
    • Side Quest: The Midnight Meeting
    • Secondary Plot: Inside Job
    • Secondary Plot: Fool’s Gold
      • Side Quest: Lyrium-Laced Bilge Hoop
    • Side Quest: The Underground Railroad
      • Side Quest: Search and Rescue
      • Side Quest: How to Frame a Templar
    • Side Quest: The Lost Patrol
    • Main Plot: Blackpowder Courtesy
      • Companion Plot: A Ship for Isabela
      • Companion Plot: Mirror Image
        • Side Quest: Honoring the Fallen
        • Companion Plot: Back from Sundermount
      • Companion Plot: The Long Road
        • Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs
      • Companion Plot: Dissent
        • Side Quest: The One True Pantaloons
        • Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs
      • Companion Plot: A Bitter Pill
        • Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs
        • Companion Plot: Tevinter Chantry Amulet
      • Main Plot: Offered and Lost
        • Companion Plot: The Shield of the Knight Herself
        • Main Plot: All That Remains
          • Companion Plot: The Captain’s Condolences
          • Main Plot: Following the Qun
            • Main Plot: To Catch a Thief
    • Secondary Plot: Herbalist’s Tasks (II)
    • Main Plot: Demands of the Qun
  • Act III
    • Companion Plot: Isabela’s Regret
      • Companion Plot: No Rest for the Wicked
        • Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs (Isabela)
    • Companion Plot: The Storm and what Came Before It
    • Companion Plot: A Talking To
    • Companion Plot: Check on Anders
      • Companion Plot: Justice
    • Companion Plot: Speak to Fenris
      • Companion Plot: Alone
    • Companion Plot: Champions and Captains
    • Side Quest: The Lost Swords
    • Side Quest: Who Needs Rescuing?
    • Side Quest: The Arwegian Scrolls: First Aspect
    • Side Quest: The Arwegian Scrolls: SecondAspect
    • Side Quest: The Arwegian Scrolls: Third Aspect
      • Side Quest: The Arwegian Scrolls: Pride Unbound
    • Secondary Plot: Visit Gamlen
      • Secondary Plot: Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure
    • Companion Plot: A Rivaini Talisman
    • Secondary Plot: Mine Massacre
      • Secondary Plot: Herbalist’s Tasks (III)
    • Secondary Plot: A Murder of Crows
      • Companion Plot: Memento of the Dalish
    • Side Quest: Reining It In
    • Main Plot: On The Loose
      • Companion Plot: A Small Problem
        • Companion Plot: Haunted
          • Companion Plot: Closure
          • Companion Plot: An Anniversary
    • Companion Plot: Favor and Fault
      • Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs (Aveline)
      • Companion Plot: A New Path
        • Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs (Merrill)
    • Side Quest: Kind of Want
    • Side Quest: Red Run Streets
    • Side Quest: King Alistair
    • Main Plot: Best Served Cold
      • Companion Plot: Blade of Mercy
    • Main Plot: The Last Straw

    Note: This playthrough was conducted with the male warrior. Different gender/class combinations may yield different gameplay experiences.


    A Dwarf’s Tale

    1. After an introductory cinematic, you’re thrown into a combat tutorial. Defeat the waves of enemies while learning your various abilities, present on the hotbar.
    2. You will not need to venture away from this area; the enemies will come to you.
    3. Right-click on enemies to attack them. For hotbar abilities, either click the hotbar or press the corresponding hotkey number. Some powers require you to left-click on a target to attack it. If you’re already engaging the target, it will auto-attack.
    4. Press R to engage the closest enemy.
    5. Use area of effect attacks when dealing with groups of enemies, and use stunning and heavy-hitting attacks on single enemies, like the giant ogre.
    6. If needed, press the spacebar to pause the game, select the power you’d like to use, and select a target. This can compensate for slower reflexes/decision making and save your life in future battles.
    7. When the ogre enters battle, he will charge. Side-step to avoid being knocked prone.

    The Destruction of Lothering

    1. The game opens with an interactive cutscene that offers you conversation paths.
    2. Once the cutscene ends, loot the dead refugee a few feet ahead. If you are a warrior, you may switch from your two-handed sword to a sword and shield.
    3. Move down the path, following the minimap in the top-right corner westward.
    4. Fight the gang of Hurlocks ahead. More will come at you from behind. During battle, you may switch between your character, the mage, and the warrior, to use their abilities.
    5. After your first battle, your main character will level up. Distribute attribute points as you see fit; in general, a warrior will want strength and constitution, a mage will want magic and willpower, and a rogue will want dexterity and cunning. Select whatever ability fits your play style. Alternatively, use the “auto-level” feature to let the game make the recommended choices for you.
    6. Loot all bodies you come across.
    7. Continue west. After another cutscene, there will immediately be battle ahead.
    8. This battle will lead into another cutscene, where two warriors will join your party. The male is wounded and will not help in battle.
    9. As the cutscene ends, you will enter combat once more. After this battle, some of your characters will level up.
    10. Another interactive cutscene will start, in which the wounded man threatens your character’s sister. If you defend her in the conversation option, you’ll gain 15 friendship points with her. Different conversation paths in this and future conversations will yield different friendship/rivalry results with your party members.
    11. Continue along the path, south-east, until you run into the next fight. During the fight, enemies will approach from behind.
    12. Continue south-east, into the next group of enemies. There will be a pair of archers on a ledge; you’ll need to move beyond them, make a U-turn to the left and double back to reach them.
    13. Continue down the path. Around the bend, a tough battle awaits, including an enemy mage. Drink potions when you need them, and protect your mage. The enemy mage is a priority target: it deals high damage, but has low health.
    14. Explore the alcove to the south-west. Loot the chest if you are a rogue. Locate and read the book near a corpse.
    15. A cutscene will lead into another battle. You’ll be rapidly overrun, but don’t worry–a titular dragon is about to save you.
    16. A final interactive cutscene will take you to Kirkwall.
    17. Walk towards the guards blocking access to Kirkwall, marked with an X on your minimap.
    18. In a cutscene, the guard will direct you to Captain Ewald, who will now show up on your map.
    19. Walk through the guards and up the stairs, then head West until you reach the portcullis.
    20. Move North and approach Captain Ewald. Once you mention your uncle during the cutscene, the riffraff will think you’re being let in before them and a battle will commence. Help Captain Ewald defeat the dozen traitors.
    21. Having gained the Captain’s favor, Ewald will find your uncle. As you speak with your uncle in a cutscene, you learn he can’t get you in–not directly, at least. You’ll have to spend a year working off a debt to either a smuggler or a mercenary.
    22. After the cutscene, go speak with the two contacts, marked on the map. One is to the North, the other to the South. Listen to both of them before deciding who you’d like to work for; you can only work for one, not both, so choose wisely.
    23. In this text playthrough, the mercenary, Meeran, was selected. The video walkthrough covers the smuggler option. Depending on your conversation paths in the smuggler option, you can complete this mission without combat, or you can ask for a bribe and fail the mission. This would allow you to gain money from the smuggle option and still complete the mercenary mission.
    24. You must prove yourself to Meeran by killing Lord Friedrich and his men. To find him, heat West, then South.
    25. Engaging Meeran in combat will earn you 5 rivalry points from Aveline. During the fight, you’ll face a second wave of attackers–remember to protect your mage; you may not see these reinforcements coming.
    26. With Friedrich dead, return to Meeran. He’ll welcome you into the Red Iron.
    27. Speak with Gamlen, immediately to your North-West.

    Act I

    Main Plot: A Friend in the Guard

    1. Varric will join your party. Aveline will not be with you; she joined the city guard.
    2. Head North-West toward the exclamation point on your minimap. We’re making a detour to speak with Worthy, the dwarf, to unlock crafting.
    3. Follow the minimap arrow South to find Aveline. Enter the Viscount’s Keep.
    4. Head to the quest marker on your minimap; you’ll reach Aveline. Speak to her. She will offer a quest. Accept it, and she’ll rejoin your party.

    Main Plot: A New Home?

    1. Exit the keep the way you entered. You’ll be prompted with a world map. Select Lowtown.
    2. Turn South and speak to Lady Elegant, marked with an exclamation point. She’ll give you a crafting recipe for potions.
    3. Follow the quest arrow North-East and enter the house.
    4. Companion Plot: Birthright

      1. Speak with your mother. In the ensuing conversation, if you insist on being taken to the vault to read your grandfather’s will, you’ll gain access to this quest.
      2. Speak with Bethany.
      3. Leave your house, select your companions, and head to Darktown.
      4. Move South and search the rubble.
      5. Continue South and turn West toward the exclamation point.
      6. Speak with Tomwise. He’ll give you a poison crafting recipe.
      7. Head East as far as you can, then march North.
      8. Make a U-turn toward the quest marker.
      9. Climb up to the Amell Estate Cellar.
      10. Head North into combat.
      11. Search the crate in the North-Western corner of the room.
      12. Head East into the adjoining room and search the crate.
      13. Head North up the stairs and turn East into another battle.
      14. Search the chest.
      15. Enter the room to your South. Search the crate and the chest.
      16. Exit North, then West through the slender hallway that leads into a larger room. Expect a battle.
      17. Search the crate in the North-West corner of the room.
      18. Move into the Southern room and fight the slavers.
      19. Search the two sacks and read the book in the North-West corner.
      20. Exit the room and head through the Western doorway.
      21. You will fight a Master Slave and his goons in this room. Beware; a trap runs from East to West across the floor, dividing the room in half. If any in your party (like over-anxious melee-types) step on the trap, a poisonous cloud will appear and linger throughout the battle.
      22. Loot the body to retrieve the vault key, then have Varric open the chest in the South-Western corner.
      23. Head West up the steps and open the vault door.
      24. Enter the room to the South and open the two chests.
      25. Time to return to face your uncle. Head North out of the estate and into Hightown.
      26. Venture North-West into the market. Sell the junk you’ve picked up through your quests.
      27. Continue North-West to leave the area and bring up the world map.
      28. Return to Gamlen’s House and confront him with the will.
      29. Speak with Bethany. If you are friendly with her, you’ll gain 10 friendship points.

      Companion Plot: Portrait of the Past

      • If you looted everything in the Birthright quest, you will have found an old portrait of your mother and unlocked this quest. At Gamlen’s House, speak with Bethany. Completing this quest will grant you 10 friendship points with Bethany.


      Companion Plot: The Way It Should Be

      1. This is the quest you picked up from Aveline when you… picked up Aveline. If you declined her mission offer, you likely won’t have this mission available. Bring up your world map (by exiting Gamlen’s house, for instance). Select the bottom-right icon of mountains to change map from Kirkwall to the Free Marches. Select the Sundermount Ambush Site.
      2. Follow the winding path West then South-East into a battle with raiders.
      3. With the battle over, head back North a dozen feet and explore the South-West dead-end path that slopes upward. Loot the skeleton.
      4. Continue South and explore the dead-end that branches West. Loot the bones.
      5. Head South into battle.
      6. Follow the path as it curves South-West, then West to a chest.
      7. Keep following the path North-West to some Elfroot. Select the plant to add it to your codex.
      8. Continue North into the next battle.
      9. Head North-West up the steps. Loot the rubble.
      10. Return to the main path and head South-West into another upward-sloping dead-end. Aveline will say you’re approaching the ambush point.
      11. With the dead-end looted, continue South-West into the final battle of this area. A second wave of raiders will emerge. Be wary–there are explosive traps near the barrels that will Injure your corrects (reduce their maximum hit points until they are healed with an Injury Kit).
      12. When the battle is over, head South-West to exit the area.
      13. Return to the Viscount’s Keep. Climb the stairs, then head South and enter the door marked on the minimap.
      14. In the ensuing conversation with Aveline, if you express interest in further helping her, you will need to check the duty roster. Different conversation paths may yield different results.
      15. Check the nearby duty roster.
      16. Exit the keep to bring up the world map. Select the middle button on the lower right to change the map to Kirkwall – Night. Select Lowtown.
      17. Make your way to the quest marker to the South East of Lowtown. You’ll run into a battle along the way.
      18. You’ll find the guardsman surrounded by enemies. Save him. During the battle, more enemies will arrive from the direction you came. You will gain 5 rivalry points with Varric, or 5 friendship points if you use sarcasm.
      19. Loot the body and the two chests.
      20. Double back North-West, then head East down the stairs toward the exit.
      21. Switch to Kirkwall – Day and head to the Keep.
      22. Move toward the quest marker to finish the quest. Speak with Aveline once the quest marker is on her, and you’ll have the opportunity to gain 10 friendship points with her in the conversation.

      Secondary Plot: The Bone Pit

      1. In Gamlen’s house, you’ll receive some notes from Meeran at your writing desk. He will offer you missions. For “The Bone Pit,” head to Hightown.
      2. Head East to Hubert. After speaking to him, return the way you came to access the world map.
      3. Select the Free Marches, then the Bone Pit.
      4. Head down the path, looting rubble along the way. You’ll soon come across the skeleton of the “Bearded Beasts” for Arintal to your left, just past a forsaken mine entrance.
      5. Continue down the path into battle with looters.
      6. Loot the area, exploring the dead ends without proceeding eastward into the next area.
      7. Head North into the Bone Pit Mines to pursue the “Bearded Beast” side quest. There will be dragonlings and a dragon within.
      8. Thoroughly loot the area before battling your way West. The slender path to the East visible on the minimap is presently inaccessible.
      9. Continue South. Loot the crate along the way. As the path bends East, a dragon and dragonlings lie ahead.
      10. Loot the alcoves and continue up the steps.
      11. Fight the dragonling, then enter the Western room it was guarding. Loot the barrel.
      12. Continue up the steps and through the doorway into a fight. More dragonlings will sneak up from behind.
      13. Continue up the steps and grab the Deep Mushroom.
      14. Head up the steps and fight more dragonlings.
      15. Follow the path into a cutscene.
      16. Ignore the man’s warnings and advance. Fully loot the dead-ends before going toward the Bone Pit Ledge.
      17. Once through the doorway, you will enter combat with a Mature Dragon. This is a tough battle. It is, however, possible to kite the dragon with one party member while the others damage it. When the dragon is focusing its attacks on one party member, such as Aveline, select her and run circles around the area. Keep this up as long as the dragon follows.
      18. With the dragon dead and the area looted, exit. You will have picked up a Dragon Fang from the dragon’s corpse for a future quest. Return to the Hightown market and speak with Hubert. If you agree to work with him as a business partner, you will gain a new secondary quest, “Get Back to Work.” You will also gain 5 friendship points with Aveline.

      Side Quest: Eustace’s Pommel

      1. You will have picked up this side quest from the Bone Pit. Head to the Viscount’s Keep.
      2. Speak with Guardsman Eustace.

      Side Quest: Remains of the Outlaw “Bearded Beast”

      1. You will have picked up this side quest from the Bone Pit. Head to the Docks in Kirkwall.
      2. Travel South to speak with Arintal the Lesser.

      Secondary Plot: Get Back to Work

      1. You obtain this quest while speaking to Hubert during The Bone Pit secondary quest. It is located in Lowtown (Day).
      2. Speak with Jansen, in the center of Lowtown.

      Secondary Plot: Loose Ends

      1. This is one of Meeran’s quests, delivered to your writing desk. Meet him in the center of Lowtown (Night). You may run into Highwaymen.
      2. Speak with Meeran. Accept his quest.
      3. Head to the Docks (Day).
      4. Speak to Gustav, in the South-East area. Guards will attack you.
      5. In this playthrough, I refused to kill the Lord. Time to report back to Meeran. Head to Lowtown (Night).
      6. Once again, you’ll be assaulted by Highwaymen. Loot the corpses and you’ll receive the side quest “Sharp Little Pinpricks.”
      7. Speak with Meeran. If you are honest with him, you won’t get any more quests from Meeran. If you lie, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabella, Meeran will pay you, and you can get more missions from him.

      Side Quest: Sharp Little Pinpricks

      1. In Lowtown (Night), enter the Hovel in the eastern side of this district. Be prepared for an immediate battle.
      2. Loot Ignacio’s body.
      3. Open the eastern door and kill the highwayman inside.
      4. Open the southern door and kill the two highwayman, then loot the chest.

      Main Plot: Long Way Home

      1. From the World Map, select the Free Marches, then Sundermount.
      2. Follow the path and battle poisonous spiders.
      3. Explore the southern bend to collect Elfroot.
      4. Head into the Dalish camp.
      5. Read the three books in the area.
      6. Follow the quest marker up the steps.
      7. As you continue up the path, corpses will spring form the ground and attack.
      8. Continue up the path into another corpse ambush.
      9. Keep following the path into a conversation. From there, loot the sack, and the Elfroot behind a pillar.
      10. Head up the path.
      11. Head into Sundermount Passage.
      12. Enter the cave. Giant spiders will drop from the ceiling.
      13. Search every alcove–there is generally loot to be found.
      14. Continue forward, descend the steps, and read the books by the campfire.
      15. Exit into the next area and fight the Corrupted Spiders that drop from the ceiling.
      16. Loot the barrel in the alcove; you will receive the Seal of House Talwain side quest.
      17. Before entering the Mountain Graveyard, head up the steps to the South-East and fight off the corpse ambush. With the corpses dead, more enemies will spawn–Shades and a Shadow Warrior.
      18. Make your rogue loot the chest.
      19. Return down the steps and into the Mountain Graveyard.
      20. Search the bones in the alcove to the North.
      21. Examine the barrier.
      22. Advance and examine the mushroom.
      23. Head for the altar and fight the undead that emerge.
      24. Select the altar. You will encounter Flemmeth again.
      25. Backtrack North, the return to the camp.

      Side Quest: The Seal of House Talwain

      1. Travel to Hightown.
      2. Speak with Sareth Talwain. If you used your world map to fast-travel to Hightown, she will be South-East of where you enter the area.

      Companion Plot: Welcome Home

      1. This is Merrill’s companion plot. Travel to North-East Lowtown and speak with Arianni to pick up the Wayward Son Main Plot quest.
      2. Enter Merrill’s house and speak with her.

      Companion Plot: Nice Crime You Have Here

      1. Travel to the Elven Alienage in North-East Lowtown.
      2. Enter Merrill’s home and speak with her.

      Main Plot: A Business Discussion

      1. If this is your first time heading to The Hanged Man inn, you’ll need to access it from Lowtown. The Hanged Man is South-West of Gamlen’s house.
      2. Speak with Varric. If you select the red fist conversation path, you’ll gain 15 rivalry points with Varric. If you select the leaf, you’ll gain 5 friendship points. If you select the gem, you’ll gain 15 friendship points.

      Companion Plot: Questions & Answers

      1. This is Varric’s companion plot. Meet him at the Hanged Man pub.
      2. You’ll be introduced to Isabella in a cutscene. You’ll talk to her later.
      3. Speak with Varric. Depending on your conversation path, you can earn friendship points with him.
      4. Speak with Isabella. She’ll offer you the Fools Rush In secondary quest.
      5. Secondary Plot: Fools Rush In

        1. You obtain this quest by speaking with Isabella at the Hanged Man. Venture to Hightown (Night).
        2. If you entered from the North-East corner, head South-West and pick up the bounty quest along the way. It is a note pinned to a wall.
        3. Once you reach Isabella, a fight will break out.
        4. After looting the corpses of the pretenders, speak with Isabella. You will be ambushed again.
        5. Search the bodies and retrieve Hayder’s Letter.
        6. Follow Isabella to the Chantry, West. You’ll run into another fight along the way.
        7. Enter the Chantry.
        8. The conversation will lead right into a final battle.

        Companion Plot: Isabela’s Contact

        • You unlock this quest by completing Fools Rush In. Speak with Isabela at the Hanged Man pub in the heart of Lowtown. She’ll give you the Finder’s Keepers secondary quest.

        Secondary Plot: Finders Keepers

        1. Speak with Martin in the South-West of the Hanged Man pub. Accept his quest. You’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabela.
        2. Before you leave, open the eastern door and loot the crate in the room beyond.
        3. Head to the Docks and speak with the Longshoreman, toward the South-West of this area.
        4. Speak with the Harbormaster in the north-western wing of this area.
        5. Aden won’t give in to threats; he will only respond to coin. Apparently, if you have Varric in your party and refuse to pay Aden, you’ll be presented with the option to return at night to steal the list and have to fight a tough battle. In this playthrough, Aden was paid.
        6. Head to Woodrow’s Warehouse in the eastern Docks.
        7. Guards will block your path. The only way through is by the sword.
        8. Enter Woodrow’s Warehouse.
        9. Head West and open the southern door.
        10. Descend the steps. You will enter combat with raiders.
        11. When combat is over, loot the southern room; you may find Raider Plate Armor.
        12. Exit West towards the boats and search the crate. You may walk right into a bear trap.
        13. Before leaving, loot the chest in the north-western room, but be wary of a poisoned dart trap. It will fire several volleys before exhausting itself.
        14. On your way out of this building (North-East), you’ll be ambushed again.
        15. Return to the Hanged Man and speak with Martin. If you tell him where his poison is, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Isabela.

        Secondary Plot: The Unbidden Rescue

        1. This quest can be picked up in Hightown, on a bounty note pinned to a wall. Travel to the Viscount’s Keep.
        2. Travel up the steps and North into a conversation. You will be offered a quest; accept it.
        3. Head to the Wounded Coast on the Free Marches map.
        4. At this point, you may enter an instance related to a rumor Varric overheard. The minimap will show a southward path that branches in two, then converges. Travel South. The Western branche is filled with Giant Spiders attacking a group of mercenaries guarding a dwarf. After the fight, the dwarf will speak to you and offer you the Blackpowder Promise main plot quest. You will gain 5 friendship points with Aveline and Isabella.
        5. Continue South and explore the westerly dead-end. Read the book on the floor to pick up the side quest “Caste Treatise and House Accounting.”
        6. Leave the area through the southern exit.
        7. Return to the Wounded Coast–we’re back on track for the proper quest. Head South-West. Explore the dead-end along the way.
        8. Fight the Tal-Vashoth, then continue down the path. Speak with the Dalish Assassin along the way. If you tell her to let the man go, a fight will break out and you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Isabella. If you reply with “Do what you will,” you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabella.
        9. Continue West, then South, until you run into the Viscount’s son. The conversation will lead into a battle, then another. And another.
        10. Tell Saemus to wait while you thoroughly loot the area. You’ll pick up the Redblossom Special side quest.
        11. Speak with Saemus and tell him you’re ready to head back.
        12. You’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabella and Aveline (possibly dependent on your conversation choices).

        Side Quest: Caste Treatise and House Accounting

        1. Locate and speak with Traditionalist Envoy in North-East Hightown.
        2. Though this quest is over, there are three other quests to pick up in Hightown. Start by grabbing Help Wanted in North-West Hightown–it is a note pinned to a wall, and it will unlock The First Sacrifice secondary quest.
        3. The other two can be found in Western Hightown. Speak with Macha to obtain the Enemies Among Us main plot quest.
        4. Speak with Magistrate Vanard to obtain the secondary quest “Magistrate’s Orders.”

        Side Quest: Redblossom Special

        1. Travel to Darktown. If this is your first time back in Darktown after dealing with Anders, you will receive the Talk to Anders companion plot.
        2. Talk to Dalian Shaw in the heart of Darktown.
        3. Loot the sack next to Shaw–it may contain Plate Armor.
        4. The quest is over, but if you head into the southern part of Darktown, you can fight some thieves.
        5. Keep going South and down the steps toward the slavers to find Sister Plinth’s remains and obtain the Side Quest “The Remains of Sister Plinth.”

        Side Quest: The Remains of Sister Plinth

        1. Travel to the Chantry. If this is your first time going there, it is in Western Hightown.
        2. Speak with Brother Plinth in the South of the Chantry.

        Secondary Plot: The First Sacrifice

        1. You receive this quest by reading a note pinned to a wall in northern Hightown. Travel to Hightown to speak with Ghyslain de Carrac, up on the balcony in northern Hightown. If you accept his quest, you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Isabela. If you call him out as a vile pig, you’ll still get the quest, but you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabela.
        2. Head to the Blooming Rose in eastern Hightown.
        3. Speak with Jethann on the second floor in the building’s East.
        4. Exit the building and make for Darktown.
        5. Travel to the Meeting Place in the south-eastern corner of Darktown. You may run into rogues along the way.
        6. Enter the Meeting Place.
        7. Descend the steps toward Emeric and fight off the thugs that attack.
        8. After speaking with the Templar, head to Lowtown (Night).
        9. Enter the Dark Foundry in southern Lowtown.
        10. Chase after the mage you saw in the cutscene (North). Shades, a Desire Demon, and Abominations will attack.
        11. After the battle, halt your chase a moment to explore the room to the South and loot the chest therein–if your rogue can. Three shades will attack if you walk up the ramp.
        12. Explore the easternmost L-shaped corridor to loot a chest and a barrel–and fight some more shades.
        13. Loot the north-western room, then grab the sack of bones marked with a quest arrow. You’ll find Ninette’s ring.
        14. Travel to the Gallows (Day).
        15. Speak with Emeric to complete the quest.
        16. Though the quest is complete, return to Hightown to speak with Ghyslain. If you tell him you found the ring on her severed hand, he’ll let you keep it (it’ll be represented by 1 gold coin).

        Secondary Plot: Magistrate’s Orders

        1. This quest can be picked up by speaking with Magistrate Vanard in western Hightown. Travel to the Abandoned Ruins in the Free Marches.
        2. Approach the guards. If you decide to go after the murderer, enter the Ruined Passage, South-West.
        3. Head East and fight spiders. Turn North and go through the door. As you reach the center of this large chamber, spiders will drop from the ceiling.
        4. Loot the Venomous Spider and pick up the Spider’s Silk Gland. Loot the chest in the north-western corner.
        5. Continue North, through the door, round the corner and head East, looting a skeleton along the way.
        6. Once you reach the north-eastern room, spiders will drop to the floor when you approach the chest in the corner.
        7. Return West down the tunnel until you can turn South. Open the door and climb the steps.
        8. Several creatures will spawn in this large chamber with a central brazier.
        9. With the grand battle over, loot the chest and exit through the South, then turn East. Speak with Lia on the floor.
        10. Continue down the path into an ambush. Skeletons will spawn ahead of you and behind you.
        11. Round the corner and open the door to the North. Enter.
        12. If you say you’ll let the courts sort out the killer’s fate, you’ll gain rivalry points with Isabela and Aveline. If you kill him, you’ll gain 15 friendship points with Isabela and 5 with Aveline.
        13. Exit through the South.
        14. Leave the area and return to Hightown. Speak with the Magistrate in western Hightown.

        Main Plot: Tranquility

        1. This quest is unlocked by completing the main plot quest, “A Business Discussion.” Travel to Lowtown.
        2. Find Lirene Fereldan in North-West Lowtown. Loot the crate just outside the house.
        3. Speak with Lirine. If you select the angelic halo conversation path, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Varric and Mirrel.
        4. Exit Lowtown and start heading West–you’ll run into a conversation. If you let Bethany handle it, she’ll solve the misunderstanding without bloodshed (and you’ll still get XP).
        5. Continue West to exit the area, then travel to Darktown.
        6. Travel South and turn East when you can, then North until you reach two doors. Enter.
        7. As you speak with Anders, he will offer to help you if you help him. Depending on your response, you may close off this option (unverified).
        8. Leave Darktown and switch to Hightown (Night).
        9. Head North-West to the quest marker and speak with Anders.
        10. Go to the Northernmost part of the Chantry. Speak with Karl.
        11. It’s a trap. Fight the Templars.
        12. In the ensuing conversation with Anders, you’ll have a love-interest option presented (the heart).

        Secondary Plot: Bait and Switch

        1. This is a quest that Meeran (if you initially selected to work with the mercenary) will send to your writing desk. Travel to Lowtown (Night).
        2. Speak with Anso the Contact in Western Lowtown. He will offer you a quest. If you reply with “This better be worth it,” you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabella and Varric.
        3. Head to North-East Lowtown (The Alienage). You’ll run into Highwaymen along the way.
        4. Enter the Abandoned House.
        5. Prepare for a fight versus thugs beyond the southern door. Be wary of an explosive trap by the door.
        6. Enemy Reinforcements will arrive from behind.
        7. Open the chest–it’s empty. This is the titular Bait and Switch.
        8. Exit to Lowtown. It’s a trap. You will be assaulted by a gang of hunters. Slavers will jump down from the roof and attack as well.
        9. Head South-West into a cutscene. An elf will offer you a quest; accept.
        10. Leave Lowtown. You may encounter more Highwaymen.
        11. Head to Hightown (Night) and locate Danarius’ Manor, roughly in the center of Hightown. You may fight Guardsmen Pretenders along the way.
        12. You’ll get to select two party members for this section. Once inside the house, be wary of a trap just outside the door. Have your rogue disable it.
        13. As you enter the next room, you’ll be ambushed by shades.
        14. Continue through the next door.
        15. Head through the northern door. Shades will spawn in this large room, as well as a Rage Demon.
        16. Continue through the northern door, then again through the door immediately ahead of you.
        17. Three shades will be in this room, but more will spawn outside. Loot the chest in this room.
        18. Return to the previous room and move into the eastern portion. Open the northern door. Loot the two chests.
        19. Return to the previous room and take the eastern door. Shades and a Rage Demon will spawn.
        20. Loot the corpses. You’ll find the Magistrat’s Key.
        21. Loot the chest, then exit the room and head south back to the chamber with the staircases.
        22. Climb the steps and open the northern door. Loot the chest in the room if you can; Isabella may not be able to.
        23. Exit the room and take the southern door. Loot the chest and exit the room.
        24. Open the central door. Enemies will spawn behind you.
        25. Loot the three chests, then exit the house, south-east.
        26. If you recruit Fenris, you will receive the Fenris Recruited companion plot.

        Companion Plot: Fenris Recruited

        1. You obtain this quest by completing the Bait and Switch quest. Travel to western Hightown and enter Fenris’ Mansion.
        2. Speak with Fenris. Depending on your conversation, you can gain 20 friendship points with Fenris.

        Companion Plot: Talk to Anders

        • You unlock this quest by speaking to Anders in Darktown after the Tranquility quest.
        • Speak with Anders in North-East Darktown.
        • If you select a heartbreaker option, you’ll gain 10 rivalry points with Anders. If you reply with a red-fist option, you’ll gain 10 rivalry points with Anders. If you initially reply with the purple mask, you’ll gain 5 rivalry points. If you reply with a heart option, you’ll gain 15 friendship points.

        Main Plot: Blackpowder Promise

      1. Travel to the Wounded Coast in the Free Marches.
      2. Head North-West, but explore the North-East branch you come across. Fight spiders and loot their chest.
      3. Return to the main path and continue North-West.
      4. Explore the next two dead ends; one will have a skeleton, the other a chest that you may not be able to open yet.
      5. The next curved, little dead end offers nothing.
      6. Continue down the path until you reach a campfire.
      7. Wind your way South-West, looting everything along the way, before continuing South-East.
      8. When you reach a path that runs East-West, turn West.
      9. Continue West into the dead end and grab the Elfroot.
      10. Backtrack and turn North-West.
      11. Continue down the path and turn North-East when you can, into a conversation.
      12. Continue up the steps and into a battle.
      13. Follow the path North into the next fight. You may not be able to loot the chest.
      14. Enter the Tal-Vashoth Cavern to the North-East.
      15. Head South, through a door, down a flight of steps, and through another door, into a fight.
      16. Head through the southern door, down the flight of steps, and into another fight. Before the fight actually starts, you can head into the western dead end and loot the bones and chest.
      17. Venture down the north-eastern path for a chest and some raw lyrium.
      18. The South-East dead-end holds some silverite.
      19. Continue through the southern door, up the steps, and through the second door.
      20. Here lies the camp; prepare for a difficult battle. Once it is over, loot the area thoroughly, including the eastern cave with the blue glowing sparkles on the ceiling.
      21. Continue through the south-western door.
      22. Travel West for more loot before leaving the area, South.
      23. Speak with Javaris in the eastern Docks.
      24. If Isabela was with you, she’ll leave.
      25. Continue forward into a conversation. If you don’t bring up payment, you won’t receive any.

      Main Plot: Wayward Son

      1. Speak with Vincento in western Lowtown.
      2. Speak with Samson in south-eastern Lowtown (Night). Along the way, speak with Sister Petrice to collect the Shepherding Wolves Main Plot quest.
      3. Head to the south-eastern Docks (Night). You may fight raiders along the way.
      4. Enter Arthuris’ Private Dock.
      5. Head through the door and into a fight. There are three traps on the floor in the center of this room. Disable them with your rogue.
      6. Loot can be found in a crate by the docks to the West, in a room up the steps North-West, and in a crate in the easternmost room.
      7. When you’re ready for a fight, move into the north-eastern room. You will face Captain Reiner, an Abomination, and lackeys. Be wary of traps on the floor.
      8. Loot the Abomination to find Thrask’s letter to pick up the “An Errant Letter” secondary quest.
      9. Loot the chest to pick up the Hideout Location Map.
      10. Exit the building and make for Darktown. Speak with Danzig in this region’s South-East. Prepare for battle.
      11. Loot Danzig’s corpse to find the Map to The Wounded Coast.
      12. Loot the chest if you can, then head for the Wounded Coast in the Free Marches.
      13. Head South-West and follow the bend until you’re traveling due West, then turn South when you can. You may run into Tal-Vashoth along the way.
      14. Round the bend to the East and enter the Slaver Caverns.
      15. Head East and grab the Spindleweed.
      16. Continue East through a doorway and into battle.
      17. Travel East up the steps, through the winding passage and into the cavern with the starry ceiling for loot.
      18. Head North, looting the cabins along the way, and pass through a slender corridor into a conversation.
      19. Prepare for a large battle that will lead right into a conversation. If you let the wayward son carry on with his plan to join the Dalish, there’ll be peace when you are done–err, that is to say, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabela and 5 rivalry points with Aveline.
      20. Loot the chest in the western branch, then return to the Wounded Coast, North.
      21. Speak with Arianne in the north-eastern Lowtown.

      Secondary Plot: An Errant Letter

      • You pick up this quest during the Wayward Son quest.
      • Speak with Thrask in the Gallows. If you agree to keep his secret, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Aveline.

      Main Plot: Enemies Among Us

      1. You obtain this quest by speaking with Macha in western Hightown. Speak with Templar Recruit Hugh in the Gallows.
      2. Speak with Solivitus in the heart of the Docks to pick up the secondary quest Herbalist’s Tasks, if you haven’t already.
      3. Travel to Wilmod’s Camp in the Free Marches.
      4. Head South down either path-they converge. You may find loot on both, so take a moment to explore them.
      5. Continue South, loot the dead end, then head South-East toward the Templars.
      6. Wilmod and Abominations will attack. Loot the bodies and crate, then return to Hightown (Night).
      7. Travel to the Blooming Rose in south-eastern Hightown.
      8. Speak with Viveka.
      9. Climb the steps and enter the south-eastern room. Speak with Idunna. If you let the Templars handle her, you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Isabela. If you let her live until the very end, then kill her instead of turning her in to the Templars, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Isabella.
      10. Travel to Darktown and enter the Sanctuary in the heart of this district.
      11. Descend the steps warily–a trap awaits, as well as battle.
      12. Head North and read The Veil, then proceed West to initiate a battle with skeletal archers, shades, and miscellaneous undead.
      13. Wind your way westward through the corridor into the large chamber beyond. As you reach the heart of the chamber, more undead will attack.
      14. Continue South, but watch out for an explosive trap in the L-corridor–it can wound your entire party. Send your rogue first to disarm it.
      15. Approach the mysterious hovering man in the south-eastern corner and prepare to battle the demon mages that arrive.
      16. Loot the area to grab the “Grimoire of the Apprentice” side quest, then speak with Keran. If you say you’ll tattle to the Templars, you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Isabela and 5 friendship points with Aveline. If you tell him he can leave, you’ll gain no points from either.
      17. Speak with Cullen in the Gallows. If you vouch for Keran, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Aveline.

      Secondary Plot: Herbalist’s Tasks

      1. You need to retrieve 3 items for this quest. You pick up the Dragon Fang by looting the dragon at the end of The Bone Pit quest. You pick up the Spider’s Silk Gland by looting a Venomous Spider early on during the Magistrate’s Orders quest. Travel to Sundermount for the third item, Ironbark.
      2. Head West into the Dalish camp and speak with Master Ilen. When you tell him you’re looking for Ironbark, he’ll tell you where to find some.
      3. Search the crate behind Master Ilen to grab the map to unlock the Map of Occupied Kirkwall side quest.
      4. Exit the area, North-West, and head to the Ironwood Clearing.
      5. Advancing into battle with Hurlocks and an ogre.
      6. Grab the Ironbark to the East.
      7. Exit the area to the South and return to speak with Solivitus in the Gallows.

      Side Quest: Map of Occupied Kirkwall

      • You receive this quest by picking up the map in the crate by Master Ilen in the Dalish camp in Sundermount.
      • Speak with Record Keeper Teryn in the Gallows.

      Side Quest: Grimoire of the Apprentice

      • You will have picked up this quest during the Enemies Among Us main quest.
      • Speak with Bonwald in western Lowtown.

      Main Plot: Act of Mercy

      1. You receive this quest as a letter to your writing desk. Travel to the Wounded Coast Approach in the Free Marches.
      2. Step a few feet East into a battle with Dragonlings.
      3. Continue East and turn down the South path.
      4. Speak with Thrask. If you respond with the checkmark, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Aveline.
      5. Enter the Runaway’s Cavern and you will be ambushed by the Apostates you’ve agreed to help. Help them with your sword.
      6. Continue South, through the doorway and down the steps, through a second doorway and into a fight.
      7. Continue South through the doorway, down the steps and into another battle.
      8. A conversation will begin right after the battle.
      9. Head South through the doorway and up the steps. In this next area with cabins, the final battle with Decimus awaits.
      10. The battle will lead right into a conversation. If you agree to help them without killing Thrask, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Aveline and Isabela.
      11. Backtrack North to exit. You will fight more corpses along the way, for some reason. Twice.
      12. Once you exit, you’ll enter a conversation. If you fail to convince Ser Kerass that you killed the mages, he’ll order his men to attack you. Every other conversation option leads to Ser Kerras attacking you anyway, so you may as well try to convince him.

      Main Plot: Shepherding Wolves

      1. Travel to southern Lowtown (Night) and approach the Shady Character. Fight.
      2. After a suspicious conversation, head to Petrice’s Safehouse in northern Lowtown.
      3. If you accept the quest, head through the trapdoor to your East into the Undercity Warrens.
      4. Travel East for a fight with a variety of over-sized spiders. A line of traps divides this room in half; the traps shoot fire from the walls.
      5. Climb the steps and head North, into another spider trap.
      6. Continue North and fight some–you guessed it–spiders.
      7. Keep going North, then East. You’ll need to climb another flight of stairs–a trap at the foot of the staircase spawns a cloud of poison. And at the top of the staircase, you get to fight a poisonous spider. At least you get to loot a chest.
      8. Continue East. In case you hadn’t noticed, Bethany points out that Ketojan hasn’t been helping.
      9. Advance towards the thugs. During the conversation, Ketojan finally makes himself useful. I guess he was waiting for a dramatic moment.
      10. Loot the chest and hope that your thugs were holding something more valuable than mine, because all I got was a rusty metal spoon.
      11. Continue up the steps and loot the prettier looking chest, then exit through the South to the Mountain Pass.
      12. A confusing conversation will ensue, with many made-up words. If you mention Bethany was a mage, you will be attacked. If you reply with the red X, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Aveline, and you will be attacked. If you reply with the checkmark, Ketojan will offer some touching last words, then he will be promptly executed. And you will be attacked.
      13. If Ketojan is alive after the battle, he’ll want to die. If you reply with a checkmark, he’ll give you his talisman.
      14. Exit the area, South-West, and make for Lowtown (Night).
      15. Return to Petrice’s Safehouse in northern Lowtown.

      Main Plot: The Deep Roads Expedition

      1. There are two requirements to starting this quest: you must have amassed at least 50 gold coins, and you must have completed the Tranquility quest. If you have completed every quest you could, sold all junk items you’ve looted, and not made any big purchases, you should have roughly 90 gold coins.
      2. Ensure Varric is in your current party, then travel to north-eastern Hightown and speak with Bartrand. Get the expedition started.
      3. Speak to Bartrand again. You’ll need to decide who to take with you on the expedition, which will amount to a longer-than-usual quest. You must take Varric, which leaves two spots.
      4. SPOILER ALERT: (Yeah, this whole walkthrough is a spoiler, but this is a big one.) If you take Bethany/Carver, they get infected during the expedition and will die, unless you brought Anders, in which case you can choose to turn them into Grey Wardens. If you leave your sibling with your mother, they’ll be forced into/willing join the Circle/Templars. Whatever the case, you won’t have them around for a while, so make sure you take your items out of their inventory before you lose them. In this playthrough, Bethany stayed with mother.
      5. You’ll be asked to find someone’s son, Sandal. If you agree, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Varric and Aveline.
      6. Travel East, then North, then East again into a battle with Hurlocks.
      7. Continue South, then East, then North down the steps and into another battle with Hurlocks.
      8. Loot the locked chest in the corner to the West. Your rogue needs 20 Cunning to unlock the chests in this area–if your rogue doesn’t have 20 Cunning yet, make it so at your next level-up and double back to loot the chest.
      9. Continue North, then East through a door into battle.
      10. Head South into the excavation pit to loot Silverite, two chests and one locked chest.
      11. Climb the steps to the East toward the closed door. A spider ambush will drop from the ceiling, along with the biggest spider you’ve seen yet. If you run up the steps, the monstrous spider can’t follow you.
      12. With combat over, head up the steps to the East, through the door, and loot the chest.
      13. Exit the pit by climbing the stairs and continuing East, then North around a corner into another Hurlock battle.
      14. Grab the mushroom and continue North into a conversation.
      15. Grab the raw lyrium, then head East.
      16. Turn North down the passage lined with ominous stone figures that definitely won’t ever spring to life and attack you.
      17. Continue North and fight the Hurlocks.
      18. Turn West, down the steps and into another Hurlock battle. Grab the Raw Lyrium in the South-East corner of this chamber.
      19. Loot the chest at the foot of the dwarf statue to the West, then climb the steps up to the door.
      20. Fight the ogre in the next room.
      21. Proceed through the western door, mindful of the bear traps.
      22. Turn South, then West, then North. Loot the chest.
      23. Continue North, then turn West. A Dragon will swoop down from the ceiling in the cavernous chamber beyond. Dragonlings will join the battle. This will likely be your most difficult battle yet (and there’s an even tougher one coming up). Watch for when the dragon is about to breathe fire, then move out of the way. Pull wounded party members back from the battle and kite the dragon as much as possible.
      24. Head West to the Primeval Thaig to end this segment of the expedition.
      25. Travel North, then East into a conversation.
      26. Continue East into a battle with Shades. And then, in a completely unpredictable turn of events, a Stone Golem will come to life and attack.
      27. Loot the chest, then the Orichalcum to the East.
      28. Descend the steps, North-East, and enter the Primeval Thaig (again?)
      29. Travel South, through the doorway, up the steps, and into a cutscene. Bartrand will lock you in. Don’t you love that guy?
      30. Travel South, through the door, then turn East and open the door to a room filled with Shades and another Stone Golem. Try holding a choke point at the doorway. It’ll be a tough battle, as the golem summons more waves of Shades, but you get to reap the reward of four chests.
      31. Continue South into a cavernous chamber and fight Shades. Profanes will spawn at the chamber’s exit, South.
      32. Continue South out of the chamber, then turn East into battle with Shades and Profanes.
      33. Travel East down the corridor, through the door and into battle with Shades and Profanes. A conversation will begin after the battle. If you agree to work with the hunger demon, you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Aveline. If you refuse, you’ll gain 10 rivalry points with Merrill and 5 friendship points with Aveline. If you ask Merrill to kill it, she will fail, but you won’t gain friendship or rivalry points. If you choose “We kill it,” you get the same outcome.
      34. In this playthrough, the hunger demon was killed. After looting the chest, continue East up the steps and through the door into another battle.
      35. Continue East, up the steps and into the final boss fight of the expedition. This will be the most difficult battle you’ve faced yet. When the Rock Wraith collapses into a hovering ball that crackles with energy, get behind a pillar to avoid the ensuing blast of energy.
      36. With the battle over, loot the four chests to get the Crypt Key, then return to the surface to end Act I.

      Act II

      This Act begins with a conversation with the Viscount, wherein he will offer you a quest.

      In this playthrough, the following quests were available at the start of Act II, after accepting the Viscount’s mission:


      • Demands of the Qunari
      • Blackpowder Courtesy

      • Plans for the Future
      • Visit Anders
      • Calling on the Captain
      • Speak to Fenris
      • Isabela’s Ongoing Search
      • Questioning Beliefs
      • Consoling Words

      Speak with Saemus on your way out of the Keep–he’ll be by the stairs–to follow up on The Unbidden Rescue quest. As you exit the Keep, Bodahn will run up to you with 50 gold coins and word about your fancy mansion, giving you the Finding Home quest.

      Main Plot: Finding Home

      • Travel to the Hawke Esate in eastern Hightown. Admire your mansion. Aveline will visit, and you’ll greet her in your… bathrobe? She’ll give you the Prime Suspect quest.

      Companion Plot: Consoling Words

      • Speak with Merrill at her house in north-eastern Hightown.

      Companion Plot: Speak to Fenris

      • Speak to Fenris at his Hightown mansion. You’ll be offered a love option. If you reply with “You’re my friend,” you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Fenris… which isn’t the usual reaction you get in real life when you spurn someone into the “friend zone.”

      Companion Plot: Visit Anders

      • Speak with Anders at his clinic in Darktown, accessible from the World Map. You’ll be offered a love option. If you mainly stick with the green leaf conversation paths, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Anders.

      Companion Plot: Plans for the Future

      • Talk to Varric in the Hanged Man pub. If you reply with, “What would I do without you?” you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Varric. Fortunately, there is no love option here.

      Companion Plot: Calling on the Captain

      • Speak with Aveline at the barracks in the Viscount’s Keep. She’ll blame you for her problems, but it’s just friendly ribbing–reply with “You love it” to gain 10 friendship points with Aveline.

      Companion Plot: Isabela’s Ongoing Search

      • Speak with Isabela in the Hanged Man pub. You’ll be offered a love option, which will grant you 25 friendship points with Isabela. Any other option awards 5 friendship points. Speak with her again to complete the Questioning Beliefs quest.

      Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs

      • You must first complete the “Isabela’s Ongoing Search” quest before you can complete this one. Speak with Isabela in the Hanged Man pub. You’ll be offered another love option. If you select it, you will continue the romance the next time you return to your mansion.

      Secondary Plot: Night Terrors

      1. You receive this quest in the form of a letter from Arianni to your writing desk. Speak with Arianni in north-eastern Lowtown.
      2. When presented with the conversation options “I understand” and “I can’t do that,” with regards to making the son Tranquil, you’ll gain 10 rivalry points with Merrill if you reply with “I understand” and 5 friendship points with the second option.
      3. After a conversation that explains you are about to enter a dream world, you are prompted to select which companions to bring along. Select Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity–wait, wrong dream world. In this playthrough, Aveline, Isabela, and Anders were selected. Anders will be controlled by his demon/spirit Justice–which isn’t a bad thing.
      4. In this trippy dream world, you’ll immediately spot an ethereal book floating around to your West. Reading it will be tricky, because it only remains in one spot for a half second, but you’ll gain an attribute point once you succeed. Stand in a spot that the book returns to in its loop, pause the game as it reaches you, give the command to read it, then un-pause. You’ll need to select it twice; once to get it to lie down, and once to read it.
      5. Proceed East, through a door, and face the barrels to your North. If you rearrange the barrels properly in a certain number of attempts, you’ll gain an attribute point. If you fail, you’ll summon shades. The objective is to arrange the large barrels on the bottom row and the small barrels in the top row. To accomplish this, select the barrels in the following order, with letters A and B representing the top and bottom rows, respectively, and numbers 1 through 4 representing the columns, from left to right.


      6. Head South, through the door, then open the door to your North-East. This room contains another puzzle that will earn you an attribute point. The objective is to stack the red barrels into a two-by-two square. To accomplish this, select the barrels in the following order, with letters A and B representing the top and bottom rows, respectively, and numbers 1 through 6 representing the columns, from left to right.


      7. Exit the room and open the door to your West. Go through the door and into a cutscene.
      8. If you make a deal with the sloth demon, he’ll reward you with 6 attribute points at the end of this quest, but you will gain 15 rivalry points with Anders and have to fight. Don’t worry–unlike the Matrix, if you die in the Fade, you don’t die in real life. At least, your companions don’t.
      9. If you immediately refuse the demon, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Aveline and Anders and have to fight the demon.
      10. With Torpor defeated, climb the steps and open the door to your West, into Feynriel’s Pride. It is advised to enter this room before Feynriel’s Desires, during which you may lose a party member.
      11. Continue West down the corridor and through the door to the West.
      12. Warn Feynriel about the demon, then fight it. It’s really not as tough as it looks.
      13. Exit East, back into the hall, and fight a random rage demon.
      14. Head up the eastern steps and through the door into Feynriel’s Desires. Tell the boy to snap out of it. If Isabela is with you, the demon will temp your pirate friend with a fancy new ship and… herself. Apparently, Isabela likes big boats, and she cannot lie. If Merrill is with you, she, too, will give into temptation. You will have to fight your friend(s). You will later receive an apology companion quest from whoever betrays you.
      15. Once battle is over, speak with Feynriel in the hall. If you refuse to kill the boy, you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Aveline and 5 friendship points with Anders. If you kill the boy, you’ll receive 10 rivalry points with Anders and 5 friendship points with Aveline. In either case, the Keeper will reward you with the Tome of the Slumbering Elders, a book whose importance she expounds upon, claiming “it has a rare magic beyond price”–yet it is kept in your junk pile to be sold for coin. It’s exact value? 70 silvers and 18 coppers.

      Companion Plot: Isabela’s Apology

      • You obtain this quest if you brought Isabela with you for the Night Terrors quest. If you brought Merrill, you’ll have a Merrill’s Apology quest.
      • Talk to Isabela at the Hanged Man. If you initially reply with “I forgive you,” you’ll be offered a love option next.

      Main Plot: Prime Suspects

      1. Travel to the Gallows and speak with Emeric.
      2. Speak with Solivitus to pick up a new Herbalist’s Tasks quest.
      3. Travel to Hightown (Night) and enter the DuPuis Estate, to the South-West. You may have to fight Invisible Sisters along the way. Don’t worry–you can see them. Apparently, they don’t know what “invisible” means.
      4. As you advance into the area, shades will spawn and attack.
      5. Read the note on the table to the East.
      6. Head up the steps to the East and through either of the two doors on the eastern wall, into a room filled with shades.
      7. Read the reply from Starkhaven on the table.
      8. Continue through the eastern door, turn South, and open another eastern door. Loot the chest and inspect the Vials of Blood.
      9. Exit West, turn North, and continue through the other eastern door.
      10. Climb the steps and read Meredith’s Apology on the table.
      11. Continue through the south-eastern door and inspect the chest of clothes.
      12. Exit the room and head through the north-eastern door into a conversation.
      13. In this playthrough, the selected conversation path was, “Let me help you.”
      14. Loot the chest, then exit the house, West.
      15. Return to the Gallows (Day) and speak with Emeric. He’s had a sex change and goes by the name Moira now.
      16. Travel to the Blind Alley in Lowtown (Night).
      17. Head West into battle. Completing this quest will unlock the “An Update” quest.

      Companion Plot: An Update

      • Talk to Varric in the Hanged Man. Agree to pay a visit to good old Bartrand. This will unlock the quest, “Family Matter.”

      Companion Plot: Family Matter

      1. Travel to Hightown (Night) with Varric in your party. You may fight (In)visible Sisters.
      2. Enter Bartrand’s Estate in western Hightown.
      3. Varric will be the only one in the house, for some reason. You’ll immediately be faced with waves of guards that you will easily mow through, only to discover that Varric is once again embellishing his little story.
      4. Once Varric starts telling the truth, head through the western door and fight some crazed guards.
      5. Continue West through two more doors and into a battle with a crazed commander and his lackeys.
      6. Head through the northern door into another crazed battle.
      7. Continue North, then East around the corner. There is a trap in the next room that will spawn poisonous gas. Once triggered, guards will pour out of the two northern rooms.
      8. In the eastern room lies a chest with a Complex lock; loot it if you can.
      9. Exit the trapped room through the southern doorway into the house’s main hall. Guards will attack, and there are traps on the floor and the steps.
      10. Climb the steps, East, into a conversation.
      11. Before going through the eastern door, explore the northern and southern rooms. Loot the chests and you’ll upgrade Varric’s armor.
      12. When you’re ready for battle, open the door. Bartrand will throw a smoke grenade and vanish; a few seconds later, crazed guards will start climbing the steps behind you. Bartrand will have a surprising amount of hit points.
      13. The battle will abruptly transition into a conversation. If you tell Varric to kill his brother, you’ll gain 15 friendship points with him and 5 with Aveline.
      14. Loot the chest and leave. In the ensuing conversation, you can earn another 15 friendship points with Varric.

      Companion Plot: A Story Being Told

      • You receive this quest by completing the “Family Matter” quest. Speak with Varric at the Hanged Man.

      Side Quest: The Midnight Meeting

      • You receive this quest through a letter at your writing desk. Travel to north-eastern Hightown (Night).
      • It’s a trap. Kill the Templar and loot the chest.

      Secondary Plot: Inside Job

      1. You receive this quest through a letter at your writing desk. Speak to Hubert in northern Hightown.
      2. Once you are taken outside of Kirkwall, the men ahead of you will attack when you advance.
      3. With combat over, loot the chest, exit the area, and meet Lilley in northern Darktown. Or her corpse.
      4. The conversation that follows can be resolved without combat.
      5. Head South-West and enter Brekker’s Hideaway.
      6. Move West into battle with thugs. A trap lies on the floor in the center of this room.
      7. Head North, up the steps, through the winding passage and into the next battle.
      8. Continue East, up the steps, through the winding passage, then South, toward the exit, into a conversation. Kill Brekker and his thugs.
      9. If possible, loot the chest, then exit the area, South.
      10. Speak with Hubert in northern Hightown (Day).

      Secondary Plot: Fool’s Gold

      1. You receive this quest by speaking with Yevhen in north-eastern Hightown. Travel to the Deep Roads in the Free Marches.
      2. Head North and turn East into a battle with Hurlocks.
      3. Continue South, West, then North down the steps into the excavation pit. Keep following the path; when you round the corner to head East, you’ll be near your objective.
      4. After the conversation, descend the steps to your South into the excavation pit and fight the spiders that drop from the ceiling.
      5. Loot the room to the East, then exit this pit and follow the path East, then North, into battle with Hurlocks.
      6. After the battle, you’ll be offered a chance to purchase a rod, or scare it out of the dwarf. With Isabela, Aveline, and Merrill in your party, scaring the dwarf results in no rivalry points.
      7. Head East and use the rod on the golem.
      8. Follow the path North. Remember those golems lining the path on your Deep Roads expedition that I promised would definitely not come to life and attack you? Sorry about that.
      9. Continue North, fighting the evil golems with your new golem buddy.
      10. Head East, down the steps, and into battle with Hurlocks and an ogre. Unfortunately, your golem buddy will abandon you.
      11. More darkspawn will emerge from a door to your North; after battle, enter that room. At the far end, loot the lyrium-laced bilge hoop to pick up a side quest, and the two chests, if you can.
      12. Exit the room, South, then leave the area, West.
      13. Speak with Yevhen in north-eastern Hightown. If you lie to the dwarf, you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Aveline.

      Side Quest: Lyrium-Laced Bilge Hoop

      1. You receive this quest during the Fool’s Gold quest. Travel to the heart of Darktown. You may have to fight thugs.
      2. Speak to the Whiskey Master.

      Side Quest: The Underground Railroad

      1. You receive this quest as a letter to your writing desk. Speak with Mistress Selby in the western Docks.
      2. Although the quest is complete, you can now read the board behind Selby and accept two more quests.

      Side Quest: The Lost Patrol

      1. You receive this quest by speaking to a Qunari in the northern docks. Travel to the Wounded Coast.
      2. Head South-West into battle with raiders.
      3. Continue West until you can turn South down a path. Fight the abomination and his shade minions.
      4. Backtrack the way you came to leave the area, return to the northern docks and speak to the Qunari.

      Side Quest: Search and Rescue

      1. You obtain this quest by reading Mistress Selby’s board after completing the quest The Underground Railroad. Travel to the Wounded Coast and head North-West into a raider ambush.
      2. Continue North-West, looting the dead-ends along the way, until you are ambushed by Mabari dogs.
      3. Explore the passages to the West, looting the area and fighting more Mabari, then travel southward down the path.
      4. Turn West when the path branches. You may aggro some raiders to your East.
      5. Head West into a dead end with a chest. After looting the chest, backtrack to the last junction and continue North-West.
      6. As you round a bend, some raiders will attack you.
      7. Continue North-East into battle with Tal-Vashoth.
      8. Head to the quest marker and pick up the Harlot’s Blush Flower for the Herbalist’s Task quest.
      9. Enter the Bounty Hunter Getaway cave.
      10. Kill the bounty hunters to the West, then head East and fight even more bounty hunters down the steps.
      11. Pass through the eastern doorway into another battle. There is a poison trap on the floor just beyond the door.
      12. Explore the cabins to the North-East; one contains an unlocked chest, the other a complex chest.
      13. Speak to the captured apostate.
      14. Loot the cave with the starry ceiling to the East, then backtrack and exit the area.
      15. Once out of the bounty hunter cave, travel South-West, then North-West to exit the area.
      16. Return to the western Docks and speak with Mistress Selby.

      Side Quest: How to Frame a Templar

      1. Travel to the Hanged Man and speak with Ser Roderick. Tell him whatever lie you prefer.
      2. Travel to the Hallows and read the shipment order, North-East. Write in Conrad’s name.
      3. Head South and speak with the Dockworker.
      4. Return to the western docks to get your reward from Mistress Selby.

      Main Plot: Blackpowder Courtesy

      1. Travel to the eastern Docks and enter the Qunari compound. If Isabela is with you, she will make up a fake excuse and leave.
      2. Speak with the Arishok. He will Jedi Mind Trick you into accepting a quest. He wave his hand and everything.
      3. Travel to the heart of Darktown and speak to the Coterie Barker.
      4. Head South-East and enter the Smuggler’s Cut. Walk North, then West, down steps, into battle with thugs.
      5. Continue North, through a doorway and down some stone steps, then West.
      6. Open the stone door, continue through it, then turn North, down some steps, East, North again, and finally East into battle with more thugs.
      7. Continue North, loot the corpse to the North-West, then take the slender path to the East that banks North.
      8. Kill the mercenaries.
      9. Continue West into more enemies.
      10. Loot the chest to receive a Ship in a Bottle and pick up the A Ship for Isabela quest.
      11. Head South-West to fight more thugs.
      12. Take the steps North-West to loot a chest and skeleton, then descend the steps and continue South, down more steps, and grab the mushroom. There’s an alcove in this area with a complex chest.
      13. Looting complete, return North, up the steps, then turn North-East and head up the northern steps into Wilderness. You will immediately enter combat.
      14. After combat, you’ll speak with Javaris. In this playthrough, Javaris was not killed.
      15. Exit the area, North, and head to the Side Alley in Kirkwall.
      16. The area is poisoned. Grab the Steel Latch on the ground, South, and cap the closest open barrel. Enemies will emerge.
      17. Once combat ends, you’ll find that one of them dropped another Steel Latch. Grab it and cap another barrel, which will trigger another battle, and another dropped latch.
      18. When you cap the last barrel, you’ll meet the elf responsible for this mess.
      19. Once you’ve killed the elven lunatic, exit North and return to speak to the Arishok in the eastern Docks (Day).
      20. You will acquire the quests The Long Road and Dissent.
      21. Return to the Keep and speak to the Viscount.
      22. You’ll receive the quests Offered and Lost, and Mirror Image.

      Companion Plot: A Ship for Isabela

      • Travel to the Hanged Man and speak with Isabela. You’ll be presented with a love option.

      Companion Plot: Mirror Image

      1. Travel to Merrill’s home and speak with her. You’ll be presented with a love option. She’ll offer you a quest. Depending on your conversation, you can gain 10 friendship points with Merrill.
      2. Head to Sundermount and travel North-West into the elven camp.
      3. Loot the chest by the fire to pick up the Dalish Tattoo Ink for the Herbalist’s Tasks quest.
      4. Speak with Keeper Marethari, North. She’ll give you a quest, and you’ll receive a side quest, Honoring the Fallen.
      5. Travel North up the left-side path and grab the Elfroot along the way. As you approach the cave entrance, skeletons will rise in ambush.
      6. Enter the Hunting Grounds.
      7. Descend the steps, North, into a spider ambush.
      8. Loot Radha’s corpse to get his or her amulet for the quest, Honoring the Fallen.
      9. Continue North, across a bridge, through a doorway, then West down some steps and South-West into a passage that will lead to the second dead elf. Loot the corpse to grab his amulet.
      10. Backtrack up the steps, North-East, then descend another flight of steps, West, into another damned spider ambush.
      11. Continue North through the doorway and kill another spider.
      12. Descend the steps and loot the chest in the alcove to the West.
      13. Descend the steps, West, then turn East to loot the corpse of the third Hunter.
      14. Continue West, into a cutscene.
      15. Chase after the elf, West, then North, into another cutscene. Now you get to face the Varterral, which is basically a small version of the monster from Cloverfield. This battle is more annoying than it is difficult.
      16. After the long battle come a conversation. You’ll somehow gain 10 rivalry points with Merrill if you’re nice to her. I guess she’s a masochist.
      17. Loot the Varterral’s Heart for the Herbalist’s Tasks quest.
      18. Loot the pile of treasure to the North-West, then exit the area, South.
      19. As you backtrack your way out of the cave, skeletons will spring to life and attack.
      20. Exit to Sundermount.
      21. Return to the camp to speak with the Keeper, South.
      22. If you give Merrill the thingamabob, you’ll gain 15 friendship points with her, but 10 rivalry points with Aveline.
      23. Completing this quest unlocks the Back from Sundermount quest.

      Side Quest: Honoring the Fallen

      • See the quest, Mirror Image, above.

      Secondary Plot: Herbalist’s Tasks

      • You obtain this quest by speaking to Solivitus in the southern Gallows.
      • You pick up the Harlot’s Blush Flower during the Search and Rescue quest.
      • You pick up the Dalish Tattoo Ink at the Dalish camp in Sundermount, in a chest by a campfire.
      • You pick up the Varterral’s Heart during the quest Mirror Image.
      • Once you’ve acquired all three items, return to Solivitus for your reward.

      Companion Plot: Back from Sundermount

      • Talk to Merrill at her house. You’ll be presented with a love option. If you choose the green leaf, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with her.

      Companion Plot: The Long Road

      1. Speak with Aveline in the Viscount’s Keep. She’ll ask you to play messenger.
      2. Head South-West to speak with Donnic.
      3. After confusing the poor man, return to speak with Aveline. She’ll send you on another petty errand.
      4. Head North-West to post the roster.
      5. Return to Aveline. In this playthrough, Hawke helped set Aveline up with Donnic and gained 5 friendship points with her.
      6. Go speak with Donnic. Again.
      7. Head to the Hanged Man (Night) and speak with Donnic. Yet again.
      8. After a painful exchange of words, you’ll speak with Aveline. You’ll gain 5 rivalry points with her if you reply with “No excuses!” while the other option awards 5 friendship points.
      9. Travel to the Wounded Coast. If this is your first time bringing Fenris to the Wounded Coast in Act 2, you’ll be stopped by slavers. If you reply with, “Fenris is a free man,” then you’ll gain 5 friendship points with him. Fight the slavers, then speak to the elf again and gain another 5 friendship points if you say “We go after them.” You will receive the quest, “A Bitter Pill.” Exit the area, and return to the Wounded Coast to get back on track.
      10. Travel West until you run into battle with some dogs. Heroically murder the poor animals. There’s a bear trap on the floor.
      11. Light the signal fire.
      12. Continue West into battle with Raiders.
      13. Light the second signal fire.
      14. Head South-East into battle with Slavers. And another bear trap. How many bears have you seen? Because I’ve seen zero bears, yet a ton of bear traps.
      15. Light the final signal fire.
      16. Retrace your steps to exit the area, then return to the Keep to speak with Aveline.
      17. Speak with Aveline again after the uncomfortable animal noises. If you say, “Yes, so be careful,” you’ll gain 5 rivalry points with Aveline. If you say “Never,” you’ll gain 10 friendship points with her.
      18. Completing this quest unlocks the Questioning Beliefs quest.

      Companion Plot: Questioning beliefs

      • You obtain this quest by completing the quest, The Long Road. Not to be confused with Isabela’s companion quest by the same name.
      • Speak with Aveline in the Viscount’s Keep. Depending on your conversation, you can gain 5 friendship points with her.

      Companion Plot: Dissent

      1. Travel to Anders’ Clinic and speak with him. He’ll offer you a quest. You can gain 5 friendship points with him.
      2. Travel to South-East Darktown and enter the Gallows Dungeon.
      3. Head South, then East through a doorway and down a flight of steps. Loot the area, then backtrack to the intersection and continue South until you fight Lyrium Smugglers.
      4. Continue South, down a flight of steps, until you can go North-West unto a dead end. A complex chest lies there.
      5. Continue South, through the doorway, then bank East into a large chamber. You’ll trigger a web trap, and giant spiders will drop from the ceiling.
      6. Loot the skeleton, the bones, and the mushroom before continuing South, up a flight of steps, West, South up another flight of steps, then East up yet another flight of steps and into battle with smugglers.
      7. Continue East, then South through a doorway and into another smuggle battle.
      8. Climb the steps to the East, then head South until you run into a conversation with Templars.
      9. Depending on what follows, you may gain 15 friendship points with Anders and 5 with Fenris.
      10. Loot Ser Alrik’s corpse to pick up his papers.
      11. Climb the steps, South, then turn West to loot the alcoves before exiting the area back to Darktown.
      12. You’ll enter a conversation with the mage Anders nearly killed. If you tell her to flee, you’ll gain 10 rivalry points with Fenris.
      13. Speak with Anders in North-East Darktown. If you tell him about the papers, you’ll gain 15 friendship points with him. You will gain the Questioning Beliefs quest.

      Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs

      • You obtain this quest by completing the quest, Dissent. Not to be confused with Isabela’s or Aveline’s companion quest by the same name.
      • Speak with Anders in his clinic in Darktown. You’ll be offered a love option. If you select the green leaf and the blue wings, you’ll gain 20 friendship points with Anders.

      Side Quest: The One True Pantaloons

      • You receive this quest by looting enemies in the Dissent quest. Travel to North-East Hightown and speak with Impeccable Bulf.

      Companion Plot: A Bitter Pill

      1. Travel to the Holding Caves in the Free Marches. If you take Fenris with you, this quest may bug out and you’ll be unable to complete it.
      2. Venture down the western path and grab the Embrium.
      3. Continue South into battle with slavers.
      4. Loot the chest and keep heading South into another slaver fight.
      5. Loot the chest, South, then double back and head South-East to loot two more chests, one of which is complex.
      6. Double back and enter the Abandoned Slaver Den.
      7. Head East, down a path and through a door.
      8. Continue East through two more doors into battle with Slavers.
      9. Proceed East down the corridor, then North, through a door and into battle.
      10. Head East, up the steps and through a door.
      11. You’ll speak with the female elf after battle. If you didn’t listen to me and neglected to bring Fenris with you, you may encounter an odd bug in which you hear Fenris’ disembodied voice.
      12. If you offer the elf a job, you’ll gain 15 friendship points with Fenris. Loot the two chests and you’ll pick up the Tevinter Chantry Amulet quest.
      13. Proceed through the western door, then down the steps, through another door, and into battle.
      14. Loot the two chests, then continue North.
      15. Round the corner and head through the eastern door at the end of the corridor.
      16. Continue West, through another door and into the final battle.
      17. Depending on how you handle the ensuing conversation, you can gain 15 friendship points with Fenris.
      18. Exit by means of the World Map, East, and return to your mansion. You’ll speak to Fenris. A love option presents itself. Depending on your conversation path, you can gain another 15 friendship points.

      Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs

      • You obtain this quest by completing the quest, A Bitter Pill. Not to be confused with Isabela’s, Anders’, or Aveline’s companion quest by the same name.
      • Speak with Fenris at his mansion. Now that he’s drunk, he’s willing to blab on and on about his past.

      Companion Plot: Tevinter Chantry Amulet

      • You obtain this quest by looting a chest in the quest, A Bitter Pill. Speak with Anders at his clinic. You’ll be offered a love option. If you select only the green leaf options, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Anders.

      Main Plot: Offered and Lost

      1. Speak with Seneschal Bran at the Viscount’s Keep.
      2. Head to the Hanged Man (Night).
      3. Speak with Orwald the Braggart.
      4. Head to the Chantry (Day).
      5. Speak with Sister Petrice, who is now Mother Petrice. Either she was promotd, or someone rang her bell.
      6. Travel to Ser Varnell’s Refuge (Day).
      7. Head North, then East up the steps and into the winding passage. A trap lies before a chest; disable and loot.
      8. Continue East into the ralley. You’ll be presented with two options: kill Varnell and the others, or endorse the murder of the Qunari. No diplomacy option. In this playthrough, it was death to Varnell.
      9. Loot the area on your way out (South), picking up the Shield in the crate by the exit to acquire the quest, The Shield of the Knight Herself.
      10. Completing this quest unlocks the quest All That Remains.

      Companion Plot: The Shield of the Knight Herself

      • You obtain this quest by looting a crate in the quest, Offered and Lost. Speak with Aveline in the Viscount’s Keep. As usual, she won’t be happy.

      Main Plot: All That Remains

      1. Head to your mansion. Guess who came to visit? Your favorite uncle.
      2. Travel to Lowtown (Night) and speak with the Urchin.
      3. Follow the trail of blood. It will lead you toward the Hanged Man, then South into the Foundry.
      4. Follow the trail East, up the steps, then North, along the balcony, into the north-eastern corner of this building, where you’ll find a trapdoor.
      5. Descend through the trapdoor.
      6. Head North into battle with shades and a Rage Demon.
      7. Proceed North after looting the chest to the West.
      8. In the winding passages, grab the Orichalcum and continue West.
      9. Descend the steps and fight off the ambush once you reach the center of the room.
      10. Loot the room, then head South, through the passage, looting the chest along the way. A battle will ensue after a cutscene; then, it’s cutscenes for the rest of the quest.
      11. After a touching moment with your uncle, you receive the quests The Captain’s Condolences and Following the Qun.

      Companion Plot: The Captain’s Condolences

      • You receive this quest after completing the quest, All That Remains. Speak with Aveline at the Viscount’s Keep.

      Main Plot: Following the Qun

      1. Read the letter from the Viscount, at your writing desk.
      2. Head to the Keep to speak with the Viscount.
      3. Visit the Qunari compound in the Eastern Docks.
      4. You’ll instead find yourself in a Winding Alley (which is somehow indoors), ambushed by mercenaries.
      5. Enter the Qunari compound. If Isabela is with you, she will once again come up with a lame excuse to leave.
      6. Speak with the Arishok. He will send you after Mother Petrice.
      7. Travel to the Chantry (Night).
      8. Kill the feeble peasants that attack you.
      9. After more sentimental cutscenes, you’ll receive the quest, To Catch a Thief.

      Main Plot: To Catch a Thief

      1. Travel to your mansion. Isabela and Aveline will argue, and you have to pick a side. In this playthrough, Hawke decided Isabela’s little trinket was more important than the fate of Kirkwall.
      2. Travel to southern Lowtown (Night). You will fight dogs along the way.
      3. The Qunari will attack in southern Lowtown.
      4. In the ensuing cutscene, you learn (unsurprisingly) that Isabela stole something from the Qunari. In this playthrough, Hawke agreed to let her keep the relic.
      5. After a battle that unfortunately can’t be resolved by letting both parties kill each other, exit, West.
      6. Loot the corpse of Wall-Eyed Sam to read Isabela’s letter.

      Main Plot: Demands of the Qun

      1. This quest ends Act 2, so finish up any other quests before undertaking this one. Travel to the Qunari compound in the eastern Docks.
      2. After a conversation that goes south, go West with Aveline towards the Keep. You will fight Qunari along the way, and have the pleasure of fighting alongside Grey Wardens.
      3. You’ll fight some more in Hightown, then meet Knight-Commander Meredith. In this playthrough, Hawke agreed to help her.
      4. Fight your way South, toward the Keep. There’s only one path to follow; other avenues will be cut off by fire and debris.
      5. Eventually you’ll meet up with the Knight-Commander again, as well as some important elf from the Chantry. In the ensuing conversation, Hawke decided to take command in this playthrough.
      6. In the next discussion, Hawke decided that “We need a distraction.”
      7. Once you enter the keep, Qunari will charge from all directions.
      8. Two traps on the steps block access to the second level. Head up the steps after disarming the traps, then continue East down the long hall and through the door.
      9. Defeat the Qunari Honor Guard.
      10. Depending on how you’ve treated Isabela in the past, she may waltz in with the tome. The Arishok wants to take her back to his land of Qunari for what can only be a grizzly end, so in this playthrough, Hawke replied, “You can’t have her.”
      11. The Arishok will challenge you to a duel to the death. The winner gets Isabela. And the feminist movement is set back another century.
      12. If you accept the duel, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Varric.
      13. Dueling the Arishok results in a difficult battle. Avoid him when he charges up his powerful attacks–you’ll learn to recognize the sounds and animations he makes before attacking. Run figure-eights around the two pillars while you wait for your potions and powers to cool down.
      14. Try to use stun powers as much as possible; stun him, then attack, then run away just as the stun ends. Wait for your powers to recharge, rinse and repeat. Roughly 7 healing potions and 7 stamina potions were used in this battle, but the Arishok was defeated without needing to load a previous save and try again, so this duel is entirely possible to win.

      Act III

      In this playthrough, the following quests were available at the start of Act III:

      • The Last Straw
      • A Talking To
      • The Storm and what Came Before It
      • Check on Anders
      • Champions and Captains
      • Speak to Fenris
      • Isabela’s Regret
      • Visit Gamlen
      • Who Needs Rescuing?
      1. Before embarking on any of these, let’s pick up a few more quests. Speak with Taarbas in central Hightown to acquire the quest, The Lost Swords.
      2. Speak with Hubert in northern Hightown to get the quest, Mine Massacre.
      3. Speak with Nuncio in south-eastern Hightown to get the quest, A Murder of Crows.
      4. Travel to your mansion and read the letters at your writing desk to pick up the quest, On the Loose.

      Companion Plot: Isabela’s Regret

      • Speak with Isabela at the Hanged Man. If you’re nice to her, she’ll rejoin your party.
      • When you return to your estate, Isabella will be there. She’ll offer you the quest, No Rest for the Wicked.

      Companion Plot: The Storm and what Came Before It

      • Talk to Varric at the Hanged Man.

      Companion Plot: A Talking To

      • Speak with Merrill in her home.

      Companion Plot: Check on Anders

      • Speak with Anders in his clinic. Once you leave Darktown, you’ll gain the quest, Justice.

      Companion Plot: Speak to Fenris

      • Speak with Fenris in his mansion. If you agree to accompany him to meet his sister, you’ll gain 5 friendship points with Fenris and the quest, Alone.

      Companion Plot: Champions and Captains

      • Speak with Aveline in the keep.

      Side Quest: The Lost Swords

      • One Qunari sword is located in the north-eastern corner of Darktown, in Anders’ clinic.
      • Two swords are located on the Wounded Coast. One can be found in a pile of bones by the north-western side of the coast, within a dead end. The other can be found in the center branch of the three branches that run roughly parallel to each other, like columns, in a Qunari camp.
      • One sword can be found in the northernmost western alley in the Docks, on a skeleton.
      • One sword can be found in southern Lowtown, near the foundry, in rubble.
      • One sword is being sold at Koral’s Blades in North-West Hightown for 3.75 gold.
      • One sword is being sold at the weapon shop at the Gallows for 3.75 gold.
      • One sword is being sold at the weaponsmithy in Lowtown for 3 gold.
      • One sword can be found during the quest, On The Loose.
      • One sword can be found in the western Docks (Night), in a Master chest.
      • When you report back to Taarbas (in the heart of Hightown) with a sword, you’ll gain 1200 XP per sword if you don’t ask for money, and 30 silver pieces and 100 XP if you ask for money.

      Side Quest: Who Needs Rescuing?

      • This quest is bugged and cannot be completed until BioWare issues a patch. In some playthroughs, you may find a bandit in the Wounded Coast, but he cannot be interacted with. In other playthroughs, you may not find the bandit at all.

      Side Quest: The Awiergan Scrolls: First Aspect

      • This quest is acquired by finding a scroll in The Wounded Coast. Once you enter the region, travel South-West into the first dead end; the scroll will be near a skeleton. After reading the scroll, keep following the path as it curves West, then North-West, into a difficult battle with corpses. Once you defeat all the enemies, you’ll gain the quest, The Awiergan Scrolls: Pride Unbound.

      Secondary Plot: Visit Gamlen

      1. Travel to Gamlen’s house in the heart of Lowtown.
      2. Read the note on his table to acquire the quest, Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure.
      3. Speak with your deal old Uncle. Remember that touching moment you had with him during the whole business with your mother? Remember how, for the first time, Gamlen seemed like a nice guy? Yeah, he’s back to being a jerk.

      Secondary Plot: Gamlen’s Greatest Treasure

      1. Travel to the heart of Darktown and speak with Mekel. Kill him and his dumb goons. Loot him and grab the Wallop Mallet.
      2. Return to Gamlen’s house and speak with your uncle.
      3. Examine the Wallop Mallet on the wall, North.
      4. Exit Gamlen’s home and travel to the elven alienage in North-East Lowtown.
      5. Examine the Vhenedahl, from the south-eastern side of the huge tree.
      6. Get the note from the elf.
      7. Travel to the Docks (Night) and enter Smetty’s Fish Guttery in the westermost part of this district. Fight off slave hunters along the way.
      8. Travel North, up the steps and loot Shipment 1023 on the second level.
      9. It’s a trap.
      10. Loot the Mercenary Commander to retrieve a note for Gamlen.
      11. Exit the area and travel to the Sink in the Free Marches.
      12. Wind your way down the path into battle with undead. And spiders. Can’t have a battle with spiders.
      13. Continue South, down a flight of steps and through a stone door.
      14. Once the path branches, head South-East through two doors and into a cutscene with a woman–your cousin.
      15. After battling the waves of enemies that try to kill your cousin, you can tell her to meet Gamlen–this was the chosen path in this playthrough.
      16. Exit, South, and return to Gamlen’s house.

      Companion Plot: A Rivaini Talisman

      • You acquire this quest by looting a talisman from a chest in the Disused Passage, accessible through the western Docks. Speak with Isabela in the Hanged Man. You’ll receive a love option.

      Secondary Plot: Mine Massacre

      1. You acquire this quest by speaking to Hubert in northern Hightown. Travel to the Bone Pit, then take the path to your 5-o-clock and follow it southwest down into the grisly bone pit.
      2. You will fight a high dragon here; many claim this to be the most difficult battle in the game. You may want to take Varric instead of Isabela; Isabela doesn’t have the health to survive in melee with the dragon.
      3. The battle has three “intermissions” during which you fight dragonlings and a “regular” dragon while the high dragon lays back on a roost and lobs fireballs at you. These occur when the high dragon is at 75%, 50%, and 25% health, and they allow you the opportunity to replenish your stamina reserves and stock up on the potions you can loot from the dragonlings.
      4. During these intermissions, the high dragon’s fireballs will lock on and follow a character. Move the targeted character away from your other characters to avoid splash damage.
      5. The high dragon is deadliest to those in front of it. Constantly reposition your melee attackers at the dragons flanks, and keep your ranged attackers out of the range of its dragon breath.
      6. With the dragon dead, loot the corpse to acquire the dragon’s fire gland and the quest Herbalist’s Tasks.
      7. Return to speak with Hubert in Hightown.

      Secondary Plot: A Murder of Crows

      1. You acquire this quest by speaking with Nuncio in eastern Hightown. Travel to the Dalish camp in Sundermount. You’ll battle thieves along the way. Loot the Sylvanwood Ring off the corpse of the thief leader to pick up the quest, Memento of the Dalish.
      2. Speak with Variel at the Dalish Camp. You’ll be offered a love option–don’t pick it unless you’re looking for rejection. Tell her you’re here for the Antivan.
      3. Head North, taking the westernmost path, then the eastern path at the next branch. You may trigger an encounter with Hurlocks at the junction, and you’ll battle wasp spiders in front of the cave.
      4. Enter the mountain cave.
      5. Descend the steps and head South-West. Follow the passage all the way to its dead-end, where you can try your hand at a complex chest. Retrace your steps and descend the steps heading North-East, into–you guessed it–a spider ambush.
      6. Loot the bones to get an armor upgrade for Isabela, then head North.
      7. As you descend the steps, some harsh traps await. You’ll see three white squares in a row, with corpses beyond. Stepping on the squares triggers a fire trap, while a hidden trap beyond activates floor spikes that will cause Injuries. Order your party to hold position, then move one character at a time, skirting along the wall to the left to the safety of the next set of steps.
      8. Head into the North-East nook to loot the sylvanwood ring off the bones (again?)
      9. Keep following the path, working your way northward, until you arrive within a large cavern with a pile of treasure at the end. Looks too good to be true? Yeah.
      10. That’s right, another Varterral. Because you didn’t get enough of the first one. Kill it; avoid standing near the tail and the head, where it deals the most damage. When it starts stamping the ground, watch out for falling rocks.
      11. With the battle over, you’ll meet the man you’re here to capture. In this playthrough, Hawke let him go.
      12. After looting the area, exit North-East.
      13. Travel to the Antivan camp in the Free Marches.
      14. Kill Nuncio and his goons, then speak with Zevran.

      Side Quest: Awiergan Scrolls: Third Aspect

      • You acquire this quest by finding the scroll to the South-East of the Dalish camp in Sundermount. See quest, A New Path.

      Side Quest: Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect

      • See quest, A New Path.

      Secondary Plot: Herbalist’s Tasks (III)

      • You acquire this quest by looting the high dragon during the quest, Mine Massacre. Speak with Solivitus in the southern Docks. You may need to speak with him twice.

      Companion Plot: Memento of the Dalish

      • You acquire this quest by finding a ring during the quest, A Murder of Crows. Speak with Merrill in her home. You’ll gain 15 friendship points with her for giving her the ring.

      Companion Plot: Justice

      1. Speak with Anders at his clinic. If you accept the quest, travel to south-eastern Darktown to collect the pee-poop rock. You’ll fight slavers along the way.
      2. Enters the sewers. You’ll immediately fight smugglers. There be traps here, on the second level.
      3. You must gather all five deposits of saltpeter in this area, shown on your minimap.
      4. When heading to the north-eastern corner of the area, you’ll descend a flight of steps; a trap lies at the bottom.
      5. Exit, North, after collecting all five deposits.
      6. Travel to the Bone Pit. Take the path to your 3-o-clock, and enter the Drakestone mines at the dead end.
      7. Grab all five drakestone deposits in this area. As you approach the first, you’ll be attacked by… Oh, I’m sure you can guess by now.
      8. Once you reach the large, open carven, you’ll get to fight something other than giant spiders. A monstrously humongous spider! Try to stay away from its mouth.
      9. With all five collected, exit the area, South.
      10. Return to Anders’ clinic. He will ask for your help with something suspicious; denying him will award you 30 rivalry points with him.
      11. If you accept, travel to the Chantry and speak with the Grand Cleric on the second floor.
      12. Speak with Anders again in his clinic.

      Companion Plot: Alone

      1. With Fenris in your party, head to the Hanged Man.
      2. It’s a trap.
      3. If you say Fenris is no one’s slave, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with him.
      4. Kill the slavers; you’ll have to wade through a couple waves of goons before you can bash Danarius’ face in.
      5. If you let Fenris’ sister live, you’ll gain 10 rivalry points with Fenris.

      Companion Plot: No Rest for the Wicked

      1. Travel to the Blooming Rose in eastern Hightown.
      2. Head up the steps to the East to trigger a cutscene.
      3. Enter the middle door and give Isabela to the lecherous pig.
      4. Exit the Rose and follow Isabela’s trail. It’ll lead to Hightown’s North-Western exit.
      5. Travel to Lowtown (Night) and keep following the trail. It’ll lead to Lowtown’s eastern exit. You’ll fight goons along the way.
      6. Travel to the Docks. Follow the trail down to the second south-western path. Along the way, you’ll encounter a battle that will grant you the Reining It In side quest.
      7. Enter Castillon’s Landing in the western warehouse district.
      8. Head West into a cutscene, then battle. This place is filled with traps.
      9. You may need to head West to finish off some enemies by the docks.
      10. Loot Valesko’s office key.
      11. Head through the southern door and loot the incriminating documents in the chest.
      12. Exit, North, into a cutscene. You’ll meet Castillon, and have the option of letting him live, or killing him.
      13. Completing this quest will grant you the quest, Questioning Beliefs.

      Side Quest: Reining It In

      • Travel to the eastern Docks and enter the rundown alley and kill the Leash-Master. The quest will complete once all enemies in this area are dead, so you may have to look around for them.

      Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs

      • Speak with Isabela at the Hanged Man. If you’ve done well by her throughout the game, she’ll admit she’s falling for you, and you’ll be presented with a love option.

      Main Plot: On The Loose

      1. Visit Templar Hall in the south-eastern Gallows.
      2. Speak with Meredith on the second floor to the West.
      3. Exit the area, East, then travel to South-West Hightown (Night). You may fight Bloodragers.
      4. Enter the De Launcet Mansion.
      5. There is a qunari sword in here. Travel through the northern door, then through the eastern door at the end of the hall. Before entering, order your team to hold, because this room is filled with traps. If you can’t disable them, skirt along the wall to loot the chest in this room’s southern corner. It is possible to time your exit without being injured by any traps.
      6. Travel to the Hanged Man (Day). You will fight an apostate mage and two blood mages along the way.
      7. Turn in the poor sex-deprived man however you wish. Too bad you can’t give him tips on that haircut.
      8. Travel to Darktown and speak with Walter.
      9. Enter the sewer passage, North, and fight off shades and a rage demon.
      10. Climb the steps and work your way North, wary of traps.
      11. As you reach the northern room, you’ll battle more shades amidst a fiery trap.
      12. Work your way East, up the steps, and be wary of a trap. If you can’t disable it, you can carefully walk around it.
      13. Beyond the spike trap, there is a dart trap that can be disabled by pulling a switch.
      14. Continue East into a cutscene.
      15. Kill Evelina.
      16. Loot the chest on your way out, South.
      17. Travel to North-East Lowtown and speak to Nyssa.
      18. Exit Lowtown and return to the elven alienage at night.
      19. Huon will kill his wife. Avenge her.
      20. Return to the templar hall in the South-West Gallows (Day) to speak with Meredith.

      Companion Plot: A Small Problem

      • You acquire this quest after completing the quest, On The Loose. Speak to Varric at the Hanged Man. He’ll offer you a quest, Haunted. if you accept, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Varric.

      Companion Plot: Haunted

      1. With Varric in your party, travel to South-West Hightown (Night).
      2. Fighting Bloodrager goons along the way may earn you the side quest, Red Run Streets.
      3. Enter Bartrand’s Estate.
      4. Work your way West through the haunted house, then turn North, through a door, then through a doorway into a library. Turn East, and continue through a door all the way to the eastern side of the house, through another door, and into a cutscene.
      5. Exit West, then backtrack the way you came, West, then South, then East into the large central chamber.
      6. Climb the steps. In the northern room is a complex chest.
      7. Open the middle door.
      8. After a cutscene, you must fight an ethereal golem.
      9. When reduced to 66% health, it’ll disappear and spawn shades. Once they are vanquished, he will return. This happens again at 33% health.
      10. After the battle, if you don’t let Varric keep the idol, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with him.
      11. If you don’t Varric keep it, take the shard to Sandal at your mansion (How is this a good idea? Give the evil relic to the child?)
      12. Completing this quest unlocks the quests, Closure and An Anniversary.

      Companion Plot: Favor and Fault

      1. You receive this quest as a letter to your writing desk. Travel to the Keep and speak with Aveline. You receive the quest A New Path upon venturing to the keep.
      2. Travel to the South-East Docks (Night) with Aveline in your party.
      3. After meeting Donnic, travel to the Gallows (Day) and speak with Cullen.
      4. Speak with Guardsman Brennan in eastern Lowtown (Night).
      5. In you run into Followers of She, you may acquire the quest, Kind of Want.
      6. Travel to South-East Darktown.
      7. Kill Jeven.
      8. Return to the Keep (Day) and speak with Aveline. You’ll receive the quest, Questioning Beliefs.

      Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs (Aveline)

      • Speak with Aveline at the keep.

      Side Quest: Kind of Want

      • You acquire this quest after killing a few mobs of Followers of She. Travel to the Decrepit Alley in western Lowtown (Night). Kill everything.

      Side Quest: Red Run Streets

      • You acquire this quest after killing a few mobs of Bloodragers. Travel to the Suspicious House in eastern Hightown (Night). Go through the eastern door and Kill everything.

      Companion Plot: A New Path

      1. Speak with Merrill in her home. You gain 10 friendship points with her if you agree to help.
      2. Travel to Sundermount.
      3. Head West, into the Dalish camp. Speak with Keeper Marithari. If you ask her to help fix the mirror, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Merrill.
      4. Head North up the right-hand path.
      5. Once you round a U-bend, spiders will drop the the… sky? Oh, come on!
      6. Continue up the path.
      7. If you have picked up the quest Awiergan Scrolls: Third Aspect, you will enter a quest battle in the area marked with an X on your minimap, filled with ruins surrounding a campfire.
      8. Behind a ruined wall to the East is a scroll. Grab it to acquire the quest, The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect. Yes, they are out of order.
      9. Proceed up into Sundermount Passage.
      10. Travel South-East, grabbing the raw lyrium along the way.
      11. Once the path levels off East, you’ll be ambushed by spiders in the next cavern.
      12. Exit to the mountain graveyard, South.
      13. It’s unclear whether looting the graves causes undead to spawn, or if they would have spawned anyway, but do it for the XP and loot. No one calls you a grave robber.
      14. From the graveyard, the path run East. Atop the steps are the creatures you must face for the quest, The Awiergan Scrolls: Second Aspect. If you carefully kite them one at a time, you shouldn’t have a problem.
      15. Continue up the mountain; you’ll fight dragonlings and a dragon.
      16. As you approach the dead end, you’ll have one more battle before you can enter the cave, Pride’s End. Who name’s a cave Pride’s End? Sheesh.
      17. Enter the cave. Head North and touch the strange idol.
        • Good news: touching the idol doesn’t make something horrible happen.
        • Bad news: the spirit is gone.
        • Good news: Keeper Marethari did it to save Merrill.
        • Bad news: you have to kill the Keeper.
        • Good news: she’s got some great loot.
      18. If you scold Merrill, you’ll gain 15 rivalry points with her.
      19. Exit, South. You’ll be accosted by a band of merry elves. If you say, “Stand Down,” or say the Keeper was possessed, you’ll gain 10 friendship points with Merrill, but will have to commit genocide on the rest of the elven race. You’ll fight these elves here, then you’ll have to kill everyone in the Dalish camp on your way home. If you take responsibility, you’ll gain 15 rivalry points with Merrill and the elves will magically pop out of existence.
      20. Upon completion of this quest, you’ll get Merrill’s Questioning Beliefs quest.

      Companion Plot: Questioning Beliefs (Merrill)

      • Speak with Aveline in her home. You’ll have a love option. If you pick the green leaf, you’ll gain 10 friendship points.
      • When you return to your estate, you’ll have a cutscene with Merrill, during which you can either love her or break her little heart.

      Companion Plot: Closure

      • Speak with Varric at the Hanged Man.

      Companion Plot: An Anniversary

      • Speak with Varric at the Hanged Man.

      Side Quest: King Alistair

      • You receive this quest from your writing desk. Travel to the Keep to speak with the King of Fereldan.

      Side Quest: The Awiergan Scrolls: Pride Unbound

      1. You unlock this quest by completing the first three quests in this mini-series. Fast-travel to Anders’ clinic, then enter the Hidden Lair to your West. It is the same path you used to enter your manor when slaves lived within it.
      2. Travel East into the area and fight the demon and his minions. It is advised to bring Varric instead of Isabela; the demon does heavy damage to melee-types. Kiting it around with ranged attackers while the melee characters deal with the minions is advised–it may take long, but you won’t use many potions and no one should die.

      Main Plot: Best Served Cold

      1. You receive this quest as a letter to your writing desk. Travel to Templar Hall in the south-western Gallows.
      2. Speak with Orsino, to the West.
      3. Exit the area and travel to south-western Hightown (Night).
      4. Without giving you a chance to speak, you’ll be attacked by the conspirators.
      5. Loot the bodies to find a note.
      6. Travel to the south-western Docks (Night) and enter the Warehouse.
      7. Through the northern door and down the western path is a complex chest. Loot it if you can; otherwise, proceed through the western door into battle. Traps lie in this area.
      8. Loot the chest to the East to pick up the quest, Blade of Mercy.
      9. Travel to the Wounded Coast and make for the southern peninsula. You’ll fight apostates and templars along the way, and run into a cutscene with Samson.
      10. You’ll meet up with Grace and Ser Thrask. As with most of your meetings, this one ends in bloodshed.
      11. Loot the corpses to pick up your Champion Helmet (or equivalent headgear).
      12. Return to speak with Orsino at Templar Hall in the Gallows.

      Companion Plot: Blade of Mercy

      • Speak with Fenris in his mansion. If you keep the blade, you’ll receive 10 friendship points with Fenris. And the blade, of course. It’s one of the best in the game.

      Main Plot: The Last Straw

      1. You receive this quest as a letter to your writing desk. This is the last quest in the game, so be sure to finish off all other business first. Travel to the Gallows.
      2. Depending on whether you side with Meredith or Orsino, as well as the friendship/rivalry levels of your companions, some of your friends may support you while others may not. In this playthrough, Hawke sided with the mages, and everyone but Fenris supported him.
      3. You must then decide whether or not to take Anders with you. You can also execute him for blowing up a kind old lady.
      4. That done, you must select your party. Don’t worry — your other companions will join you later.
      5. Battle your way to the Docks, East.
      6. Head to the Gallows, North. You’ll fight a blood mage, Pride Demon, and shades.
      7. In the next cutscene, you can convince Fenris to return to your team. Just play the slave card.
      8. After a pep talk with all of your buddies, speak to Orsino.
      9. Once you’ve defeated the first wave of Templars, Orsino will pick the worst possible time to have a mental breakdown, transform into a demon, and attack you.
      10. As the big flesh blob is nearing death, he’ll transform into a smaller blob, and corpses will join the fight. Orsino will later merge back into megablob, at full health.
      11. Once battle is over, exit to Templar Hall, South.
      12. As you advance, shades will spawn.
      13. After battle, head through the eastern door. Sandal will be there with all your stuff. Somehow. Also, he sells things now. This is your last chance to stock up on anything before the final showdown.
      14. Exit through the southern door, then the eastern one. The second door to the North is a room filled with fire traps and a rage demon, and the corpse loot isn’t great, so you can just skip it.
      15. You’ll fight templars, blood mages, and a seduction demon in this next room.
      16. Exit the room and take the southern door into another battle.
      17. Exit, West, and descend the steps, South, into battle.
      18. West, up the steps, lies a trap-laden corridor filled with abominations, skeleton archers, and an arcane horror. It’s a tough battle, and unnecessary, but there is loot.
      19. In the westernmost room await two pride demons. There are two corpses with decent loot in this room; you can kite the demons to this room’s exit and let ranged characters kill them — the demons cannot fit through the doorway. After one demon dies, shades will spawn, but the second demon will likely be blocking the path for the shades.
      20. Exit to the gallows, South.
      21. You finally get to face Meredith. Once she is down to 75% health, she animates a huge statue to fight for her.
      22. At 50% health, she animates a second huge statue, as well as the smaller (but still giant) slave statues that hang from the walls.
      23. While you’re still fighting the smaller statues, she will rejoin the battle and continue to summon the statues.
      24. When Meredith is down to 25% health, the huge statues will partially reanimate (just their torsos).
      25. When the battle ends, enjoy the epilogue.