Inversion Walkthrough/FAQ [Guide]

This Guide will walk you through the game Inversion and give you hints and tips along the way.

                    -and- Blitz Knight Stunt Present:

             ,-' ________ `-.
           ,' ,-'        `-. `.
          / ,'              `. \
         / /__              __\ \
        / / \ \            / / \ \
 _  _  | |  _\ \  _______ / /___|_|_  ______    ______  _   _____   _
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        \ \        \  /        / /
         \ \        \/        / /
          \ `.              ,' /
           `. `-.________,-' ,'             In the end, I couldn't save her...

 ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
            Platform:   PlayStation 3
             Version:   1.0
        Last Updated:   06/28/2012

               Email:   FAQs @ bkstunt .com
            Web Site:
       Facebook Page:

  This document is best viewed using a FIXED-WIDTH font, such as Courier New.
    If the ASCII above/below and the charts used throughout the guide look
  strange, please change your settings to display text in a FIXED-WIDTH font.
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            _|  |_   N V E R S I O N
O==<                          Table of Contents                           >==O

   Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section.


 - Introduction......................................................[INV-INT]
 - Controls..........................................................[INV-CON]
 - Tips and Tricks...................................................[INV-TIP]


 - Prologue: Inversion.................................................[INV00]
 - Chapter 1: Vanguard Down............................................[INV01]
 - Chapter 2: Caged....................................................[INV02]
 - Chapter 3: Breakout.................................................[INV03]
 - Chapter 4: Road Home................................................[INV04]
 - Chapter 5: Street Fight.............................................[INV05]
 - Chapter 6: Road to Hell.............................................[INV06]
 - Chapter 7: Edge of the World........................................[INV07]
 - Chapter 8: Into the Depths..........................................[INV08]
 - Chapter 9: Enlightenment............................................[INV09]
 - Chapter 10: Reveal..................................................[INV10]
 - Chapter 11: Red Sky.................................................[INV11]
 - Chapter 12: Deja Vanguard ..........................................[INV12]
 - Chapter 13: Reversion...............................................[INV13]


 - Trophy Information................................................[INV-TPH]
 - Version History...................................................[INV-HIS]
 - Credits...........................................................[INV-CRE]

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O==<                            Introduction                              >==O

 Hello everyone, Bkstunt here with a walkthrough for Inversion. This game was
made by Saber Interactive, who also did TimeShift and Battle: Los Angeles,
neither of which I've played. So why a guide for Inversion? Simple: there
isn't any guide anywhere for this game yet (except for video playthroughs on
YouTube, of course) and it looked like a decent game, so here we are! Well,
that and I have some days off of work...

 This game is a third-person shooter, much like Gears of War. I'm not entirely
new to these types of games, having played more than my fair share and even
wrote guides on similar types of games (like Dead Space 2). Since I've done
one or two guides in my time (or several dozen) I'm going to put my contact
info below. Feel free to check it out and come say 'Hi!' on facebook sometime!

 Anyway, I hope you enjoy the guide!

 ~ Bkstunt


Want to talk about some games!? Maybe throw out some ideas for what YOU want
to see me write about next? I made a facebook account for just that reason!

You can 'Like' me at:


I also have a website you can visit to see what other guides I've written,
as well as see upcoming projects. I've also written a TON of reviews that will
go up there (You want to play GOOD games, right?!).


So between those two sites, come on over and say 'Hi!' sometime.


First of all, let me say that my primary motivation for writing guides is,
and always will be, for the gamer. However, as I've learned by writing just
a few guides on new games, it can hit your pocket book! I wish they'd give me
these games so I could crank out great guides, but they don't! Ah, maybe one

Until then, if you've found this guide helpful please consider donating to
help me offset my costs. You can donate to my paypal account below:


Paypal ID:

Gregorio31 @ Gmail . Com

Hey, it's WAY better than paying $20 for a guide, right? Even the smallest
amount will be appreciated.


ALTERNATELY, if you shop at (who doesn't?!) you can ALSO help me
out by shopping through me! It doesn't cost you a SINGLE CENT either, which
is kick-ass. All you do is visit my webpage's donation page below:


Once you are there, you can click on the AMAZON link at the top and shop as
normal. 4% of what you buy will then be sent to me.

Please be sure to send me an email so I can thank you personally as well! Or
just send me an email to say "Thanks!" Every one of those I read makes my day!

~ Bk

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            _|  |_   N V E R S I O N
O==<                              Controls                                >==O

Here are the controls for playing Inversion.

(-NOTE-) These are the default controls. You can change them in the options
         menu. There are SEVERAL other types of controls, including Lefty,
         Southpaw, Lefty/Southpaw, FPS, FPS Lefty, FPS Southpaw, and
         FPS Lefty/Southpaw. As you can see, there are a LOT of choices!

                _,.--.,_                              _,.--.,_
               |  _____ |                            | _____  |
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             ,'    __     `.                      ,'    .,.    `.
            /     |  |      \        SONY        /     (/_\)     \
           !   __  \/  __    |                  !  ,-.  `-'  ,-.  |
           |  |__ >  < __|   !__SELECT   START__| ([ ])     ( O ) !
           !       /\        ___`-.        ,-'     `-'  ,-.  `-'  |
           |\     |__|     ,'   `. \      / ,'   `.    ( X )     /|
           | `.           /       \ |    | /       \    `-'    ,' |
           |   `-.____,-. \       / |____| \       / ,-.____,-'   |
           |           ,'\ `.___,' /      \ `.___,' /`.           |
           |          /   `-.___,-'        `-.___,-'   \          |
           \         /                                  \         /
            \       /                                    \       /
             `.__,-'                                      `-.__,'

 |                                                                        |
 | Directional Buttons: Change Weapon (all but down).                     |
 |                                                                        |
 |    Up: Sniper Zoom In                                                  |
 |                                                                        |
 |    Down: Sniper Zoom Out                                               |
 |                                                                        |
 | Left Stick: Move.                                                      |
 |                                                                        |
 | Right Stick: Look.                                                     |
 |                                                                        |
 | R3: Switch G modes.                                                    |
 |                                                                        |
 | X Button: Roll/Cover/Hold for Sprint.                                  |
 |                                                                        |
 | Circle: Melee.                                                         |
 |                                                                        |
 | Square: Use.                                                           |
 |                                                                        |
 | Triangle: Reload.                                                      |
 |                                                                        |
 | L1: Minizoom.                                                          |
 |                                                                        |
 | L2: Manipulation/Shield.                                               |
 |                                                                        |
 | R1: Fire.                                                              |
 |                                                                        |
 | R2: Gravlink.                                                          |
 |                                                                        |
 | L2 + R2: Shockwave.                                                    |
 |                                                                        |
 | Start Button: Pause menu.                                              |
 |                                                                        |
 | Select Button: Objectives.                                             |
 |                                                                        |

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O==<                           Tips and Tricks                            >==O

 Here you can find a variety of tips and tricks which will undoubtedly help
you as you progress through the game. Have a good tip? Send it to me and it
may well end up here.

 o Use your gravity powers when you want! There are usually LOTS of places
   to refill them. No point in not using them!

 o The glowing spots on the ground will refill your gravity powers!

 o Remember that you can pick up boss weapons!

 o Let your partner Leo be a distraction! You can often flank enemies or
   get ideal angle shots when they are focusing on him!

 o Learn how to bait enemies (especially enemy snipers) into firing by
   popping out and back into cover.

 o Become familiar with moving around in Zero-G zones.

 o When Gravity Clouds are around, attacks can come from ANYWHERE.

 o The high-gravity shield should be used. A lot.

 o Finishing moves are VERY handy. Use them by pressing circle near a downed
   high-grav enemy or low-grav (float) an enemy, tether them, and then use
   circle to finish them off!

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O==<                         Prologue: Inversion                          >==O

   - Life often makes us regret things we've done and things we haven't. We
     often desire about going back in time to fix everything when it's too
     late. All that's left now are memories...

(-NOTE-) This guide was written while playing "Normal Gravity" Difficulty.

 The game starts out with Davis telling his story. Listen in and you'll soon
come to a flash-back of Davis on some battlements controlling a turret. This
part is merely a warm up as you are in no danger here and have unlimited ammo:
simply kill the foes in front of you. You'll get to see first hand the game's
destructible environments as you blow the enemies out of cover. You'll also
get to see the gravity power as a nearby soldier will use it to pull foes
out of cover making them easier to shoot!

 After that flashback you'll hear more story and will soon be in another
flashback. Here, get behind cover by pressing ' X ' and you'll soon see how
gravity can change in this game! After you find yourself on the wall, take
aim and kill the two foes in front of you; one to your left and one to your
right. Davis will finish his current story while the game wraps up this future
predicament Davis finds himself in and starts the story from the beginning.

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O==<                       Chapter 1: Vanguard Down                       >==O

   - You leave Vanguard PD and head home where Leila is waiting. Today marks
     the beginning of the end. Everything will be turned upside down.

 Ah, time to start! Davis and his partner Leo will have a scene where Davis
wants to head home to give Leila her present early. Watch the scenes until
chaos erupts and the game gives you your first objective:

 o Objective: The unknown invaders are ravaging the streets. Investigate and
              eliminate the threat.

(-NOTE-) My objectives are the "Current Objective" since the game re-words the
         "New Objectives" that you receive. Throughout the guide I'll often
         use one or the other.

 You'll see a scene where an unknown foe just brutally murders a civilian.
Davis and Leo spread out a bit and try to tell the man to drop his weapon and
raise his hands (being police and all...). The man replies by shooting at you
of course! You'll be behind a car here and have a shotgun. Use ' L ' to pop
out and aim at the man and take him out. Now more civilians will run towards
you with enemies mixed in. Try not to shoot any civilians while killing the
foes that show up. It's pretty easy with the shotgun and should only take
one shot each.

 Move onward and Davis will mention calling HQ to see if this is city wide or
not (which we KNOW it is). You'll get to face 3-4 more foes now coming in from
your front. Use the cars as cover here. Also, you now have a machine gun from
your dead enemy, so use the directional buttons to switch weapons if you wish.
After taking them out Davis will mention his nearby apartment where he can
check on his family and call HQ from, but Leo soon finds that gravity itself
is messed up! Watch the scene (entertaining!) and you'll soon have a new

 o Objective: The city streets are devastated. Reach the apartment and call
              HQ for backup.

 Head forward and you'll see civilians come in from the left followed by three
enemies. There is some convenient cover you can use here as well. Get behind
it and take the enemies out (the ground also shakes when the enemies come out
so you can't just slaughter them). Head around the park with Leo and more foes
will show up on the ground and above you on the second level of the building.
There is a ton of cover here, so pick a spot and start picking the enemies
off. If the ground shakes you may have to get behind cover again otherwise
you'll be out in the open.

 Continue on to see a scene and break into a parking garage. You'll face two
more foes here but can easily get to the right and take them out from an angle.
More foes will show up from the stairs. Stay behind the column (I just stand
behind it, not pressed against it) and take them out. There are also two
cache's of ammunition in the corners down here. Head up the stairs but before
going into the room Leo is near whip out your shotgun. In here you'll find
yourself close to a foe after the man on the floor dies. The game tells you
to use ' O ' for a melee attack, which is a good idea. After knocking the foe
to death (it should take two hits), two more enemies appear further in.

 The walls here provide NO cover, so it's best to rush these foes. Use hip
shots from your shotgun as you rush them and melee them when you're close if
they are still alive. Continue on and when you reach the baby stroller the
ground will give way and an enemy will be on the ceiling! Quickly kill him and
turn around to have a man burst through a door on fire (I put him out of his
misery). Continue on and kill an enemy at the stairs. From here, just continue
on and watch the scenes that play out until the chapter is over.

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O==<                           Chapter 2: Caged                           >==O

   - Vanguard City is being ravaged by brutal and bloodthirsty invaders.
     Everything is falling apart and large areas are floating in the air.
     You've been captured by invading forces; plan your escape and find Leila.

 It's been one day since we were captured. Out in the wastelands somewhere
Davis and Leo are taken along with other prisoners to a camp. Once you regain
control you'll have a new objective:

 o Objective: You've been herded into a prison camp. Do what the invaders say
              and try to survive.

 Just walk forward here (you WILL be stabbed to death if you try to wander
off, trust me!). After a rather short walk and seeing what this place is like
you'll end up in a cell. From here watch the scenes and before you know it
35 days will have passed. Davis and Leo will learn the invaders are called
Lutadores and they'll also learn a resistance movement is still active as well
as someplace children may have been taken to. The guards will come for Davis
and Leo before any more information can be shared though, giving you another

 o Objective: Use this opportunity to find an escape route before they take
              you back to the prison cell.

 Follow after Leo and watch when Leo stops to see a Lutadore use a gravity
device. After heading down into the earth, Leo and Davis will be given two
gravity devices as well and be forced past a gate and shut in. New objective!

 o Objective: You were given a special device that controls gravity and sent
              into the tunnels. Use the device to protect yourself.

 No other choice here but to keep going. You'll see some junk in your way as
you go, so use the Gravlink to lift it up ( ' R2 ' ). Take the right path now
and the bridge will fall. Do like the game says and use ' R3 ' to switch to
HIGH GRAVITY mode and shoot the beam above the gap to make it fall down. You
can now cross the gap (press square) and see a Lutadore die while doing it!
Cross the beam (pressing square if you fall and using the right stick for
balance) and wait for Leo to do so as well. Now, you can take the left path
here to find charge packs for your Gravlink but then go back to the chain link
fence and have Leo boost you over.

 Continue on and some weird stuff will go on below you. Further in you will
learn how to use gravity to break barriers. Simply use low gravity to lift up
the barrels, then ' L2 ' to grab a barrel and throw it. Use this ability to get
through either of the paths (it doesn't matter: they both continue onwards).
Stock up on Gravlink Canisters when you can and you'll come to a scene. Looks
like some Lutadores are shooting at us. Huh, wonder why. Hide behind the cover
and wait until Leo uses low gravity to pick up the barrels. Grab them and chuck
them at the enemies until they die. Also, chuck them at the giant bolder as
well to create a path upwards for yourself! Have Leo boost you up to see you
are at the beginning of this area, but with the giant boulder gone you can
continue in even further!

 Davis and Leo will arm themselves as they go. Continue on and grab some
Gravlink recharges in the red cubby hole and use the barrels outside to break
the barrier nearby. Jump down and load up on ammo down here. You'll need it
soon as a boss shows up!

 - BOSS FIGHT: Unknown Robot

    This robot can fly and has a laser sight on it as well. With it's flying
    power, it'll stay in the middle and try to shoot down at you. Find some
    high cover to avoid him. The absolute BEST way to kill this guy is to find
    some EXPLOSIVE BARRELS (they are scattered throughout the area) and use
    low gravity on them. Then grab them and throw them at the robot, followed
    by some shooting to REALLY hurt it. Do this a couple of times and you'll
    win this fight easy.

 After the fight half a dozen Lutadores will come in, including one of their
leaders. Davis and Leo will give up again and be taken back to their cell while
some of the Lutadores examine the hole the robot made. This will also end this

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O==<                         Chapter 3: Breakout                          >==O

   - They say that every problem has a solution; and hopefully every prison
     has an escape path. The hole made by the Securitybot may lead outside
     the camp. Keep your eyes open: the camp is heavily guarded - escape will
     not be easy.

 Back in the cells, the soldier brought in earlier will tell you of a plan to
get you and Leo out of here. He'll give you something to pick the lock with and
then wait until night falls. He'll then distract the guard and get himself
taken out of the cell, removing the guard from the area and giving you an

 o Objective: Leave the prison cell and find a way out of the building.
              You've got to stay quiet.

 Go ahead and pick the lock. Davis is in bad shape as the screen will suggest
as it moves and turns red. Continue to the left and ahead as Leo finds the
window unlocked and gets out, helping you out as well. Out here you have
another new objective:

 o Objective: Make your way to the shaft and be quiet, the guards don't need
              to know you've escaped.

 Shimmy to the right after Leo. At the end, hold UP on the left stick and
hold 'X' to run into cover after Leo. Shimmy to the left now and a slave will
run inside the building and meet his end (I thought they caught me when I
heard that!). At the end hold left and hit X to move into new cover spots,
then keep following Leo before a guard comes and examines where you were.
Up the hill you'll see a spotlight comb the ground. Sprint to the railroad
boxes when Leo does and use them as cover. Now, let Leo go first and watch as
he sprints onwards. WAIT as he gets into cover as the searchlight combs this
area too! Wait for the light to go away and run after him, going up the nearby

 Up here follow the catwalk and use the beam to cross the gap. Focus on keeping
your balance when the prompts show up. Past the beam Leo will give you a boost
up. Head forward until you see a scene where Leo just SAVES your ass. More
guards will come in. Well, so much for being sneaky!

 o Objective: Use your newfound weapons and fight your way through the camp.

 Kill the guards here and outside the building as well. Soon a tank will show
up! Find the corner of the building with the shotgun and grab it, then chill
back here with your machine gun, as two more enemies will bust through the
right wall soon. Use melee to take them out quickly. Go through the hole to
a wide-open space on your right. A tank will burst in here and drop off some
enemies. Leo will urge you on to the door on the right and you can use the
cable in the middle of the room for cover and ammo to get there (You can kill
enemies as well, but they keep coming so just go for the door).

 You'll see a scene now where the Lutadore leader will confront you, leading
to a (rather easy) boss battle:

 - BOSS FIGHT: Lutadore Captain

    This guy has a Gravlink but doesn't use it well. He's also HIGHLY
    susceptible to headshots, and in fact can be absolutely destroyed with
    a string of headshots in a row. He's accompanied by two other gunmen as
    well, but I'd focus on him and try to get some headshots in. He'll fall
    easily enough. Not a very hard boss fight.

 Mop up the rest of the enemies that show up afterwards, including two gunmen
who show up on the platform above you. Once you wipe them all out Davis will
collapse and another scene will start. Leo will try and find something to help
you out and will also find a gravlink to use as well, giving you both gravity

 Collect the ammo here once you have control (you can go back into the boss
room for more ammo as well). Break down the door to continue and head onward
toward the pit. You'll have to battle 4-5 enemies to get to the elevator, but
you can surprise them and kill one easily. The game also encourages you to use
low gravity to lift enemies out of cover, which is an EXCELLENT idea as this
lets you kill them much easier! Beware though, they can still fire at you.
Use low gravity to finish the enemies off and get on the elevator and use the
lever in it to head down.

 o Objective: The hole opened by the Securitybot may prove to be an
              excellent escape route.

 You'll be shot at on  your way down, but just ignore it and at the bottom
kill the two guards that you find. Head onward and kill the single guard in
the distance. As you carry on two more foes will break through from the right
opening we took earlier. It's easy to gravity both of them and kill them when
you know they are coming. Continue on forward and take out two more guards,
using gravity if you wish. You'll get to the hole where the Securitybot came
out of and from here scenes will take over.

 Watch the scenes as the chapter ends...

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O==<                         Chapter 4: Road Home                         >==O

   - The plan was perfect and you escaped from the prison camp. Now your
     destination lies in a ravaged Vanguard City. Stay away from massive
     zero-gravity zones and try not to draw the invaders' attention.

 Well, Vanguard City is not very recognizable anymore, but we still must do
out best to search for Leila.

 o Objective: Vanguard City has been devastated. Navigate through the city
              streets and reach the apartment.

 Continue on and a bit into the city a section of it will start to lose
gravity while Leo and Davis wonder how this can be happening. Go up the hill
on the right until a scene shows some soldiers patrolling. Guess there IS
some resistance left. Once you regain control, blast them both with low grav
and kill them. Bust down the door on the right now (you can find shotgun ammo
in the body room on the left) and go down to a playground. Some humans will
run away down here. Davis doesn't seem too concerned with them...

 To the left is a ramp, but it has a bunch of junk on it. Use your gravlink to
clear it so we can proceed. At the top, t he game will tell you about the
gravlink shockwave ( 'L2 + R2' ), so try it out on the next enemy you see to
learn of its potential (quite handy!). Enter the door the enemy came from and
bust down the door on the right. You'll be in a toystore here, with a new

 o Objective: The Lutadores have been waiting for you in the toy shop.
              Survive and keep moving.

 Just like the objective states, this is a mini-ambush. Enemies will keep
coming in from the street until you've killed off 6-7 of them. The nearby
column is a good place to hide and will offer enough support to protect you,
so use it and pick the enemies off. Leo will help out a ton by using low grav
to flush many of them out of cover. With one left, I'd also rush and stab him
to death.

 After you've survived pick up nearby ammo and head outside. Another scene
will take place. Once you regain control you'll be behind a car with a sniper
in the distance shooting at you. Here you MUST either quickly kill the sniper
(a grav blast helps) or move as the car can easily be shot, caught on fire,
and explode. Once he's dead another foe will come in on the roofs from the
right, so take him out as well to survive the ambush.

 To continue on we must get up where the sniper was. There's a few ways you
can do it, so head down either road and head UP. You can also find and swap
out one of your weapon slots for the sniper rifle if you wish. The catwalk
where the sniper was should have one as well as another higher perch to its
right (or left, depending how you look at it, but its a higher dead end).
Head past the sniper position to see a scene. Looks like the Lutadores are
keeping a ton of fuel nearby, giving us another objective:

 o Objective: This is where the Lutadores keep fuel for transportation.
              Destroy the supply and keep moving.

 You have the jump on two Lutadores down below. I'd suggest shooting the
barrels nearby, which will explode shortly after catching on fire. Shoot two
or three and they will cause a chain reaction. Two more foes will show up on
some rooftops nearby, so take them out as well. Continue down the stairs (there
is some sniper ammo down the short right path) and soon three more enemies will
come out to play. One of them has a gravlink, can can blast you out of cover if
you aren't careful. The other two hang WAY back with machine guns. Take out the
gravlink guy ASAP and use the sniper rifle if you still have it to deal with
the last two guys to finish the fuel depot objective.

 Further in is a gate you'll have to lift with Leo. Get past it and you can go
either left for some sniper ammo or right to continue. You'll see another short
scene and afterwards you and Leo can jump two enemies. Shoot them in the back
and mop up two more enemies that appear above you before continuing. You'll
soon have a choice of going left or straight. Head LEFT first to find a
.: GRAVLINK ENERGY BOOST :. out on a patio. Very nice! Head back and go forward
now to see a scene where one of those drill things comes out of the ground!

 o Objective: Coming from underground, the Lutadores infiltrate a local
              market. Take out the drill machine and enemies.

 Well, our first priority should be the drill machine. As you regain control
you will be given a grenade. 2 + 2 = BOOM! Throw the grenade next to the
drill machine and watch it blow up. This will leave you with four enemies or
so to mop up, so stay in cover and watch out for grenades. Use low grav if
two or more group up together!

 After you are done, you can get behind the drill to continue. Carry on until
you and Leo get past a wall. Walk a little further and soon the entire road
will buckle!

 o Objective: Traverse the Zero Gravity zone.

 This is your first instance of being in a zero-gravity zone, as you are now
floating along with a bunch of debris. Get used to the camera and aiming in
this mode (not too hard, reminds me a lot of the space segments in Dead Space)
and find the nearest chunk of road. Note that you can use 'X' to use the
gravlink and pull yourself to it. Now, from here find the next piece of road
and use 'L' and 'X' to fling yourself to it. You can also use 'L' backwards
and 'X' to do a backflip back into zero-gravity easily.

 Continue forward past the fountain to the building beyond. Continue in here
and you'll soon reach your apartment, triggering a scene. As you may have
guessed, there is not much hope her, but as hard as it is Davis still hangs
on. Soon Leo will mention fighting in the street, giving you a new objective:

 o Objective: You've got to reach the balcony and see who's fighting in
              the street.

 Follow Leo down an apartment level and to the left, grabbing the sniper
rifle as you go. Stay on the far right now and for THIS section of the game
you will merely be a killing machine. The Lutadores advance down the street
from left to right and won't notice you, so take them out. You don't HAVE to
use the sniper rifle as Leo will stick with low grav bombs and his machine
gun, but it helps.

 After killing a few enemies, the game will show enemy snipers across the
street that you'll be forced to focus on. Whip out your sniper rifle and kill
the single sniper across the street. Note that you can pop out of cover for a
few seconds and he'll often try to shoot at you (this is called BAITING him!).
Take him out and another sniper will appear to the left. This guy is alone
as well, so do the same thing to take him out too. Now TWO snipers will show
up. Bait them into attacking and take one out at a time (as if you could do
anything else).

 Once they are dead a scene will play showing a heavily armored unit just
MOWING down troops:

 o Objective: The gang of fighters are no match for the heavily armored
              Lutadore. Find a way to defeat him.

 This will of course lead to a boss battle: 

 - BOSS FIGHT: Behemoth

    Like most fights, this one is much easier with overwhelming firepower.
    Jump down into the street and get behind the big column in front of you
    and you'll get a grenade, which should tell you what to do. Throw the
    grenade at the Behemoth and it will take a chunk of his life out AND make
    him stunned, giving you a chance to shoot him. He has a weak spot in his
    abdominal area where you can see the armor doesn't quite cover. You can
    find two more grenades to your left behind the car, but use the column for
    cover and repeat your grenade attack to win. Leo will help out with some
    grenades as well.

 After killing the boss, wipe out whatever ground troops are left (likely not
any more than a soldier or two) and you'll see a scene where Davis will learn
even more about the Lutadores. This will also end the chapter.

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O==<                       Chapter 5: Street Fight                        >==O

   - Deeper and deeper into the city, full of debris, torn to pieces,
     gloating in the air, swarming with enemies. This isn't Vanguard City
     anymore, it's hostile territory. Luckily, your new squadmates are
     around to cover your back.

 With two new squadmates and a plan of sorts Davis and Leo will head deeper
into the city. Once you regain control you'll have a new objective:

 o Objective: Be on guard as Banks and Harrison guide you through the city.

 Head forwards while the new guys guard you, but have your grenades out ahead
of time. Soon enough TWO drills will burst out of the ground up ahead, one on
the left and one on the right. The left one destroys a side of the building
too! Ha! When you can (after the debris falls) chuck a grenade at each drill.
The rest is just mop-up but soon an APC arrives. You CANNOT win this fight, so
drop what you're doing and go into the alleyway on the right.

 Head to the very back and take up a defensive position. Ground troops will
show up so the four of you should take them out, but above you on a walkway
two more enemies will show up. There is a barrel up here you should shoot to
make the walkway explode! After fighting them off for a bit the APC will show
up but Harrison will find a door on the right the four of you can escape under
just in the nick of time.

 Head inward and get a boost from Leo up to a higher floor. Up here I highly
recommend grabbing the shotgun before busting down the door. As Leo will tell
you, they are on the other side of the door, so bust it down when you're ready
and start taking them out. More will come in, so stay behind cover. Low grav
in an area like this can REALLY help, but just don't rush this area and you'll
be fine. They aren't all dead until the music stops playing as at the end of
the room another big foe will burst down a door, so be ready for him.

 After they are all dead a scene will play showing some dead civilians. Very
touching. Head down the stairs where you'll encounter more enemies. Time for
a plan:

 o Objective: Flank the gunner's nest and clear the path for Banks and
              Harrison while they're holding off the enemy.

 Ok, the plan is to run across the street and into the hole in the building,
where the marker is. This gets us out of the way of machine gun fire, but now
we must kill four enemies in front of us. The shotgun is great here. Use the
cover that you can and kill off the two close enemies. Switch to the machine
gun for the two enemies in back and use low grav if you wish as they have
pretty good cover. With them dead you can turn to the left and wipe out the
machine gun nest.

 Once the nest is clear, jump down and use the mounted machine gun to take out
the remaining foes. More foes will show up. What you want to do here is to take
out the buildings columns to make it collapse, ideally waiting until the
enemies are on top of or underneath it. Keep having fun shooting the foes and
a Behemoth will show up, but he is NO match for your machine gun so let him
have it. A lot easier this time, no?

 After the slaughter, get off the gun and continue on. Note that you can grab
the Behemoth's weapon as well, which I'd recommend as it is a SWEET gun. A new
scene will play and you'll finally break up from Banks and Harrison to go scout
out an office building:

 o Objective: Infiltrate the headquarters and try to get necessary information
              about Camp T'Kal.

 Take the left road now and jump down. The building in the distance will just
utterly collapse with enemies running your way. However, gravity will give way
as well, but while you are floating do your best to kill the closest enemies.
Soon gravity will re-establish itself but you'll end up on the wall instead
of the ground. Use the signs for cover here if you need to and kill the
enemies. Continue down and around the corner to find a gravity cloud on the

 Gravity Clouds allow you to change vectors. In other words, you'll go from
the wall to the ground, or some other nearby plane. Use this one to get to
the ground and continue. Kill an enemy on the right and go up the stairs (if
you want a shotgun, there's one in the store at the end of the patio). Head
up the stairs and break down the door. Further in on the right is an enemy,
so blow him to gibs and grab the nearby sniper rifle. Head out to the glass
wall and we'll now have to deal with a mix of sniper and ground forces. Try
and focus on the snipers to protect yourself from spike damage. After you kill
the close one down below, more will show up including one WAY high up on the
skyscraper rooftop. If the ground troops get TOO annoying, chuck a grenade
their way or use some low grav, but don't let the snipers get you. Take them
out asap and use the three different cover areas to help you as they can get
blown up pretty easily.

 Once the enemies are dead continue on down the stairs and the ladder you
find. Use it to jump to a wall where you'll fight two enemies on the left.
Kill them off and use the cable to get across. Use the next two gravity clouds
to get to the ground and continue on to find a group of Lutadores... praying?

 Watch the scene and soon it's boss time (with an objective, of course):

 o Objective: The Lutadore Captain entered a Butcher suit. Keep him alive
              for questioning.

 - BOSS FIGHT: The Butcher

    This guy is a beast! Not only does he have a gatling gun for a primary
    weapon (which rips cover to shreds in a hurry) but he can also spit out
    half a dozen grenades all over the area. As you may guess, bullets don't
    do an awful lot here, so we're going to have to rely on grenades. Throw
    what you have at him and run if he blows up your cover or puts grenades
    all around you.

    The arena has tons of grenade pick ups. Just keep pelting him with those
    grenades until the mech is immobile. At THIS point you need to run up
    behind him and use SQUARE to have Davis put a grenade in the cockpit.
    This will change the fight dramatically. No more grenades or gattling gun
    but he will continue to pick up and throw cars at you. However, his face
    is now exposed allowing you to shoot it. Throw any more grenades you have
    and then aim for his face until you defeat them.

 With him defeated Davis will question him and learn of a camp on the east
edge and some prophet. They also take a Gravlink Enhancement stick, powering
up your GRAVLINK! Sweet. From here comb the area for any more ammo pickups
and head to the corner with the flashing red light to get out. Out here you
will need to use low grav and throw a barrel at the barricade in front of you
(as we can throw things once more!). Once you do you'll see a fence in front
of you. Use low grav again and throw a barrel at some boards holding up some
iron cylinders to your right to tear down the fence.

 Now, BEFORE going through the door, look at the room on the left. See the
Gravlink Energy box out there? Use low-grav to float everything over there
and chances are a bunch of barrels will be in your way. Grab them and get
rid of them until you can grab the .: GRAVLINK ENERGY :. and power up your
energy bar once again.

 Head out the door with Leo and he won't be able to radio anyone. Damn.
Get ready for a zero-G zone. Jump off the ledge in this area to make your
way into it. From here, grab a floating chunk of stone with L2 and use it
to break down the planked-up wall. Float on over there and you'll have to
fight off three enemies. It's kinda weird to fight in zero-G but remember
you can aim and hide behind whatever you're grabbing. I often just float and
pick people off when there's not a LOT of them. Once you've killed them keep
following the highlighted path inward and to the left to another room. A few
more jump and soon you'll reach solid ground (these jumps can be tricky, but
getting your reticle on the next big piece of floating platform is key!).

 At the end you will get a boost from Leo and the chapter will be over.

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O==<                       Chapter 6: Road to Hell                        >==O

   - The new Vanguard City is an intricate maze of gravity planes distorted
     by some large-scale gravitational weapon. Enemies outposts have been
     setup throughout the city so your way out won't be easy.

 Our duo make their way up to the roof and FINALLY contact Banks. He advises
he'll meet them at the square:

 o Objective: Make your way down to the street and help Banks' squad to break
              through enemy defenses.

 Carry on past a boost point and watch the bus fall after you climb up. You
can now either go up the ladder to the right or jump down to the left. Take
the left path (they both meet up) and kill the enemies on the skyway to your
left (shoot the explosive barrel!). After that go down and head up the stairs
to where they were. More enemies will show up, so take them out, followed by
two enemies on the building to the right. Jump past the gap in the skyway and
continue on using the zipline as you get to the ground.

 Once you do, get ready for Lutadores to come at your from straight ahead.
They'll use the gravity cloud to get down to you. Kill all four of them (use
the exploding barrels) and then get up to that gravity cloud to continue.
You'll have to face three more foes once the area opens up on the left, so
take them out but beware of two more enemies further away on the other
building in the distance. They'll be above you and one has a sniper rifle.
After dealing with them use the next gravity cloud to carry on to the "ceiling"
and you'll hear more enemies. Go find them and jump them. Carry on and you'll
kill another enemy in the back.

 You'll be able to see the fight down in the streets now. To get down there,
head through the right wall and find a gravity cloud to get you right-side up.
Now head through the building and you'll meet up with none other than
Fitzgerald who will tell you how he escaped (very vaguely). A scene will now
play where Banks will give you a new objective.

 o Objective: Use a rocket launcher to neutralize the gunner and make your way
              to the mortar.

 You'll now have a rocket launcher! Yea! Take out the enemies directly in front
of you (with your REGULAR guns) to make a little breathing room. Now, we need
more than the one shot we were given. Go ahead and use the one shot you have
(since we can only HOLD one shot at a time) and then go back to Banks. See the
bus behind you? Behind it is another rocket launcher. Grab it and than run up
the left side of the area. Here you can get a good bead on the turret and hit
it again and there will be another rocket launcher nearby to hit it another
time. Now, go back and around the corner towards the plaza to find another
rocket launcher. Hit it with THIS to destroy it.

 With the turret down, a Behemoth will show up. Hit him with a grenade and
quickly switch weapons to shoot his un-armored portion. Do that twice with
Leo's help and he should fall, giving you a sweet gun and access to the

 Head inside and lift up the door you find. Carry on to a zero-G zone. This
zero-G path is very straight-forward, but you will find 2-3 enemies to fight.
They are ZERO match against the Behemoth weapon. Continue on and the goal will
be to your left, guarded by an enemy. Take him out and get over there. Follow
the path and you'll find the mortar. Take out the 3 enemies guarding it and
then pick up the two rocket launchers on the platform you're on and destroy
the thing (or just throw explosive barrels at it).

 Once it's down you can use the billboard nearby to get down to where it was
and back to the street (getting done with the 'so easy I didn't add it "Get
back to the APC" objective'). We'll now have to protect the APC as we head to
Camp T'Kal:

 o Objective: Banks and his men are planning to reach Camp T'Kal. You need
              to help them fight their way through the city.

 Unlike most escort missions in video games, this one is fairly enjoyable!
The BIG threats here are above you, on the catwalks, where RPG enemies will
show up. Thankfully the APC can take a hit, but still kill them when you can.
As you go on a drill will also show up, so be sure to have a grenade ready for
it. And finally, an enemy behind a giant shield will show up so try and shoot
him from an angle.

 After surviving those foes, a scene will show you gaining another Gravlink
enhancement, allowing you to pick up and throw cars! Go ahead and practice
it by clearing a path for the APC. Continue on and further in mortar fire
will start up again. Head up to where Leo is and take cover. Groups of enemies
will now start coming in on the left. This is a PERFECT opportunity to get in
some mass murder. Wait until 3-5 enemies group up and low-grav the cars on the
left. Now, chuck them at the group. Pick off any survivors. You have three
cars here, though you shouldn't need that many.

 After that, 2-3 Behemoths and shielded foes will come in on the right. Get
over there and do the same thing, as there is another group of cars over
there. Once you have them all wiped out you'll see a scene. The APC will be
under the freeway, but we're supposed to wipe out another mortar.

 o Objective: Another Lutadore mortar threatens to collapse the overpass on
              the APC. Take it out!

 Before we do anything though, two drill machines will come out of the ground!
Grab the nearby cars and throw one at each of the machines to wipe them out.
It works MUCH better than a grenade. After that head to the left and down into
the trench area. You'll encounter a machine gun nest, but you can use the
nearby car to lift up and throw at the machine gun to destroy it!

 Have Leo lift the gate nearby and enter the building. Before going to where
the marker points, note that the left room has a ton of ammo and the center,
circular area has a Behemoth weapon (grab it!). Now continue on through a
zero-G zone. Again, this is pretty straight-forward but you'll get to shoot
up some enemies (as if it was even fair with that Behemoth weapon). Keep going
until you hit some pipes, then go UP. You'll end up in a building overlooking
the mortar. Kill all the guards and then use the two rocket-launchers in the
small building to blow the mortar to hell.

 After that you'll see a scene and the chapter will be over.

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O==<                    Chapter 7: Edge of the World                      >==O

   - To the east of the city there's a cemetery where people buried the dead
     centuries ago. That's where the APC is taking you. If what the Lutadore
     Captain said is true, the enemy Camp T'Kal must be located near that

 Well, we must be on the right track as enemy mortar fire is already gunning
for us. This will be a hard fight!

 o Objective: Surrounded by the Lutadores, your squad needs to break through
              their defenses.

 Well, this is exciting! Jumping right into a firefight! You SHOULD have some
Bemoth ammo left, which will help take out some of the ground troops easily.
Head to the right when you can and you'll see some rocket launchers near half
a building. Before using them though be sure to take out the gravity enemy
and then take out the rocket launcher enemy in the bell tower in front of you.
NOW feel free to use a rocket on the machine gun nest slightly to the left.

 With it gone you can clear out the graveyard easily. More enemies will pour
out of the church, so be ready to get a jump on them. One enemy here will have
a shield. Feel free to use that second rocket on him. Work your way to the
back of the church and before going outside you should find another rocket
launcher. Grab it. Fight your way outside and more enemies and another machine
gun nest will await you. Use your rocket to take out the nest but consider
clearing out a few enemies so you don't waste a shot. If you need it, another
rocket launcher is on the ground out here, although you need to work your way
up to it.

 After the area is clear, Banks will outline a plan. Leo, Davis and him will
head to the camp while the others cover our back and repair the APC:

 o Objective: Approach Camp T'Kal. The Lutadores might be keeping the children

 Follow Leo through the gate and into zero-G. This is a stress free trip: just
follow the other two to the end. I guess in the world of Inversion the dead
don't get buried anymore. At the end jump the gap and you'll be separated from
the other two. Oh well, grab the sniper rifle and take cover past that to see
3-4 Lutadores at a camp. Go ahead and snipe one (the gravity one) and you'll
start a firefight (Banks will be pissed). Take them out and then continue on.
See the giant beam across the canyon? At the left end of it use your low grav
to free it up. This lets Banks and Leo cross and they'll use the controls to
let you get across.

 Keep on going and you'll run into a scene. Here a surviving kid will tell
the group about the camp, and that they have hundreds of children there.
Banks will leave with Peter to take him back to the APC and help with the
repairs, leaving us to get into the camp.

 o Objective: The boy claims that the invaders took the children into the
              camp. Get into Camp T'Kal and survey the area.

 Jump down and you can take either the left or right path. I like the right
path. You'll be able to jump 3-4 enemies on a bridge. Take one out and start
a firefight with the others (the exploding barrels here didn't work for me for
some reason). Kill them and continue on underneath a bus and around to the
gate. They'll shut the gate of course and leave you to kill a few more enemies.
Head to the right with Leo once they are dead and kill a couple more. Two
enemies will appear above once you take out the ground foes, and if you wish
you can go into the little house on the right for a sniper rifle to help take
them out.

 Once you do two shielded enemies will appear. Use low grav on them (or the
rocket launchers near the gate where you were) to take them out and go into
the tunnel. Two more enemies are here for you to kill, but once you do you can
use the lever to partially open the gate.

 With that done head back and kill the guy that pops out on the right. Take
the path he opened up to a room with ammo refills and head up the ladder to
hit the next lever. This will fully open the gate. Bust down the door here
and jump down to the bridge. Have a car ready to throw though as you appoach
the gate, as two berserker enemies will come out. These guys are touch and
melee only so smush them. To your left and up above two normal enemies will
appear from windows as well, so take them out too.

 Once you're done you'll need to pick up a car and bash the gate with it three
times to get it open and into the camp, as the gate is STILL shut. Once you do
you'll have an updated objective:

 o Objective: There is no way back now. You need to get through the enemy camp
              and reach the shaft.

 Head inwards and in the first building a Berserker will charge you. Focus on
him (you can drop him if you do) and reload, then kill the last two enemies.
Bust your way into another building and in the back are a LOT of grav recharges
so stock up. Head outside for a scene.

 You'll now be facing a Behemoth (I don't consider these guys bosses anymore).
QUICKLY get behind the crates. Scattered around are explosive tanks you should
grab and chuck at him. It'll take two to bring him down, but after that you'll
be save. Grab his gun and continue on, past some freaky bodies. Make your way
down to the prisons and you'll see and hear some REAL freaky shit. Head to the
arena to start your next boss battle:

 - BOSS FIGHT: Slave Driver

    Time to kill the fat guy. First of all, notice that he has a shield.
    This protects him from damage, so save your bullets. It will drop from
    time to time as he attacks. His attacks consists of an energy whip that
    he'll lash at you when you get close. He will also call out a ton of
    slaves armed with pickaxes and shovels to come after you.

    Our strategy here is to stay AWAY from him and take out the slaves as they
    come. This will often cause him to use his HIGH grav to try and slam us
    down. Get out of the way of the shot and wait for his shield to drop and
    then shoot the hell out of him. And that's all there is to this fight! If
    he DOES hit you with high grav, you'll be stuck to the ground but you can
    still shoot, so protect yourself. There are also explosive barrels around
    the arena you can use to hurt him as well.

 Once the fight is over, you will have high grav powers! With these you can
shoot the counter-weights on the gate to continue on. You can also use L2 to
make a shield for yourself, which helps in tough spots, and like we learned
once before we can switch powers with R3.

 Continue down the tunnel and kill the berserker. Get to the lever on the
platform and cross the canyon. You'll see a scene here where Davis and Leo
head further down and then the chapter will end.

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O==<                      Chapter 8: Into the Depths                      >==O

   - Near the camp you've discovered a massive zero gravity fissure. Do the
     Lutadores have advanced technology to hollow out the earth? Make your
     way down and search for traces of Leila and the "station".

 What an escape! We'll end up in the zero gravity zone though:

 o Objective: You need to get out of the zero gravity zone.

 You'll start out floating. If you wish, you can just follow Leo to solid
ground. It's a pretty straight forward path, onwards and up to the right to
a platform where you'll see a scene and some enemies (and get a new objective
as well):

 o Objective: Make your way through the shaft and locate the path leading

 Go ahead and kill the two enemies to your left but note that will make some
snipers in the area target you. Take cover and roll to the right behind the
railroad car. We need to get closer, so push it forward until you can kill
them all. Once you do more enemies will show up up the ramp to the left. I
recommend using the barrels now to chuck at them.

 Head up the ramp and jump down to the platform. Here you'll see a scene with
enemies coming out of the pit. Time for a firefight. Grenades and low grav
will help out, as will Leo and his gravity play. There are more enemies to the
right too. After killing about 8 enemies you will need to use HIGH GRAV to
make a railroad car on the right fall down, allowing you to get to the platform
beyond. Pull a lever here to get it moving.

 You'll now have to endure a shootout until the car reaches its destination.
This is pretty easy as you have indestructible cover but at one point an enemy
with an RPG will show up. You will be shown him and you must take him out. You
can do it easily by shooting the fuel barrel on the walkway he's on. Other
then that, stay in cover and shoot to kill (if you wish). At the end you'll
see a scene. A wide open area stands between you and progress with a machine
gun nest in the way:

 o Objective: Flank the gunner and take him out.

 You need to use HIGH GRAV here to brink down the railroad cars above you
and create cover. Also note that there is a .: GRAVLINK POWERUP :. on the
left hand side of this area you can grab next to cover. Shoot all the
railroad cars down to progress and then run to the right of the machine gun
nest. Now, use LOW grav to chuck some barrels at the base of the nest and
uncover some fuel barrels. Shoot those to blow it to hell!

 You can continue on to the left now. You'll get a close up look of some
gravity pads down here and you can go either left or right. Right is a dead
end but does have a sniper rifle if you want one (a better sniper rifle, I
might add, with better optics). Take the left path and get a boost from Leo
to get split up...

 Head inwards a bit to see Leo is in trouble!

 o Objective: Provide Leo with cover fire.

 This part is just plain fun. Get on the machine gun and kick ass. This isn't
very hard, but focus on snipers and the one rocket launcher guy that shows up
on the upper left. After awhile, Leo will send up a crane for you. He's the
most vulnerable at this point, so keep shooting. Get on the crane when its
clear and hit the lever to go down. You'll need to shoot four slave enemies as
you go, but that shouldn't be hard. If they get close to Leo just low grav

 As you two regroup, another slave driver will show up:

 o Objective: Defeat the Slave Driver

 - BOSS FIGHT: Slave Driver

    Time to kill the fat guy. First of all, notice that he has a shield.
    This protects him from damage, so save your bullets. It will drop from
    time to time as he attacks. His attacks consists of an energy whip that
    he'll lash at you when you get close. He will also call out a ton of
    slaves armed with pickaxes and shovels to come after you. Of important
    note in THIS fight is that some of the slaves are strapped with explosives
    so take THEM out ASAP.

    Our strategy here is to stay AWAY from him and take out the slaves as they
    come. This will often cause him to use his HIGH grav to try and slam us
    down. Get out of the way of the shot and wait for his shield to drop and
    then shoot the hell out of him. And that's all there is to this fight! If
    he DOES hit you with high grav, you'll be stuck to the ground but you can
    still shoot, so protect yourself. Yes, this is the same exact strategy as
    before. With the exception of the explosive slaves and no fuel barrels,
    you will defeat him the same way.

 Once he is dead go ahead and take the elevator he used downwards. Be careful
though as an ambush is waiting for you! I'd recommend putting up a shield and
killing the two guards quickly, because if you let them live they'll just
release more slaves. If you kill the two guards quickly you can expect to kill
two more exploding slaves, but then you can continue on to a zero-gravity zone.

 You now have to find a way out of the zone. Continue on and soon you'll see
a new enemy called a Lurker. These things are melee only, so shoot the first
one before it gets close. When they DO get in close they will slash at you and
grab you. If they grab you look at the lower middle of the screen and press the
button that pops up to escape (the button is random, but it'll be a face button
no doubt). If you MISS it is instant death. Kill the four lurkers that come at
you and move on. Near the tunnel you'll get a new objective and will need to
kill four more lurkers (retreat if you must).

 o Objective: Keep moving through the tunnel and locate the Lutadore
              "station" which could provide clues to where the children are.

 As you head into the tunnel (with no lurkers at your back, right?) you will
begin to face normal enemies again. Move forward slowly and kill them. Keep
following the tunnel rings and moving from cover to cover taking out enemies.
Soon you'll be in a covered area. Here in the distance an enemy with an RPG
will show up, so be extra careful.

 Continue on and you'll enter a more advanced area. Here you'll see a fight
between the Lutadores and the machines...

 o Objective: Defeat both groups of enemies.

 Personally, I say let them fight it out for a bit. If you do interfere, I'd
let the Lutadores win. The security bot is best taken out with a rocket
launcher, which you can find in the inner area, so use them if you need to.
Once both groups are dead, continue on and enter an elevator to the left
that you'll find. This ends this chapter.

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O==<                       Chapter 9: Enlightenment                       >==O

   - At the bottom you find a way to go deeper - where enemies more powerful
     than the Lutadores exist. Keep moving and maybe you'll figure out where
     the Lutadores are coming from.

 o Objective: Recon the station and try to find any traces of children.

 Wow, this place looks awesome! Grab the ammo in the immediate area and head
down. You'll soon see a scene and will have to fight. Go figure... Try and
kill at least one foe before you dive for cover. Kill the other two and then
some slaves will bum-rush you. More ground troops will come out followed by
5-6 slaves after they are dead! You'll hear a new objective soon:

 o Objective: The shuttle is the only way out. You need to reach it before
              it departs.

 Head to the back of the area and grab a rocket launcher. Head to the marker
now to see a scene. Time to take on the Butcher again.

 - BOSS FIGHT: The Butcher

    Well, he's just as deadly as before. Still has a gattling gun and can
    spew grenades everywhere. He likes to low grav and pick up the BIG fuel
    containers in the area as well. Also, he only has the one form this time.

    There's a number of ways to damage this guy and we need to do the vast
    majority of them. The first thing that I would do is to low grav the BIG
    fuel dispensers in the area and chuck them at him. This deprives him of
    them and hurts him. Next, I would run around the area and grab the rocket
    launchers and launch them into him. There should be 3-4, depending on if
    you brought one or not. The finishing touch would be to HIGH GRAV the
    cars from above. You can crash these things into him for instant damage
    but you can also drop them and low grav them to use as chucking toys.
    You could also use some grenades to hurt him, but chucking cars is just
    as easy.

 With the beast dead carry on. The exit is in a corner. Get ready, because
you are dropping down into another boss fight. 

 - BOSS FIGHT: Slave Driver

    Yet another fat guy to kill. This fight is pretty much the same as the
    last two. The big exception here is the hole in the middle of the floor
    and the new lightning gun you can pick up from the glowing platform.
    This gun is fast-firing, so hold down the trigger if you want to use it.
    I didn't find it extremely powerful, but it works.

    Wait for the slaves to die and the slave driver to shoot his high grav
    before countering. You can (and should) use the fuel barrels once his
    shield is gone to hurt him (it only takes three barrels). The real threats
    this time around are the DYNAMITE SLAVES and the single ground troop with
    a machine gun that appears after you hurt the slave driver. Take care of
    the dynamite troops first and foremost, kill the occasional ground troop,
    and stay away from the slave driver's lash.

 Once he is dead, pick up the .: GRAVITON ENERGY BOOST :. he drops. Sweet.
Continue on and you'll see the train platform. Looks like we got 10 minutes.
It's guarded by two turrets though. When you regain control, use high grav
to pull down railroad cars from above to make a path to the right. Over here
we can make our stand turret free. Stay back here and kill enemies as they
show up. They'll come in from the left, then the right, then the left. Keep
your cool and shoot them as they jump down. A shield isn't a bad idea either.

 After they are dead, high grav the drill above the walkway. This makes a ramp
up to the turret area, where many more enemies await. Throw a grenade here to
clear out the area and mop up. When they are dead and you get near the turret
a scene will occur. Time for you and Leo to hold off the reinforcements with
the two turrets!

 This section is just plain fun. I mean, all you do is gib enemies for two
minutes straight. They will come from all three directions, so just pay
attention here and have fun.

 At the end you'll see a scene of our two heroes getting on the train,
which also ends this chapter.

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O==<                          Chapter 10: Reveal                          >==O

   - The "station" appeared to be a vast underground area that serves as a
     transfer point between Vanguard and some other place where the Lutadores
     might dwell. Once on the transport, you realize this is going to be a
     dangerous trip.

 Well, we don't get to chill out on the train for long, but Leo is right:
that is a HECK of a train map...

 o Objective: Search the nearby area and make your way towards an exit
              leading to the surface.

 Man, that subway map looked HUGE. Why get off here O_o ?

 Anyways, as you can see there are a lot of dead Lutadores here. Probably not
a good sign for us. Continue on and you'll see enemies coming in from the
zero-g space. Good for you, as they are easy pickings. Take them out and
jump out to the zero-g yourself. Use it to head forward and then to the
right until you see a scene.

 Oh great, more lurkers. Take them out asap and especially watch out for any
with a flashing light on them. Take them out FIRST. You'll face 5-6 before
continuing on. You'll end up seeing some Lutadores taken out by a robot before
ending up where they were.

 Head to the right and you''ll hear fighting. Sure enough the Lutadores and
robots are fighting. Kill the small flybot and enter the room. Here the flybots
WILL wipe out the Lutadores, so help them out. The BEST way to kill these
flybots, IMO, is to grab them with your tether and chuck them. After you've
killed them all, a securitybot will come out to play!

 - BOSS FIGHT: Securitybot

    This isn't a REAL hard boss but he gave me trouble. He's pretty fast and
    his laser shot can KILL you even behind cover if you have even a bit of
    damage. You can of course throw flybots at him to damage him, but the best
    way to damage him is by using the explosive cylinders hovering over to the
    left. You can also use high gravity to slow him down a bit, which helps
    out in the long run, especially when waiting for more flybots. I'd also
    recommend changing cover when he gets a laser bead on you.

 After the fight continue on and get a boost up. Keep going to eventually
reach a zero-g zone. You'll have to fight Lutadores and flybots in this area,
but its nothing you can't do. At the end they'll be fighting eachother, but
you should try and help the Lutadores as the flybots get reinforcements.

 When you get back on solid ground head to the left. You'll see a large room
with a console in the middle. Go ahead and interact with it and watch the
rather long scene.

 It's... it's very trippy. The scene ends, so head to the nearby door and on
into the elevator. Take it down and that'll be the end of this chapter.

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O==<                         Chapter 11: Red Sky                          >==O

   - You passed through large battle worn areas devastated by the Lutadore
     and robot conflict. Looks like this way may bring you to the Lutadore

 Now THIS world is quite a site. Do a 180 and head to the left. Use some
low grav and lift the rocks to your right. This will lead down to a path
where you'll find a camp.

 o Objective: You've reached a Lutadore camp. Clear it out and keep moving
              towards the port.

 You've got the drop on these foes, so kill one or two and cover up. Naturally
there are more enemies that come in. The camp is littered with gas cans, so
try and use them. At one point a foe will show up in a tower with a rocket
launcher so keep that in mind too.

 After clearing the camp make your way to the gate and high grav the counter
weight to open it. Head through to see a scene. Time to kill a whole bunch of
slaves. Use a shockwave if you get surrounded. Head in some more to see three
enemies on a bridge above you. You automatically zoom in on them, so take
at least one out before hitting cover. After that the camp itself will send
slaves at you while throwing ground troops at you from above and below. Let
Leo be a distraction while you take out any higher-up foes. For example, at
one point he'll point out a rocket launcher foe: hit the fuel barrels up on
the structure to take care of that guy. Most of the slaves will go to Leo,
so let him kill them while you take care of distant threats.

 After a bit, some enemies will come out of the tunnel beyond (this is when
you've cleared most of the camp), including two berserkers. Try to drop one at
least before they get to you and take out the other one between the two of
you. Low grav can save your life here.

 With everyone dead, gather up ammo. The rocket launcher here holds more
than one shot, just FYI. When you're ready, head inside the tunnel. You'll
discover a village that needs fought through:

 o Objective: Fight through the Lutadore village.

 To the right on the wall will be two foes. Take them out and then use the
nearby gravity cloud to jump over there. More foes will appear in the distance
so focus on them now. One has a gravity device, so be careful. Also, be sure
to go up the stairs to the right as a .: GRAVITON ENERGY BOOST :. can be found
up here.

 After killing the foes, head to the back of the village for another gravity
cloud. Jump in it to reach another area, where two foes on the ceiling will
attack. Take them out and jump in the next cloud. This leads to more shooting
so take out the two baddies to your upper left and then follow Leo to take
more foes out above you. Use the next cloud to get right-up and then head into
the nearby cave.

 This cave leads to a rickety bridge, which in turn leads to a zero-g zone.
Head out and chill for a bit as drills will deliver ground troops and normal
lurkers to deal with. With any luck, Leo is out there mixing it up so you can
stay back and shoot. Also grab the blobs out here (blobs of lava) and throw
them as they devastate enemies.

 Continue on and past the scene aim for the rock arches to continue. You'll
see a landing with some enemies soon enough. Here, grab the fuel barrels to
throw at them, then land when they are dead. Move forward to see a gate. Here,
shoot the one gun guy up above and kill the slave. Now, to burn down the gate
low grav the lava river and it'll make a blob of lava show up. Grab it and
throw it at the gate to get through. You'll now have to take out 3-4 enemies
up on the hill past the gate, Stick to the standing cover and shoot them

 Head up and use the zipline to get down to a big fiery arena. You KNOW this
can't be good:

 o Objective: Defeat the Brute

 - BOSS FIGHT: Brute

    This guy isn't as hard as some of the other fights. There's a single,
    effective trick to defeating him. First of all, get on the OPPOSITE side
    of the arena from Leo. This forces him to focus on one of you. Now, use
    your LOW grav trick on the closest lava pool in this area to make a lava
    bubble come up. Grab it and hit the Brute with it. This is literally all
    it takes to defeat this guy.

    His lava hurts like hell of course, and he can charge up and use low
    grav (dodge when he does so!) but other than that just keep hitting him
    with lava bubbles until he goes down!

 After the fight Davis will take his gun. Whee! Time to have fun!

 Burn down the nearby wooden gate to continue on. You'll hear talk of children
being taken to the capital. Good to know. Put up a shield and then burn down
the next barrier. Rush the area and burn the enemies you find! The place is
MOSTLY slaves, but has a few shooters so take those guys out first. From here
just follow the path and burn slaves. That's all you'll encounter for awhile,
so have fun with your flamethrower.

 Soon you'll come to an area with a machine gun turret. Use high grave to
create shelter and get closer. Slaves will rush you from far out but as you
get closer two to three ground troops will attacks as well. The flamethrower
is OK here, but it's often clunky, especially if a slave gets around some
cover and is near you. Kill the enemies and get to the right of the guard
tower. From here you can throw a grenade through the window (aim it right!)
and blow it up.

 Now, head to the left and bring down the bridge with some high grav so you
can continue. Further on you'll find the slave driver that ran away earlier.
Time to take him out.

 - BOSS FIGHT: Slave Driver

    There sure are a lot of these bosses. This is by far the hardest one yet
    though. Reasons? Sure, for starters his energy leash is MUCH longer and
    hurts more. In fact, mobility is the name of the game in this fight. Stay
    away from him! Also, there are hardly ANY good throwable objects in this
    area, AND nearing the end of the fight he gets GOOD backup.

    To start out with the fight is pretty normal. Destroy slaves, wait for him
    to do a high grav attack, and hurt him. Simple. We've done it what, three
    times now? Fuel barrels are pretty scarce but try to use them. After you
    bring his health down past half however, BERSERKER enemies will be mixed
    in with the slaves that he summons. Leo will often help distract them, but
    may need more raises than usual. The best way to destroy these berserker
    enemies in THIS fight is to use some high grav on them and go in close
    for a kill (a 'O' icon will show up by them).

    This is a long and hard fight, but keep at it and soon the fat freak will
    go down.

 You'll be treated to a scene afterwards showing Davis and Leo's escape onto
the barge, taking them to another area of the Lutadore homeland. This is also
the end of this chapter. Good job!

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O==<                      Chapter 12: Deja Vanguard                       >==O

   - The Lutadore port is a wreck - lava rivers, red skies and altered
     gravity ruin the environment. Boarding a barge, you follow the children
     deeper into the Lutadore world. Stay on their track - Leila must be near.

 As you arrive you'll see the children being taken away. We're on the right

 o Objective: Explore the Lutadore city.

 To start off, grab the fresh lava gun from the crate on the left. Use this
as you go forwards, as it will be a TON of slaves coming after you. There is
a ground troop in the distance, but Leo should take care of him. Focus on the
slaves and the berserker that comes down (retreat a bit for the berserker) and
then head up the ramp.

 Up here you CAN put up a shield and toast the ground troops, but its safer
to take cover and shoot them all. Approach the gate and a slave will come blow
it up, followed by two berserkers. Have some bullets ready for them followed
by some high grav. Further in you'll fight a group of enemies on a barge.
Shoot the fuel barrels here to blow them all up and collect the ammo after.
Continue on to a boss fight:

 o Objective: Defeat the Brute

 - BOSS FIGHT: Brute

    Yep, this guy again. This fight is a bit trickier. The overall strategy
    is the same: Throw lava at the sucker. And the first part of the fight is
    easy. Simply get to the right of him and hide behind the corner beam. Now,
    while hiding you can make and grab lava balls. From there you can chuck
    them easily. However he'll soon get fed up and head up to the higher level
    and at this point you should go back to the crate for protection as four
    ground troops come out. Kill them all and the Brute will walk around to
    the left hand side of the upper level.

    Here you should get to the left too. He can't hit you from here, although
    he CAN high grav you. Make and throw more lava blobs. He may walk around to
    the front as well, in which case you should go back to the crate and corner
    area and throw more lava blobs.

    Soon he'll come back down and be joined by more gunners. Take out the
    gunners from the crate and then go back to the corner to make and throw
    more lava blobs. Positioning is the key to winning! It's also smart to
    temporarily retreat if he starts his rocket attack, but don't let up on
    your attack and you'll defeat him.

 After he's dead you can continue on. Pick up his weapon and go into the
warehouse; you can use it on the slaves and brute you find. This warehouse
room also has a ammo fill-up so be sure to grab the ammo and head to the door
in the back. You'll get a new objective out here.

 o Objective: Follow the slave transport.

 We'll be in a zero-g zone now. Continue through it until you need to head
left, then get ready. A bunch of lurkers (including ones with bombs strapped
to them) will be waiting for us. Take them out with your new toy. Continue on
and soon you'll see the transport head into a building. We got a new place to
go to now.

 o Objective: Make your way inside the Lutadore citadel.

 Head up the ramp and you'll see enemies in front of you. Since we have the
drop on them for now, grab a lava ball and throw it at them, then use up the
last of your gun on them. Mop up what's left and continue on, killing foes as
you jump from chunk of highway to chunk of highway.

 We'll have to go back into a zero-g zone now, but first kill the enemies
coming at you in it. As soon as you jump into it, more enemies will come, so
hang back and kill them all. Our goal is to get in the building across the way
so head over there. As you get close, two enemies with rocket launchers come
out. Take them out asap and don't get hit! Jump into the building afterwards
and grab a rocket launcher. Have it out... be ready!

 Walk into the hallway and at the end an elevator will come up: Only walk a
little bit into the hallway to trigger this. A Behemoth will come out! Shoot
him with the rocket launcher and go back for the second rocket launcher and
use that to finish him off!

 Head down the elevator now and you'll see a scene. Argh, how heartwrenching!
This is the end of Chapter 12 as well.

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O==<                        Chapter 13: Reversion                         >==O

   - The Lutadore capital looks very similar to Vanguard. Something awful
     must have happened to turn this place into hell. You've been trapped
     here in search of Leila. This could be your final destination.

 Well, we're back where the game started... In the depths of despair! But
even now there's hope! Watch the scene and be happy!

 However the leader Kiltehr escapes and it's up to Davis and Leo to stop him!

 o Objective: Kiltehr has left his bodyguards to stop you. Get rid of them
              and follow the priest.

 Once you regain control get behind cover and take out the three ground troops
that remain. Kiltehr has a good head start on us already, but TWO Brutes will
then jump down into the area!

 - BOSS FIGHT: Brute x 2

    Ok, no lie, this fight is tough. Very doable, but tough. The single most
    important thing to know is that there are STORES on each side of the area
    that you can rob for goodies: gravlink recharges, rocket launchers, ammo,
    etc (very important since you only have one gun and 80 shots). Now, you
    of course want to focus on one Brute at a time. I recommend using lava
    blobs to chuck at the close one on the left when the fight starts and
    then go raid a store. Use the rocket launcher in there and finish one of
    them off. Also, feel free to use high grav to incapacitate one of them at
    any given time and that shield never hurts!

    Once one is dead the other will be joined by FOUR ground troops, making
    things rough for a little bit. Focus on getting rid of the troops at this
    point. I found the counter in the right store to be good for dodging
    attacks while killing the troops (also, high grav the big guy to give
    yourself time!). Once they are gone, killing the remaining Brute with
    lava balls should be a cinch.

 With the two Brute's dead, follow after the priest! Jump into the zero-g
zone and move down into a large cylinder.

 o Objective: Get through the viewing chamber.

 Here you'll soon see a LARGE energy beam in the middle of the room just
tear it up! Thankfully it stays in the middle, but as you'd guess we need to
cross it and it will murder us if it goes off. Start off by shooting all the
enemies you can. When it comes time to move on, wait until AFTER the beam
goes off and then go. You need to go to the middle and then to the other side
as fast as possible. Keep in mind you can change your destination in mid-flight
while on the way to the middle structure. That's all there is to this area:
avoid the giant laser beam of death and keep moving up while killing enemies.

 Soon you'll get to the end and can go through a vent even further down.
Down here you'll advance into a room and see the priest fleeing. Move in
further and shoot the enemies, but soon a Securitybot will show up. Seems
that THIS one is on their side.

 I won't lie: this part is hard. I must have died half a dozen times easy.
The enemies at the start aren't hard: kill them like you would any enemy,
but the Securitybot is punishing. ANY TIME you see the laser come out, be
sure to stay in cover. Those rockets will downright kill you if they hit
you. Two ways to lessen the damage you take: you can SHOOT the rockets down,
and you can also throw some junk at the Securitybot (which you should be
aiming to do anyways) during this rocket phase to lower the amount of rockets
he shoots!

 After defeating the first Securitybot, head forward to battle a few flybots
and more enemies. If you get in far enough, another Securitybot will show up!
Geesh! This one is even harder, but its mainly due to how close you are (the
rockets will kill you even with full health at times), so I STRONGLY recommend
backing up a ways to put more room between you two. The fight is MUCH easier
this way.

 After wiping out the remnants of the Lutadores, continue on and get out of
zero-g. Chances are you died a few times like me, so isn't this a relief?!
Continue on to a new room for a new objective:

 o Objective: Kiltehr is trying to get away from you. Follow him and make
              him pay.

 We'll be in a boss battle soon. Watch the scenes. We have no idea what
Kiltehr is trying to do, but one thing is for sure: we NEED that key that he
just took.

 - BOSS FIGHT: Kiltehr

    Time for some payback. Kiltehr is the game's final boss, so you know this
    will take some skill. Still, I personally had a harder time with those
    two Securitybots (I guess we're all different). Kiltehr has a shield on
    him, but unlike other shields this one can be worn down and that's just
    what we need to do.

    First, this arena is pretty damn big. It's also got ammo refilling
    stations scattered around, so don't be scared about running out of ammo.
    Throw up a shield and start gunning Kiltehr. Don't let him get too close
    to you. He shoots energy balls and can use both low and high grav. Stay
    mobile and wear down his shield a bit to have his health turn grey.

    THIS means he's going to try and recharge it. To do so, he heads to the
    center energy ball and opens it up. When this happens his shield recharges
    but more importantly we can interrupt him by shooting the center core.
    However, flybots will also appear to PROTECT the core. He'll do this move
    several times throughout the fight, so it's important to prepare for it.
    Whenever his health/shield go grey, go hit up the ammo and then get in
    cover on one of the outer areas. When the energy ball opens up, get ready
    to GRAB flybots and chuck them at it. After 2-3 hits like that the shield
    will close.

    And that is the strategy: put up a shield and stay mobile while wearing
    down his shield, and interrupt him every time he goes to recharge. Not
    TOO hard. If you get hit with low grav, dodge away. He will also pull the
    energy balls off of the central energy ball (you'll know it when you see
    it) to throw at you at times, but you can usually get him to throw it into
    a column. You can throw them too, but I find it's just easier to keep

    Once his shield is gone then it's a fight to the death. He's MUCH easier
    like this and should only take you about three clips to kill him at this
    point. Stay mobile and keep shooting!

 Once he falls go ahead and put the controller down - you've just beaten the
game and can relax while you watch the final scenes. They are... pretty messed
up. The game also leaves a lot unanswered for, but perhaps that's a story for
another day? Be sure to watch the credits as an extra scene shows afterward.


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O==<                         Trophy Information                           >==O

 In this section I'll list all the trophies in the game along with my best
description on how to obtain them. I'm sure that you Xbox 360 players out
there have the same exact "achievements", so this should help you out too.

(-NOTE-) Trophies are here in the order they appear in the PS trophy list.

   .——————————————————————————.                             .——————————————.
 __|   Grand Master Gravity   |_____________________________|   Platinum   |__
    Description | Unlock all trophies.
  How to Obtain | This will quite simply be the last trophy you get in the
                | game. Once you have all of the other trophies, this one will
                | unlock. The ultimate reward for the ultimate fan. (PS3 ONLY)

   .————————————————.                                         .————————————.
 __|   Easy Going   |_________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Finish the Campaign on Low Gravity Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Just play through the game and you'll get this one. You can't
                | miss it!

   .————————————————.                                         .————————————.
 __|   Normal Guy   |_________________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Finish the Campaign on Normal Gravity Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Beat the game on Normal Gravity. You can just beat the final
                | boss if you wish.

   .——————————————.                                             .——————————.
 __|   Rock Hard  |_____________________________________________|   Gold   |__
    Description | Finish the Campaign on Hard Gravity Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Beat the game on Hard Gravity. You can just beat the final
                | boss if you wish.

   .———————————————.                                          .————————————.
 __|   Meatheads   |__________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Finish the Campaign with a Friend (Any Difficulty)
  How to Obtain | Beat the game with a buddy! Not hard to do on Easy.

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Chapter One   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Vanguard Down on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Two   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Caged on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Three   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Breakout on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Four   |_______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Road Home on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Five   |_______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Street Fight on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Six   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Road to Hell on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Seven   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Edge of the World on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Eight   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Into the Depths on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Nine   |_______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Enlightenment on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Ten   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Reveal on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Eleven   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Red Sky on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Twelve   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Deja Vanguard on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .——————————————————————.                                   .————————————.
 __|   Chapter Thirteen   |___________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete the final checkpoint in Reversion on Normal
                | or High Difficulty.
  How to Obtain | Play through this level and beat it in Normal or higher!
                | You'll get this on your way to beating the game!

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   Low G Amateur   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Perform 10 Finishing Moves using Low Grav Powers (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | This is pretty easy. Use low-grav on an enemy and tether
                | them to you and press circle.

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   Low G Champ   |________________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Perform 50 Finishing Moves using Low Grav Powers (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | This will take some time. Really focus on killing enemies
                | with low gravity to get this one.

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   High G Amateur   |_____________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Perform 10 Finishing Moves using High Grav Powers (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | Another fairly easy one, especially on Slaves and Berserker
                | enemies.

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   High G Champ   |_______________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Perform 50 Finishing Moves using High Grav Powers (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | Ugh, this is hard. Especially when you're given so many
                | good weapons with slaves around (like flamethrowers). You'll
                | really need to focus on using this power to get this one.

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   Gravlink Thug   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Use the Gravlink to throw 15 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | This is similar to Low G Champ except you throw enemies.
                | You'll need to remember to use this to get it, but once you
                | do it won't be hard.

   .——————————————————————.                                   .————————————.
 __|   Gravlink Hustler   |___________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Use the Gravlink to throw 30 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | Just like Gravlink Thug, just throwing MORE enemies. Keep
                | at it if you want this trophy!

   .——————————————————————.                                   .————————————.
 __|   Gravlink Gangsta   |___________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Use the Gravlink to throw 50 Lutadore Enemies (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | Now THIS shows how dedicated you are to throwing enemies!
                | Keep at it and you'll get this eventually!

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   The Tin Man   |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Defeat The Butcher (Any Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | You'll get this one just by playing through the game.

   .—————————————————————————.                                .————————————.
 __|   The Great Destroyer   |________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Defeat The Brute (Any Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | You'll get this one just by playing through the game.

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   The Collector   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Defeat The Slave Driver (Any Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | You'll get this one just by playing through the game.

   .——————————————————————.                                   .————————————.
 __|   Meet Your Master   |___________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Defeat The Prophet Kiltehr (Any Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | You'll get this one just by playing through the game.

   .——————————————————————————.                               .————————————.
 __|   William Tell Routine   |_______________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Shoot off 100 Lutadore Helmets (Any Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | To get this one you must try and get headshots on helmeted
                | enemies. Try and focus on this one. I'd do it in low grav
                | difficulty.

   .———————————————.                                          .————————————.
 __|   Threesome   |__________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Use the Gravlink to kill 3 Lutadores with one object
                | (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | This one you'll likely get once you can throw cars around.
                | This should be in Chapter 5 somewhere. Aim for the next
                | trophy though, as you can get it and this one at one go.

   .——————————————.                                           .————————————.
 __|   Fivesome   |___________________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Use the Gravlink to kill 5 Lutadores with one object
                | (Campaign).
  How to Obtain | Again, Chapter 5 after you get the ability to throw cars
                | around is when you should aim for this. LET some enemies
                | gather up and unleash a car at them.

   .————————————————————————————.                             .————————————.
 __|   Kicking Weightless Ass   |_____________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Escape from a Lurker's grasp 5 times during single player.
  How to Obtain | Lurkers will only show up near the end of the game, but to
                | get this trophy you'll need to LET them grab you. After that
                | pay attention to the button that pops up and press it to
                | escape.

   .———————————————————————.                                  .————————————.
 __|   I'm About to Blow   |__________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Kill 100 Lutadore Enemies with explosives in the Campaign
                | (Grenades, Rockets, Barrels).
  How to Obtain | Don't be stingy with grenades to get this one. Barrel kills
                | are fairly common as well, so be sure to aim for fuel barrels
                | and shoot them with enemies near. Throwing them is great too!

   .————————————————.                                         .————————————.
 __|   Brotastic!   |_________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Revive a friend online (Co-op mode).
  How to Obtain | Play with a friend and revive him. Pretty easy.

   .———————————————.                                          .————————————.
 __|   Ah Gross!   |__________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Use the Gravlink to throw a corpse at your friend (Co-op
                | mode).
  How to Obtain | Hehe...

   .————————————————————————.                                 .————————————.
 __|  All Up In Them Guts   |_________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Use a Shotgun to gib 25 Lutadore enemies (Any Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | Best done on easy so you can take more damage. Stick with
                | the shotgun and have fun! The high grav shield helps out
                | later as well.

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Burn it Down   |_______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Set 25 Lutadore enemies on fire with the Lavagun (Any
                | Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | Very easy to do, after killing the Brute for the first time
                | and getting the new lavagun in Chapter 12.

   .———————————————.                                          .————————————.
 __|   Dude Bro!   |__________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Complete a Campaign level with a Friend (Any Difficulty).
  How to Obtain | I hate the name of this trophy... just complete a Chapter
                | with a friend. Not hard, provided you can play with someone.

   .——————————————————.                                       .————————————.
 __|   Spot me Bro!   |_______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Have a friend boost you over a ledge.
  How to Obtain | Another lame trophy name. This will come naturally if you
                | play with a friend.

   .———————————————.                                          .————————————.
 __|   Gold Star   |__________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Get 1st Place in a Deathmatch game (Matchmaking).
  How to Obtain | I haven't played online, but I'd assume this is you winning
                | a deathmatch game. Practice makes perfect!

   .————————————————————————————.                             .————————————.
 __|   That's Assault Brotha!   |_____________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Be a part of a winning team in Assault Mode (Matchmaking).
  How to Obtain | I haven't played online, but this HAS to be your team
                | winning a game of Assault Mode. Probably fairly easy to get
                | if you play long enough.

   .——————————————.                                           .————————————.
 __|   Teamster   |___________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Be a part of a winning team in Team Deathmatch (Matchmaking).
  How to Obtain | I haven't played online, but this HAS to be your team
                | winning a game of Team Deathmatch. Again, also probably
                | fairly easy to get if you play online long enough.

   .—————————————————.                                        .————————————.
 __|   I'm Designer  |________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Change your multiplayer character's appearance.
  How to Obtain | You REALLY don't need help with this...

   .———————————————.                                          .————————————.
 __|   Half Sack   |__________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Reach Silver Grav Sergeant Rank.
  How to Obtain | You get this by playing online and earning XP. Since I've
                | never played online, I have NO idea how hard or easy this
                | is. I do hear it's hard to find matches online though. If
                | you have any XP tips send them in!

   .—————————————.                                            .————————————.
 __|   Soldier   |____________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | CReach Bronze Grav Captain Rank.
  How to Obtain | You get this by playing online and earning XP. Since I've
                | never played online, I have NO idea how hard or easy this
                | is. I do hear it's hard to find matches online though. If
                | you have any XP tips send them in!

   .——————————————.                                           .————————————.
 __|   Enforcer   |___________________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Reach Gold Grav Major Rank.
  How to Obtain | You get this by playing online and earning XP. Since I've
                | never played online, I have NO idea how hard or easy this
                | is. I do hear it's hard to find matches online though. If
                | you have any XP tips send them in!

   .———————————————————.                                      .————————————.
 __|   Man of Mayhem   |______________________________________|   Bronze   |__
    Description | Reach Diamond Grav Commander Rank.
  How to Obtain | You get this by playing online and earning XP. Since I've
                | never played online, I have NO idea how hard or easy this
                | is. I do hear it's hard to find matches online though. If
                | you have any XP tips send them in!

   .————————————————————.                                     .————————————.
 __|   Master Blaster   |_____________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Complete All Multiplayer Weapon Challenges.
  How to Obtain | Hey, its an old NES game. Ok, it isn't. Again, I have no
                | experience online, but you can view the challenges under
                | the MatchMaking option. This guide does NOT cover this
                | trophy.

   .—————————————————————————————.                              .——————————.
 __|   Feats Don't Fail Me Now   |______________________________|   Gold   |__
    Description | Complete All Multiplayer Basic Challenges.
  How to Obtain | Again, I have no experience online, but you can view the
                | challenges under the MatchMaking option. This guide does
                | NOT cover this trophy.

   .——————————————.                                           .————————————.
 __|   Grappler   |___________________________________________|   Silver   |__
    Description | Take the Gravlink from the Lutadores.
  How to Obtain | This trophy will come just by playing the game, so don't
                | worry about it!

           |_    _|
             |  |
            _|  |_   N V E R S I O N
O==<                           Version History                            >==O

 Version 1.0 June 25-28th, 2012

  First, and perhaps last, version of this guide. Pleasantly surprised with
  how good this game was. The story could use fleshed out of course, but
  overall glad I got it and wrote for it. Released to Cheatmasters and
  Gamefaqs on the 28th.

           |_    _|
             |  |
            _|  |_   N V E R S I O N
O==<                               Credits                                >==O


 o Similac for the trophy info.

 o for more trophy info.


 o Jeremy Wise from for the support.

 o Johnathan Sawyer for the controller ASCII and formatting help.

 o DomZ for the awesome ASCii art. Thanks yet again, buddy!

ALL THAT'S                                           Document © Bkstunt_31 2012
LEFT NOW                                     Inversion © 2012 Saber Interactive
ARE MEMORIES...                                   E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T