Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed [Guide]

Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed is the sequel to Sega’s previous kart
racing game, now featuring a new transforming mechanic as well as appearances
from new characters.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed
Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper
Copyright 2013

Contact Information
E-mail: [email protected]

1. Introduction and Controls
2. Racers
3. Career

A. World Tour

Sunshine Coast
Frozen Valley
Scorching Skies
Twilight Engine
Moonlight Park
Superstar Showdown

B. Grand Prix

Dragon Cup
Rogue Cup
Emerald Cup
Arcade Cup
Classic Cup

C. Time Attack/Single Race

4. Multiplayer

A. Racing
B. Party Games

5. License
6. Wii U Version Differences
7. Conclusion

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1. Introduction and Controls
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Welcome to Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed on Wii U! The Wii U version of
the game is largely the same game as the other versions, though there are
different controls. In addition to the controls detailed below, the game can be
played using the Wii Remote alone as well as a Wii remote plus nunchuk combo.

—>Wii U GamePad<—
Left Stick – Steering
Tilt (left or right)/Right Stick – Barrel Roll
Tilt (up or down) – Flip
ZL – Drift/Brake
ZR – Accelerate
X – Use Pickup
Y – Rear View
A – Swap Pickup

—>Wii Remote<—
1 – Accelerate
2 – Rear View
D-Pad – Use items
A – Stunt
B – Drift/Brake
Minus – Swap Pickup
+ – Pause
Tilt – Steering

—>Remote + Nunchuk<—
A – Accelerate
B – Drift/Brake
D-pad – Stunt/Barrel Roll
Minus – Swap Pickup
+ – Pause
Stick – Steering
C – Rear View
Z – Use Pickup

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2. Racers
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There are 25 racers available in the game counting those that need to be
unlocked. There are 12 characters available to play as right at the outset of
the game. The other characters are unlocked by completing the Career Mode of
the game.

Each stat can have a maximum of five points. There is slight customization
offered prior to some events that allow you to choose a different class for the
racer that will change their stats. Each racer can level up by earning XP in
career mode as well. Leveling up gives you mods that can change the stats of
your racer.

NOTE: This guide was done using the Wii U version of the game. The PS3, 360,
and PC all have their own exclusive character(s), but I was unable to get
their stats since I played the Wii U version. However, all the stats for all
these other characters applies to all versions of the game, plus the stats for
the unlockable Mii character (exclusive to Wii U and later the 3DS version of
the game) are featured.

Listed below each racer is the franchise that they belong to.

(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Speed – 5
Accel – 2
Handl – 3
Boost – 2
AStar – 2

(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Speed – 2
Accel – 3
Handl – 5
Boost – 2
AStar – 4

(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Speed – 3
Accel – 3
Handl – 3
Boost – 3
AStar – 1

(Super Monkey Ball)
Speed – 2
Accel – 5
Handl – 3
Boost – 2
AStar – 4

(Jet Set Radio)
Speed – 2
Accel – 3
Handl – 4
Boost – 3
AStar – 1

(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Speed – 2
Accel – 4
Handl – 4
Boost – 2
AStar – 2

(Crazy Taxi)
Speed – 5
Accel – 2
Handl – 2
Boost – 3
AStar – 1

(Super Monkey Ball)
Speed – 2
Accel – 5
Handl – 4
Boost – 1
AStar – 2

(Space Channel 5)
Speed – 1
Accel – 4
Handl – 4
Boost – 3
AStar – 3

(Wreck-It Ralph)
Speed – 4
Accel – 2
Handl – 2
Boost – 4
AStar – 1

(Wii Series)
Speed – 3
Accel – 3
Handl – 3
Boost – 3
AStar – 1

(Samba de Amigo)
Speed – 1
Accel – 4
Handl – 5
Boost – 2
AStar – 3

Speed – 3
Accel – 2
Handl – 3
Boost – 4
AStar – 3

(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Speed – 4
Accel – 1
Handl – 3
Boost – 4
AStar – 1

(Skies of Arcadia)
Speed – 5
Accel – 2
Handl – 2
Boost – 3
AStar – 1

(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Speed – 4
Accel – 1
Handl – 4
Boost – 3
AStar – 5

Speed – 3
Accel – 3
Handl – 3
Boost – 3
AStar – 2

(Jet Set Radio)
Speed – 4
Accel – 3
Handl – 2
Boost – 3
AStar – 4

Speed – 3
Accel – 3
Handl – 2
Boost – 4
AStar – 5

(Space Channel 5)
Speed – 2
Accel – 4
Handl – 3
Boost – 3
AStar – 1

(Golden Axe)
Speed – 4
Accel – 1
Handl – 2
Boost – 5
AStar – 3

(Sonic the Hedgehog)
Speed – 4
Accel – 2
Handl – 3
Boost – 3
AStar – 2

Speed – 3
Accel – 2
Handl – 3
Boost – 4
AStar – 3

Speed – 3
Accel – 2
Handl – 2
Boost – 5
AStar – 4

(Alex Kidd)
Speed – 3
Accel – 4
Handl – 2
Boost – 3
AStar – 1

To Top

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3. Career
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In World Tour mode, you must first choose the world you will play in. The first
will be Sunshine Coast. There, you must complete the events, earn stars,
collect coins, and unlock racers to reach the next world.

Each event will feature an Easy, Medium, and Hard mode. Beating the event on
Easy nets you one star. Beating the event on Medium will get you two stars, and
beating it on Hard will get you three stars. These stars are used to unlock
gates that are in each world, blocking entry to the next set of events.

After unlocking Superstar Showdown, the hidden final chapter in the game, a
new difficulty is unlocked. This is called “Expert” difficulty, and is
considered an “S” rank, and will net you a fourth star for the completed


TYPE: Race
This is the easiest race in the game, by far. The Transformations are not as
jarring here, but it’s a good time to practice your skills. Remember that
drifting around corners until your exhaust is purple and then releasing is
like an extra boost, so drift as much as possible to get those extra boosts.

Always go for the boost pads on the ground, which are represented by purple
arrows, and use items excessively. Items can be incredibly helpful. They can
damage opponents or protect you from being hit from behind with an opponent’s

To shoot an item behind you, pull down on the left stick and then press X to
deploy the item.

Another tip to remember is that whenever you hit a ramp, you should do tricks
for more points and a boost upon landing. To do a trick, point the right stick
in any direction. You can also tilt the GamePad if you are playing the Wii U
version of the game to do a trick as well.

Doing tricks in the middle of a transformation into another vehicle also gives
you a boost. You know a transformation is coming up when a blue ring is on the
track. As soon as you are flying to that blue ring, do a trick through it or
immediately after it to get the boost upon landing or completing the

TYPE: Race
Another race that is pretty typical, though harder than the one that came
before it. This race features transformations that sort of surprise you. In
the third lap, the track will fall and you have to take a sharp left as your
vehicle transforms into a flying vehicle. This is the trickiest part, but
shouldn’t be that big of a deal with a little practice.

Your vehicle will also have to go through water in this event as the track
floods. The boats are much slower than the cars or the flying vehicles. Just
like the other vehicles, however, they can utilize the drifting mechanic to
build up more speed.

TYPE: Drift Challenge
In this new event type, you have to drift on the red arrows on the ground as
they go around corners. To drift, hold the left trigger in, which I believe is
true for any of the systems that you decide to play this game on. When you
are drifting successfully on the arrows, you will be able to tell because they
will turn green.

As you stay on the arrows, you will earn clocks that will add to your time.
If the time runs out before you can get through all of the rings, then you
fail the event. This event requires damn near perfect driving on Medium and
Hard difficulty, so don’t forget to use drift boosting as much as possible, and
NEVER miss a checkpoint as you lose all the built-up time if that happens.

TYPE: Race
This race is the first that allows for separating paths for a better advantage.
After ramping off one of the boats, there will be a ramp right ahead with a
blue ring at the top of it. If you hit this ramp successfully and go through
the ring, then you will transform into a flying vehicle, which will in turn
allow you to gain serious distance on your opponents stuck below in boats.

The trick to hitting this ring successfully is to NOT use the transform boost,
as this will get your vehicle going a little too fast to hit that ramp just
right to get through the ring. Instead just drive off it normally, as the
advantage from being in the air will far outweigh the transform boost anyway.

If you miss the jump, there is another one not too far ahead that allows for
the same transformation. The AI opponents in front of you tend to unload their
items here to screw you over, so be prepared to dodge a blowfish or two as you
hit this ramp.

TYPE: Versus
In this event type, you have to be ahead of your opponent when the time runs
out. You will have three opponents to face off against. Getting in front of
them is easy, and from there, you just have to maintain your lead. Each rival
will become more difficult to get ahead of and then stay ahead of. Items will
be your saving grace here.

After completing this event, you can unlock Amigo from Samba de Amigo for 8

TYPE: Race
This track is very unique, and because of that, it’s also very challenging.
There are various hazards to be dealt with. A whirlpool in one area must be
avoided entirely, plus it’s easy to fall off the ledges here. There are many
branching areas to go, but none of them really give you an advantage. There is
a tunnel with a large ball rolling back and forth that you need to avoid
hitting as well.

During the final lap, everything goes haywire. Large stone statues crash onto
the track. They can be smashed through, but it’s better to avoid them as they
will slow you down a ltitle bit. The water goes nuts and larges waves lap
around, which does give you an opportunity to do a trick and earn a speed

Upon completing this event, you have access to the casino for this world. At
the casino, you can spend your coins on a slot machine to earn various pre-race

TYPE: Boost Challenge
Here’s another new event type. In this one, you have to stop the clock by
hitting boost pads on the ground. The clock will wind down whenever you are
not boosting. Hit the green checkpoint to earn more time. You will also be
given boosting powerups every so often that you can use by pushing X which
will also pause the clock for long stretches without any boost pads on the

TYPE: Race
This is the last level for Sunshine Coast. It is a space level, meaning that it
is easy to fall off the edge of the track. Luckily, this is actually not that
big of a deal because there is hardly a penalty to falling off the side of

On this track, there will be multiple hazards as the laps go on, such as
giant robots that shoot lasers and bees that will cover the track as well. Due
to these risks, it’s actually smart to let one of your opponents be ahead of
you during the race. This way they have to deal with everything. On the final
lap, push ahead and take away the crown.

To Top



TYPE: Race
First off, to unlock Frozen Valley, you will have had to earn at least 14
stars in the previous chapter. This first race is typical, and you’ll recognize
the track from the first chapter. There will be added dangers such as large
dancing men in sombreros that serve as obstacles, but they are easily avoided.

A key area to remember is the water section. You can drift after the first
ramp around that entire corner for a major boost right through the rest of the
water way. Just a tip to help you pull ahead of your opponents here.

TYPE: Traffic Attack
Welcome to another new event! In this event, the clock counts down. As you
drive down the track, there will be blue and green cars in the way that can
cause you to spin out and lose time. Driving through blue checkpoints is the
ultimate goal, and you’ll get more time on the clock.

There are also bonus checkpoints on the track. These are two green cars that
are “linked” with a small green line. Drive through the links to gain even
more time. Remember to use transform boosts as much as possible and drift
boosting is also very important

TYPE: Race
This track can be very tricky. Each lap, the track will change significantly.
There will be multiple vehicle transformations each go-round. Don’t let this
throw you off. There is one particularly annoying part during the second lap
in which a bridge is broken off into three segments and you have to ramp off
each segment without falling into the water. If you are going too fast, you
will fall into the water by going over the middle section, and if you are
going too slow, you won’t even make it to the middle section.

Beating this race will allow you to unlock Danica Patrick for 18 stars.

TYPE: Boost Challenge
This Boost Challenge is a lot easier than the last one. Through the tunnel that
usually has the ball rotating back and forth on this track, there are like five
opportunities in a row to do a trick and get an added boost. Throw in the boost
powerups and the repeated opportunities to drift, and you can blow through this
one easy.

TYPE: Ring Race
Another new event type! The point of this race is to fly through the rings.
The rings are blue, except for the next ring that you fly through, which is
purple. Every time you fly through the ring, you build up time that will be
added to the counter when you fly through one of the green-ringed checkpoints.
There are a lot of drifting areas in this place as well, but there are
plenty of obstructions that can cause issues. Running into one wall or pillar
can ruin the entire event.

TYPE: Race
A typical race. The later laps add snowmen as an added obstacle to throw a
wrench in the proceedings.

Completing this event unlocks a casino to use.

TYPE: Race
Another very typical race. There’s not much to say about it.

TYPE: Versus
The track is fairly uneventful. The final racer is Shadow, who you will be
able to unlock after finishing this race if you have 35 stars at least. The
second lap around will force you to take a left a fork instead of a right like
before, and there will be boulders all over the place that you’ll need to

TYPE: Race
Ugh. This one is tough. There are so many areas where you can just fly off the
edge lose your spot. I recommend going through this place a couple of times
before trying a serious run just so you can get a lay of the good jumps. There
are a lot of opportunites to do tricks off ramps and gain a lot of speed that
can help you get a good ways ahead of your opponents.

TYPE: Battle Race
The final race in Frozen Valley is one that introduces another new game type.
In this one, the goal is to either win the race or eliminate all the opponents.
Every racer has three lives. Hitting them with items makes them lose a life.
Being hit with an item yourself will cause your racer to lose a life. Another
way to lose a life is to fall off the edge.

The biggest danger here will be getting hit with items by the other racers.
Items can be shot forward or backward, so you want to avoid being in between
racers. Try to find one to focus on and trail behind them. If you see them
get an item, drive out of the way, then snake back behind them real quick and
blast them with an item from behind.

The snowballs will be the most useful powerups. You get three shots with them,
which can potentially eliminate an opponent entirely with one powerup. The
second lap will see your car transformed into a flying vehicle, flying through
space and whatever…which makes it much harder to land a shot on an opponent
with an item, so if you have the snowballs or something else that is good,
wait until you turn back into a car on the track.

After this race, you can unlock a new mod for 42 stars.

To Top



TYPE: Race
16 stars to unlock this third chapter. Based on the game Golden Axe, this track
feels a bit demonic and out of place compared to all the bright and colorful
tracks but a little hellfire never hurt anybody! But seriously, don’t drive
into the hellfire that blocks the boost pads on the second lap. Huge pendulum
axes swing back and forth on the track and are very hard to dodge. There are a
lot of corners to drift around to build up extra boosts.

TYPE: Traffic Attack
There’s not much to say about this one that I didn’t cover in the last event
like this, except to keep in mind that you can use the glove items to block
damage from cars. They may come in handy near the end of the event when there
are cars all over the place.

TYPE: Race
Based on the Nights…into Dreams franchise from Sega. This results in trippy
areas and constantly changing tracks. Each lap features a different setting.
Orange rings are throughout the entire area. Flying through these will offer
small, added boosts. Follow through the rings whenever possible.

A darkened track area features boulders that move up and down in waves, as well
as a large creature in the distance back-pedaling the entire time. Avoid the
boulders, then back in the sunny areas, keep flying through the rings.

TYPE: Ring Race
Another Ring Race in the vein of the one as before. This one is slightly more
difficult than the other one, but not that big of a challenge in the end. You
will need to baster the corners so that you can take full advantage of the
added drift boosting.

You can unlock Vyse from Skies of Arcadia after completing this event if you
have enough stars.

TYPE: Drift Challenge
This Drift Challenge, like the one before it, requires damn near a perfect run
to succeed on any difficulty higher than easy. I recommend using a mod for your
racer that has their speed and handling up fairly high. Both elements are
incredibly important in this event. High boosting is also an obvious plus, but
it isn’t as important as general speed and handling.

TYPE: Sprint
Chapter 3 simply can’t conclude without introducing another new event type,
can it? No. It can’t. This event is a one on one race, of sorts. You really
race against a saved “ghost” run of someone else. You can see their car on
the track, but you can’t actually interact with them. Watching their vehicle
can actually give you good pointers of how to handle this track yourself.

The ghost you’re racing against is very fast and drives perfectly, making this
race a challenge even on “Easy” difficulty. This track features numerous ramps
that allow you to perform a trick off of and then landed for an added boost.
The ghost will do all of these, and so you will need to as well. Hitting these
ramps all in a row will initiate a boost combo that will give you even more of
a kick.

TYPE: Pursuit
What did I say about new events being introduced? Oh yeah, this chapter does
it. And here we go again. This is a pretty fun and unique event type, that is
not like any of the others at all. In this one, there is a tank constantly in
front of you on the track that has three forms. Your goal is to destroy the
tank using missiles while also avoiding taking damage yourself.

Your racer will have a health meter for this one instead of three lives. It
takes quite a bit to put a dent in the tank as well. The powerups now look
like mini holographic missiles in a way. Pick them up, and you’ll have three
on deck. You can have up to nine, and there will always be three in a pack.

Hearts will also be on the track. The outlined hearts don’t heal as much, but
then there are full hearts that heal a significant portion of the health

Now it’s time to talk strategy. The track itself is rather unremarkable, except
one section in which there is a long drop off that it may be tempting to do
tricks and gain boosts. Don’t do this, as this will put you right on top of or
ahead of the tank, which will mean instant damage.

The tank’s first form is green. In this form, it will shoot green cubes onto
the field that can deal damage. Avoiding these is not too tough. Fire as many
missiles at the tank as possible whenever you get a good shot lined up. You
can only carry 9 missiles at a time, remember, so don’t be afraid to shoot a
huge flurry at once, as you can replenish your supply easily. Holding in the
item button will cause your racer to fire three missiles off at once.

The tank’s second form is yellow. This form is a bit tougher as it will shoot
fireballs, starting from the left side of the track to the right. It’s not
hard to dodge these, but it is hard to dodge them while also keeping the tank
in your line of fire.

The third form of the tank is red, and this is the most dangerous. This time
it will deploy purple force fields on the track, which are sometimes impossible
to outmaneuver. When this happens, be ready to fire a missile into it as soon
as it is deployed to get it out of the way. As long as you keep a healthy stock
of missiles, getting by these purple shields won’t be too much of a problem.

TYPE: Pursuit
Another tank battle. Apply the same rules to this one. This battle is honestly
a bit easier because the track is open enough to give you a lot more
opportunities to deal damage to the tank.

Beating this event will give you the opportunity to purchase another console
mod for another batch of racers for 42 stars.

TYPE: Sprint
Once again, the flying segments make this event type harder than it otherwise
would be. Remember, you CAN drift with flying vehicles. And you will NEED to,
otherwise the ghost will be way ahead of you the entire time.

To Top



TYPE: Race
This spooky race features tough opposition, but there are a couple of tricks to
keep in mind that will help you out. For one, you can do multiple tricks at
the drop right before you transform into a boat for an even larger boost. Also
keep in mind that in the castle area, there are corners that zig-zag, meaning
you can drift one way, then quickly shift to drifting the other way to build
up to an even more powerful boost.

Another thing to keep in mind is that on the third lap, the first area changes
quite a bit. Usually you ramp up a flight of stairs and can then go left or
right. The game tricks you by placing barricades there instead, forcing you to
go into the basement area instead.

TYPE: Battle Race
You’re more likely to actually finish the race rather than destroy all the
other racers. The reason for this is because of all the forks in the road and
different paths the racers can take.

TYPE: Versus
Unlike other “Versus” types, there are a total of four opponent racers to
race against. The final one will be Dr. Eggman.

TYPE: Ring Race
Yet another Ring Race. Not much else to say about this one, except you can
get a mod for 110 stars after completing it.

TYPE: Boost Challenge
Flying vehicles are added to the mix this time. These sections definitely
have potential to throw you off. Just remember that even though the track is
not as clearly defined as when you are in a car, you can still drift for
extra boosts. This will be imperative to win.

TYPE: Sprint
Set in the land of Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, this track will be familiar
to you, as it first appeared in the first chapter. This Sprint is easier than
the last one. Upon completing it, you’ll have the opportunity to unlock
Pudding if you have 50 stars.

TYPE: Race
Serving as the last stop to the gate to the 35 star final chapter, this race
is easy until the third lap. The third lap is mostly the same, except that
right after you go over the checkered line, there are two large walls that pop
up in the way. There is a very small opening to go through. Running into the
walls can be very annoying, but you can recover fairly quickly since everyone
else will be in slow boats as well.

TYPE: Boost Race
This event is a hybrid race that combines Boost Challenges with Racing. There
are a ton of boost pads all over the place. The challenge here is to keep
hitting the boost pads so that you can maintain a competitive edge over the

TYPE: Pursuit
Take out the tank just like always. The important part about this event is
that when you complete it, you can gain access to the casino. If you get a
projectile weapon item in the slot machine, it will help you in the next

TYPE: Versus
The final opponent in this event is the Shinobi ninja. You’ve been through this
track more than a few times already, and by now you should know it like the
back of your hand. You can unlock the Shinobi ninja as a character if you have
85 stars at the end of this event.

To Top



TYPE: Versus
Typical Versus, except that there are five rounds now instead of just four.

TYPE: Traffic Attack
A few new elements are introduced to Traffic Attack in Ocean Outrun. There are
now sideways green checkpoints that are much more difficult to drive through,
and therefore collect the bonus time. Plus, the cars on this one are much
more aggressive. Remember that you can use items to take them out. The blue
cars will drive back and forth and try to cut you off constantly, so save the
items to knock those ones off the track. The snowball powerup will be the most
useful here by far.

TYPE: Drift Challenge
Like all the other Drift Challenges, absolutely perfect drifting is required to
beat the Medium or Hard difficulty. This Drift Challenge is actually pretty
short, but the drift curves are longer than usual.

TYPE: Boost Challenge
Boost Challenge on the rooftops that you raced through before. As you can see,
these later races, there are a lot of repeating tracks, which can give you
a huge advantage since you should already know them by now.

TYPE: Boost Challenge
Easy as pie. There are a couple of tough drifts that you’ll need to hit, but
this is the track that allows for huge boost combos through tricks, remember?
Nail the tricks after each ramp to keep the boosts going.

TYPE: Drift Challenge
The tough part of this level is at the beginning. There are tough drifts to
maintain, and falling off them can cost you serious time. After that it’s
pretty much smooth sailing, through when you transform into a boat and hit the
water, there are no drift tracks to gain more time.

TYPE: Ring Race
Despite being in the fifth chapter, this Ring Race is easier than the others.
As long as you don’t take it too fast, you can get through it without too much
trouble. Don’t overdo the drift boosting if it doesn’t feel comfortable. There
is plenty of time on the clock this time.

TYPE: Boost Race
A Boost Race on the Burning Rangers track. The annoying walls that pop up on
the third lap are actually easier to get through because now a big boosting
arrow tunnel appears right in front of the opening. After completing this
event, for 140 stars you can unlock more console mods.

TYPE: Race
This track is very long. The mini-map is gone the entire time, so thankfully
it is very linear. Even when the track splits, it doesn’t change much from the
rest of the track.

The first part of the track has no barriers on the edges, and it’s very easy
to fall off into holes, unless you hit the boost pads just right. Then you
can sail right over the gap.

When your vehicle turns into a boat, this is where the track splits. This
water area features new hazards. There are ramps to sail over the barriers
that are positioned around the area. When these gates flash red, you won’t be
able to get through them without taking damage.

TYPE: Ring Race
Typical Ring Race. You have to complete it to gain access to a new character,
though. In the meantime, 95 stars will unlock Superstar Showdown.

To Top



TYPE: Boost Race
You’ll go through all three different transformations in this race. If you want
to play on the freshly unlocked Expert difficulty, then you’ll have to race a
perfect race, hitting every single boost, and nailing the drift boosts around
every corner perfectly as well. Remember that there is no use of weapons in
Boost Races.

TYPE: Traffic Attack
Nothing to note here. Traffic Attack on Expert difficulty adds even more waves
to go through, plus a ton more cars on the road. If you want to succeed there,
you will have to use items as much as possible to knock cars off the road. You
will have to take out both the green cars and the blue cars with the items
instead of just saving them for the blue cars.

TYPE: Versus
The Billy Hatcher-level, albeit in Versus for the first time. You can beat this
one or Mara-Car Madness to reach the first gate for this chapter.

TYPE: Race
Before playing this race, you have to unlock the gate blocking the way with at
least 100 stars. This is incredibly challenging as it is one of the hardest
tracks in the game. This is the map, in case you don’t remember, that takes
place on the rooftops. One mistake will cause your racer to fall off and
seriously get screwed over. If you fall off the roofs in lap 2 or 3 and you
aren’t in any of the top three places, then you might as well just restart the
entire race as it is virtually impossible at that point to get on the podium.

TYPE: Ring Race
Just another Ring Race, though perhaps this is *the* Ring Race as it is based
on NiGHTS. When you complete this event, you can unlock Reala from the series
for 160 stars. The actual event itself is pretty straight-forward and simple,
with previous versiosn of this event being much more difficult. The only
time this event gets all that hard is when the event is taken to the tree
tops and running into trees or branches becomes a very real possibility of
screwing up your run. Also remember that even though you are in a flying
vehicle the entire time, you can still drift in the air to build up bonus
boosting power.

TYPE: Battle Race
Another elimination race. This track is notoriously short, which makes the
idea of eliminating every racer pretty difficult. Still, make an effort to
eliminate as many of the other racers as possible to make it easier to get
first place. Remember that you can’t win these races by getting in third or
second like you usually can on Medium difficuty. You HAVE to get first place or
eliminate all the other racers.

After beating this event, you can unlock a new console mod for 180 stars.

TYPE: Boost Challenge
Honestly, this track is easy. The obstacles make blasting through at high
speeds a little tough, and it becomes easy to smash into things and lose your

TYPE: Sprint
Ugh. If you’ve been using the guide up to this point, then you know how I feel
about this track. It’s very tough, and now add in the fact that you’re racing
against a ghost that is near-perfect in its performance. Anything higher than
Easy mode is going to require a perfect run of this track. After this event,
you will need 165 stars to unlock Ages, and then 200 stars to unlock the gate
to reach the next couple of events, the final two.

TYPE: Boost Race
Welcome back to Curien Mansion! After the ridiculously tough event that the
previous one was, this event is a lot easier. Zombie Zoom is the exact layout
of your previous races at Curien Mansion, except it’s a Boost Race. There are a
lot of moving parts that makes the high speeds tough to deal with, but a little
practice on this track will give you a huge advantage.

TYPE: Race
The final race is a repeat of Arcade Annihilation. The track is long and very
challenging. With Expert difficulty unlocked, and if you’re playing on that
mode, buckle up because it’s going to be a tough ride. The best way to prepare
for this is to go back and play through Arcade Annihilation to get a feel of
it, or better yet, just playing this track on the easier difficulties and
gradually work your way up. You can unlock the console mods for AGES after you
beat this, assuming you have 265 stars.

To Top

More traditional kart racing is to be had in the Grand Prix mode. Here you can
play through five different cups on different difficulty settings. By
completing one cup, you unlock the next. There are five cups total in the

In between each race is a chance to use the slot machine from the casino. If
you match up three symbols across the machine, you’ll unlock special items for
one-time use in the subsequent race.


Ocean View (Sonic Heroes)
Samba Studios (Samba de Amigo)
Carrier Zone (After Burner: Climax)
Dragon Canyon (Panzer Dragoon)


Temple Trouble (Super Monkey Ball)
Galactic Parade (Sonic Colors)
Seasonal Shrines (Shinobi)
Rogue’s Landing (Skies of Arcadia)


Dream Valley (NiGHTS into Dreams…)
Chilly Castle (Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg)
Graffiti City (Jet Set Radio)
Sanctuary Falls (Sonic & Knuckles)


Graveyard Gig (The House of the Dead)
Adder’s Lair (Golden Axe)
Burning Depths (Burning Rangers)
Race of Ages


Sunshine Tour (Samba de Amigo)
Shibuya Downtown (Jet Set Radio Future)
Roulette Road (Sonic Heroes)
Egg Hangar (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)

To Top

Time Attack is a time-based challenge for each of the different sets of tracks.
Single Race is based on ghost-saved runs of the tracks. The goal is to beat
the already-set high scores of developer racers, and then attempt to keep
beating your own high scores and improve your performances on every track.

—>1st Set<—
OCean View
Samba Studios
Carrier Zone
Dragon Canyon

—>2nd Set<—
Temple Trouble
Galactic Parade
Seasonal Shrines
Rogue’s Landing

—>3rd Set<—
Dream Valley
Chilly Castle
Graffiti City
Sanctuary Falls

—>4th Set<—
Graveyard Gig
Adder’s Lair
BurninG Depths
Race of Ages

—>5th Set<—
Sunshine Tour
Shibuya Downtown
Roulette Road
Egg Hangar

—>Bonus Set<—
Outrun Bay

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4. Multiplayer
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Like any kart racer worth its salt, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed has
multiplayer functionality. The game can be played in split-screen or online.

For most of the systems that the game released on, you can play with up to
four players offline and 10 players online. In the Wii U version of the game,
you can play with up to five players offline. To accomplish this, four players
play on the television screen in split-screen (using Wii remotes, nunchuks, or
even Classic Controller Pro) and the fifth players uses the GamePad screen
exclusively to play the game.

Obviously, Racing is one of the main multiplayer components, and it is the
only multiplayer component for all versions that aren’t the Wii U version. You
can play any of the event types from the World Tour mode here.

You can also create a custom game and take it online, or play a custom game
offline for local play. Matchmaking is also available for online multiplayer as

Party Games are only available in the Wii U version as of the time of this
writing. They require at least two people to play any of two available games.

In this mode, the person with the GamePad has the goal of hunting down the
other racers and converting them into ninjas by running into them with their
car. This then functions like a game of tag and survival. The ninja cars team
up to wipe out all the other racers so that the only racers remaining are

In this mode, the player with the GamePad controls a Monkey Ball. The point of
the Monkey Ball is to crush the other racers before they can collect all of
the bananas on the track by tilting the GamePad.

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5. License
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By pressing “X” at any time in the menu, players can bring up their “Licence”.
This is where all stats are kept, as well as “Stickers”. In all versions of
the game, these serve as accomplishments that can be unlocked by completing
various tasks. In the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game, these
stickers are accompanied by achievements and trophies respectively.

You can upgrade your license by leveling up racers, winning races online,
earning stickers, and earning stars on the events. There is a class D, class
C, class B, class A, and class S license to unlock.

List of stickers/achievements:

All Stars – Collected every Star in World Tour
Arrow of Light – Froze an opponent with Ice from at least 100 meters away
Ax Battler – Finished a Battle Race without losing any lives
Battle Outrunner – Did 5 overtakes in a single Drift
Blast Processing – Hit 2 opponents with a single Hot Rod Blast
Buzz Bomber – Hit 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with a Swarm attack
Catcher Pitcher – Absorbed a weapon with the Glove and fired it back at your
Cosmic Smash – Detonated the Hot Rod at the very last second
Crack Down – Got a total of 20 hits with weapons in a Race
De Rol Le Credits – Unlocked Superstar Showdown in World Tour
Drift More – Got a Perfect Drift score on a Drift Challenge event
Eyes On The Road – Hit an opponent with a weapon while looking backwards
Fighting Viper – Evaded or Blocked a homing-weapon 3 times in a Race
Gale Racer – Got a Podium Finish in every Grand Prix tournament on Expert
Genesis – Triple-Stunted while transforming into a car or boat
Hardcore – Completed a World Tour event on Expert difficulty
Holosseum – Unlocked Mirror Grand Prix mode
House Party Of The Dead – Completed an event with 4 local friends
Justice Shot – Got 10 hits by firing weapons backwards in a single event
Link Chain – Completed the Dream Valley Ring Race and passed every Ring as
NiGHTS or Reala
Lock On Sight – Scored 90% accuracy with aimed weapons in an event
Magic Second – Finished 0.5 seconds ahead of an opponent in a Race
Mega Jet – Did a Reckless Boost
Meteor Strike – Collected 10 Stars in World Tour
Newtron – Played 10 Matchmaking games as a Rando character
Nomad – Visted every location in the game
Parts Shop – Won an event with a Mod equipped
Race Leader – Won a Matchmaking game
Racing Hero – Got a Podium Finish in every Grand Prix tournament
Racing Transformed – Turned All-Star
Rank A – Earned your A Class License
Rank B – Earned your B Class License
Rank S – Earned your S Class License
Scud Racer – Finished 1st in a Race without getting hit by weapons
SEGA Sll Star – Earned your Star License
SEGA Super Star – Earned your Triple-Star License
Shadow Step – Did 10 Stunt Combos in a single event
Sonic Drift – Did a 10 second Drift as Sonic
Spin Dash – Did a Boost-Start in each vehicle mode
SUMO Wrestled – Beat your first Staff Ghost in Time Attack
Takes AGES – Unlocked every Character in the game
Team Sonic – Finished 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th with local friends in a 10 player
The King Of Speed – Finished 1st in a Grand Prix tournament at Expert
Tornado – Did a Level 3 Air-Drift
Virtua Trickster – Rolled Left, Rolled Right, Backflipped, Forward Flipped and
landed as a car or boat
Vyse The Legend – Beat 01:11.16 in Time Attack as Vyse in Rogue’s Landing
Welcome To The Fantasy Zone – Finished 1st in a Grand Prix tournament
Welcome To Victory Lane – Finished 1st in every Grand Prix tournament on
Expert difficulty
Yokozuna – Beat all the Staff Ghosts in Time Attack
You Got The Horn – Leveled-up a character

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6. Wii U Version Differences
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There are a few differences between the Wii U version of the game and the
Xbox 360/PS3 versions of the game.

There are motion controls in the Wii U version of the game. Players can choose
to tilt the GamePad to perform stunts for extra boosting power upon landing on
the ground.

It is also possible to play the entire game on the GamePad. This feature is not
advertised anywhere in the game or in the instruction manual. To play the
game on the GamePad, swipe on the touchscreen from the top down. Then confirm
you’ll like to play on the GamePad, and you’re set!

Along with the Wii U version of the game is an exclusive character. By
completing the five Grand Prix cups, you can unlock a Wii U exclusive
character, which is a Mii from the Wii series of games. When the 3DS version of
this game is released, the Mii will also be playable in that version of the
game as well.

Another unique feature on the Wii U is the ability to play the game with up to
five players in local multiplayer. Four people can play the game in
split-screen on the TV screen, but a fifth player can join in using the

Also unique to the Wii U version of the game is the Party Mode. Party Mode
features a couple of mini-games that are GamePad-centric, and focus on
asymmetrical multiplayer, similar to the types of multiplayer that is seen in
games like Nintendo Land. For more information on this, please refer to the
multiplayer section of this guide.

NOTE: Even though I created this guide using the Wii U version, all versions of
the game are fundamentally the same. All of the strategies for all the
different races apply to all versions of the game.

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7. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you complete Sonic & All-Stars Racing: Transformed!

Please check out all my other work on GameFAQs and Cheat Masters!

Special thanks to everyone that uses my guides and has helped me reach over
1,000,000 hits!

Legal Information
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This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly
without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or
as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

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