Major Magnet Walkthrough [Guide]

Major Magnet is a part-platformer, part-puzzle game that will surely attract all types of gamers. Using magnets, you can lead your unlikely hero in various stages as he collects magnorbs, and travels with his powers of magnetic attraction in order to reach his intended destination. It may seem like a very simple premise, but the challenges are quite numerous as he pushes, pulls, swings, and boosts his way towards saving the world.

Major Magnet requires players to go from source to destination. However, Major Magnet cannot move on his own. Rather, players will be using magnets to guide in him is journey. Along the way, he will be collecting magnorbs which serve as currency within the game. Players will have to clear many levels comprising of a number of stages in order to advance and save the world from the evil Colonel Lastin.

Magnorbs are the primary currency within the game. It can be used to purchase items such as boosts as well as customization items. Magnorbs are generally collected within the game, although magnorb packs can also be purchased using real life currency. The more you are willing to spend, the better deal you would be able to get.

In Major Magnet, the secret to clearing stages and collecting magnorbs is in knowing how to make Major Magnet, or Marv to his friends, move. The basic movement is caused by magnets that will attract Major Magnet towards it. As the character comes closer, the attraction grows stronger which might cause the player to swing around and build momentum. By tapping on a different magnet, that magnet will now be activated, releasing Major Magnet and allowing the activated magnet to hopefully catch him mid flight. Thus, playing the game requires an understanding of momentum and physics as well as quick reflexes and timing as it is very important to time the activation and deactivation of magnets so that players can lead Major Magnet in the right direction.

Two other modes of movement, especially when it comes to corrective measures, are boosts and super boosts. Both items are used to add a little extra force in your movements if your trajectories fall a bit short, and some stages would also require you to use these in order to reach the desired areas. The main difference between the two is that boosts only allow you to move in the direction that you are originally going in, while super boosts freezes time for Major Magnet and also allows you to boost in any direction that you choose. With this being said, it is obvious that super boosts are more valuable, which is why super boost packs can only be acquired by using magnorbs.

Players must be able to use these strategies in order to move from one end of the stage to another, as well as collect magnorbs and bakes. In addition, there will be certain hazards and obstacles that will add further challenges as players must time their throws and other movements right. Hitting these, especially without shields that can by the way also be purchased using magnorbs, will cause Major magnet to die, and this, aside from getting stuck in a stage, will have to force players to restart the particular stage.

Once a stage has been completed, the player will be awarded with a gold, silver, or bronze ranking based on how well he performed which is based on his total score.

Bakes come in the form of gold coins, and they can be acquired in some hard to reach areas of each stage. With this, players might have to go out of their way just to acquire these objects. Acquiring bakes, however, is a must as this is the only way to unlock the succeeding stages of the game.

Major Magnet also has a list of achievements that players have the option to complete in order to get the most out of the game. Some achievements are pretty straightforward and can be achieved through normal play. In turn, some objectives might require players to deviate from their usual styles in order to achieve the task at hand. Sadly, there’s no reward for completing an achievement, aside from the satisfaction of conquering the said challenge.

Like most mobile games, Major Magnet features an online leaderboard where the best scores among your friends who are also playing the game and are connected via Facebook. This is a great way to compare scores with friends and to know just who the best Major Magnet is.