Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate Walkthrough [Guide]

You can use this guide to find out everything you could possibly want to know about Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate.

                    -and- Blitz Knight Stunt Present:

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            Platform:   Nintendo 3DS
             Version:   1.10
        Last Updated:   3/17/2013

               Email:   FAQs @ bkstunt .com
            Web Site:
       Facebook Page:

  This document is best viewed using a FIXED-WIDTH font, such as Courier New.
    If the ASCII above/below and the charts used throughout the guide look
  strange, please change your settings to display text in a FIXED-WIDTH font.
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O==<                          Table of Contents                           >==O

   Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section.


 - Introduction......................................................[MoF-INT]
 - Controls..........................................................[MoF-CON]
 - Tips and Tricks...................................................[MoF-TIP]


 - Prologue: Gabriel Belmont.........................................[MoF-GAB]

 - Act 1: Simon Belmont..............................................[MoF-SIM]

   - My Father's Weapon.....................................[MoF 1-1]
   - Finding More Power.....................................[MoF 1-2]
   - The Family Business....................................[MoF 1-3]

 - Act II: Alucard...................................................[MoF-ALU]

   - A Long Night's Sleep...................................[MoF 2-1]
   - To Save a Belmont......................................[MoF 2-2]
   - Facing My Father.......................................[MoF 2-3]

 - Act III: Trevor Belmont...........................................[MoF-TRE]

   - Finding a way Inside...................................[MoF 3-1]
   - The Shadow's Power.....................................[MoF 3-2]
   - A Fateful Encounter....................................[MoF 3-3]


 - Bosses............................................................[MoF-BOS]
 - Skills............................................................[MoF-SKI]
 - Enemies...........................................................[MoF-ENM]
 - Knights...........................................................[MoF-KNI]


 - Version History...................................................[MoF-HIS]
 - Credits...........................................................[MoF-CRE]

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O==<                            Introduction                              >==O

 Hey guys, Bkstunt here with a FAQ/Walkthrough for Castlevania: Mirror of
Fate! Lords of Shadow was one of my favorite action games of 2010 and really
shocked me with how good it was! And anyone who knows me knows I'm crazy for
Castlevania games. In fact, I've done over a DOZEN Castlevania walkthroughs
alone! See, I told you I was crazy!

 Well let's add one more to that list! You can use this guide to find out
everything you could possibly want to know about this game! Enough of the
introduction, let's get to some whip action already!

 Enjoy the guide everyone!

 ~ Bkstunt


Want to talk about some games!? Maybe throw out some ideas for what YOU want
to see me write about next? I made a facebook account for just that reason!

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as well as see upcoming projects. I've also written a TON of reviews that will
go up there (You want to play GOOD games, right?!).


So between those two sites, come on over and say 'Hi!' sometime.


First of all, let me say that my primary motivation for writing guides is,
and always will be, for the gamer. However, as I've learned by writing just
a few guides on new games, it can hit your pocket book! I wish they'd give me
these games so I could crank out great guides, but they don't! Ah, maybe one

Until then, if you've found this guide helpful please consider donating to
help me offset my costs. You can donate to my paypal account below:


Paypal ID:

Gregorio31 @ Gmail . Com

Hey, it's WAY better than paying $20 for a guide, right? Even the smallest
amount will be appreciated.


ALTERNATELY, if you shop at (who doesn't?!) you can ALSO help me
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normal. 4% of what you buy will then be sent to me.

Please be sure to send me an email so I can thank you personally as well! Or
just send me an email to say "Thanks!" Every one of those I read makes my day!

~ Bk

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O==<                               Controls                               >==O

Here are the controls for Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate.

               /      []    _________________________    []      \
               |           |.-----------------------.|           |
               |           ||                       ||           |
               |           ||                       ||           |
               |           ||                       ||           |
               |           ||                       ||           |
               |  .......  ||                       ||  .......  |
               |  .......  ||                       ||  .......  |
               |  .......  ||                       ||  .......  |
               |  .......  ||_______________________||  .......  |
               |      []   '-------------------------'   []      |
              /\____________| |_________|       |_| |____________/\
             |-----------. ..-----------------------.. .-----------|
             |    ___    | ||                       || |  __   __  |
             |   '---'   | ||                       || | '--' '--' |
             |    .-.    | ||                       || |           |
             |  __| |__  | ||                       || |    (X)    |
             | |__   __| | ||                       || |  (Y) (A)  |
             |    | |    | ||                       || |    (B)    |
             |    '-'    | ||                       || |           |
             |           | ||_______________________|| |           |
             |           | |                         | |           |
             |___________| |_________________________| |___________|
             |               |mic                 ||               |

 (-NOTE-) Don't mind the DS place-holder ASCii!  

 |                                                                        |
 | Analog Stick: Movement                                                 |
 |                                                                        |
 | Y Button: Direct Attack                                                |
 |                                                                        |
 | X Button: Area Attack                                                  |
 |                                                                        |
 | B Button: Jump / Quick Recovery                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 | L Button: Block                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 | L + Analog Stick: Dodge                                                |
 |                                                                        |
 | R Button: Use Item / Grip                                              |
 |                                                                        |
 | A Button: Secondary Weapon                                             |
 |                                                                        |
 | A Button (Hold): Charge Secondary Weapon                               |
 |                                                                        |
 | Up/Down Directional Button: Select Secondary Weapon                    |
 |                                                                        |
 | Left/Right Directional Button: Activate Magic                          |
 |                                                                        |
 | START: Pause Menu                                                      |
 |                                                                        |
 | Touch Screen: Interact with map & menu                                 |
 |                                                                        |

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O==<                           Tips and Tricks                            >==O

 A collection of things to help you out as you play the game!

 o If you are aiming to 100% the game, you will need to collect all CHEST
   upgrades, find all KNIGHTS, and find all BESTIARY cards. Chests of course
   make you more powerful. Knights tell stories and give you XP. Bestiary
   cards tell you more about certain enemies. Do you NEED all these things?
   No. But you do get a special cut-scene at the end of the game if you find
   them all. With that said, this guide is made to help you find EVERYTHING.

 o The best way to make sure you find everything (Besides following the guide,
   of course) is to look at your map. It will always have some numbers on it,
   such as 0/4 or 3/4. This tells you that you've found (0, or 3) out of the
   4 possible hidden items in the room.

 o If you take the time to find everything (100% the game), grinding for XP
   is definitely NOT required.

 o Can't get to an item? Is something blocking your way? Put a note on your
   map to help remind yourself later!

 o Don't forget to use sub-weapons! I can't tell you how many barrels I had
   no use for just because I didn't use sub-weapons!

 o Are you fighting near a Health or Magic Font? Well then, feel free to get
   hit (fight dangerously) or spam magic if you so desire. You can always fill
   it right back up!

 o Your characters will always grab the ledge if you fall off a platform. This
   is often handy as you can then look around while hanging and pan the camera
   about. Use this to find shortcuts and items.

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O==<                      PROLOGUE: GABRIEL BELMONT                       >==O

 One year before his battle against the Lords of Shadow...

 Watch the scenes until you gain control. We look pretty awesome, no?
The monsters running by look pretty cool too. Walk forward until you see
some poor knight being mauled. Soon we'll show these monsters just who they
are dealing with!



 Go ahead and take care of the Lizard Men you face. One in front of you and
two from the left. The ones on the left will be distracted by the knights,
but don't count on them actually helping you. In fact, I'm pretty sure they
can die without even getting hit! How pathetic!

 Move forward and another Lizard Man will jump down and attack, but the
game introduces blocking here!


 After a good block, the game will show you what an unblockable attack looks
like. You should do your best to avoid these attacks, which includes knowing
how to roll out of the way!


 After the instructions, go ahead and kill the 5+ Lizard Men that show up.
Be careful of their unblockable attacks, as the game is bound to throw some
at you to be sure you learned your lesson. Once they are dead, something big
will fly overhead and Gabriel will set out to follow it.

 After the short scene, head forward and once you are on the bridge some
more instructions will show up:


 Do as the game says and perform a PERFECT BLOCK, which, as those who've
played Lords of Shadow know, leads to a powerful counterattack!


 All of this offense leads to the Lizard Man shining a bright SILVER color,
which means that this particular enemy is open to a grab attack!


 Do so and you'll see how BRUTALLY efficient grabbing can be. We will use
grabbing a TON during the game, so it's important to recognize and use it
whenever you can! After defeating this first lizardman, you will likely be
hit, prompting a fast recovery tutorial text:


 Defeat the remaining Lizard Men and watch the ensuing scenes. Very cool.
This will end the prologue section.

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O==<                         ACT I: SIMON BELMONT                         >==O


 Watch the opening scenes with younger and older Simon. Very powerful
stuff! Hard not to feel for him. Watch as he rides to a nearby village.
Time to avenge our mother!

                             MY FATHER'S WEAPON
==================================================================[MoF 1-1]===


 Play around with your moves a bit if you wish. Be sure to check out the
Inventory and Skills lists to see what you can do. Note that our whip is
called the BEAST HUNTER, which has an interesting description.

   Beast Hunter: Simon's Whip is made from various animal skins interlocked
                 forming a tightly woven pattern, it is often used by the
                 tribsemen of Wallachia.

                 The leather is then reinforced with fragments of metal which
                 maintains its flexibility yet it is strong enough to rip
                 through armour, wood and flesh with ease.

 Once you are comfortable, head forward into the village. You'll see some
Zombies show up. Hardly a threat. They can pull off their heads and throw them
at you, which is probably their biggest threat. It also makes them easier to
kill. Take them out and you'll be introduced to experience!



 Very nice! Continue wasting the Zombies (which I assume is no challenge to
you, Vampire Hunter) and continue on, ducking under a shed as you go. You
will soon come upon a bright green glowing font.




 These things showed up in Lords of Shadow as well and restore your health
when used (duh!). Still, it's useful to note you don't always have to blindly
use them whenever you see them.

 Head forward and grab the crate you see (using R). Drag it to the left so
you can jump on it and jump up to the floor up above you. From here you can
jump to the right and find a lever.

 BEFORE using it, jump up to the upper left alcove to find a [_KNIGHT_].
Press 'R' to interact with the poor soul.


 Like Lords of Shadow, Knight Scrolls are hidden items for us to find. Since
you are reading this guide, you'll have no trouble at all finding every last
one of them. Lucky you!

 Head down and hit the switch, which opens the door to the right. Head
through and watch the scene. Pretty damn awesome. You'll get the Throwing
Axe afterward! Our first sub-weapon!





 The Axe is STRONG against aerial enemies, and is just a classic Castlevania
sub-weapon that you KNEW would show up sooner or later. I'm a fan of item
descriptions, so here's the description of the Throwing Axe:

   Throwing Axe: The Throwing Axe is the perfect support weapon for a
                 Barbarian of Wallachia.

                 Extremely useful against flying creatures and devastating
                 when charged, they are capable of breaking reinforced armour
                 and can even knock down bigger foes.

 Continue on and you'll get a chance to try out the Axe with a wave of
Zombies coming up. There will be quite a few of them as you go along. Take
them out however you wish and continue on. You'l soon reach a house with
some barrels in front of it. More tutorial messages!


 Whip them and you'll reveal a heart!


 Pick it up and keep going right to the next screen.


 Heal if you need it and nearby, near the next lamp post, is another
fallen [_KNIGHT_]. Interact with him to read an interesting scroll. Head
forward to see a small, very iconic scene. Classic. The bats were a nice

 Since we're not getting in the front door, time to head down! Move over
to the ledge and you'll hang from it. More tutorials here.


 Move down to see:


 Drop all the way down to safe ground and head left. You'll find another
ledge, so head down again. Head right to the next ledge, drop down, and
we'll get some more instructions:


 Time to do some jumping. Jump over to the right flashing point. Drop down
here and we'll get another instruction:


 OK, I don't think that instruction was really needed. From here just head
all the way down to the ground. Here you'll see a box on the left we can move
out of the way to reach some barrels. Do so if you wish (more sub-weapons) and
head right. There will be some more Zombies here to take out. Have some fun
and continue right. You will see a scene here focusing in on a red light in
the distance.



 Well, with this guide note's aren't necessarily NEEDED, but they can't
hurt either. We'll be back for this eventually to get that chest. As a
consolation prize, drop down and interact with the [_KNIGHT_] here. Sounds
like he learned the above lesson too late.

 Continue on jumping the gaps and head further down. As you continue on
you'll see a mysterious figure watching you, then float off. Yikes. Continue
on and you'll drop down into the water below, prompting some tutorial text.



 HOOBOY, we can SWIM! How cool is this! First, head straight down to see a
grate with air bubbles coming out of it. This is a pocket of oxygen, and we
can recover our breath by getting near it as the tutorial states:



 I kind-of feel like Sonic. Head left now and follow the ground. You'll come
to another AIR POCKET as you go. Use it and continue following the ground and
heading left until you are forced upward. You'll see that this path leads to
a semi-hidden [_KNIGHT_]. Read the interesting scroll and head back to the
last air pocket.

 Here, head straight up and you'll see a floating scroll above you. This
thing is a BESTIARY CARD. We'll find all of them throughout the guide. They
unlock entries in the BESTIARY from the Main Menu and are useful for seeing
enemies strengths and weaknesses. Jump up and grab it.




 This particular card is the [_ZOMBIE BESTIARY CARD_]. A good start to the
collection. Now let's head back to the right, using oxygen as needed (you
likely don't need to) and exit the water. Enter the new area to the right.


 Heal up if you wish and head forward.  You'll meet another new enemy soon
called a Merman. Watch out for their unblockable attack, as the Mermen will
launch themselves at you (Dodging away is definitely needed). You will also
likely level up to level 2 soon.

 Kill the first one and then the next 3-4. Good chance to earn a lot of
experience. Remember that you can go back and heal if you wish (as the health
fonts refill over time). There's also a barrel nearby if you want another

 Now, you MAY be thinking of jumping into the water nearby. That's very
understandable. BUT there's nothing down there except death. Well, maybe
not death, but small fish things that will constantly attack you. You can
jump in and explore if you wish, but be sure to stay on the move.

 If you don't care about filling out the map, stay on the high ground. You
will reach a rope soon, with another (probably un-needed) tutorial:




 At the end of the rope you'll be rewarded with a chest. Open it for your
first [_HEALTH INCREASE_]. Nice. Continue up and follow the path to the left
using the ledges. You'll reach a rope soon, but this one has some steam
blowing down in your way.


 Follow the tutorial and get past the steam geysers by leaping. Past the rope
you'll find some more barrels to stock up and then you'll fight some more
Mermen. May as well use some axes here.

 Further on you'll see a ledge up above you with a Rappel Point. Yep, we
still can't use it, but don't worry: we'll get it eventually.

 Head down and you'll need to head further left. You can use either ledge here
to jump over there; it really doesn't matter. Continue on and head up, watching
out for the steam. You'll see ANOTHER Rappel Point up here. Man, lots of items
we can't get to in this area. To the right is yet another Rappel Point. This
one would let us grab a bestiary card, but again, we can't use it.

 Instead, head down and jump to the next platform, then to the next ledge to
the right. Head up to see a weird statue. We can't interact with it yet,
though. Go figure. Continue on and you'll meet up with the mysterious figure
from earlier. Some scenes will take place here.

 Afterward, you will see an eerie waterfall to the right. Souls will be mixed
in with the water and you will be told you can't pass. Don't even try unless
you want to get hurt. Instead, head up the ledges to the left. You'll run into
another Merman soon, along with some barrels. Continue on and dodge the steam
while crouching by doing a normal dodge move.

 We'll see another statue we can't interact with. Oh well. Jump over the green
water (Acid, maybe? It hurts!) and head up. Keep following the path, grabbing
the barrels and continuing on until you see a scene.



 Well, go ahead! Press it! Watch what happens!




 Cool! This spirit is actually an inventory item:

   Spirit Of Belnades: The Belnades clan have dedicated their lives to devoutly
                       serving mother church and because of this dedication
                       were blessed with magical abilities to heal and protect.

                       After death the spirit of each female Belnades was
                       allowed to endure and give protection to whomever should
                       need it.

                       Using this power, Simon can avoid dangers that would
                       otherwise be impossible to overcome and unknown to him,
                       the spirit and love of his mother aids him in his quest.

 We can turn our magic on and off by tapping the upper-left icon on the bottom
screen. You can also turn it off and on by hitting the LEFT Directional Button.
With it on, we will be fully protected. Note that your magic DOES NOT DRAIN
unless it is used.

 Kill off the two Mermen and focus on the Harpy. She will shoot arrows at you
and will try to divebomb you from time to time. Still, you're safe with the
spirit magic, although you hardly need it. Once you take out this first wave
you will need to take out two more waves.

 Time to head back. Once you get past the green puddle, you'll see a scene.



 And NOW we can use these things. Cool. Use it and continue. You'll be told
that the spirit magic to protect you from other hazards, like the nearby steam
trap. May as well try it. Continue on and head down. With the spirit we now
can pass under the waterfall to the right. Continue on to the next section.


 (-NOTE-) When moving under the waterfalls, roll into them to cover some
          ground fast and minimize the amount of time you are getting hurt.

 Head under the "Deadly Waterfall" to the right and continue on. You can use
the box to get to the upper right ledge for a Magic Font and a barrel, but
then go down and push the box to the left to head up and continue on.

 Head back under the same waterfall and jump the gap. Go back and hang down
from the left, then look down. You'll see a scroll here! Drop down and
air-dash to the left for the [_HARPY BESTIARY CARD_], then head back to the
ledge above you. Here we have a choice: Go LEFT or RIGHT. You want to go RIGHT.

 Head under the same waterfall again and you'll come to a dead end. Here you
can refill with a Magic Font but more importantly there is a [_KNIGHT_] here.

 Head back now and head left. Past the waterfall you'll need to head up (watch
out for the steam!) and kill the Merman you find. There's a Magic Font nearby
you should use as well. Continue on and you'll soon come to another split in
the path.

 Here head UP first. You'll be able to avoid the waterfall to the left by
going around it and will see a BOX. We want to push it to the right. Go ahead
and do so to have it fall down. Go down with it and push ir to the right. Once
you are past the first waterfall you can head up if you wish for a Magic Font
and some barrels. Keep pushing the box right past the long waterfall. There's
another Magic Font here. With the box over here we can now continue on.

 Head upward and you'll be able to use a Health Font if you wish. Continue up
and watch out for the steam traps on the way. At the very top you'll see a
Rappel Point to the upper right. Something to keep in mind. Head left and
continue on (more rappel points) and fight the Mermen you find. Keep on going
left (even MORE rappel points!). Continue up watching out for the steam trap
until you emerge back into the open air.

 To the left is a dead-end with a Rappel Point, but you can head over there
to kill some Zombies and a Harpy. Fun! Continue right. The piles of skulls are
downright impressive. To the right you can kill some more Zombies. When you get
to the water, note the Knight up above that we can't reach. Grah.

 Continue on killing the Zombies until you can head up. You can kill a Harpy
on your way, as well as collect some barrels. At the top kill the Zombies and
head right. The upper path has some more barrels if you need them. The lower
one has a Magic Font and an elevator.

 Ride it up and climb up. Take the obvious path to the left when you can to
enter a room with a treasure chest containing your first [_MAGIC INCREASE_].
Head back now and continue up, taking the exit to the right to continue on.


 Head up here and check out the scenery. Very cool. To the left is some
barrels and a dead end. Looks like someone was trying to break in. Head to
the right for a Health Font and some more barrels. Keep going and you'll see
a creature eating on a dead knight. It will scamper away if you threaten it,
leaving the [_KNIGHT_] for you.

 Head forward and you'll soon see a scene. Time for a boss battle!

 | Boss Battle -                Night Watchman                - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: This guy is a good test of your abilities and     |
 |   will likely be your first real challenge. However, he is quite         |
 |   cowardly: he will use animal attacks and magic to stay out of the      |
 |   fight when he can. Check out his moves below and learn to avoid them   |
 |   and you'll do OK. At the end you can grab him to start a quick time    |
 |   event where you'll mash 'B' and hit 'Y'. Once you finish that you'll   |
 |   be the victor.                                                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Three-Hit Combo: This is the Night Watchmen's most basic attack. His   |
 |   first two hits are blockable, but the third isn't, so be ready to      |
 |   dodge backward when you can. If you ever get cornered, jump up and     |
 |   air-dodge past him to give yourself some room.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Spin Attack: Another easy one to dodge: the Watchman will simply       |
 |   spin around when you are near him. This is of course unblockable,      |
 |   but very easy to dodge.                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Animal Help: Just like at the start of the fight, the Watchman         |
 |   will occasionally jump out of the fight and call in some animals to    |
 |   help him. This gives you a chance to ear some extra experience, I      |
 |   guess. Kill them off. Note that once you do, the Watchman will         |
 |   jump in and, if you're close enough, he will start to strangle you     |
 |   with his staff, which means you have to mash on the 'B' button.        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Magic Staff: After you've been battling for awhile, the Watchman       |
 |   will pull this trick out. He'll once again run off and will use dark   |
 |   magic to make his staff attack while the screen goes dark. The staff   |
 |   will draw blue lines on the screen and you must avoid it at all costs. |
 |   It will usually move back and forth in a sine wave pattern, so you     |
 |   can often dodge under it easily. It gets more erratic as the fight     |
 |   goes on.                                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Well, that was fun.

 Head back and use the Health Font if you wish, then head forward to find a
Magic Font and the [_NIGHT WATCHMAN BESTIARY CARD_]. There's an elevator here
as well, but skip it for now and keep going right. You'll have to kill a few
Scavens. Its worth it though, there is a [_KNIGHT_] down here. There's a
Rappel Point here as well. Head back and use the elevator to go to the next


 Down here, exit the elevator and equip your spirit magic, then use the lever.
Keep pressing the B button while the Zombies show up. Once the door is open
you can kill them all off.

 Head onward to a split in the path. Head upward first when you can. You'll
eventually get to some barrels on the upper left and a red laser to the right.
You can use the spirit magic to get past the red laser. There is a [_KNIGHT_]
over here, as well as a Magic Font.

 Head back down and take the bottom path now. Use the Health Font if needed
and head right to the next area.


 Head forward and jump into the mining cart. Use it with R and rotate the
analog stick to get past the huge gap here. At the other end we'll get to
kill some more Zombies. These ones have a tendency to have their torsos fall
off and crawl at you on the ground, trying to grab you (if they do, you'll
have to jam the 'B' button). Use Guillotine to help kill them.

 Once they are dead note the rappel point and head down. Past the steam trap
kill the Zombie you find and continue on to the next elevator and use it.
Continue on and kill the Zombies you find (much more of them up here) and
restock on the barrels and Health Font afterward.

 Up ahead is a [_KNIGHT_] with an interesting scroll. Continue on for a scene.





 Ooo, a new sub-weapon. Here's the inventory description for it:

   Oil Flask: Commonly used to defend the castle walls, these fragile oil
              flasks can reduce any adversary to ashes.

              Upon hitting the ground, they explode and quickly spread their
              fiery contents, covering everything with flames that damage
              enemies over time.

              Use in conjunction with your regular attacks to thin down a

 Go ahead and try it out here. It functions much like you would expect the
HOLY WATER to function: it does damage over time. We have a fight on our
hands though: Skeletons are no joke! Their ordinary attacks are easy to
block but they can also throw axes! Some of the axes are easy to block, but
they can occasionally throw FIRE AXES which are unblockable and very dangerous!
Also, once you destroy them they will occasionally break apart and lie on the
ground, the bones moving every once in awhile. When you see this use your
GUILLOTINE attack to finish them off. Take them out and you'll have to fight
even more. Fairly easy. Kill them all and watch out for unblockable fire axes
and you'll be ok.

 The area will open up afterward and you can now continue on to the next area.


 Head forward a bit and you can jump up and explore the second floor. Up
here are some barrels guarded by two skeletons. Fun. Further on is a rappel
point. You'll see a scene here as well. Looks like another spirit! Go down
and grab the barrel if you want and kill the two skeletons to the right.
Jump the gap and use the Magic Font if you wish. There's a [_KNIGHT_] in the
corner coming up as well. Interesting. That's probably that spirit we saw.

 Head to the left now and kill off the Skeletons you find. Keep heading
left and something will grab you out of the ground! Gah! Jam on the 'B'
button to escape. At the other end of the tunnel you can check out the upper
left corner for barrels. The lower left section is just a large dead-end, so
take the lower right door to the elevator, which leads to a new area.


 An interesting area name. The shrouded figure is watching us again. use
the Health Font if you wish and head on. Use the lever in here to make the
water level go up. You can then use the left cage to get out of the water.

 If you jump to the left you can fight a couple of Skeletons, but we'll have
to go right sooner or later. You'll find another lever here. Use it and raise
the water even higher!

 Head back to the main area and swim to the left. You'll need to swim
underwater here and to the left (where you killed the skeletons) and head
UP. This path leads to ledges and a steam trap, so keep going up and hit the
lever you find to once again raise the water. The nearby door will also open.

 Once you can swim to the far right and swim down a little. Here you'll find
a path here leading to some floating skeletons. Swim up and use the left ledge
to reach the [_KNIGHT_] up here, who has an interesting scroll.

 Head back now and swim out to the middle of the area. Jump up into the cell
where you can find another [_KNIGHT_]. Poor guy. Climb up the ledge on the
immediate left and onto the top of the cell. Use the rope here to move to the
area on the right and use one last lever!

 The water rises even higher now. Head back to the main area. For those who
are curious you can find a path to the left by swimming under the water around
a wooden plank, but that path leads to a grapple point that we can't use.

 Instead, head to the upper right and use the ledges here to continue while
watching out for the steam traps. As you pull yourself up on a cell, you can
jump onto a rope to get over to the far left. You'll see a scene as you head
left. Wow. Head left into the next area.


 Head forward and up the flights of stairs (too bad we can't get that darn
bestiary card). Head up and over the cages. There's a box here with some
barrels and a Health Font.

 Push the box over to the left and use it to get further up. Up here is a
[_AMMO INCREASE_], which means we can have SIX sub-weapons now. Nice. Head
back down and to the right, taking the elevator that you find upward. Watch
the scenes here.

 Heh. They made some good use of 3D there. Once Simon wakes up, kill off all
of the Hunchback creatures. They like to throw their lanterns, so just
move around a lot and you'll be ok. You'll need to kill off 6-7 of these
things but it's not that much of a challenge. At least you aren't dinner!

 Head onward to the left to come back to the staircase. Here, head down.
You'll fight more Hunchbacks and can break some barrels. As you go down check
the left corners of each flight of stairs carefully for a hidden alcove
(located behind some barrels) to find a [_KNIGHT_]. Oh man, that scroll...

 Head back up now and head left when you can. You'll need to kill two more
Hunchbacks before you have a choice in paths here. We can go UP or LEFT. Let's
go LEFT first, which leads back to the Guards Room.


 Here, destroy the barrels and the zombies that show up, then nab the
[_FLYING SCAVEN BESTIARY CARD_] floating in the air. Nice. You can use the
lever here to open the way back into the Guards Room, but there's really
nothing else we can do so head back to the Kitchen.


 Head back to the right and head up when you can, watching out for the
steam trap. To the right you can zone into a new area.


 Head onward and upward. It's all you can do, after all. Head into the
theatre proper and get up on stage! Time for a show!

 Here you will have to fight a few waves of Puppets. You'll start off with
red ones. They are fairly easy to kill, just don't let any of them stick
around above you. I find that Rising Strike helps kill the lower Puppets
fast as it basically stun-locks them. After a short scene you'll start to
fight some Grey Puppets. These are slightly more aggressive and have some
unblockable spin attacks. Beware of them and keep on killing. Soon you will
see another scene. I'm sure fans of the series will recognize who is helping
Simon out!

 Afterward head back to the right. The shrouded figure will have opened a
way forward to the right. Head up as the path down is a dead end. You'll
have to fight some more Puppets here. Take them out and continue. Go down
when you can and then back to the left. This room has even more Puppets for
you to kill. Take them out. To the far left is your reward: a [_KNIGHT_].

 "Collect" him and head to the right. Head underneath the stairs, then head
up using the ledges. On your way up you'll see a bestiary card. Get below the
steam trap and jump to the left to grab the [_MACABRE PUPPET BESTIARY CARD_].
Keep on heading up and exit to the right.


 Use the Magic Font if you wish and head up. You'll fight another new enemy
here: the Harpy Leader. This thing is a lot like the Harpy but can additionally
scream at you, so be careful of its charged up attacks. Note that I will often
just call these things Harpy or Harpies (I assume you can tell the difference
for yourself!). Charged up axes work wonderfully here. Kill two of them and
head right, using the fancy elevator once you can.

 To the left you will end up fighting three more Harpies. Take them out and
hit up the barrels here afterward (I found some POT ROAST) in one of them!
Take the left exit once you are done to continue.


 Use the Health Font if you wish and then head to the left. You'll meet a new
enemy: the Werewolf. These guys will try to get close and smack you with a
one-two hit. They can also charge up and do a dash attack. Other than that
though, they aren't that tough. Take out two of them and continue to the next
room. You will have to face two more Werewolfs here and a Harpy.

 After killing them head to the left. You'll see a chance for you to head up.
Go ahead and head up and to the right. There's a grapple point here so we
can't explore TOO much, but we can air-dash to the right for the [_WEREWOLF

 Once you have it head to the next area through the doors to the far left.


 This area looks really cool, but there's nothing to do here. Just keep
heading left to head to the next area.


 Head onward. There's an interesting ghostly creature in the background.
Soon you'll see a path choice. If you head up the stairs you won't be able
to do anything, so go under into the main library area.

 Here you can explore to the far right to find more grapple points we can't
do anything with. Instead, go interact with the center book stand to start a
pitched battle.

 Here you'll have to face a new enemy: the Magic Book. This thing will summon
Werewolves with its magic. It can also siphon life from you. It's recommended
to focus your attacks on them. Rising Strike is EXCELLENT here to keep the
Werewolves busy while damaging the book. Once you take out one wave another
will come in, with more books in the mix. Keep focusing on the books (they do
fall easily when focused on) and soon the fight will be over. A scene will
occur afterward showing a path opening up.

 Head back and heal up, then take the stairs. Kill the stupid little Hunchback
up here and inspect the [_KNIGHT_] nearby. After that, head up the nearby
ledges to the right and you'll come to a new room. Break the barrels and use
the stand in here as the Shrouded Figure looks onward. This will make the
statue on the right move and open up a new exit to a courtyard.


 Use the Health Font here and break the barrels. Continue on towards the
light (notice the sets of clothing on the wall) and head up to the pedestal,
using R when you can. This will initiate a boss fight.

 | Boss Battle -                 Necromancer                  - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: I guess we couldn't get the Combat Cross THAT     |
 |   easy. The necromancer is going to have us work for it! This fight is   |
 |   another good test of your abilities, but it does have some quirks to   |
 |   it. For example, if you try and use your Belnades Spirit magic, the    |
 |   Necromancer will actually make fun of you for relying on a woman to    |
 |   help you and then he will TRAP her in his staff! Wha..!?!?!            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Other than that he is pretty predictable, but not exactly "easy". He   |
 |   has a few attacks, such as summoning minions and making acid rain out  |
 |   of the sky: these types of attacks make you focus on additional        |
 |   hazards while battling, which is what makes this fight dangerous.      |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Check out his attacks below and rely on your smarts and hazard         |
 |   management to make it through. At two points in the fight you will     |
 |   force the Necromancer down to the ground. When this happens, the       |
 |   Necromancer will make protective rings circle him as he tries to       |
 |   recover. These rings all have holes in them, turning this portion of   |
 |   the fight into a waiting-game challenge. The first time you'll need to |
 |   time two rings and dash through them when the gaps line up. The second |
 |   time this happens is right at the end of the fight and will have three |
 |   rings. Wait for the gaps to line up, rush in, and grab the Necromancer |
 |   to end the fight!                                                      |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Minion Summoning: This is kinda what Necromancers do... Throughout     |
 |   the fight he will summon Skeletons and Zombies, usually one on each    |
 |   side of you. Take them out when you can, but don't waste a chance to   |
 |   do some major damage to the Necromancer when you can.                  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Scythe Attacks: The Necromancer's basic attack: Swinging his scythe    |
 |   at you. When he's got enough room (which he usually does), he will     |
 |   do two swings in a row: one overhead one followed by a swing upward.   |
 |   If he doesn't have enough room he may only do the first attack and     |
 |   forget about the second. These are of course unblockable.              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Scythe Throw: This attack is a great chance to lay into the boss.      |
 |   It's also a fairly standard Castlevania Death/Necromancer attack: he   |
 |   will throw the scythe and make it travel in a circle. This means you   |
 |   can often dodge it and attack while the scythe finishes its trip and   |
 |   the Necromancer just floats there.                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Acid Drops: Another hazard attack. He will make blobs of acid slowly   |
 |   fall from the sky. These travel slowly downward across the entire      |
 |   screen, so get between two of them ASAP and wait for them to pass to   |
 |   remain safe.                                                           |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Blade Gauntlet: Near the end of the fight, when the Necromancer        |
 |   senses that he's about to lose, he will teleport to the far side of    |
 |   the area and start to make blades come at you. These are either high   |
 |   or low, so you can either dodge or jump them. You'll need to make      |
 |   your way to the Necromancer and get some hits in before he teleports   |
 |   again and starts another Blade Gauntlet attack.                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 After the fight is over, the Combat Cross will finally be ours!



 Very nice! Here's the item description:

   COMBAT CROSS: The remains of a weapon originally created by Rinaldo

                 Although it retains some of its original power, years of
                 use have worn its magic metal, so much of its legendary
                 offensive capabilities have been lost.

                 However, the intricate shape of the links enable Simon to
                 grab enemies from a distance and swing from many places in
                 the environment.

 So we can finally use all of those GRAPPLE POINTS. Very nice. In fact, we
have no choice but to try it out now. Head to the left and use the Grapple
point with the 'R' Button.




 Use the combat cross to climb back into the window, then head left back into
the Library when you can.


 Out here another rappel point will be zoomed in on along with some more






 You CAN let go of 'R' as you swing to the left to find a ledge over here,
along with a door we can't open, so you may as well just rappel downward
onto the ledge and use the lever. This will open the way forward.

 HOWEVER! Now that we have the Combat Cross he wave quite a few items we
can now find and claim. The below section is entirely optional, but it is
HIGHLY recommended as you can gain a lot of health, magic and ammo increases
as well as (likely) level up at least once on this trip. PLUS, we will be
gaining a new SPIRIT MAGIC, so you should REALLY just follow the guide.

 Let's start our journey by exploring this room a bit. Drop down to the
floor (where you'll likely fight some Magic Books), kill them and go right.
Head under the stairs and then head up them. Continue right and use the
Grapple Point to continue to the upper right. Follow this path and you will
find a [_KNIGHT_].

 Head back to the main room and head to the left. You'll find a huge cat
statue here. Move it to the right a bit and stand on it, the use the Grapple
Point to head up. Up here, interact with the book to see some words:

 "Hidden, of, three, routes, the, same, books, number, open."

 Hidden routes, eh? Fun. You'll have unlocked a passage in the Library.

                             FINDING MORE POWER
==================================================================[MoF 1-2]===

(-NOTE-) The path through this backtracking section may not be the best
         given my lack of experience with the game. If you know a better
         way go ahead and email me!

 OK, now let's start our backtracking journey proper. Go behind the statue
and you'll find a path downward. Use the Rappel Point and head down, jumping
off the wall with B to make your way to the right. This leads to the Castle


 Head to the ledge and drop off, then go down all the way. Now head to the
left and go under the crushed doorway. You can break the barrels to uncover
the [_KNIGHT_] hidden here.

 After that, head to the right and use the swing points so you can grab the
[_SCAVENS BESTIARY CARD_]. Easy. Head all the way down now. This room (area)
is full of Scavens and Flying Scavens. There's some Magic and Health Fonts
as well, if you need them.

 We have another choice here: take the elevator on the right down to the
Guards Room or the left path to the Deadly Waterfalls. The Waterfalls is the
boring path so let's do it first...


 Head down to the elevator and continue outside. Use the ledges to head
further down and kill some Zombies. Cross the green river. There's a Knight
nearby that we still can't get (yet). Keep heading left and head left past
the pit heading down. You'll find a Grapple Point over here. Use it to get
higher up and travel across the top of the screen to the right. You'll find
your way to the [_KNIGHT_] from earlier, but you'll have to kill a harpy as

 Go back and head down now. As you head to the right you'll see a Swing
Point to the upper right. Use it and you'll reach another [_KNIGHT_] with
an interesting note. Keep following the upper path to the right using the
Swing Points. You'll have to kill some Mermen but you'll eventually come to
a chest with a [_HEALTH INCREASE_].


 Head left under the Deadly Waterfall and keep going left (remember that
going up is where you got the Belnades magic). You'll see a Swing Point here
that you can use to grab the [_MERMEN BESTIARY CARD_]. Use them to grab it
and head to the upper left.

 To the left is a path leading further up with a Rappel Point. Use it to head
up and reach the chest for an [_AMMO INCREASE_]. Grab it and head back down.
Head to the right again and drop down below (you'll likely fight some more
Mermen). After that, head to the left for another Grapple Point. Use it to
get up and examine a [_KNIGHT_]. There's some barrels too, I suppose.

 Head down and exit the Southwest exit to Castle's Outer Wall.


 Continue back-tracking until you get to the knight who died from the fall
(he's up above the water area). Use your Combat Cross to get up to the upper
right and open the chest for an [_AMMO INCREASE_]. 

 With that item in hand, head all the way back to the Castle Hall. Yes, yes
I KNOW it is a long way back, but we have no choice here, ok? Head back and
then take the right elevator down to the Guards Room.


 Here you can take the upper path to the Kitchen or the lower path to
the Cells. But first, head to the elevator to the far left of the area.
Don't take it. Instead, to the right of it (and above it...) is a Grapple
Point. Use it to get up there and you'll see a Swing Point to your right.
Use that to reach the chest to the right for an [_AMMO INCREASE_].

 Now let's take the path to the Cells.


 In the middle area use the Grapple Point to get higher up to the right.
There's another laser here you can use Belnades magic to get past it. There
is a Magic Font in here and a chest with a [_MAGIC INCREASE_]. Very nice!

 Now let's make our way to the Inner Cells.


 Head left and use the Box to get over the wall. Once you do you can use the
nearby Grapple Point on the right to make your way to the floating figure!

 As you may have guessed, this is the Spirit of Schneider. You'll get to see
a cool scene of Belnades calming him and inviting him to join Simon. Cool!

   SPIRIT OF SCHNEIDER: An ancient oath sworn by a most noble knight to defeat
                        evil provides a powerful comrade in arms to the valiant
                        and brave.

                        Michael Gelhart Schneider swore an oath and now fights
                        by your side in spirit form.

                        Armed with a devastating magic crossbow, always loaded
                        with bolts, he will remain at the service of his allies
                        and will not rest until his final mission has been

 Go ahead and try him out by tapping his icon or by pressing the right
directional button, then use the lever here. You'll have to jam on the 'B'
button to open it, but Schneider is more than capable of protecting you!

 From here use the Grapple Point by the gap and head down. Jump over to the
right and kill the Skeleton. To the right grab the barrels if you wish and
head down. To the left is a steam trap. You can roll over near it to grab
the [_SKELETON WARRIOR BESTIARY CARD_] when the steam stops. Neat.

 Next head to the right. This path leads to some steam trap dodging which
is honestly just basic timing. There is a skeleton to kill along the way.
At the end of the path is a chest with a [_HEALTH INCREASE_] in it. Very

 Let's head all the way back up to the starting area (where you lowered
yourself into the gap) and head right now. You'll end up having to fight
some Harpy enemies. Head right to a LARGE gap. There's a Swing Point here.
Go ahead and grab it, but STOP swinging and descend straight down. Let go
when you can see the land to drop to a chest for a [_MAGIC INCREASE_]. To
get out of here head to the left (under the earth - watch out for the hand
that will come out as you pass underneath) and head up. You'll find a lever
here that will take you back to the Harpy room.

 After that head to the left again and now use the Swing Point to cross the
large gap. Use the elevator you find and the Magic Font if needed. Beyond
here will be a bunch of Zombies. Kill them and continue on to a split in the
path where you can head up or down.

 Head DOWN first. You'll be able to use a Grapple Point here. There's a steam
trap here as well. You can use B to jump off the wall and jump over to the
left where you can find a [_KNIGHT_]. Head back up after investigating him.

 The upper path leads you to a few big rooms with Skeletons and Harpies in
them and, eventually, a weird-looking demon face you can interact with. This
thing is a TELEPORTER and will take you back to the LIBRARY if you wish. To
the right is another Swing Point and an exit to the KITCHEN. I recommend
taking the exit to the Kitchen.


 Here you can grab the [_HUNCHBACK BESTIARY CARD_] and use the lever to
open the door for good. That's all that there is to do in here. Our other
options here are the upper path, which leads to the Theatre, or the lower
path that leads to the Vertical Prison. Let's head to the Vertical Prison


 Here head right and use the lower Grapple Point to head down. Jump over to
the middle cell, then jump down to the lower right cell. Here you can use the
middle Swing Point to get over to the left. Use the Grapple Point to the upper
left now and head up.

 This path leads to some Skeleton Warriors so take them out and head up using
the next Grapple Point to find a chest with a [_HEALTH INCREASE_].

 Now that we have that goodie, make your way back to the Kitchen. It's a bit
of a pain climbing back up but it's very do-able.


 This time let's head to the upper right and head to the Theatre.


 In here, head back to the theatre area (far left) and use the Grapple Point
that you saw the figure that helped you out use earlier. This leads to an
area with a BOX that you can use to get higher to a chest, which holds a

 Now let's head to the Terrace.


 Head to the Ballroom. There's nothing else to do...


 In here, fight your way to the door on the far left but DO NOT go through
it. Head up instead and head to the right. We can now grapple our way across
the top of this area. At the far end on the right is a chest, with another
[_AMMO INCREASE_] in it.

 And with that we're all done? See, you picked up a LOT of items! Time to
head back to the Library! And don't worry, the doors to and from the
Courtyard and now wide open.

                             THE FAMILY BUSINESS
==================================================================[MoF 1-3]===


 Man, all that running around is WORK! Sheesh!

 With the actions we did earlier (Pulled the lever, inspected the book stand),
the door to the upper left will be open. Use the top Swing Point to get over
there. Kill the Hunchback you find and go up the stairs for some barrels and

 Go back down and head left. Climb up the ledges on the right. Once you get
to the top you can check out the [_KNIGHT_] to the left. 

 Head to the right now to find some unique-looking monster booths. As you
probably know since we went and collected things earlier, these things are
actually TELEPORTER DEVICES. Let's use them!

 The left one sends us to the Inner Cells.


 Once you arrive, use the lever on the right to open the door. You can kill
some Zombies here if you wish. To the left are some barrels and a [_KNIGHT_].
Head back now.


 The middle teleporter also leads to the Inner Cells but we've used it (or
seen it at least) before. Use the right one now.


 Here use the lever to open the way into this room and then go interact
with the [_KNIGHT_] nearby. Awesome. Go ahead and head back now.


 Time to continue on. Use the Magic Font if needed and continue on. There
will be a Grapple Point above you. Use it to find a room tucked away.
Read the book stand here:

 "Reward, will, word, have, every, great, reads, whoever, a."

 Ok... after reading it, some Magic Books and some Werewolves will attack.
There will be two waves of them. Take them out. Don't forget to examine the
[_KNIGHT_] on the far right.

 Let's continue on. Head back to the staircase and enter the next room on
the left. Here you'll fight more Magic Books, Werewolves and even some
annoying Hunchbacks. Kill them all to make some Swing Points appear.

 Use the Swing Points and get to the upper left area. Use the Health Font
here if you wish and dodge under the opening so you can continue left. At
the ledge, hang off and drop down for the [_MAGIC BOOK BESTIARY CARD_].
Climb back up and head up the roof. You'll find another crack to squeeze
through and a big room with a book stand:

 "Worthy, you, have, of taking, be, treasure, my, proven, to."

 Once you are done reading it, the door above will open. Make your way up
there to a [_MAGIC INCREASE_] in a chest, then head back. You'll have to
fight some Magic Books and Hunchbacks here. Fun.

 Head back down and inside the Library again to the Grapple Point room.
Take the upper right path this time to an attic. To the left will be some
barrels and Hunchbacks. Head right to head to a new area.


 OK... A weird name for an area of the castle...

 Head forward and before the weird doorway you'll have to fight a few
waves of Magic Books and Werewolves. Very easy stuff. Head forward through
the door to see the Funfair. Use the Health Font and continue past the
Shrouded Figure onto the carosel.

 Here a scene will take place. You'll need to avoid damage for a time as
the carosel runs. The objects here come in three heights: High (which you can
just run under), Medium (which you can roll under) and Low (which you can jump
over). No biggie. For fun, can you name all the monsters that are trying to
hurt you? They are all enemies from previous games in the series!

 After a scene you'll have to do some more dodging. Keep on staying alive
and soon you'll see an animated cut-scene. Very cool! Hmm, wonder who THAT
is! Hehe...

 After the scene, go back and fill up your health if you wish and move on.
Push the box to the right to head further up. Use the Grapple Point to get
on the carosel and head to the left and head further up. Go past the elevator
here and push the box to the left. Use it to find the chest up above you for
a [_HEALTH INCREASE_]. Go back down and take the elevator up now.


 Use the platform here to head upward. Note that this is a counter-weight
system and you can even stand on the counter weight to make the platform go
up. Good to know.

 Use the Magic Font if you wish and activate your SCHNEIDER magic, then use
the next platform. Schneider will protect you as you go up, which is good
because without him you will fall to your death.

 Head to the right and follow the ledges to get to the next platform. This
one will fall fast, so you must quickly jump to the counter weight and then
to the ledge beyond that (a controlled air-dash isn't a bad idea). You'll soon
meet up with the dragon-thing that tried to kill us earlier. He is easy enough
to scare off: just use an Axe or Schneider and some whipping. Easy.

 Continue on to the next platform. As you make this one go up look off to the
left and you'll notice a Knight over there. Once you get to the top jump off
to where the counter-weight is and then over to the left for the [_KNIGHT_].

 Head back up again and follow he ledges upward. You'll need to move a box
to the left soon so you can continue (use the Magic Font). Use the rope to
continue. Soon the dragon thing will show up again. Equip Belnades Magic and
continue on, heading ever upward using the planks and Rappel Points. At the
top you'll have to fight the dragon thing again. Use axes (there are barrels
nearby) and Schneider. You'll be able to grab him here, so do so when you can
to end him.

 Climb up again and use the Health and Magic Fonts before climbing up the
door. Use 'B' to crash through the window.


 Here a short scene will occur. Move forward and watch the scenes. Jam on
the 'B' button when you can. We'll soon be in a boss fight!

 | Boss Battle -                   Succubus                   - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Revenge doesn't stop for pleasure... especially   |
 |   if that pleasure is trying to kill you! The Succubus likes to float    |
 |   like the Necromancer. The first part of the fight is just it shooting  |
 |   shots at you and trying to whirlwind charge you (with a rare barrier   |
 |   sphere thrown in). Keep attacking and soon she'll go consume the first |
 |   woman she was with. Oh, great...                                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |   She'll sport a forcefield now, which requires breaking. Keep at it     |
 |   and soon the forcefield will be damaged enough for you to grab it.     |
 |   Do so and then you can continue attacking her. Keep at it and soon     |
 |   she will try to consort with her slaves again. You can use your grab   |
 |   and 'Y' button here to make her stop! Keep on fighting while keeping   |
 |   her away from her slaves and soon you'll see a longer scene where she  |
 |   joins THREE of them.                                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Soon she will make it appear like there are three of them fighting     |
 |   you, each in their own forcefield. You'll need to find the right one   |
 |   and attack. You'll know you got the right one when the forcefield      |
 |   turns red. When it starts glowing, GRAB IT and continue attacking      |
 |   like normal until you deplete all her health. Once that is done and    |
 |   the view changes, head right and grab her on the ground to finish the  |
 |   boss fight off.                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Magic Shots: Her basic ranged attack: she'll shoot magical shots at    |
 |   you. She does three of these in a row. Some basic dodging will keep    |
 |   you safe, don't worry.                                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Whirlwind Charge: A fast attack, the Succubus will charge up and shoot |
 |   herself at you while spinning like a whirlwind. This attack has some   |
 |   range on it, but if you wished you could outrun/outdash it. Of course  |
 |   you want to be close so dash out of the way at the last second and     |
 |   counterattack immediately.                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Barrier Burst: This attack is a bit rare (at least in phase 1), but    |
 |   if you stay too close to her for awhile she'll make a barrier appear   |
 |   and shoot it out at you. Just dash away and you should be safe. She    |
 |   will use this much more after her forcefield breaks.                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwaves: Once she has her forcefield up, she'll start doing this    |
 |   attack. This is actually a welcome sight. She'll throw a wave of       |
 |   energy down and shockwaves will travel to the left and right. Jump     |
 |   over them and resume the whipping! Easy!                               |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Teleport Kiss: After breaking up her second consort kiss, she will     |
 |   start to occasionally teleport over you and try to grab you. You can   |
 |   see this coming a mile away as she glows blue before teleporting. If   |
 |   she DOES grab you, just jam on the 'B' button to push her away. You    |
 |   will lose health slowly until you push her away.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 After the fight watch the very entertaining scenes. Soon, we will swich
over to none other than Alucard...

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                           ACT II: ALUCARD                            >==O

 Watch the scenes as Alucard laments his condition...

                             A LONG NIGHT'S REST
==================================================================[MoF 2-1]===


 We'll have control soon. Let's check out our inventory. Alucard's weapon
is called the Dark Pain. Heh.

   DARK PAIN: The dark version of the Combat Cross used by the Brotherhood
              Elite. Created by the Toy Maker, brightest pupil of Gandolfi.

              This parody is the result of decades of research with a metal
              extracted directly from the shadow plane.

              The weapon is extremely hard and perversely sharp and its full
              power is awakened only when wielded by a creature of the night.

 Head to the right to find a dead [_KNIGHT_]. The scroll is very prophetic.
After that, head left out of the room and all the way to the next area.


 Head to the left and refrain from heading upward when you can. Instead,
stick to the ground floor and go as far as you can to find a [_KNIGHT_] on
the floor. Poor guy. Magic, you say?

 Try to head back and two Gargoyles will attack. Watch out for their fire
breath and try to get them with the end of your whip and you'll be ok. Head
back and head up now. Kill the Skeleton Warrior here and keep heading up,
using the Grapple Point when you can. Nice to know that Alucard can already
Grapple, no?

 Head up and examine the [_KNIGHT_] when you can. Continue on to the right
and kill the Skeleton Warrior you find. Head down when you can. If you want
you can drop and destroy some barrels but its not like that can help us right
now. Head up the right side and down when you can until you can use the Swing
Point and swing to the right. Head down again and Rappel down further until
you can jump off and swing to the left, which takes us out of this area.


 No map for this area... foreboding...

 Continue on until you see a scene. This large half-mechanical creature is
the Daemon Lord. You'll have to fight him here. Sounds like you have some

 Despite the boss health bar showing up, you're not going to win this
fight. He corners you to the right and doesn't let up. You can dodge the
tail flop attack, but that's it. You'll die soon enough...

 When you do, you'll get burned a bit and will fall down to the lake below.
You will see Simon as you do so, which should place what time you are at
right now.

 Once you hit the water you will learn that Alucard doesn't need to worry
about his oxygen supply. Makes sense. Swim straight down until you see a
[_KNIGHT_]. Once you examine him, follow the lake's bottom and head left.
You'll soon come to a scroll for a [_SUCCUBUS BESTIARY CARD_].

 That's all there is in this area, so explore and fill out the map if you
wish and then make your way to the lower right to continue.


 Swim right and up until you can get out of the water. Use the Health Font
here if you wish and continue on until a scene takes place.





 And of course their item description:

   BAT PROJECTILE: Alucard exercises a strange influence over the castle's
                   bats, which serve him when called upon.

                   Upon the order of their master, they attack a target,
                   hitting it and confusing it for a few brief moments
                   giving their lord the upper hand.

 Let's try them out. Continue heading right until you run into a bunch of
Harpy enemies. There's some barrels here too. Give your bats a try to see
what they can do.

 After that, head right to the elevator and ride it down. Once you land,
head to the left first to find some barrels and fight a new enemy: the
Electric Merman. He attacks much like the Merman but has an additional
in-place electruction move. Like's Blanka or something. Note that I will
just be calling these things Merman or Mermen. I assume you can tell the
difference for yourself!

 Take him out and move over to the right. Jump in the water. Down here you
can find a dead [_KNIGHT_]. To the right, you can also find a [_MERMAN TADPOLE
BESTIARY CARD_] to the far right. Neat. Head back and enter the elevator and
ride it up.

 Head to the right now and use the Rappel Point. Drop down when you can to
the platform. Here, drop down to the ground below (its safe, don't worry).
Down here is a lever. Try to use it and you'll see more Mermen show up. They
will knock you off the ladder and start a fight, so kill 6-7 of them until
they've decided they've had enough. Charged Bat shots help when there is two
of them at a time.

 Now let's go grab some goodies. Jump back on the left platform when it
comes back down and wait for the right steam trap to stop so you can air
dash to the right platform. From here, air dash to the land on the right
for some barrels and a [_KNIGHT_]. Note the doors he talks about. Above us
in one such door. Make a note of it and head back down to the ground floor.

 Use the lever now and head right, refilling your health over here and
breaking the barrels. There's another place to jump in the water here.
Jump in and swim down, going to your left until you find a [_KNIGHT_] by a
platform. Note that there are Mermen Spawn in this lake, so we need to be
careful as we explore.

 Once you've interacted with him you can finish exploring the lake (fill out
the squares) if you wish, but make your way to the far right. You'll find a
separate place to come out of the water with some ledges to grab. Head up
and watch out for the steam and fireball traps. Once you get to solid ground
kill the Harpies that show up. Jump in the cart after that and move it SLIGHTLY
to the left, then stop. Below the left edge of the ground is a scroll we can
fall and grab. Do so for the [_HARPY LEADER BESTIARY CARD_].

 Head back now and head back up. Use the mine cart to head onward. As you go
Harpy enemies will fire arrows at you. You can manually stop the cart and
kill them, just be sure to stay in the cart after jumping. There's two of
them in total. Head to the far left and use the elevator you find.

 Up here head to the left and get past the fire traps (too easy). You'll
need to fight some Harpy enemies here, between two fire traps, but it isn't
too hard. Once they are dead note the mine carts above you (we can't get
up there) and continue on to the left to the next area.


 We're not in the Kitchen like you'd think. We're out in the pipes. Head
forward until you see a split, then jump over the path downward and to the
left you'll find the [_ELECTRIC MERMAN BESTIARY CARD_]. Very nice. Head
down now.

 The path to the right is blocked so head left. Speaking of Electric Mermen
you will have to fight some coming up. Take them out and keep heading left.
You'll be forced to head up soon, so head up and go to the right first to
fight another Electric Merman. Kill him and check out the far right corner
for another [_KNIGHT_] who is a big fan of "Brother Mario".

 Continue on down the path and you'll see a path upward that we can't take
right now. Kill the Merman that shows up. Continue on and you'll see another
split in the path. Either way is ok, but head down for a quicker path. Both
paths lead to a pit with water at the bottom. To the left of the pit is an
area we can't fully explore yet either, so keep it in mind.

 Head back to the pit and scale the left wall. Note the lever up on the
chandalier. We can actually get to this if we try. What you need to do is
jump toward it and air-dash and you should have just enough heignt to grab
the ledge. Pull yourself up and hit the lever. The pit below will fill up
with water now. Jump down and swim down to the room on the left, then  head
up. You can now reach a chest with an [_AMMO INCREASE_] in it. Sweet. Once
you have that, head back to the upper left pipe. Head forward and soon you
will see a scene.




 Oh, cool, a new form. Try it out by passing through the Hunchbacks and
you'll regain some health. Fight the Hunchbacks by either passing through
them or air dashing over them. Do a grab attack if you can: it is just
hilarious. You'll have to fight another wave of Hunchbacks after that but
soon you'll fight them off.

 Here's the description of Mist Form:

   MIST FORM: With the right level of concentration, Alucard can divide his
              body into millions of particles thus avoiding enemy attacks
              and reinforcing his dodge ability.

              In this state, Alucard can absorb the life force of all
              creatures and go through barred doors, opening areas of the
              castle only available to the vampires of Dracula's Domain.

 Cool. You'll need to try it out soon to pass the barred door to the left.
Get past it and you'll be on a staircase. If you head down, you can refill
with a Magic Font, but you'll be forced to head up sooner or later.

 Head to the very top of the stairs when you can and enter the top right
room. You'll fight another few waves of Hunchbacks here. Kill them all. To
the far right is a [_KNIGHT_]. Poor guy.

 Head back to the stair case and head through the top left exit. Kill some
more Hunchbacks. When you come to the path heading up, go left instead and
you'll soon come to another [_KNIGHT_]. Ugh...

 Head back now and head up. Take the left hand side as the right is blocked.
Keep heading up and you'll see a Beast Door on the right that we still can't
interact with. Grr... Nothing to do but head left to the next new area.


 We're now in a new area of the Theatre. Move forward and pull the wind block
(weird that this thing even exists!) to the right so you can use it to get
further up. Up here use the electric block (sigh...) and move it to the
right so you can grab the weight, then to the left over the floor lever to
open the way forward.

 Jump up and use the Health Font if needed. Use the weight block to get up
higher. Push the fire block over underneath the hand and it will release the
weight block. Push the weight block to the left and use it to jump higher. Up
here push the wind block to the left under the pipe to open the door up ahead.

 Here you'll see a scene (Simon in the theatre), followed by an overview on
the area Alucard is in. You'll get a message as well:


 This button (which is flashing) will switch between zoomed out and zoomed
in views. Fun. To your upper right is a Knight who offers clues, although it
reduces your XP REWARD. However, as a dedicated FAQ writer, it is my duty to
bring you these clues free of charge!

 Let's solve this thing first. I'll break this puzzle down into steps to
make it easier on you (and me!) and I'll also list all of the clues down
below the steps (In case you want to see what they say). Feel free to use
as little or as much info as you need.

 A quick note though: the central lever will control the arms and can make
boxes move from the lower level, to the middle level, to the upper level.
We'll need to use it to move blocks around!

 o STEP 1: Move the WEIGHT box onto the bottom right platform and hit the
           center lever, getting it out of the way.

 o STEP 2: Move the FIRE box to the far right and burn the hand holding the
           AIR box over here, which will free it up. Push the FIRE box to the
           far right now.

 o STEP 3: Get the WEIGHT box back down and push it to the far left.

 o STEP 4: Push the AIR box to the far left. You can now use it to push
           yourself up and grab the ledge on the left. You can now access
           the upper area. Pull the MAGNETIC box onto the upper left plate
           so the hands can grab it.

 o STEP 5: Bring the MAGNETIC box down and move it off the bottom plate to
           the right a bit to get it out of the way. Now, move the WEIGHT box
           onto the bottom left plate and make it move up to the middle area.
           With that done, use the MAGNETIC box to move the WEIGHT box to the
           pressure plate to the right, opening a door to the air tube below.

 o STEP 6: Move the FIRE box to the bottom right plate and use the lever to
           get it up to the highest level you can. Now, go down below and pull
           the AIR box under the tube and you will solve this puzzle.

 And here are the CLUES, for the curious.

 CLUE 1: Burn the wooden boards to make the air box fall, push it to the
         opposite zone and then use it to reach the magnetic box.

 CLUE 2: Use the central lever to place the iron box on the left middle
         platform with the giant mechanical arms.

 CLUE 3: Move the magnetic box right below the iron box to attract
         it to the pressure plate.

 CLUE 4: Use the giant mechanical arms to raise the fire box to the top
         platform and place the air box under the central tube.

 After solving the puzzle, you'll see a scene.

                              TO SAVE A BELMONT
==================================================================[MoF 2-2]===


 After that, turn around and use the Swing Points to get back to the puzzle
area. Next, drop down onto the stage itself (Simon is fast apparently and is
already gone). To the left down here you can find a [_KNIGHT_]. What a scroll!

 Next you can head to the seating area to fight a bunch of puppets. Fun.
Revenge for the poor knight. There's a Magic Font further on down here. You
can also head through the lower exit down here to the Kitchen, which we should
take a second to do.


 Go down the stairs and you can grab the [_WRAITH BESTIARY CARD_]. That's
all we came for, so head back to the Theatre. 


 Head back out to the seating area and fight if you wish, then head up and
continue to the right. Up here the teleporter will be close. Go figure.
Further in destroy the Puppets that show up. There's a Health Font nearby so
use it and head right to a new area.


 Head to the right and reach the huge elevator. Note that you can explore
further to the right as well, which we couldn't do earlier.

 Go back and ride the elevator up. You'll see a scene here! Time for a
boss fight against a GIANT SCAVEN!

 | Boss Battle -                    Reaver                    - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Wow... I didn't even know they got that big! So,  |
 |   this fight is mostly difficult due to the area we are fighting in,     |
 |   which is the left portion of the Terrace section. Out here you have    |
 |   to be careful of getting cornered, but with enough pressure you can    |
 |   force the Scaven back! Still, its important to note that if you ARE    |
 |   cornered, Mist-Dashing through him is the best choice as you can't     |
 |   Air-Dash over him (small Scavens will bite at you otherwise).          |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Check out all of his moves below so you'll know what to expect. Also,  |
 |   at certain points in the fight the Reaver will stop fighting as the    |
 |   camera pans up to show a pipe.. or something. Anyway, you need to      |
 |   grab the pipe and pull on it to drop acidic water on the Reaver. The   |
 |   creature is actually healing rather quickly while you are doing this,  |
 |   but the acid will negate the healing and put you back into the fight.  |
 |                                                                          |
 |   When the Reaver heads up above you to do its seed bomb attack, just    |
 |   run back and forth and stay out of the way. You can't hurt it when it  |
 |   does this. At the end of the fight get ready for some QTE buttons.     |
 |   You'll have to jam on the 'Y' button and then when you get into the    |
 |   pipe, you'll alternate between 'Y' and 'X'. Hit them all to end the    |
 |   fight.                                                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Bite Attack: The Reaver's basic attack: he'll snap at you. He can do   |
 |   this up to three times in a row, even if you are cornered (which is    |
 |   what makes this dangerous). Watch the range on this attack as it can   |
 |   be dangerous!                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Scaven Summon: Yep, the Giant Reaver can make smaller Scavens appear.  |
 |   They are stronger than the Scavens you've encountered before but       |
 |   aren't really a threat. They can fill up your magic a bit at least,    |
 |   which is what they are good for.                                       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Tail Swipe: The Reaver will rear back a bit and lift his "tail" up,    |
 |   which is your sign to get ready for this attack. He'll swipe his tail  |
 |   at you. You can jump over it or dash back out of range. I like to      |
 |   dash out of range and back in, then resume whipping.                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Seed Bombs: I'm... I'm not sure what the Reaver throws at you that     |
 |   blows up, and I'm not sure I want to know. Let's just call these seed  |
 |   bombs. He'll throw them at you and a few seconds later they will blow  |
 |   up. When he's down below with you, there's usually a space between     |
 |   the first and second seeds. When he goes up above you and starts his   |
 |   "Seed Bomb Shower", it is best to run back and forth and avoid all of  |
 |   the bombs completely.                                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Bone Burp: At times when you are rather close, the Reaver will burp    |
 |   up bones and spit them at you. Ugh! It's best to jump up and dash      |
 |   away when you see this. This is a pretty cool looking attack.          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Hungry Charge: At one point in the fight the Reaver will straight-up   |
 |   eat you. It's simple to get out by jamming the 'B' button, but after   |
 |   that he can use this charge attack at any time. He'll basically run    |
 |   across the room trying to eat you up. If he catches you he'll eat you  |
 |   again. You can either just run away or you can throw a Bat Projectile  |
 |   at him to stop the charge early.                                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 After the fight and the QTE button presses you will gain a new ability:



 Good stuff. You know he only got those from the Reaver's blood, right?

   SHADOW CLAWS: When the infected blood of the Reaver spreads through
                 Alucard's veins, claws grew out of the tips of his fingers.

                 With them, he can descend slowly down chasms and climb
                 steep vertical slopes.

 With our new power we can continue on. Use it to head up the path the
elevator was supposed to go. At the top right is the [_REAVER BESTIARY CARD_],
so be sure to grab it and head left to the next area.


 Head forward into the area and hit the lever. Nothing else to do. Head
through the door and you'll see the large clock in this area. There's a
Beast Door above you to the right as well.

 Go ahead and interact with the center object. You'll see a scene here
(that's rather cool) and soon you'll have a new power:




 We can now break all of those Beast Doors we've been finding, as the
item description will tell you:

   WOLF FORM: Fed by an inner rage, Alucard can unleash the beast within
              when fighting his enemies.

              In this state, Alucard increases his combat strength
              substantially and gains the ability to destroy doors marked
              with the face of the wolf.

 We can't do anything with these electric platforms (the game itself will
tell you to come back later if you try) so go ahead and try out your new
Wolf Form on the Beast Door to the upper right to tear it down.

 Beyond it is a [_KNIGHT_]. He'll basically tell you how to get past the
electricity but it's still not in our ability pool for now. Head onward and
use the Swing Point and the Health Font, the continue on to the next area.


 Head forward and get ready for a fight. You'll face a few waves of Puppets
along with some Magic Books. Kill them all! Mwahaha!

 Head to the far right to find an elevator that you can use to continue.
There's nothing to do to the left, so head right. You'll see a moving platform
here that you can ride. Follow the lower level (use the Health Font if you
wish) and dash over the Gear Pit. You'll find a [_KNIGHT_] down here. Examine
him and head back to the moving platform.

 Go up this time. Before moving onto the next grate platform, check out the
electric barrier to the right. It turns off and on regularly. The grate will
also drop you if you stand on it, so wait until the electricity goes out and
quickly dash through it. Next you'll have to get past another electric barrier
but you can choose either the upper or lower one as it really doesn't matter.

 Beyond that is a wall-climbing area with a horizontal electricity strip,
meaning we have to time this well to not get him. Watch the electricity and
jump when its about to go out to quickly get past it. Jump into the alcove on
the right you find. Up above is another electric current, so time this one
as well to get further up.

 You'll see a Beast Door to the right. Break it open. There's three steam
traps in a row here but you can move past them sequentially easily enough.
Get past them to find a chest with a [_HEALTH INCREASE_] and head back.

 Now let's head to the left and get on the moving platform. Wait for it to go
down and jump down to the lower right. Pull the box to the left and you can
then reach the chest for a [_MAGIC INCREASE_].

 Head back to the platform and look to the left. The ground here will put
up an electric current from time to time. Wait until it drops and get past
it (or, even better, air dash over it right before it drops). The platform
beyond it will try to drop you, so get to the left. Two electric barriers
will try to stop you here, but after the right one drops you can easily dash

 Beyond that is a wall climb area with a steam trap. Get past it and head up.
Head to the right and note the steam trap. Drop down there for a [_KNIGHT_].
He has an interesting scroll about the Puppets. Head up now and continue on
to the right, following the upper path. The two grates here will drop you if
you let them. To the far right is a Grapple Point. Use it to climb up and
press 'B' when you can and head on to the new area.


 Head all the way to the right here and break the barrels you find. There
is a [_KNIGHT_] here. Examine him and head left. Use the Rappel Point to
get higher up and use the Health Font if you need it. To the left are even
more barrels and a TON of electricity. Don't step in it. (Ok, so maybe I
stepped in it once... or more times...).

 Anyway... let's head to the right and use the swing point to get on the
structure. Above you is an electric trap. Wait for it to go out (ALL the way
out) and jump up past it. Here you can go up or down. Head down first and
jump to the platform. Hang off the right side and go down again. Now you will
need to jump to the right AND air-dash to make it to the far right ledge.
Over there, pull yourself up and head down on the right to make your way to
a chest with a [_HEALTH INCREASE_].

 Head back now and head up the upper path this time. To the left is barrels
and more electricity, so head right and examine/use the shrine you see. We
will get a new sub-weapon!





 Cool. We can get past those electric traps now! Here's the description of
the item in your menu (Vampire Plasma!?!):

   STOPWATCH: Among the most demented inventions of the toy maker is the

              Made with vampire plasma and powered by blood they release their
              sinister magic when broken, slowing time in the immediate

 Nothing to do now but head down to the bottom floor. Head down there and
you'll get into a fight with some Hunchbacks (their army versions) and some
Magic Books. Kill them all and head left back to the previous area.


 We're only passing through this area. Take the upper left path all the way
to the beginning of the area. You will likely fight some Puppets and Magic
Books here. Go back and heal if you must, then continue on to the left to
the next area.


 Head to the main room on the far left and you'll see a scene showing you
your objective. We have to use the STOPWATCH to get up there (duh!). Head
to the far left near the Magic Font and Barrels and use a charges Stopwatch.
When you can, climb up the first platform and then the second. From here you
can jump/dash to the left and nab the [_HUNCHBACK TROOP BESTIARY CARD_].
Nice. Wait for the stopwatch effects to wear off and throw another one.

 This time head all the way up when the electricity disappears. At the top,
examine the altar and you will see a scene:



 Cool. This ought to make life more mobile! This also gives us a new item
description in our inventory for the "Improved Dark Pain". You guys know I
love the item descriptions...

   IMPROVED DARK PAIN: Alucard cannot manifest the same level of power as his
                       father and so relies on a man made weapon created by one
                       of its greatest alchemists, yet it lacks certain
                       abilities still.

                       Now however, with this improved version, Alucard can
                       grip onto magnetic rails that litter the castle and
                       lead to new places.

 Still now as powerful as ol' Dad. Oh well. Let's try out the new rail system!
Use it on the LEFT rail first and follow it to the end. Break the barrels and
open the chest for a [_MAGIC INCREASE_]. Nice. 

(-NOTE-) The below section, we're going to go back to a couple of previous
         places to gather some upgrades. You MAY HAVE BEEN able to do this
         earlier, as I basically just discovered you could make it past the
         TERRACE room (you previously couldn't make it to the lower exit after
         the REAVER fight, but this may be an obstacle that is removed simply
         by exiting and leaving the room).

 OK, so like the note above says we're going to make a couple of detours and
pick up a couple of upgrades. Nothing like getting more powerful! Make your way
down to the bottom floor now and head out the lowest right exit to the Terrace.


 Here simply head down and to the bottom left exit and continue on to the
Theatre. You may fight a Harpy on the way.


 Fight the Puppets in front of you and head left. Drop down to the main
seating area and kill the Puppets to the left if you wish, but head to the
right and take the exit here to the Kitchen.


 Our first upgrade is fairly close. Head down the stairs, under the rubble
and jump the gap. Head up and to the left is a beast door. Use your Wolf Form
to destroy it and claim them [_MAGIC INCREASE_] from the chest.

 The next treasure is out in the pipes section. Remember, there was a path
upwards that we couldn't get up earlier? Well, with our Shadow Claws we
finally can. Head back to the giant pit filled with water and take the upper
right path. Jump over the next small gap and you'll reach the path heading
up. Use the right ledge to get a head-start and jump up. To the right are
some barrels while to the left is a [_LIFE INCREASE_]! Very nice!

 Next we need to head to the Abandoned Mine, which is the exit to your
right. We got one more chest we can get!


 Now that we are in the Abandoned Mine, we have to head for the area that
has the two vertical moving platforms. You remember it, right? It's near
the middle of the map, left of the blank spot in the map. It's pretty easy
to backtrack to. Once you are there (and kill the Electric Mermen), get on
the left platform and air dash to the right one when the steam lets you.
Ride it to the top and you'll see a Beast Door. You can use your Wolf Form
to break it. Inside is an [_AMMO INCREASE_]. Nice.

 Now that we're done getting those upgrades, head back to the CLOCK ROOM.
Yep, all the way back. Don't complain, you are stronger now!


 Let's grab one more goodie really quick. Take the middle exit to the Toys
Assembly Line. This won't take long.


 Here you can ride the nearby rail up to the top of the room. Up here you can
jump past the steam traps with R. In the middle of the area you'll see a
bestiary card. Fall down to grab [_MACABRE PUPPET UNLEASHED BESTIARY CARD_].
Whew, that is a long-winded name. You will also need to fight some Puppets
and Magic Books now that you dropped down. Kill them and head back to the
Clock Room now.


 Ok, let's make some forward progress. Use your Stopwatch to get past the
electric platforms (I like taking the left path). And head to the upper right
exit, which is the exit the game wants us to take.


 We'll be in a new area of the Workshop now. 

 Head forward and grab the rail. Ride it up to the end and wait for a
floating platform to come down. Get on it and ride to the bottom. Here you
can take the lower, trap-ridden path or the top enemy-laden path. The bottom
path is going to be used as an escape route in a bit so do yourself a favor
and head up the top path.

 Head up using the sliding wall and you'll make your way to a room where
you will take on more Puppets and Magic Books. Kill them all. After that
head to the right where you'll see another moving platform. We're going to
be a little tricky here.

 INSTEAD of taking the platform, hang off the right edge of the ground.
Look down. Electricity. Fun. Now, to do what we're about to do, turn on your
Mist Form. We're going to drop through the electricity (ouch) and AIR DASH to
the left. Do this and you'll reach some solid ground. Use the Mist Form to
get through the gate. You'll get some barrels and a chest with an [_AMMO
INCREASE_]. Good stuff.

 To get out of this area, we'll have to take the bottom path. You'll have to
Air Dash to the right (Mist Form makes this easy) and whip the Grapple point.
Jump down to the platform and use the rail to continue left to the next
platform. You can jump up to a ledge from here to get back to the enemy room.

 Now that we got that jump on the platform past the enemy room and head up to
a rail. This rail leads you past some electricity traps (easy!) and to the
section of the Workshop that we've been in before. Use the railing to head up
and at the top head left. You'll see the Monster Transporter is open now. We
can use this to go to the Theatre if we wanted, but we don't need to. Head to
the left and use the rail to head to a brand new area.


 Kill the hunchback squad here and head up the ledges. To the left is a
beast door that you can tear down. This new path leads to a chest with a

 Head back and jump on the rail to continue. Keep going and soon you'll
see another scene. Simon dodging the Carousel danger. Alucard just sighs...

 Heh. We have another puzzle here. Gotta save Simon! Just like last time, I
will list the steps to solve this thing down below. Below that will be the
clues you can receive for this puzzle (the Clue Knight is just to your left).
The clues pretty much give away what you have to do, by the way.

 What we need to do is direct the laser beam to the top of the screen, to
the center of the carousel (to break the gear). Note that there's two
different things we can do here: pull levers or move around sphere

 There are two levers: one to the left and one to the right.

 There are five sphere pedestals. The lower one, two middle ones and two
upper ones. 

 o STEP 1: Move the BOTTOM pedestal under the far right sphere. This will
           shoot the beam to the middle right pedestal and up to nothing.

 o STEP 2: Move the MIDDLE RIGHT pedestal to the far right. This will shoot
           the beam over to the far left.

 o STEP 3: Move the MIDDLE LEFT pedestal below the orb that is second from
           the left (the high-up one). This shoots the beam close to the
           gears, but you aren't done yet.

 o STEP 4: Head to the top and move the TOP LEFT pedestal so that it is
           underneath the far left orb (move it slightly to the left!). This
           will make the beam go down toward the far right.

 o STEP 5: Almost done! These last two steps are easy. For this step, just
           head to the left lever and use it.

 o STEP 6: Next, just head to the right lever and use it. This should do
           the trick!

 And here are the CLUES, for the curious.

 CLUE 1: Project the beam by moving the lower floor's deflector below the
         sphere on the far right.

 CLUE 2: Move the first floor's eastern deflector to the position below the
         far right sphere.

 CLUE 3: Move the first floor's western deflector to project the beam
         towards the central sphere.

 CLUE 4: Move the upper floor's western deflector below the left sphere and
         pull each lever once.

 You'll automatically see a scene once you are done.

                              FACING MY FATHER
==================================================================[MoF 2-3]===


 Do yourself a favor: immediately use the elevator you are in and head back
to the Carousel's Engine room.


 Now that you are back here, go examine the [_KNIGHT_] to your left. Pretty
weak that they didn't let us grab him. Oh well. Head back to the Resurrection
Room now.


 There's barrels, a Health Font and a Magic Font here in case you need them.
There's also a [_KNIGHT_] to the right. Further on you'll see a Bestiary
Card that we can't reach. Oh well, we'll be able to get it soon. Head further
right now to start a Boss Fight!

 | Boss Battle -                 Daemon Lord                  - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Time to take the Daemon Lord down a peg. This     |
 |   fight is actually separated into three parts, which is important to    |
 |   note. After damaging him a bit he'll jump back to the background. This |
 |   is our cue to attack the laser generators to the far left and far      |
 |   right of the room. Once you destroy one, he'll come back to fight some |
 |   more, which can be considered "round two". Once you hurt him further,  |
 |   he will retreat again. Destroy the next laser generator to start       |
 |   "round three" of the fight.                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Study the moves below to know what to expect. It is super easy to      |
 |   unleash counter-attacks on him, which should be your primary goal for  |
 |   the first two rounds of this fight. Also note the slide bar up above   |
 |   you. You will NEED this to dodge certain moves and position yourself.  |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once you get to the laser generators, feel free to either focus on one |
 |   or both of them. If you damage both equally until you kill one, the    |
 |   last one will be that much easier to take out. Just be sure to use the |
 |   slide bar and follow behind the lasers to avoid taking damage.         |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once you destroy the last laser generator, the Daemon Lord will grab   |
 |   you and you'll be shocked by the next scene (yes, I'm that cheesy!).   |
 |   Mash on the 'Y' button to get free. This third portion of the fight is |
 |   when you should go all out. Combine WOLF form and the STOP WATCH sub   |
 |   weapon to REALLY turn the tides in your favor. Three stop watches and  |
 |   you should have this fight in the bag. Be ready to jam on the 'Y'      |
 |   button during the next few scenes and you'll be golden.                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Three-Hit Combo: The Daemon Lord's basic attack. He starts with two    |
 |   punches and follows up with a bite attack. All three attacks are VERY  |
 |   slow and unblockable. They cover some room, so roll backwards and get  |
 |   ready to counterattack!                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Tail Slam: A cool-looking attack. The Daemon Lord will raise his head  |
 |   up while his head glows. He will then do a front flip and slam his     |
 |   tail down. This attack is of course unblockable.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Tail Laser: The Daemon Lord's tail will glow while he brings it under  |
 |   his body and points it at you. He will then make it shoot a giant      |
 |   laser out at you. This move is best avoided with the slide bar up      |
 |   above you, as the laser stays out on the screen for quite awhile. It   |
 |   is also unblockable.                                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Back Dash: The Daemon Lord will do this ability when you get behind    |
 |   him, usually using it after you use the slide bar to give yourself     |
 |   some room. His tail will glow for a bit (unblockable!) and he'll dash  |
 |   backwards a bit. Not hard to avoid.                                    |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwaves: The Daemon Lord can make shockwaves at certain times       |
 |   during the fight. The first is when he returns to the fight after the  |
 |   Laser Beams attack. Just block this one. However, during the third     |
 |   part of the attack he'll use it over and over (to the left, of course) |
 |   to try and force you back into the electricity. Using the Stopwatch    |
 |   here (and Wolf Form!) is really recommended to get him to stop as      |
 |   well as lay the smack down!                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Laser Beams: This attack is the one he uses between rounds, when he    |
 |   retreats to the back of the screen. The first round of lasers is split |
 |   in two. The left one circles clockwise while the right one circles     |
 |   counter-clockwise. Attack the machines while following the lasers and  |
 |   you'll be ok. The second round of only has one laser that travels      |
 |   clockwise. Take it out to continue the fight.                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 After the fight you will obtain the [_DEMONIC WINGS_]!





 VERY nice. We will make good use of this. Check out the item's description
in the menu:

   DEMONIC WINGS: After partaking of the blood of the Daemon Lord, Alucard
                  has acquired the ability to invoke a pair of Dark Wings
                  with which to make a second jump in the air and glide
                  slowly to the ground.

 Head back to the room's entrance, back to where that BESTIARY CARD was.
With our new double jump, we can grab it for the [_DAEMON LORD RESURRECTED
BESTIARY CARD_]. Very nice. I like how they destroyed the rail here too.

(-NOTE-) If you come back to this area Puppets will be here for you to fight.

 Head to the right now and you'll see an elevator. Head past it to the
right and you'll get a [_HEALTH INCREASE_] chest. Nice.


 THIS small section is to grab three items that we can now back-track and
get with our newly-acquired DOUBLE JUMP ability. Instead of hand-holding
you I'm going to name the three places we need to head to and where to look
for the upgrades.

(-NOTE-) ONE of these items (In the KITCHEN) is a BLOOD ORB that you WILL
         need to go further on in the game. It is a GREAT IDEA to get it now
         as it will save a back-tracking trip later on.


 With your new DOUBLE JUMP ability we can get to a Knight here that we
couldn't get to before. What you need to do is make your way to the right
section of the area, where the far left horizontal moving platform is. The
one that leads to either the enemy room or the trap-laden path, remember?

 Well, ride it up and off to the left is a LARGE gap with a ledge. With your
double jump you can make this gap jump now, grabbing onto the ledge. Climb up
and make your way to the rail. Continue on watching out for traps and you'll
make your way to a [_KNIGHT_]. Once you have examined him make your way back
the way you came (Do NOT jump to the right as you WILL die).


 The Kitchen is the area that has one of two BLOOD ORBS that we need. Head
for the big area on the left side of the map: the one you have to use Mist
Form to get to. There will be a ledge to the right you can double jump up
to. Up here you can find a box to move. Move it to the far left and double
jump up to a rail. Follow this to a dead Hunchback that you can interact with
to (eventually) get the [_BLOOD ORB_].


 This one is tricky (and fun) to get. Right near where you zone in at, up
above you will be rotating iron platforms. Jump up to one buy HANG off the
left side. This will let you avoid the fire from above. Once you pass it get
up and you will avoid the fire from below. As soon as you can hang off the
right side to avoid some fire from above. From here you can jump off the
right side and double jump over to some solid groud where you'll find a
chest with a [_HEALTH INCREASE_].

 Now that we're done with all of that, head back to the Resurrection Room
and continue on by using the elevator to the far right!


 The decorum in this place is really cool. It is me or do one of the
portraits look a lot like Brauner?

(-NOTE-) Now that you have double jump, do NOT jump on TOP of elevators.
         It hurts!

 Head forward to the left until you are stopped by a door (which will take
awhile, so enjoy the portraits and the wraith). Once you do hit the door,
do a double jump to get past it and keep on going. Climb the ledges on the
left wall and get past the steam trap.

 Here, look to the left and do a double jump over to the ground over there.
There's a gate here you can use Mist Form to get past. Follow this upper path
using the chandelier and you'll see multiple fire traps guarding a bestiary
card. Get in there and grab the [_GARGOYLE BESTIARY CARD_].

 Past the trap is a Swing Point. Use it and a double jump to get over to a
Beast Door. Open it up with Wolf Form and use the next Swing Point to get to
the ledges beyond. Head up and at the top ledge (under the Steam Trap) wait
for it to go down and jump to the left. You'll reach a [_AMMO INCREASE_]
chest. Very nice. Time to head back to the FAR left wall! It's easier to drop
down and float to the floor and continue from there.

 Back on the left wall make your way up to the Health Font. Flip the lever
here and go on in. The statues in this area are quite cool. Head forward and
you'll meet a new enemy: the Knight Vampire. These things are quite capable as
warriors. They have a long energy sword to attack with. Often they will just
float there and shoot energy beams at you (which is when you can lay on the
damage with moves like Chain Shredder / Chain Barrier / Spinning Chain Final).
Be careful of their other attacks, many of which are unblockable such as a
combo attack and an attack where they dash straight at you which is quick
as hell (double jump over it!). You'll face around four of them here, which
should give you some good practice.

 Continue on and head right. Double jump up to the left when you can and above
you will be a rope and three fire traps. Wait until each fires and get past
them (B!). At the end is a Rappel Point. Climb up and head up the ledges.
Now, there's a lot of space left in this map to explore but we can't get to
it yet so let's continue to the exit to the upper left.


 Head forward and in the dining room (which is awesome with the humans
laying around) you will fight two more Knight Vampires. Fun.

 After killing them, head to the left and you'll see a Grapple Point. Use it
to get up almost near the top and jump to the platform on the right. The door
to the left is impassable, so head right. You'll fight a Gargoyle here. Kill
it and head onward. Jump down the pit to the far right. You'll find another
[_AMMO INCREASE_] down here. Nice!

 Head back up and at the top of the stairs you'll fight another Knight
Vampire. The fighting area here is extremely limited, so be ready to dodge
his moves at any time. Kill him to dispel the magic barrier. Use the Health
Font if you need to and head forward and you'll see a scene.

 Looks like we need two BLOOD ORBS. You MAY already have one if you've been
following this guide. Let's go get the other one!

 Head to the far left and use the Magic Font if you wish and then the Grapple
Point up above you. Use B to break through the glass and kill a Knight Vampire
at the other side. Now, climb back up the right wall and stand where the glass
was broke. Double jump over to the far left and Air-Dash if needed to grab the

 Head further on to the left and you'll see a ledge. Hang off of it and
double jump to the left to find a [_KNIGHT_]. After that drop down and head
to the right. Use Mist Form on the gate and kill the Gargoyle you find. From
here double jump to the right to find a lever that you can use to open a gate
between the right and left sides of this area which helps later on. Drop down
now and kill the two Knight Vampires you find. They will likely get a third
reinforcement during the fight. Kill them all and bust open the Beast Door
to the left with Wolf Form and continue on to another section of the Vampire's


 In this new area use the Swing Point and head over to the left wall's
ledges. Head down now to the bottom ledge and double jump to the right to
reach some land. Here continue to the left while ducking to make your way
to a [_MAGIC INCREASE_] chest.

 Head back to the far left and head down. You can head as far down as you
can go here to battle a Gargoyle. Kill the thing and head to the right. You
will break a piece of ground here in the statue area that connects the lower
area to the upper area. VERY nice. Sure, you gotta kill some Knight Vampires
again but oh well.

 Once they are dead head back up and double jump over to the right where you
can get the [_KNIGHT VAMPIRE BESTIARY CARD_]. Use the Swing Point to the right
and double jump after that to get to a lever. This will turn on the nearby
rail. Use the rail to get up to a walkway. Here you will see another lever.
This lever turns on the next rail that leads to a Beast Door. This Beast Door
is not needed but does open up the stairs to the far right to this area,
allowing for ease of movement, so you may as well open it and head back.

 With that done, move all the way over to the left on the center walkway to
find another rail and a large gap. Double jump over to the left to get to
the [_KNIGHT_]. Now you can jump to the rail and ride it up. Use the Magic
Font if needed and hit the lever. This opens a bunch of doors to the right
but not the one next to you. Gah!

 Head back down to the center platform and use the upper tail to the right.
Jump to the ledges on the right and head up above the second steam trap.
When it stops, jump to the left and use the Swing Point to get to the door
that opened. Continue on and you'll reach the room with the statue. You can
interact with it for a [_BLOOD ORB_]. Use the nearby lever to open up two
more doors to the left.

 Now, this SHOULD BE the last Blood Orb you need unless you are JUST NOW
following the guide or something. If this is your first Blood Orb, the game
will show you the second is in the Kitchen. Follow the text below to find
it easily. If this is your second Blood Orb, skip the Kitchen text below and
head to the Throne Entrance.


 The Kitchen is the area that has one of two BLOOD ORBS that we need. Head
for the big area on the left side of the map: the one you have to use Mist
Form to get to. There will be a ledge to the right you can double jump up
to. Up here you can find a box to move. Move it to the far left and double
jump up to a rail. Follow this to a dead Hunchback that you can interact with
to (eventually) get the [_BLOOD ORB_].


 Head back to the blood gate (killing Knight Vampires if you must) and put
in the Blood Orbs. You'll see a cutscene after this. Very cool. We'll be
taken to the Throne Room after that and a boss fight will start!


 | Boss Battle -                 Lord Dracula                 - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Time to face down the Lord of the Castle: your    |
 |   father, Gabriel. He fights using an energy whip which has no physical  |
 |   form until he wants it to, which is likely a power he obtained from    |
 |   the Forgotten One. Like many fights in the game, this one has several  |
 |   phases to it. The first phase is pretty simple as he only has the      |
 |   first three attacks listed below. PLUS, you will be fighting with      |
 |   Simon. Simon does a great job distracting Dracula, so getting your     |
 |   own licks in shouldn't be hard.                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After awhile, you'll see a scene where Gabriel knocks Simon out for    |
 |   a period of time. You'll be fighting alone now. All of his attacks     |
 |   will be the same, but he'll add in his Dash Punch as well. Keep on     |
 |   laying on the damage and soon you'll see another scene.                |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Gabriel will disappear and cause Simon to attack you while he sits     |
 |   back and watches. Here, you are UNABLE to attack. Just try: Alucard    |
 |   will make all sorts of "No, I won't hurt you Simon!" comments. What    |
 |   you need to do is do THREE PERFECT BLOCKS and follow up with grab      |
 |   attacks. You'll need to do some button mashing but Alucard will        |
 |   eventually dispel the darkness affecting Simon.                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After that, Simon will once again join you as the two of you keep on   |
 |   attacking Dracula. Keep at it as he adds in the final two attacks and  |
 |   let Simon distract as much as he can while you lay in attacks. Keep    |
 |   at it and soon you'll be able to grab him. This starts a series of     |
 |   scenes where you chase Dracula (B!), followed by grabbing him (Hold R) |
 |   while Simon finishes things. Epic.                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Three-Hit Combo: Dracula will whip twice in a row with blockable       |
 |   attacks followed by a third un-blockable attack. Remember, this is an  |
 |   energy whip he is using so it does have some range on it.              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Slam: Dracula will rise up in the air and charge up, followed   |
 |   by quickly slamming the ground, sending out a red shockwave along the  |
 |   floor in both directions. Jump to avoid it.                            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Projectiles: Dracula will jump up and fire out several red      |
 |   energy projectiles. These travel out from Dracula in a spread pattern  |
 |   which means retreating a bit and jumping (or not jumping) will keep    |
 |   you safe.                                                              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Dash Punch: Dracula will add this attack in after knocking Simon out.  |
 |   This attack will keep you on your toes! This unblockable attack is     |
 |   FAST! He will charge across the screen and punch you down. Very, very  |
 |   dangerous.                                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Rising Strike: After knocking Simon out of his trance, Dracula will    |
 |   start to use this attack. It's basically just like your Rising Strike  |
 |   attack as he rises up in the same way. As long as your not right up    |
 |   on him you should be ok.                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Whip Grab: Another attack that he adds in after Simon comes around.    |
 |   When you are in range, he will grab you with his whip at times. It     |
 |   actually does little damage, but mash on the 'B' button regardless.    |
 |   In fact, Simon will likely free you before you free yourself.          |
 |   Remember to return the favor!                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 After the battle enjoy the series of scenes. You'll soon get to move on
to Act III.

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                       ACT III: TREVOR BELMONT                        >==O

 30 Years Before...

                             FINDING A WAY INSIDE
==================================================================[MoF 3-1]===


 We now have control of Trevor Belmont, Simon's Dad. He starts out with the
same level as Alucard left with, and carries the standard Combat Cross as
his weapon (and of course has no sub-weapons).

   COMBAT CROSS: Forged long ago by Rinaldo Gandolfi, it is actually a copy
                 of the true "Vampire Killer" with which Gabriel defeated the
                 Lords of the Shadows and which now lies destroyed in the
                 Shadow Plane.

                 It is the ideal tool for executing brutal attacks without
                 sacrificing the style and precision that only Trevor is
                 capable of delivering.

 Also note that Trevor can automatically DOUBLE JUMP. Very important to know!

 Head forward past the bones on the ground and you'll face a new enemy here:
an Armored Skeleton. These guys carry huge shields and a giant axe, so keep
your distance and lay on the damage. Their grab kill is really cool. As soon
as you start to fight the bones behind you will turn into a skeleton, so jump
behind it and take it out so you can focus on the Armored Skeleton. Behind him
is another Skeleton so be careful of his projectile attacks as you fight the
armored foe. Tear off his shield when you can and watch out for the overhead
axe swing. The Skeleton Knight will be easy prey once the Armored Skeleton
falls. Head forward and soon you'll run into another Skeleton Knight; as you
attack him another one will rise up behind you, so be ready to take them both

 At the end of the path you'll see a Armored Knight come out of the door and
head down the steps toward you. A gate will raise behind him, forcing you to
fight! Ugh. Beware of his shockwaves and low chain attack. Basically be ready
to jump at any time and keep your distance. Use fast attacks to help yourself
out and grab him when you can to end the fight.

 After he falls the gate will lower and you can continue. Head up the steps
and examine Trevor's first [_KNIGHT_], then use the Health Font if you need to
before moving on to the next area.


 Move forward and interact with the monument at the end to see a kick-ass
scene. Trevor will pick up the glaive-like object and use it to dispatch a
Giant Bat without looking. That's what a cool guy would do! Heh. Anyways, you
have now got your first sub-weapon: the Boomerang:





 And here's the item description in the menu:

   BOOMERANG: This redesign of the classic boomerang has an explosive capsule
              in the centre that activates shortly after impact with the
              target causing damage over time.

              In addition to its brutal attacking force, the edges have been
              charmed to return to the hands of the thrower automatically.

 You'll now have to fight three Giant Bats. Try to make sure they don't get
too close to you and try to grab them for a quick kill whenever they start
to glow grey. Try out your fancy new Boomerang as well! When you kill the last
one, Trevor will automatically throw it across the screen and make it crash
above the entrance, which will create a new pathway.

 Head over there and double jump up to the ledge. You'll be shown a Swing
Point above you. Use it to jump to the far chandelier. Swing across another
swing point to the next platform, where you will find a [_KNIGHT_]. You can
double jump from here all the way to the right. Once you get to the wall turn
around and jump up even higher to another chandelier.

 From here you can use a Swing Point to reach another chandelier. Double jump
from here to the left to grab a ledge, jump up to a higher ledge, then jump
to the right onto another chandelier. From here you can jump to the lever to
the lower right and press 'R' to use it. This will make the chandeliers fall
and crash through the floor below! Destruction! There's a new swing point up
above you that you can use to latch onto. From here move down using the whip's
chain to head down and swing to the big chandelier to the right. Jump down
from here and head to the hole you caused to see a path to the left leading
to the next area.


 Follow the path downwards here. The wraith will be in the background. Poor
thing. Once you get down a level you can use a Health Font and examine a
nearby [_KNIGHT_]. After that you'll see that a portion of the floor is weak.
Keep that in mind, we'll make use of it later on. Keep following the path and
soon you'll run into a door blocking our path. Ugh. Always something...

 Thankfully the path above us is open. Double jump up two platforms and take
out the Skeleton Knight on the right. After that double jump up two more
platforms and you'll load out of this area.


 Out here you will find quite a few enemies to fight. You'll first run into
an Armored Skeleton with plenty of Skeletons. Some of them are behind the
Armored Skeleton, so be careful of projectiles. Another Skeleton Knight will
show up before the Armored Skeleton, so be ready for him. It's a good idea
to take him out first from the left before taking out the other foes. Be
ready to deal with the Skeleton Knights again if they resurrect. Once you've
taken out all of the enemies out head to the far right and open the chest at
the end for an [_AMMO INCREASE_].

 Head back to the far left and jump over the path leading down. You'll find
a Health Font over here as well as the [_ARMORED SKELETON BESTIARY CARD_].
Good stuff. We're done here so head back down into the Crypt.


 Head back down to the locked door and head left. You'll be ambushed by the
weak floor by an Armored Skeleton on the left and a Skeleton Knight to the
right. This is good though, as the Armored Skeleton will break the weak
floor. Sounds like a new path to me! First we have to take these two enemies
out though, so start with the Skeleton Knight to make things easier on

 Drop down the new hole after killing them and you'll see a Skeleton Knight
will greet you down here. Take him out and break the barrel to the right as
well. Head to the left and you'll see a hole and a Skeleton Knight. Kill it
for the experience and examine the statue guarding the nearby gate. You'll get
a note about how you need SHADOW MAGIC here and so you'll have to come back

 Head down now. You'll see a swing point to the left soon but BEFORE using
that drop down once again. Down here you'll have to fight a bunch of Skeletons
but its worth it as there is a [_KNIGHT_] down here as well (there's some
barrels down here to the left if you need them).

 Jump back up to the platform above the Knight and now use the Swing Point
to swing to the far left. You'll see a lever here that we need to use. This
lever opens the doors far up above that stopped our advance earlier! However,
it is IMPORTANT to note that we are TIMED here!

 Quickly swing back to the right and use the right wall with the three glowing
edges to climb up! Roll back underneath the tunnel and jump out of it and head
right! You're below the broken floor here (the far right is a dead end), so use
the left wall edges to get further up. Quickly run to the right now for the
door. On the way there a Skeleton Knight will jump out at you. It's best just
to jump over him and get through the door! Once you do you can use the lever
behind the door to keep it open (and go back and kill the Skeleton Knight if
you wished).

 To the right you'll come to a giant room with a mystical force in place and
a woman weeping, trapped behind the force. This area will be important later
on. For now, use the swing points to get up to the monument at the top of
the statue to see that you need LIGHT MAGIC to interact with this statue.

 Well than... not too much we can do about that, huh? Don't worry though, it
is only a matter of time. For now jump back down and head to the right. Use
the lever you find and head through the door.


 Here break the three barrels you find for some refills and head forward to
run into another door. Again the path above us is open so jump up. You'll
find two slide-able walls here that you can use to jump between and get even
higher up. You'll find a Health Font up here to the left that you can use if
you need to. Head to the right now to see a scene.

 What the hell, man! Well, as you just witnessed that thing just took the
light medallion that we NEED from a dead Knight (poor knight) and threw it
into the nearby stream... ugh. Then he taunts us! Oh, we HAVE to make him

 Follow him past the stream and up the stairs. You'll find some barrels up
here that you should break for refills. Head forward and you'll soon have a
gate trap you in the area. Soon you'll see that you fell for the little guy's
trap. With two friend's help, he brings out a gigantic monster and orders it
to fight you. However, the monster is... kinda dumb, so after a little more
prodding it will kill off the hunchback nuisances (with some cool 3D effects,

 Well, time for a boss fight.

 | Boss Battle -                 Executioner                  - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Boy, it's a good thing that the Executioner isn't |
 |   too bright. He'd be a lot more challenging if he knew what to do with  |
 |   all that strength. Thankfully all of his attacks have a rather big     |
 |   wind-up, so you should have little to worry about in this battle as    |
 |   long as you keep the range of his axe in mind.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After damaging him a bit he'll add in the Charge attack to his move    |
 |   set. This is a great chance to lay on the damage. After you hurt him   |
 |   some more he'll add in the Body Slam move as well. Note that he only   |
 |   puts his axe behind him when he charges and you'll be ok. Once you     |
 |   deplete his health, he will glow gray so grab him when you can and     |
 |   hit the button prompt (Y) to take him out.                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwave: A very basic attack that should be really easy for you to   |
 |   dodge. The Executioner has a very obvious wind up for this where his   |
 |   axe will charge up followed by him spinning it around his head and     |
 |   then bringing it down. Simply jump when the shockwave shows up and     |
 |   you'll be ok.                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Vertical Axe Swipe: A pretty basic attack with a long wind up. The     |
 |   Executioner brings his axe back behind him, holds it there for a split |
 |   second, and swings it vertically. A quick dodge backwards should be    |
 |   all you need here.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Grab: The Executioner can GRAB you! He lets go of his axe with his     |
 |   left hand and swings it out at you. This is done pretty fast, so be    |
 |   ready to dodge backward. If he does grab you, be ready to hit the      |
 |   button press that shows up on screen (X).                              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Screen Charge: After awhile, the Executioner will start to charge      |
 |   across the screen. His face will glow before doing this and he'll put  |
 |   his axe behind him. Here the game itself tells you to double jump over |
 |   him as he charges! Do so and use the follow up opportunity to whip him |
 |   as he is stunned! This is a great opportunity to lay into him.         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Body Slam: After the screen charging the Executioner will try out      |
 |   some new moves. Like his charge his face will glow but he doesn't      |
 |   drag his axe. The game will once again help you out and tell you to do |
 |   a forward roll here (Forward + 'L') to dodge him, so be sure to do it  |
 |   quickly to avoid be squished.                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Head forward and you'll come to the Castle Entrance eventually. Note the
wood floor on the way. At the gates you'll see a scene showing the creature
telling Trevor he can't pass yet.

 Head backward now and an Armored Skeleton will bust out of the wood floor.
Go figure. These guys are REALLY helping us out. Take him out. If you wish,
you can head to the left and kill several more Armored Skeletons. Head down
the gap though and get past the flame trap to fight two more Armored Skeletons
at the bottom. Jump over the left one and fight them like that to save
yourself some grief.

 Head to the left now and you'll see a Swing Point and a path downward. The
path downward leads to a door that needs Light Magic to open, so don't bother
with that path. Use the Swing Point instead and get to the far left. Now, to
the RIGHT is the [_EXECUTIONER BESTIARY CARD_] that you can double jump and
grab, but you'll need to use the Swing Point again.

 Get back to the far left using the Swing Point and jump down to the next
platform to find a [_KNIGHT_]. Continue to the right and Rappel down. Down
here you can jump on a rope to head left, but three bone pillars are shooting
fireballs down at you! The first one shoots three times in a row, the second
throws two at you, and the third also shoots three. Use good timing to get
past them all.

 At the far end use the ledges to get up to the platform. From here wait for
the second fire trap to stop and jump to the ledge on the left. Continue on
and use the Rappel Point to get further down. Drop down the Flame Trap and
kill the Armored Knight to the left. Continue on to the left and you'll see
a scene showing where the Light Medallion fell.

 Jump over to the ledge and drop down, the use the Swing Point to get over
the gap and claim the Light Magic Medallion.




 Good stuff! Let's check out its item description.

   LIGHT MAGIC MEDALLION: This magic medallion has been used before by many
                          other members of the order of light, enabling them
                          to convert neutral power into light magic.

                          When used, the sacred fire wraps around the bearer,
                          transmuting all damage caused into powerful healing

 We can now heal ourself easily. Very handy. Use the Swing Point to head to
the left and kill the Armored Skeleton you find. This path leads to a Magic
Font. Use the statue near the door while turning on your Light Magic to open
the door.

 Now that he have this path open let's go grab an upgrade. Head back up to the
bridge and head all the way to the right to where the floor was broken (Just
in case you were wondering, you still can't get into the castle proper). Head
down now and once you get to the Swing Point, head down and use the Light
Magic on the statue to open the door. Here you can find a [_LIFE INCREASE_].
Very nice!

 Nothing else to do here. Head back the way you came up to the bridge and
head back to the Crypt.


 With our Light Magic we can interact with that statue. Seems like the Lady
is gone though. Hmm... Get to the top and use your Light Magic to lift the
barrier. Head down to the new area now.


 Once you are down here drop down the pit to the right. There will be a
[_KNIGHT_] to the left. You can get back up by going to the right. Once you
do get back up head to the far left and go down. Destroy the barrels if you
wish and head further down.

 Down here you can go right or left. Let's go left first. BEFORE you go know
that straight down is a pit of spikes that will instantly kill you. Now, slide
down the right wall and then the left wall to jump over to a platform on the
right. There is a bestiary card here. It is possible to get it by sliding
down the left wall and jumping off at the VERY LAST SECOND. It may take a
couple of tries (3 for me) but you should get it with some practice. It is the

 Head to the far right now to hit a dead end with a [_KNIGHT_] and some
barrels. Zombies will likely pop up in the pit area. Go back and kill them,
then head back up. Head right now and kill some more Zombies. Jump the large
gap and to the right you'll see a door that you just plain can't get past
right now.

 Head up and slide down the left portion of the wall so you can jump off
in time (more instant kill spikes here). Head down the ledges and follow the
path to the Rappel Point. Use it to go down and jump to the left. Head further
down to another Rappel Point and use it to jump to the left again. You'll
fight some more Zombies here. Take them out and use the Health Font if needed.

 Our only option here is to jump down into the pit. Have fun!


 As you may have guessed... the Lady isn't what she appears to be!

 | Boss Battle -              Lady of the Crypt               - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: I won't lie to you guys... this fight is perhaps  |
 |   the easiest in the entire game. However, it also has some of the       |
 |   COOLEST scenes and Quick-Time events in the entire game.               |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The actual fight itself is a joke. The Lady only has three attacks,    |
 |   as seen below. In fact, as you fight she only starts out with the      |
 |   first move below, but as you damage her small scenes will occur and    |
 |   she she'll add another move in. Keep on damaging her until you "kill"  |
 |   her.                                                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The next part of the fight is scene after awesome scene. Be on your    |
 |   guard though, as you'll need to hit a bunch of QTE buttons to get      |
 |   through this. Most of this is hitting 'B' to climb the creature while  |
 |   holding 'R' and 'L' to hold on! Heh. At the end you'll have to jam on  |
 |   the 'Y' button. Enjoy the awesomeness!                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Clawing Attack: The Lady's first attack. She'll pop up out of the      |
 |   ground and attack by swiping at you over and over. Here all you need   |
 |   to do is block and counter-attack. Yep, it's really that simple.       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Dash Attack: Another pathetic attack. The Lady will pop up out of the  |
 |   ground and start an unblockable attack. She'll than shoot across the   |
 |   screen. Jump over her and she'll be left dazed, giving you a ton of    |
 |   time to attack.                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Grab: The last trick the Lady has up her sleeve is to show up          |
 |   underneath you and try to grab you. If she does you will need to       |
 |   quickly hit the button on the screen (Y) otherwise she will pull you   |
 |   into the earth with here and kill you instantly.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 Well, I guess the doors are open at least!

 Head forward into the Castle Hall.

                             THE SHADOW'S POWER
==================================================================[MoF 3-2]===


 Use the Health Font if you wish and head onward. You'll have to face another
Armored Knight here. Take him out and keep on going. You'll soon see a cool
scene between the floating figure and Trevor. So THAT is why he looks like

 After the scene backtrack a bit to fill out the map and head all the way
to the right. The game will tell you the door is closed and you need to find
a lever. The Swing Point above you will now light up.

 Use it and the two others to get higher up. Jump above the left door and
push the box you find to the left. You'll uncover a [_HEALTH INCREASE_] chest.
Use the box to double jump over past the left door and you'll see another
Swing Point. Use it and climb up your chain for the [_LADY OF THE CRYPT

 Lower yourself a bit and swing over to the left. Up here you will find a
[_KNIGHT_].  Hmm, a game room you say. Continue on to the left and you'll
find the lever you need.

 On your way back the floor will fall out, plummeting you below. You'll
now be attacked by a couple of Knight Vampires. Take them out (man I love
Chain Barrier) and head right. You'll fight some more on the way, but soon
you'll be able to reach the Games Room.


 Ah, remember the games you had to play in Lords of Shadow. Heh.

 Head forward to the far right to find a locked door. Head back to the game
board and you'll be locked in. Here we'll have to fight a slew of Werewolves
and Giant Bats. Once you kill them all, one of the board tiles will open and
you can head further down.

 Use the ledges to go down and look below you. You'll need to look down here
and drop down onto the (large) moving platform. Here you can either head off
to the left or right. Go right first and get past the Steam Trap and go down
the path on the right. At the bottom you'll see a [_KNIGHT_] and to the left
will be some spinning gears. Yeah... they hurt.

 Get back up and over to the moving platform. Let's go left now, using the
two Swing Points to a platform. You'll see a scroll underneath you. Hang off
the left edge and drop down, then pull yourself up. Now, it may appear that
the steam here doesn't stop but it does, just be patient. Once it stops double
jump up for the [_GIANT BAT BESTIARY CARD_]. Keep heading down and use the
Health Font if needed.

 From here, double jump over to the far right (using the walkways) and you
will find some barrels and a lever. Use the lever to open the door to the
far left and start a timer. Quickly make your way back over there and through
the door to the Guards Room.


 Head down here and to the left you'll soon see a Grapple point. Jump up
and use it to find that the corner of this area has a [_MAGIC INCREASE_].
Once you grab it an Armored Skeleton will attack, so be ready for him.

 Head back down and to the right, making your way down to the floor. Head
to the right for the [_POSSESSED ARMOR BESTIARY CARD_] and to see the door
here is locked. Head to the left now and you'll fight two Armored Skeletons.
Take them out with magic if you wish as there is a Magic Font nearby. Head
to the far left now and use the lever you find.

 This will start a fight against a Hunchback Brigade while a Possessed
Armor walks to the nearby door in the background. You'll face another
Hunchback as well. Here you'll have to fight all the Hunchbacks while the
Armor takes pot-shots at you. Not too hard, just move when the Armor gets
ready to strike. With the Hunchbacks dead the Armor will walk down and you
will have to fight him too. Take him out to lift the barrier so you can
continue to the next area.


 Here you'll need to get in the mine cart and use it to move on. Beware of
the first flame trap. Soon you'll have to jump past two flame traps to
another mine cart. This can be some tricky timing. I find that jumping when
the second one fires (so you barely miss the first one) does the trick for

 Continue on and you'll meet a new type of Merman here. This is a Merman
Hunter. This one can spit green blobs that trap you in-place if they hit you
(making you jam on the 'B' button). I'll just be calling these things Merman
as well, since I know you can see the difference. Kill the two of them that
appear. Head up the stairs and examine the glowing statue to the left. A new





 Neat. Here's the item description for the Electric Bomb:

   ELECTRIC BOMB: The batteries used by the Toy Maker to power his mechanical
                  monsters are used by Trevor as dangerous electricity bombs.

                  When activated, they release multiple tongues of energy
                  that leave enemies trapped within their sphere of influence
                  and their ultimate destruction.

 A nearby door opens. Head right and some more Merman show up. Time to try
out your bombs! Charge one up to trap the Merman up in the air. Be sure to
whip them while they are up there! Kill the reinforcements as well! The bombs
sure are cool!

 Head up now. You'll see a Swing Point above you but it leads to a locked
door so head right to an elevator. As you go down note the Knight to the
right. Once the elevator stops, jump on top and double jump up to the area
where the [_KNIGHT_] is. 

 Drop down and use the Health Font if you wish. Use the next elevator to
the left. Once you are down here go left past the elevator. The gate down
here opens with Shadow Magic so we'll have to come back. Head up though and
then further up to the upper right. Pull the box to the left a bit and use
it to get higher up to the [_KNIGHT_] up here.

 Head back down and to the right, ignoring the elevator again. The gate on
this lower floor is locked. Go back a bit and double jump up to the area
above. Push the box up here to the right and hit the lever. You can go down
now and kill a Merman. Once its dead use the Rappel Point and head down a bit
then jump off to the right. There's a [_HEALTH INCREASE_] chest down here.

 Go back and get on the Rappel Point and rappel all the way down until you
see the 'B' button prompt. Head left now and drop down, then head right and
activate the statue with Light Magic. You can now reach the [_KNIGHT_] beyond
the gate. 

 After that, head out and to the far left, past the elevator. Jump to the
upper left ledge here and since we didn't use a previous elevator you can
go down. Head down to see another [_KNIGHT_], along with a door that you
can't open to the left. 

 Head back to the central area and take the center elevator down. To the
left are some Giant Bats and a Magic Font. There's also some water over here
but we can't do anything here for now. Head right and kill the Mermen. Once
they are dead head right to the next area.


 Here you'll see some rails. Yes, Trevor can use them right away. They lead
up to a door that is locked, so we are forced to do some exploring.

 Jump down into the water and find the air bubbles below you. This is a good
reference point. Let's head left first and down when you can. This path will
weave to a dead end with a dead [_KNIGHT_] floating there for you to explore.
Head back to the bubbles after that.

 Next swim to the surface and to the far right. Go down now and follow the
wall until you can go right. Follow this path until you reach an area with
a chest for an [_MAGIC INCREASE_]. Head back to the bubble location now.

 Next we're going to move to a next bubble location. Head right and go down,
then take the first left you see and go straight down. Bubbles! Yea!

 From here head to the far right, following the floor. You'll encounter a
wide-open area with Mermen Spawn. There's more bubbles on the floor down here
and even to the far right. Get to the floor bubbles and refill on air and then
head up. Follow the left path to a dead-end with the [_HUNTER MERMAN BESTIARY
CARD_] and some more bubbles.

 Head back and take the right path to some more bubbles. Fill up on air and
head up, finding the gap that lets you breath natural air. This leads to a
lever that opens up a trapdoor. Jump up past it and head to the left. You'll
find another lever here that opens the door from earlier, which lets us
connect the two areas easily.

 Head right now and before ducking under the gate note the Grapple Point
above you. Jump up there and use it to get to the ledge. Head up. To the
right is a dead end, so jump on top of the cage and then to the middle one.
Here drop down and inspect the [_KNIGHT_], then jump over to the third cell.
Head down to the lower pathway now and use your Light Magic to continue. This
path will lead to a PUZZLE KNIGHT that gives us a clue for an upcoming puzzle:

 1st Statue: SHADOW MAGIC

 Head back down now and climb up the ledges on the left wall. Past the Steam
Trap you will be able to jump to a rail. Use it to head to the far right (the
center Fire Trap spits four times in a row by the way). To the far right you
will find another PUZZLE KNIGHT:

 3rd Statue: SHADOW MAGIC

 There's a door we can't break yet to our right. Head up now on the climbable
wall so you can get up even higher. To the left is are some Swing Points. Use
them to get to the far left. There is a statue that requires Shadow Magic to
the left, but we can't use it yet. Head up now past the Steam Traps and jump
on the chain. Take it to the far right and drop down to the cell. Interact
with the Knight here to finally get your Shadow Medallion!




 FINALLY! Here's the item description from the menu:

   SHADOW MAGIC MEDALLION: Many Brothers have left the way of light after
                           tasting the sweet flavour of the shadows.

                           The impious fire that emanates from inside this
                           medallion grants enormous power to increase the
                           damage caused, in exchange for a fair portion of

 From here, continue to head to the left past the Fire Traps to a deadend
with another PUZZLE KNIGHT.

 4th Statue: LIGHT MAGIC

 OK. Head back to the far left and head down to the Shadow Magic door we
couldn't open earlier (down the wall, to the left). In here is the last

 2nd Statue: LIGHT MAGIC

 Oh, alternating colors. Clever. Not really. Head down now and you'll end
up fighting a couple of waves of Giant Bats and Mermen. Take them out to
lift the magic barrier.

 NOW, before we go solve the puzzle to the right we can go back and grab
a new item with our Shadow Magic. Due to the ruin we made on the Entrance
Bridge, we can only grab one item right now. It's close by though:


  Head back to the Cells (which is close by, thankfully) and ride two
 elevators up (or one elevator up and take the right path to get even
 further up). Head to the far right to see the Shadow Magic statue by the
 gate. Once you open it up you'll get a [_MAGIC INCREASE_]. Very nice!

 Head back to the puzzle once you are done.


 Head right to the Puzzle Room. Here the knight will remind you the solution:

 1st Statue: SHADOW MAGIC

 2nd Statue: LIGHT MAGIC

 3rd Statue: SHADOW MAGIC

 4th Statue: LIGHT MAGIC

 HOWEVER, you HAVE to do them in a certain order:





 Go ahead and solve the "puzzle" to open up the door to the next area.

                             A FATEFUL ENCOUNTER
==================================================================[MoF 3-3]===


 Head forward and examine the [_KNIGHT_] who has a funny note. Hah!

 Head down into the water now and stick to the right side. When you hit
ground head left and to the lower corner for air. Now, head up and right and
you'll see a path split. Here you want to head down when the Steam stops for

 Head up and to the right now past the Steam to another air pocket. The
paths upward lead to dead ends or circle around, so we're going to head up
and right. Head down past the right pathway to find more bubbles, then head
up and right to breath natural air.

 To the left up here is a door we can't break yet. Man, these damn doors
are really piling up. Head to the right to fight several Mermen. Kill them
all and don't worry about health as a Health Font is nearby. After they are
dead head to the right to see a scene with a lava river. Yikes!

 Once you have control, jump up to the ledge behind you and head up to the
top. Double jump over to the right now to find a little dead end with a
[_KNIGHT_]. After that, head left to a mine cart. Use it to continue to the
left, watching out for the Fire Traps. Over here you can keep going left to
fight two Gargoyles. There's a rail over here that you can't use right now.

 Head back and jump up to the stairs above you. Continue up and use the
Magic Font if you wish then drop down below to the right. Use the lever  here
and get ready for a familiar foe.

 | Boss Battle -            Executioner Number Two            - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Yep, he's back. Well, not him, but another one    |
 |   just like him. He's basically exactly the same except this time you    |
 |   have magic on your side, which should help considerably. It is a       |
 |   FANTASTIC idea to use Shadow Magic after his charge attack!            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   However, things are a bit more dangerous here. As you two fight, some  |
 |   Hunchbacks will move back and forth in a mine cart in the background   |
 |   and will chuck their lanterns at you. They will chuck two per visit    |
 |   and the lanterns will of course explode wherever you were, so a lot    |
 |   of dodging will be needed on your part.                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwave: A very basic attack that should be really easy for you to   |
 |   dodge. The Executioner has a very obvious wind up for this where his   |
 |   axe will charge up followed by him spinning it around his head and     |
 |   then bringing it down. Simply jump when the shockwave shows up and     |
 |   you'll be ok.                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Vertical Axe Swipe: A pretty basic attack with a long wind up. The     |
 |   Executioner brings his axe back behind him, holds it there for a split |
 |   second, and swings it vertically. A quick dodge backwards should be    |
 |   all you need here.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Grab: The Executioner can GRAB you! He lets go of his axe with his     |
 |   left hand and swings it out at you. This is done pretty fast, so be    |
 |   ready to dodge backward. If he does grab you, be ready to hit the      |
 |   button press that shows up on screen (X).                              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Screen Charge: No special scene here. The Executioner can charge       |
 |   across the screen at any time. His face will glow before doing this    |
 |   and he'll put his axe behind him. Be sure to double jump over him as   |
 |   he charges! Do so and use the follow up opportunity to whip him as he  |
 |   is stunned! Shadow Magic is of course wonderful right here.            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Body Slam: Like his charge his face will glow but he doesn't drag his  |
 |   axe. If you are close to him just roll underneath him, otherwise just  |
 |   back up a bit. Another good opportunity to use some Shadow Magic.      |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 After the fight you'll have to use the lever again to open the door. Do so
and head inside and use the shrine you find for a scene.



 Ok, cool. The item description sucks this time. So now we can finally break
all of those doors. Go ahead and break the door to the right to try it out.

 Now, there's some doors behind us we can break now, but we're still stuck in
this area, so we can't backtrack yet until we (stupidly) head to the next area
and come back.

 So, for now, head forward up the climbable walls and to the next elevator
to head to the Clock Tower. Then head back!

 Now that we've zoned back in, head to the left and the giant gate will be
open (you'll have to kill some Mermen). Head down now and follow the path to
the left (more Mermen) to the lake. Swim to the far left (don't go underwater)
to find another door. Break 'er down! This leads to a [_HEALTH INCREASE_]
chest, but you'll have to kill some Gargoyles after getting it.

 NEXT, let us go to the Vertical Prison to get another door and chest.


 Here, head to the cell area. Head up past the cells and climb to the rail
portion. Take it to the far right side and to the right will be a breakable
door. Break it down to find a slide-able wall. Here, get to the right side as
soon as you can so you can kick off to the left. Here you'll find a chest
with an [_AMMO INCREASE_]. Use the lever to open the nearby door.

 Now, let's head even further back. It's a short jog to the left (killing
a Giant Bat) to reach the Cells.


 Here ride the first elevator up. Now, the elevator to your upper left needs
to be up for your path to be open, so make sure it is and then drop down the
path below it. To the left break the door now that you have the power to do

 What we need to do here is to double jump off to the left and then air-dash
at the last second to the left. We'll need to nail it. If you fail you'll fall
down to the water below and try again. When you get it, you'll be able to
claim the [_AMMUNTION INCREASE_] for yourself. A Gargoyle will spoil the
moment, so go ahead and kill it.

 Now, we can't go back and get anything else, so let us return all the way
back to the Clock Tower (the area past the Abandoned Mine). I trust you know
the way!


 Up here pull the Wind Block out to the right so you can get up. Wait for
the steam to stop and use the Swing Point to continue on waiting for the
next stream of steam to stop. Next, wait for a mine cart to come along and
provide a shield for you to get under to continue to the left. Use the next
elevator you see to get further up.

 Up here leave the Wind Block where it is and head right. Head past the five
steam traps by moving past one at a time and then push the big box you find
all the way to the right (or as far as it will go). Use the lever after that
to start making some nearby carts move. Now head back to the Wind Block and
pull it out. Use it to jump up and cling to a mine cart, then ride it to the
right and drop off.

 Next we'll need to get further up using the retracting mine carts. This part
is pretty easy as they'll never drop you. Head up and to the left is a Health
Font if you need it. Above you will be more revolving mine carts. Jump up on
top of these. There's a Steam Trap up here so jump back to a previous mine
cart if you need to.

 After that jump over to the vertical platforms and keep heading up as they
go down (jumping off the left side). At the top is a Swing Point. Use it to
head to the right and jump off when the electricity lets you. Now jump over
to the next platform. STOP here and hang off the ledge then head down! This
leads to a rope you can slide down to a hidden [_KNIGHT_]. Head back up and
to the right you can use the mine carts to get past the steam and then use
the elevator. 

 Up here use the wind to get on a cart to the left, then jump over to the
carts circling off to the right. Follow them counter-clockwise, jumping from
cart to cart until you see a [_KNIGHT_] off to the right. Head back to the
platforms and go clockwise, jumping on the Rail when you can. Follow it to
some more vertical platforms and head down, jumping off to the left past the
steam when you can.

 Now go left and pull the box off to the right. Hit the lever that was behind
hit to turn off a laser, then head up. You'll need to use some Grappel points
here to get past the Electricity Traps. Head up to the top (it's really easy)
and a door will close behind you. Ahead of you are some barrels and another

 To the left are two magic statues and a Magic Font beyond that. The
pervious Knight holds a clue for what we need to do here.

 Left Seal:

 Doesn't matter when you ask, I'll always shelter from the light.

 Right Seal:

 Doesn't matter which magic you offer, we'll always unfold a path.

 BEFORE you do anything though, use DARK MAGIC on both statues. This will
open up the laser nearby and let you grab a [_HEALTH INCREASE_] from a

 Now, to continue on use DARK MAGIC on the LEFT, and LIGHT MAGIC on the RIGHT.
Use the platforms to get further up and interact with the objective to the



 Ah, here's how we get past those gaps! Here's the item description:

   SPEED BOOTS: Designed by the Toy Maker to give the war messengers greater
                speed, this prototype perfectly combines complicated
                engineering with the purity of its magic components.

                All that is required is to step forward twice to activate
                the propulsion mechanism and disappear in a cloud of dust.

 Cool, no? The game will have you try it out to get you used to it. Head
forward to the next new area: the Belfry. 


 Head to the left to (finally) get some fighting in. A Possessed Armor will
be here. Keep heading to the left killing Possessed Armors and Gargoyles
and head left past the elevator. Keep going! All the way at the end you will
find a [_KNIGHT_]. After examining him, you'll head back and be surrounded by
two Possessed Armors. Get to the left of the left one to make this easier on

 Go back and take the elevator up now. Watch the scene.

 Quick, we have to run! This chase sequence is hair-raising and you'll need
to be quick! I won't guide you through it step by step as it is mostly sliding
down walls and using Swing Points but I WILL say:

 - Ignore the Hunchbacks! Run past them.

 - Be careful of gears on your sliding portions! They like to make you jump
   from wall to wall while going down.

 - At one point there will be a rail with a gear blocking your path. Stay put
   until the bell destroys the gear, then continue.

 Keep on going and soon you'll see a scene. Afterward, you will be dropped
down into the Abandoned Mine section again. The fate creature will have given
you something as well....


 Head to the left first and you'll find a [_KNIGHT_]. Head to the right
after that and use the elevator, then go use the lever you'll find. This
will make the planks act like moving platforms. Head down and left now to
another plank. At the top of this one, go straight UP using the walls to
jump off of to find a dead-end with another [_KNIGHT_].

 Head down and to the left, dodging the Steam and Fire traps. At the bottom
pull the door on the right down. Here you'll find a Rail system. Jump over to
it and get past the first Fire Trap. Go down to the DIP in the rail and drop
down. Use your double jump to make sure you make it to the Mine Cart below!
Ride it to the left where you'll find an [_AMMO INCREASE_]! Ooo, tricky! Head
back and ride the cart to the right and double jump back up to the rail (try
to grab it even if you can't as it'll pick you up!).

 Ride the rail past the next Fire Trap. You'll see a MONSTER TELEPORTER here.
Before using it, drop down past it and use the lever. This opens the right
door and turns on the RAIL. You can use the rail to reach the rest of the
Abandoned Mine area, as well as drop off it for the [_WITCHES BESTIARY CARD_].
Don't worry, you'll land in water below.

 OK, so the game wants us to jump past the lava river. Instead, let's go get
a bunch of new items and explore and stuff. Let's go to the Monster Teleporter
and use it to be transported to the Games Room.


 Here, pull the lever and open up the nearby door. This opens up this
transporter area to the rest of the room. Now head up the upward path and
use the Magic Font if you wish. Now here you need to use your Speed Boots
to do a LONG jump to the left. You'll find a [_MAGIC INCREASE_] over here.

 Now that we have that, drop down and head left to the Castle Hall.


 Here just head left to the Entrance Bridge. You can either fight or ignore
the Knight Vampires and Possessed Armor or not. You'll be back at the
Entrance Bridge soon enough.


 Here head left to the big gap that The Lady of the Crypt did to the bridge.
You'll need to do another running leap to get past it! Now that your on the
other side, head left and down when you can to make your way to the Crypt.


 Here head left past the first pit and continue on to the second. Head down
and then left. Jump past the pit and you'll see a door here. Use your Shadow
Magic to open it up and reach the [_MAGIC INCREASE_] chest. Nice!

 Now, head back to the first pit you crossed. The one where the Lady of the
Crypt was trapped. Head down to  go to the Crypt's Labyrinth.


 Here, head to the left and drop down, then down again. Head right now and
kill the Zombies you see. Next jump over the big gap to the right. Here you
will find a door you can break down. This leads to a self-contained room.
Drop down and hang off the ledge, then drop down and air dash right to find

 OK, now we're done with getting all of these upgrade, make your way back
to the Abandoned Mine. We're going to jump that Lava Pit now.

(-NOTE-) You may be tempted to go through the Clock Tower to the Belfry at
         this time. Trust me: keep playing. We'll get there.


 Make your way down to the Lava Pit. Jump over and head right for a scene.

 There's going to be a series of Quick-Time Events here, so get ready to
hit some buttons and jam on some buttons! Enjoy the awesome scenes!

 You will be in the Belfry again once you are done.


 Well, that was awesome, no?

 Once you have control, head to the left for the [_TOY MAKER BESTIARY CARD_].
Now head back to the right and go up the elevator. Up here you'll need to jump
the gap with your Speed Boots. Do so and you'll come to a room with a Health
Font, a Magic Font and a Monster Teleporter. The room also has the [_DAEMON
LORD BESTIARY CARD_] up above the Health Font.

 This Monster Teleporter takes us to the CELLS area. Here you can open a
lever to open up the teleporter room to the rest of the room. If you've been
following this guide you shouldn't have any need to teleport back though.

 After healing up, head to the right and watch the scenes. We'll be in the
Mirror of Fate soon enough.


 Time to confront Gabriel Belmont (Lord Dracula).

 | Boss Battle -                Gabriel Belmont               - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Time to face your Father! This fight is all       |
 |   about switching between LIGHT and DARK magic! Seriously. The game      |
 |   will even tell you so! Gabriel himself will switch between LIGHT and   |
 |   DARK magic. When he is LIGHT, you must attack with DARK. When he is    |
 |   DARK, you must attack with LIGHT.                                      |
 |                                                                          |
 |   This fight is the last Boss Fight of the game, but it's also special   |
 |   because you have UNLIMITED MAGIC in this fight. This essentially means |
 |   that you can attack with LIGHT magic at any time to recover health.    |
 |   And yes, you can attack Gabriel in his Light form with Light Magic and |
 |   get healed.                                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Another important note: if Gabriel is about to hit you with, for       |
 |   example, a DARK attack, you can switch to Dark Magic and take less     |
 |   damage. This fact is very useful. Check out all of his moves below     |
 |   and take your vengeance!                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Combo: Dracula's sword combo is, well, awesome. He does two      |
 |   blockable attacks, followed by a rising unblockable attack and finally |
 |   a sword slam (where his sword enlarges as he brings it down). All of   |
 |   these strikes take up a bit of real estate so often running away is    |
 |   NOT a smart option. What you should aim to do here is to block one of  |
 |   the first two attacks and counter-attack. Your back-up defence is to   |
 |   avoid the first three attacks and roll under him after the third one.  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Rising Slash: A very cool move. Draucla will charge up in place for a  |
 |   split second and do a move similar to Rising Assault with his sword.   |
 |   He will often use another sword slash if he brings you up with him.    |
 |   Of course you'll want to dodge backwards as this move is unblockable.  |
 |   When he goes into his Dark/Light phase, he will start doing this in    |
 |   both forms. Additional hit and everything.                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Spectral Swords: Dracula will often dash backwards and start this      |
 |   attack where he'll cause several spectral swords to appear. He'll      |
 |   make three blades shoot at you. The best thing to do here is to        |
 |   double jump over the first two and roll under the third one, since he  |
 |   can jump and shoot them at you. Heck, sometimes rolling isn't even     |
 |   necessary. Note that if you can jump over him he'll stop this attack   |
 |   early                                                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Columns: Dracula will punch the ground and cause the floor      |
 |   underneath you to crumble before a column of energy shoots out! You    |
 |   need to stay on the move when he does this! You can get some quick     |
 |   hits in on him in the meantime though, just be fast!                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Slam: Dracula will rise up in the air and charge up, followed   |
 |   by quickly slamming the ground, sending out a red shockwave along the  |
 |   floor in both directions. Jump to avoid it. When he goes into his      |
 |   Dark/Light phase, he can do this in both Dark and Light forms.         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Punch Combo: Dracula's standard punch combo. You can block either of   |
 |   the first two hits, but the third is unblockable and makes him dash    |
 |   straight at you. Best to jump over him if he gets the third hit in.    |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Wave: During the last third of the fight Dracula will at times  |
 |   float in the air and shoot out an energy wave. This wave will either   |
 |   be Light or Dark, so be sure to MATCH its energy to get through it     |
 |   without getting hurt!                                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 After the fight get ready for some scenes with some QTE events (L, Y).

 Once you start falling Gabriel will start shooting fireballs at you (Cool
in 3D!). You need to avoid them as hitting one is instant death. This is
fairly easy though, as you just need to get out of their way. Aim for the
corners of the screen to help make your escape.

 After that watch the scenes and...

 Congrats on beating Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate!

(-NOTE-) If you've been following the guide, you will have just completed
         the game with a 100% complete file. This will unlock the extra
         cut-scene "Separate Ways".

(-NOTE-) You will now unlock "Hardcore Mode".

(-NOTE-) You will now have unlocked the "Lost Soul" Bestiary Entry.

(-NOTE-) I hope you've found this guide helpful. Be sure to give the guide a
         recommend using the link up at the very top if you've enjoyed it.

         Also, be sure to swing by my Facebook page (
         and say Hi, or shoot me an email!

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                                Bosses                                >==O

 Here you can find a list of the game's bosses, sorted by character. This
list makes it easy for those of you who just want to look up a particular
boss without having to wade through the entire guide.

                                 SIMON BELMOT

 | Boss Battle -                Night Watchman                - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: This guy is a good test of your abilities and     |
 |   will likely be your first real challenge. However, he is quite         |
 |   cowardly: he will use animal attacks and magic to stay out of the      |
 |   fight when he can. Check out his moves below and learn to avoid them   |
 |   and you'll do OK. At the end you can grab him to start a quick time    |
 |   event where you'll mash 'B' and hit 'Y'. Once you finish that you'll   |
 |   be the victor.                                                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Three-Hit Combo: This is the Night Watchmen's most basic attack. His   |
 |   first two hits are blockable, but the third isn't, so be ready to      |
 |   dodge backward when you can. If you ever get cornered, jump up and     |
 |   air-dodge past him to give yourself some room.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Spin Attack: Another easy one to dodge: the Watchman will simply       |
 |   spin around when you are near him. This is of course unblockable,      |
 |   but very easy to dodge.                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Animal Help: Just like at the start of the fight, the Watchman         |
 |   will occasionally jump out of the fight and call in some animals to    |
 |   help him. This gives you a chance to ear some extra experience, I      |
 |   guess. Kill them off. Note that once you do, the Watchman will         |
 |   jump in and, if you're close enough, he will start to strangle you     |
 |   with his staff, which means you have to mash on the 'B' button.        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Magic Staff: After you've been battling for awhile, the Watchman       |
 |   will pull this trick out. He'll once again run off and will use dark   |
 |   magic to make his staff attack while the screen goes dark. The staff   |
 |   will draw blue lines on the screen and you must avoid it at all costs. |
 |   It will usually move back and forth in a sine wave pattern, so you     |
 |   can often dodge under it easily. It gets more erratic as the fight     |
 |   goes on.                                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -                 Necromancer                  - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: I guess we couldn't get the Combat Cross THAT     |
 |   easy. The necromancer is going to have us work for it! This fight is   |
 |   another good test of your abilities, but it does have some quirks to   |
 |   it. For example, if you try and use your Belnades Spirit magic, the    |
 |   Necromancer will actually make fun of you for relying on a woman to    |
 |   help you and then he will TRAP her in his staff! Wha..!?!?!            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Other than that he is pretty predictable, but not exactly "easy". He   |
 |   has a few attacks, such as summoning minions and making acid rain out  |
 |   of the sky: these types of attacks make you focus on additional        |
 |   hazards while battling, which is what makes this fight dangerous.      |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Check out his attacks below and rely on your smarts and hazard         |
 |   management to make it through. At two points in the fight you will     |
 |   force the Necromancer down to the ground. When this happens, the       |
 |   Necromancer will make protective rings circle him as he tries to       |
 |   recover. These rings all have holes in them, turning this portion of   |
 |   the fight into a waiting-game challenge. The first time you'll need to |
 |   time two rings and dash through them when the gaps line up. The second |
 |   time this happens is right at the end of the fight and will have three |
 |   rings. Wait for the gaps to line up, rush in, and grab the Necromancer |
 |   to end the fight!                                                      |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Minion Summoning: This is kinda what Necromancers do... Throughout     |
 |   the fight he will summon Skeletons and Zombies, usually one on each    |
 |   side of you. Take them out when you can, but don't waste a chance to   |
 |   do some major damage to the Necromancer when you can.                  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Scythe Attacks: The Necromancer's basic attack: Swinging his scythe    |
 |   at you. When he's got enough room (which he usually does), he will     |
 |   do two swings in a row: one overhead one followed by a swing upward.   |
 |   If he doesn't have enough room he may only do the first attack and     |
 |   forget about the second. These are of course unblockable.              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Scythe Throw: This attack is a great chance to lay into the boss.      |
 |   It's also a fairly standard Castlevania Death/Necromancer attack: he   |
 |   will throw the scythe and make it travel in a circle. This means you   |
 |   can often dodge it and attack while the scythe finishes its trip and   |
 |   the Necromancer just floats there.                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Acid Drops: Another hazard attack. He will make blobs of acid slowly   |
 |   fall from the sky. These travel slowly downward across the entire      |
 |   screen, so get between two of them ASAP and wait for them to pass to   |
 |   remain safe.                                                           |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Blade Gauntlet: Near the end of the fight, when the Necromancer        |
 |   senses that he's about to lose, he will teleport to the far side of    |
 |   the area and start to make blades come at you. These are either high   |
 |   or low, so you can either dodge or jump them. You'll need to make      |
 |   your way to the Necromancer and get some hits in before he teleports   |
 |   again and starts another Blade Gauntlet attack.                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -                   Succubus                   - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Revenge doesn't stop for pleasure... especially   |
 |   if that pleasure is trying to kill you! The Succubus likes to float    |
 |   like the Necromancer. The first part of the fight is just it shooting  |
 |   shots at you and trying to whirlwind charge you (with a rare barrier   |
 |   sphere thrown in). Keep attacking and soon she'll go consume the first |
 |   woman she was with. Oh, great...                                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |   She'll sport a forcefield now, which requires breaking. Keep at it     |
 |   and soon the forcefield will be damaged enough for you to grab it.     |
 |   Do so and then you can continue attacking her. Keep at it and soon     |
 |   she will try to consort with her slaves again. You can use your grab   |
 |   and 'Y' button here to make her stop! Keep on fighting while keeping   |
 |   her away from her slaves and soon you'll see a longer scene where she  |
 |   joins THREE of them.                                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Soon she will make it appear like there are three of them fighting     |
 |   you, each in their own forcefield. You'll need to find the right one   |
 |   and attack. You'll know you got the right one when the forcefield      |
 |   turns red. When it starts glowing, GRAB IT and continue attacking      |
 |   like normal until you deplete all her health. Once that is done and    |
 |   the view changes, head right and grab her on the ground to finish the  |
 |   boss fight off.                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Magic Shots: Her basic ranged attack: she'll shoot magical shots at    |
 |   you. She does three of these in a row. Some basic dodging will keep    |
 |   you safe, don't worry.                                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Whirlwind Charge: A fast attack, the Succubus will charge up and shoot |
 |   herself at you while spinning like a whirlwind. This attack has some   |
 |   range on it, but if you wished you could outrun/outdash it. Of course  |
 |   you want to be close so dash out of the way at the last second and     |
 |   counterattack immediately.                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Barrier Burst: This attack is a bit rare (at least in phase 1), but    |
 |   if you stay too close to her for awhile she'll make a barrier appear   |
 |   and shoot it out at you. Just dash away and you should be safe. She    |
 |   will use this much more after her forcefield breaks.                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwaves: Once she has her forcefield up, she'll start doing this    |
 |   attack. This is actually a welcome sight. She'll throw a wave of       |
 |   energy down and shockwaves will travel to the left and right. Jump     |
 |   over them and resume the whipping! Easy!                               |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Teleport Kiss: After breaking up her second consort kiss, she will     |
 |   start to occasionally teleport over you and try to grab you. You can   |
 |   see this coming a mile away as she glows blue before teleporting. If   |
 |   she DOES grab you, just jam on the 'B' button to push her away. You    |
 |   will lose health slowly until you push her away.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |


 | Boss Battle -                    Reaver                    - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Wow... I didn't even know they got that big! So,  |
 |   this fight is mostly difficult due to the area we are fighting in,     |
 |   which is the left portion of the Terrace section. Out here you have    |
 |   to be careful of getting cornered, but with enough pressure you can    |
 |   force the Scaven back! Still, its important to note that if you ARE    |
 |   cornered, Mist-Dashing through him is the best choice as you can't     |
 |   Air-Dash over him (small Scavens will bite at you otherwise).          |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Check out all of his moves below so you'll know what to expect. Also,  |
 |   at certain points in the fight the Reaver will stop fighting as the    |
 |   camera pans up to show a pipe.. or something. Anyway, you need to      |
 |   grab the pipe and pull on it to drop acidic water on the Reaver. The   |
 |   creature is actually healing rather quickly while you are doing this,  |
 |   but the acid will negate the healing and put you back into the fight.  |
 |                                                                          |
 |   When the Reaver heads up above you to do its seed bomb attack, just    |
 |   run back and forth and stay out of the way. You can't hurt it when it  |
 |   does this. At the end of the fight get ready for some QTE buttons.     |
 |   You'll have to jam on the 'Y' button and then when you get into the    |
 |   pipe, you'll alternate between 'Y' and 'X'. Hit them all to end the    |
 |   fight.                                                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Bite Attack: The Reaver's basic attack: he'll snap at you. He can do   |
 |   this up to three times in a row, even if you are cornered (which is    |
 |   what makes this dangerous). Watch the range on this attack as it can   |
 |   be dangerous!                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Scaven Summon: Yep, the Giant Reaver can make smaller Scavens appear.  |
 |   They are stronger than the Scavens you've encountered before but       |
 |   aren't really a threat. They can fill up your magic a bit at least,    |
 |   which is what they are good for.                                       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Tail Swipe: The Reaver will rear back a bit and lift his "tail" up,    |
 |   which is your sign to get ready for this attack. He'll swipe his tail  |
 |   at you. You can jump over it or dash back out of range. I like to      |
 |   dash out of range and back in, then resume whipping.                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Seed Bombs: I'm... I'm not sure what the Reaver throws at you that     |
 |   blows up, and I'm not sure I want to know. Let's just call these seed  |
 |   bombs. He'll throw them at you and a few seconds later they will blow  |
 |   up. When he's down below with you, there's usually a space between     |
 |   the first and second seeds. When he goes up above you and starts his   |
 |   "Seed Bomb Shower", it is best to run back and forth and avoid all of  |
 |   the bombs completely.                                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Bone Burp: At times when you are rather close, the Reaver will burp    |
 |   up bones and spit them at you. Ugh! It's best to jump up and dash      |
 |   away when you see this. This is a pretty cool looking attack.          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Hungry Charge: At one point in the fight the Reaver will straight-up   |
 |   eat you. It's simple to get out by jamming the 'B' button, but after   |
 |   that he can use this charge attack at any time. He'll basically run    |
 |   across the room trying to eat you up. If he catches you he'll eat you  |
 |   again. You can either just run away or you can throw a Bat Projectile  |
 |   at him to stop the charge early.                                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -                 Daemon Lord                  - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Time to take the Daemon Lord down a peg. This     |
 |   fight is actually separated into three parts, which is important to    |
 |   note. After damaging him a bit he'll jump back to the background. This |
 |   is our cue to attack the laser generators to the far left and far      |
 |   right of the room. Once you destroy one, he'll come back to fight some |
 |   more, which can be considered "round two". Once you hurt him further,  |
 |   he will retreat again. Destroy the next laser generator to start       |
 |   "round three" of the fight.                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Study the moves below to know what to expect. It is super easy to      |
 |   unleash counter-attacks on him, which should be your primary goal for  |
 |   the first two rounds of this fight. Also note the slide bar up above   |
 |   you. You will NEED this to dodge certain moves and position yourself.  |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once you get to the laser generators, feel free to either focus on one |
 |   or both of them. If you damage both equally until you kill one, the    |
 |   last one will be that much easier to take out. Just be sure to use the |
 |   slide bar and follow behind the lasers to avoid taking damage.         |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Once you destroy the last laser generator, the Daemon Lord will grab   |
 |   you and you'll be shocked by the next scene (yes, I'm that cheesy!).   |
 |   Mash on the 'Y' button to get free. This third portion of the fight is |
 |   when you should go all out. Combine WOLF form and the STOP WATCH sub   |
 |   weapon to REALLY turn the tides in your favor. Three stop watches and  |
 |   you should have this fight in the bag. Be ready to jam on the 'Y'      |
 |   button during the next few scenes and you'll be golden.                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Three-Hit Combo: The Daemon Lord's basic attack. He starts with two    |
 |   punches and follows up with a bite attack. All three attacks are VERY  |
 |   slow and unblockable. They cover some room, so roll backwards and get  |
 |   ready to counterattack!                                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Tail Slam: A cool-looking attack. The Daemon Lord will raise his head  |
 |   up while his head glows. He will then do a front flip and slam his     |
 |   tail down. This attack is of course unblockable.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Tail Laser: The Daemon Lord's tail will glow while he brings it under  |
 |   his body and points it at you. He will then make it shoot a giant      |
 |   laser out at you. This move is best avoided with the slide bar up      |
 |   above you, as the laser stays out on the screen for quite awhile. It   |
 |   is also unblockable.                                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Back Dash: The Daemon Lord will do this ability when you get behind    |
 |   him, usually using it after you use the slide bar to give yourself     |
 |   some room. His tail will glow for a bit (unblockable!) and he'll dash  |
 |   backwards a bit. Not hard to avoid.                                    |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwaves: The Daemon Lord can make shockwaves at certain times       |
 |   during the fight. The first is when he returns to the fight after the  |
 |   Laser Beams attack. Just block this one. However, during the third     |
 |   part of the attack he'll use it over and over (to the left, of course) |
 |   to try and force you back into the electricity. Using the Stopwatch    |
 |   here (and Wolf Form!) is really recommended to get him to stop as      |
 |   well as lay the smack down!                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Laser Beams: This attack is the one he uses between rounds, when he    |
 |   retreats to the back of the screen. The first round of lasers is split |
 |   in two. The left one circles clockwise while the right one circles     |
 |   counter-clockwise. Attack the machines while following the lasers and  |
 |   you'll be ok. The second round of only has one laser that travels      |
 |   clockwise. Take it out to continue the fight.                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -                 Lord Dracula                 - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Time to face down the Lord of the Castle: your    |
 |   father, Gabriel. He fights using an energy whip which has no physical  |
 |   form until he wants it to, which is likely a power he obtained from    |
 |   the Forgotten One. Like many fights in the game, this one has several  |
 |   phases to it. The first phase is pretty simple as he only has the      |
 |   first three attacks listed below. PLUS, you will be fighting with      |
 |   Simon. Simon does a great job distracting Dracula, so getting your     |
 |   own licks in shouldn't be hard.                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After awhile, you'll see a scene where Gabriel knocks Simon out for    |
 |   a period of time. You'll be fighting alone now. All of his attacks     |
 |   will be the same, but he'll add in his Dash Punch as well. Keep on     |
 |   laying on the damage and soon you'll see another scene.                |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Gabriel will disappear and cause Simon to attack you while he sits     |
 |   back and watches. Here, you are UNABLE to attack. Just try: Alucard    |
 |   will make all sorts of "No, I won't hurt you Simon!" comments. What    |
 |   you need to do is do THREE PERFECT BLOCKS and follow up with grab      |
 |   attacks. You'll need to do some button mashing but Alucard will        |
 |   eventually dispel the darkness affecting Simon.                        |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After that, Simon will once again join you as the two of you keep on   |
 |   attacking Dracula. Keep at it as he adds in the final two attacks and  |
 |   let Simon distract as much as he can while you lay in attacks. Keep    |
 |   at it and soon you'll be able to grab him. This starts a series of     |
 |   scenes where you chase Dracula (B!), followed by grabbing him (Hold R) |
 |   while Simon finishes things. Epic.                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Three-Hit Combo: Dracula will whip twice in a row with blockable       |
 |   attacks followed by a third un-blockable attack. Remember, this is an  |
 |   energy whip he is using so it does have some range on it.              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Slam: Dracula will rise up in the air and charge up, followed   |
 |   by quickly slamming the ground, sending out a red shockwave along the  |
 |   floor in both directions. Jump to avoid it.                            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Projectiles: Dracula will jump up and fire out several red      |
 |   energy projectiles. These travel out from Dracula in a spread pattern  |
 |   which means retreating a bit and jumping (or not jumping) will keep    |
 |   you safe.                                                              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Dash Punch: Dracula will add this attack in after knocking Simon out.  |
 |   This attack will keep you on your toes! This unblockable attack is     |
 |   FAST! He will charge across the screen and punch you down. Very, very  |
 |   dangerous.                                                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Rising Strike: After knocking Simon out of his trance, Dracula will    |
 |   start to use this attack. It's basically just like your Rising Strike  |
 |   attack as he rises up in the same way. As long as your not right up    |
 |   on him you should be ok.                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Whip Grab: Another attack that he adds in after Simon comes around.    |
 |   When you are in range, he will grab you with his whip at times. It     |
 |   actually does little damage, but mash on the 'B' button regardless.    |
 |   In fact, Simon will likely free you before you free yourself.          |
 |   Remember to return the favor!                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

                                TREVOR BELMONT

 | Boss Battle -                 Executioner                  - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Boy, it's a good thing that the Executioner isn't |
 |   too bright. He'd be a lot more challenging if he knew what to do with  |
 |   all that strength. Thankfully all of his attacks have a rather big     |
 |   wind-up, so you should have little to worry about in this battle as    |
 |   long as you keep the range of his axe in mind.                         |
 |                                                                          |
 |   After damaging him a bit he'll add in the Charge attack to his move    |
 |   set. This is a great chance to lay on the damage. After you hurt him   |
 |   some more he'll add in the Body Slam move as well. Note that he only   |
 |   puts his axe behind him when he charges and you'll be ok. Once you     |
 |   deplete his health, he will glow gray so grab him when you can and     |
 |   hit the button prompt (Y) to take him out.                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwave: A very basic attack that should be really easy for you to   |
 |   dodge. The Executioner has a very obvious wind up for this where his   |
 |   axe will charge up followed by him spinning it around his head and     |
 |   then bringing it down. Simply jump when the shockwave shows up and     |
 |   you'll be ok.                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Vertical Axe Swipe: A pretty basic attack with a long wind up. The     |
 |   Executioner brings his axe back behind him, holds it there for a split |
 |   second, and swings it vertically. A quick dodge backwards should be    |
 |   all you need here.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Grab: The Executioner can GRAB you! He lets go of his axe with his     |
 |   left hand and swings it out at you. This is done pretty fast, so be    |
 |   ready to dodge backward. If he does grab you, be ready to hit the      |
 |   button press that shows up on screen (X).                              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Screen Charge: After awhile, the Executioner will start to charge      |
 |   across the screen. His face will glow before doing this and he'll put  |
 |   his axe behind him. Here the game itself tells you to double jump over |
 |   him as he charges! Do so and use the follow up opportunity to whip him |
 |   as he is stunned! This is a great opportunity to lay into him.         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Body Slam: After the screen charging the Executioner will try out      |
 |   some new moves. Like his charge his face will glow but he doesn't      |
 |   drag his axe. The game will once again help you out and tell you to do |
 |   a forward roll here (Forward + 'L') to dodge him, so be sure to do it  |
 |   quickly to avoid be squished.                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -              Lady of the Crypt               - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: I won't lie to you guys... this fight is perhaps  |
 |   the easiest in the entire game. However, it also has some of the       |
 |   COOLEST scenes and Quick-Time events in the entire game.               |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The actual fight itself is a joke. The Lady only has three attacks,    |
 |   as seen below. In fact, as you fight she only starts out with the      |
 |   first move below, but as you damage her small scenes will occur and    |
 |   she she'll add another move in. Keep on damaging her until you "kill"  |
 |   her.                                                                   |
 |                                                                          |
 |   The next part of the fight is scene after awesome scene. Be on your    |
 |   guard though, as you'll need to hit a bunch of QTE buttons to get      |
 |   through this. Most of this is hitting 'B' to climb the creature while  |
 |   holding 'R' and 'L' to hold on! Heh. At the end you'll have to jam on  |
 |   the 'Y' button. Enjoy the awesomeness!                                 |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Clawing Attack: The Lady's first attack. She'll pop up out of the      |
 |   ground and attack by swiping at you over and over. Here all you need   |
 |   to do is block and counter-attack. Yep, it's really that simple.       |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Dash Attack: Another pathetic attack. The Lady will pop up out of the  |
 |   ground and start an unblockable attack. She'll than shoot across the   |
 |   screen. Jump over her and she'll be left dazed, giving you a ton of    |
 |   time to attack.                                                        |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Grab: The last trick the Lady has up her sleeve is to show up          |
 |   underneath you and try to grab you. If she does you will need to       |
 |   quickly hit the button on the screen (Y) otherwise she will pull you   |
 |   into the earth with here and kill you instantly.                       |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -            Executioner Number Two            - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Yep, he's back. Well, not him, but another one    |
 |   just like him. He's basically exactly the same except this time you    |
 |   have magic on your side, which should help considerably. It is a       |
 |   FANTASTIC idea to use Shadow Magic after his charge attack!            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   However, things are a bit more dangerous here. As you two fight, some  |
 |   Hunchbacks will move back and forth in a mine cart in the background   |
 |   and will chuck their lanterns at you. They will chuck two per visit    |
 |   and the lanterns will of course explode wherever you were, so a lot    |
 |   of dodging will be needed on your part.                                |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Shockwave: A very basic attack that should be really easy for you to   |
 |   dodge. The Executioner has a very obvious wind up for this where his   |
 |   axe will charge up followed by him spinning it around his head and     |
 |   then bringing it down. Simply jump when the shockwave shows up and     |
 |   you'll be ok.                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Vertical Axe Swipe: A pretty basic attack with a long wind up. The     |
 |   Executioner brings his axe back behind him, holds it there for a split |
 |   second, and swings it vertically. A quick dodge backwards should be    |
 |   all you need here.                                                     |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Grab: The Executioner can GRAB you! He lets go of his axe with his     |
 |   left hand and swings it out at you. This is done pretty fast, so be    |
 |   ready to dodge backward. If he does grab you, be ready to hit the      |
 |   button press that shows up on screen (X).                              |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Screen Charge: No special scene here. The Executioner can charge       |
 |   across the screen at any time. His face will glow before doing this    |
 |   and he'll put his axe behind him. Be sure to double jump over him as   |
 |   he charges! Do so and use the follow up opportunity to whip him as he  |
 |   is stunned! Shadow Magic is of course wonderful right here.            |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Body Slam: Like his charge his face will glow but he doesn't drag his  |
 |   axe. If you are close to him just roll underneath him, otherwise just  |
 |   back up a bit. Another good opportunity to use some Shadow Magic.      |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 | Boss Battle -                Gabriel Belmont               - Boss Battle |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | - General Information: Time to face your Father! This fight is all       |
 |   about switching between LIGHT and DARK magic! Seriously. The game      |
 |   will even tell you so! Gabriel himself will switch between LIGHT and   |
 |   DARK magic. When he is LIGHT, you must attack with DARK. When he is    |
 |   DARK, you must attack with LIGHT.                                      |
 |                                                                          |
 |   This fight is the last Boss Fight of the game, but it's also special   |
 |   because you have UNLIMITED MAGIC in this fight. This essentially means |
 |   that you can attack with LIGHT magic at any time to recover health.    |
 |   And yes, you can attack Gabriel in his Light form with Light Magic and |
 |   get healed.                                                            |
 |                                                                          |
 |   Another important note: if Gabriel is about to hit you with, for       |
 |   example, a DARK attack, you can switch to Dark Magic and take less     |
 |   damage. This fact is very useful. Check out all of his moves below     |
 |   and take your vengeance!                                               |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Sword Combo: Dracula's sword combo is, well, awesome. He does two      |
 |   blockable attacks, followed by a rising unblockable attack and finally |
 |   a sword slam (where his sword enlarges as he brings it down). All of   |
 |   these strikes take up a bit of real estate so often running away is    |
 |   NOT a smart option. What you should aim to do here is to block one of  |
 |   the first two attacks and counter-attack. Your back-up defence is to   |
 |   avoid the first three attacks and roll under him after the third one.  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Rising Slash: A very cool move. Draucla will charge up in place for a  |
 |   split second and do a move similar to Rising Assault with his sword.   |
 |   He will often use another sword slash if he brings you up with him.    |
 |   Of course you'll want to dodge backwards as this move is unblockable.  |
 |   When he goes into his Dark/Light phase, he will start doing this in    |
 |   both forms. Additional hit and everything.                             |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Spectral Swords: Dracula will often dash backwards and start this      |
 |   attack where he'll cause several spectral swords to appear. He'll      |
 |   make three blades shoot at you. The best thing to do here is to        |
 |   double jump over the first two and roll under the third one, since he  |
 |   can jump and shoot them at you. Heck, sometimes rolling isn't even     |
 |   necessary. Note that if you can jump over him he'll stop this attack   |
 |   early                                                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Columns: Dracula will punch the ground and cause the floor      |
 |   underneath you to crumble before a column of energy shoots out! You    |
 |   need to stay on the move when he does this! You can get some quick     |
 |   hits in on him in the meantime though, just be fast!                   |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Slam: Dracula will rise up in the air and charge up, followed   |
 |   by quickly slamming the ground, sending out a red shockwave along the  |
 |   floor in both directions. Jump to avoid it. When he goes into his      |
 |   Dark/Light phase, he can do this in both Dark and Light forms.         |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Punch Combo: Dracula's standard punch combo. You can block either of   |
 |   the first two hits, but the third is unblockable and makes him dash    |
 |   straight at you. Best to jump over him if he gets the third hit in.    |
 |                                                                          |
 | - Energy Wave: During the last third of the fight Dracula will at times  |
 |   float in the air and shoot out an energy wave. This wave will either   |
 |   be Light or Dark, so be sure to MATCH its energy to get through it     |
 |   without getting hurt!                                                  |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                                Skills                                >==O

 | o Hold L and move Analog Stick left or right.
 | o Makes it possible to avoid enemy attacks.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 | THOUGHTS: A basic avoidance move that you want to learn, and master,
 |           as soon as possible!

 | o Hold L.
 | o Use block to thwart enemy attacks.
 |   Be careful, as more powerful attacks can break your block and
 |   certain other attacks indicated with a white effect are unblockable.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 | THOUGHTS: Another basic move that will serve you well. Timing on
 |           your blocks is essential and worth perfecting!

 | o Hold L RIGHT BEFORE blocking an attack!
 | o Blocking at just the right moment before receiving an impact, makes
 |   is possible to open up your attacker for a deadly counter strike.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 | THOUGHTS: A handy skill to master, but not always prudent to shoot for.
 |           It does, however, open up the possibility of counterstrikes,
 |           as illustrated below.

 | o (After Synchronized Block): Y  Y  Y
 | o Successfully performing a Synchronized Block against an enemy leaves
 |   it open to a devastating Direct Counter Attack.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\                `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\      `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: The benefit of doing a Synchronized Block. The DIRECT version
 |           is, of course, more powerful than the AREA version. It's even
 |           faster too. You're go-to option if you don't need that
 |           area protection!

 | o (After Synchronized Block): X  X  X
 | o Successfully performing a Synchronized Block against an enemy leaves
 |   it open to a devastating Area Counter Attack.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\                    `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\                `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: The benefit of doing a Synchronized Block. Not nearly as
 |           fast or strong as the DIRECT version, but if needed it can
 |           punish a group and/or protect you better. Worth having as
 |           an option!

 | o Use the R Button when an enemy is grab-able!
 | o An agile move with the Combat Cross used to finish stunned enemies
 |   with a violent melee attack, regardless of their initial distance.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |   NOTE: This skill comes with the Combat Cross.
 | THOUGHTS: The grabbing attacks will surely be a staple of your combat
 |           action. They prove most useful for quickly dispatching foes!

 | o R Button (When enemy is stunned).
 | o A close range move used to finish stunned enemies with a violent
 |   attack.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |   NOTE: This skill disappears off the list at some point.
 | THOUGHTS: The ultra-cool GRAB attack. You're going to love it!

 | o (In Air): Hold the L Button and press DOWN on the Analog Stick.
 | o A quick fall to ground that can be used to avoid enemy aerial attacks.
 | THOUGHTS: How nice of Mercury Steam to give us this option! You can use
 |           this to quickly dodge aerial attacks... if you're fast enough!

 | o Press B at the right moment after getting hurt.
 | o Timed at the right moment, it is possible to return to the combat
 |   position quickly.
 | THOUGHTS: A handy skill to have. It will decrease your vulnerability
 |           time and get you into fighting mode quicker. Gotta love that!

 | o  Y
 | o Quick and powerful direct attack that affects all objects in front
 |   of you.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\                   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\       `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Not sure what to say here... this is your regular Direct
 |           attack. You will be using it. A lot. Yeah....

 | o  X
 | o Broad attack in a 90 degree fan that damages all objects in its
 |   trajectory.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\                     `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\                `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Again, not sure what to say. Your normal Area attack. Use it
 |           to hit more stuff around you. Hurrah!

 | o  Y  Y  Y  Y
 | o Powerful combination of four horizontal hits that damage objects in
 |   front of you.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\                  `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\      `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Another default move and the love of button-mashers
 |           world-wide. This is a decent go-to option but as you get
 |           better you'll soon find more capable attacks. Still, this
 |           should remain a comfortable and safe staple.

 | o  X  X  X  X
 | o Broad combination of four 90 and 180 degree fan attacks that catch
 |   all surrounding enemies.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\                     `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\                `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Here's the button-mashing Area attack. Again, a good staple
 |           to use on groups of enemies or to do some quick crowd control,
 |           but you'll soon find better moves out there.

 | o  Y  Y  Y  Y  Y
 | o Powerful combination of four horizontal hits that ends with a
 |   smashing frontal hit capable of destabilizing the enemy.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\                `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\      `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: This move adds in one more additional hit, extending your
 |           damaging capabilities. It also ups the power a bit. This is
 |           still a comfortable and safe staple.

 | o  X  X  X  X  X
 | o Broad combination of five 90, 180 and 360 degree fan attacks that
 |   catch all surrounding enemies.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\                    `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\                `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: This area attack final adds in one final hit for a 360 degree
 |           attack at the very end. It's still a safe and comfortable
 |           staple for the average button masher.

 | o (In Air): Hold Y
 | o Brutal frontal downward attack that damages ground based enemies.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\            `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\         `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Man, I love Guillotine. It's powerful and looks awesome!
 |           In addition, the airborne time lets you dodge certain attacks
 |           and immediately punish the attack.

 | o (In Air): Hold X
 | o Creates a whirlwind spinning attack that sucks up all nearby enemies
 |   damaging them in the process.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\                  `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: A cool attack to hit everything while you are in the air.
 |           Like Guillotine, it is useful for dodging certain attacks.
 |           It doesn't do as much damage though.

 | o  Y  B
 | o Quick direct rising attack that makes it possible to lift weak
 |   creatures directly into the air.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\                      `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Not very powerful, but fast. If you want to get a single
 |           enemy into the air for whatever reason, here you go!

 | o  X  B
 | o Quick circular rising attack that makes it possible to lift weak
 |   creatures directly into the air.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\                       `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\            `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Not very powerful, but flashy as hell. Love the animation on
 |           this attack. Designed to pop multiple enemies up into the
 |           air, should you so desire.

 | o Hold L and then hold Y
 | o Powerful energy-charged punch capable of breaking the guard of
 |   enemies.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\                     `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\                  `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Situationally useful for times where you may just want to
 |           break an enemies guard. You're not going to be going around
 |           and punching things with THAT low of a power rating!

 | o Hold L and then hold X
 | o Brutal punch to the ground that delivers a shock wave capable of
 |   knocking down nearby enemies.
 |   This skill can be used both on the GROUND and in the AIR.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\                        `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\                  `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Talk about low-power. Again, only situationally useful.
 |           It's fun to knock down some enemies but this is not going
 |           to be a go-to move whatsoever.

 | o (In Air): Hold Y
 | o Brutal frontal downward attack that ends with a devastating yank
 |   of the chain that knocks down ground based enemies caught in its
 |   effect.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\            `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Man, I love Guillotine. It's powerful and looks awesome!
 |           In addition, the airborne time lets you dodge certain attacks
 |           and immediately punish the attack. The extra yank on the chain
 |           afterward is just icing on the cake.

 | o (In Air): Hold X
 | o Creates a whirlwind spinning attack that sucks up all nearby enemies
 |   damaging them in the process then continues with a ground chainsaw
 |   attack.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\           `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: A very cool-looking attack. The Area version of Guillotine.
 |           Let's you dodge certain attacks and punish everything around
 |           you afterward. But we both know you just use it to look cool!

 | o  HOLD Y
 | o Combination of extremely fast hits executed towards your foe.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\                 `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: I'm a big fan of holding attacks, so I like this one a lot.
 |           The combination of speed and power is very decent.


 chain barrier - needs added in

 | o  HOLD Y AND Y
 | o Combination of extremely fast hits executed towards your foe,
 |   finished off with a brutal destabilizing direct attack.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\             `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: The final version of Chain Shredder adds one last power hit
 |           to the attack. This is a welcome addition as the attack can
 |           break through enemies guarding stances. Very nice!

 | o  HOLD X AND X
 | o Devastating combination of area arc attacks that destroy any enemy in
 |   its path followed by a deafening discharge capable of knocking down
 |   your enemy.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\           `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\                   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: The final version of Chain Barrier adds in a devastating
 |           attack at the end that can break through enemy guards. This
 |           attack may be slow but it is powerful.

 | o Relentless swirl of pain that extends horizontally, massacring all
 |   enemies in line.
 |   To execute it, Y must remain pressed after Tremor Punch.
 |   This skill can be used both on the ground and in the air.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\            `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Pretty much the ultimate direct attack. Just look at that
 |           power! It takes some time to pull off since you have to use
 |           it after that damn Tremor Punch, but when it hits it is worth
 |           it!

 | o An overwhelming tornado that traps all ground or flying creatures
 |   nearby inside of it.
 |   To execute it, X must remain pressed after Earthquake Punch.
 |               _________________________
 |   POWER     .´\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\   `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 |               _________________________
 |   SPEED     .´\\\\\\\\\\\              `.
 |              ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
 | THOUGHTS: Pretty much the ultimate area attack. The power is VERY high
 |           and the animation is ultra-cool. It's a bit slow but when you
 |           pull it off you'll be left grinning wickedly...

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                               Enemies                                >==O

 This section will go through all the enemies in the game, according to
the game's BESTIARY. I'm going to list the monster, write down their
descriptive text (from the game) and put in my personal notes / combat tips
on them.


  Shadow Crawler
 When the doors to the Shadow Plane were opened, a horde of bloodthirsty
creatures invaded our world terrorizing Mankind.

 Made up of pure darkness, they feed on the fear of their victims who they
tear apart and devour without mercy.

  My Thoughts: These are the creatures you get to kill as Gabriel. They
               are pretty much just cannon fodder and tutorial material.

 These reanimated corpses eat and infect the dead remains of other creatures
with many sections of the castle threatening to become infested with them.

 The Scavens are a sort of living dead, commanded by the Night Watchman
whose power has transcended the limits of witchcraft to take on a more
tangible and dangerous form.

  My Thoughts: The Scaven is WEAK, right up there with the Zombies. More of
               a nuisance than anything dangerous.

  Flying Scaven
 Some Scavens mutate with violent convulsions to develop wings that they use
to rise well above their terrestrial prey.

 Often pouncing on unsuspecting visitors and feeding on their still living
bodies, these creatures suck the very soul out of any unfortunate enough to
come across them.

  My Thoughts: While the description above is terribly frightful, these
               things are still just cannon fodder, but now with wings!

 Bitten, infected and stripped of the slightest power of reason, many humans
have ended up lost in the Castle in search of fresh brains.

 Their clumsy attacks and fragile bodies are compensated for by their
ironclad insistence on devouring their victims, even after being dismembered.

  My Thoughts: Your classic cannon fodder foe. Not very dangerous. Beware of
               them pulling their head off and chucking it at you though!

  Rotten Zombie
 Subjected to putrefaction over many years, some Zombies have become lethal
corpses capable of mutilating themselves to reach their prey.

 Both their fragile flesh, yellowed by puss and their brittle bones,
incapable of keeping them upright represent an unpleasant threat to those
who think they are safe behind any barrier.

  My Thoughts: These are pretty much the same as normal Zombies, but they
               have a tendency to break in half and have their upper torso
               crawl after you. Use Guillotine or some other floor attack to
               hit them if they do so!

 As lethal as a bird of prey and as elegant as a woman, the Harpies have
become an organized tribe of warriors that nest beneath the fortress.

 In the firm belief that the flesh of their prey will give them vigour and
eternal life, they have become fanatical killers, organizing expeditions
inside the castle to hunt.

  My Thoughts: Annoying with their bow attacks. Attacking in the air makes
               short work of them.

  Harpy Leader
 Only the best Harpy Warriors live long enough to proclaim themselves
leaders of the flock.

 The changes to their physical form include color changes to their wings
and an ear piercing shriek that can root their prey to the spot.

  My Thoughts: The most dangerous thing about the leaders is their scream,
               which can set you up to take a hit from other creatures

 Somewhere during the evolution between fish and men, these intelligent
beings learned to move onto dry land in search of new prey.

 With a deep survival instinct, the Mermen organize search parties and lay
ambush for anyone unsuspecting who comes near water.

  My Thoughts: A classic foe! Their lunge attack should be watched out for
               and dodged as it is unblockable. Unremarkable after that.

  Electric Merman
 An elite group of Mermen have adapted skin membranes that generate powerful
electrical currents.

 Whilst on land, they can conduct this electricity through the wet ground
thus stunning their adversaries before pouncing to devour them.

  My Thoughts: Their electric attacks are annoying and should be watched out
               for as they are indeed powerful.

  Hunter Merman
 Some Mermen have developed special glands in their mouths which deliver
a powerful toxin.

 This sticky substance is spat on their prey rendering their enemies
completely paralyzed.

  My Thoughts: The green gob they spit tries to trap you. You'll need to
               button mash to get out of it. If you can avoid that and
               their charge attack they are easy enough.

  Merman Tadpole
 During hunting forays on the surface, the Mermen throw live captives to
their off spring awaiting below the surface.

 Although not yet fully developed, the tadpoles have jaw dimensions similar
to that of their parents, which they use to tear apart the bodies of their

  My Thoughts: These things are more dangerous than the parents! Mostly due
               to the fact that you can't hurt them! You'll encounter several
               portions of the game where you'll meet these things and all
               you can really do is run.

  Skeleton Warrior
 Despite being dead, the remains of these warriors retain an echo of what
they once were when alive and so continue to defend the castle.

 Loyal to their new lord, they keep watch tirelessly over every corner of
the fortress, hunting intruders and never abandoning their posts for as long
as their bones endure.

  My Thoughts: A classic Skeleton Knight. They have their sword slashes and
               can throw axes at you. The axes can be dangerous when they are
               paired with other foes.

  Armored Skeleton
 Fearsome to behold and much more skilled than the best of the castle
denizens, Armored Skeletons hold a special place of honor amongst the armies
of the Dragon.

 The same spell that keeps them on their feet is also used to fill them
with the false hope that they continue to serve the cause for which they
were trained in life.

  My Thoughts: A heavy hitter! Get too close and he'll smack you. Don't let
               yourself get cornered by these guys. Lay into them with any of
               the various hold attacks and be sure to grab them when you can!

 During the dark years of the Lords of Shadow's reign, hundreds of humans
were bitten by werewolves and infected with their cursed blood.

 Dominated by their instincts and rid of their leader Cornell, they occupy
the castle to worship their new alpha male, the Prince of Darkness himself.

  My Thoughts: Their leap attack should be dodged but other than that they
               are fairly harmless. I LOVE the animation Simon uses when he
               grabs them! Absolutely love it!

 A group of nomadic Dwarves settled inside the castle and began to work on
it's reconstruction, as if it were their own home.

 Apparently harmless, they have survived thanks to their cunning, teamwork
and disgusting gastronomical taste based on different ways of cooking carrion
found along the way.

  My Thoughts: Their lantern-throwing is annoying. They like to run away. They
               also like to cause mischief and make life hard on you however
               they can. Kill on site!

  Hunchback Troop
 When threatened, the Hunchbacks come together to form a greater force.

 After drawing lots for their combat positions, they charge blindly against
any creature that is hostile.

 For the duration of the fight, they never separate and never give up until
they have a new corpse to add to the soup.

  My Thoughts: Haha! This enemy just shows the Hunchback's cleverness. The
               entire get-up is pretty cute. Avoid their charges and get
               behind them constantly to win easily.

  Macabre Puppet
 The souls of the many who dared to enter the domain of the Dragon are
forcefully removed from their bodies to be confined inside Macabre Wooden

 On the other end of the strings is the Toy Maker who amuses himself by
acting out his mortal play with new strangers.

  My Thoughts: These puppets are just creepy. They aren't as bad as the
               "unleashed" puppets, so block when you must and you'll be okay.

  Macabre Puppet Unleashed
 Some puppets have been released from their masters hold and attack their
enemies with random abandon.

 Their freedom of movement enables them to spin around like tops executing
quick charge attacks against their targets.

  My Thoughts: These puppets are more dangerous. Their spin move will likely
               catch you off-guard a few times. You'll soon learn to jump it
               and punish them severely afterward.

  Magic Book
 The search for immortality has caused many wizards to use their dying
breath to commit their souls within heavy tomes of parchment.

 These pages permeate with the dark powers of their authors and so they
are able to write cruel endings for those valiant enough to confront them.

  My Thoughts: These books are mostly support characters. They buff up other
               enemies and call forth new enemies, as well as drain your life
               and magic. It is important to target them first in any fight.
               They have low health and fall quickly.

 From their stone nests perched high upon the castle, the Gargoyles have
patiently watched many battles, triumphs and defeats.

 Centuries after being sculpted, the enigmatic Toy Maker gave them the gift
of life, enabling them to finally use their knowledge of war.

  My Thoughts: Their "knowledge of war" is very limited: fly back and forth
               and shoot fire at you. That's pretty much it. When they get
               low on health they'll try a suicide attack, so beware!

  Giant Bat
 With the arrival of the vampires, the bats accustomed to the darkness and
putrefaction of lower sections of the castle began to feed on the blood that
their masters offered them.

 Quickly, these tiny, defenseless creatures grew disproportionately and
became dangerous predators, devouring creatures that had once preyed upon

  My Thoughts: Their size IS impressive. Still, they have no special attacks
               of note. Stick to range attacks in the air or otherwise to
               bring them down.

  Knight Vampire
 Following the death of Carmilla and Laura: A new, purer lineage of vampire
arose in the castle formed via a deep bond with their new lord.

 The species is characterized by its cunning, speed and savage cruelty in

 The next stage of vampire evolution has produced a species that is both
beauty and the beast with an insatiable blood lust.

  My Thoughts: Now HERE is a worthy foe. They have several sword attacks and
               can dash away in an instant when in danger. They also have a
               ranged attack. Beware of their charging sword attacks and don't
               ever stay still and you should be ok.

 Wraiths have always been a part of popular folklore as the oldest residents
of sinister castles.

 Their presence at the fortress is no coincidence, as within its walls
terrible murders were committed that have bound the souls of the victims to
the memories of the violent acts committed there.

  My Thoughts: You'll never fight these guys: they are just in a number of the
               castle's backgrounds. Still, it's neat that they got their own
               Bestiary card.

 Cursed from birth and indoctrinated by their sisters in the art of Dark
Magic, the Witches have spent centuries hiding from the world in the depths
of the Earth.

 Subjugated by the power of the new Dark Lord, they use their knowledge of
the Dark Arts in the Shadow Plane to attempt to defeat him and claim their
dominion of the Castle.

  My Thoughts: The enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well, not really! You
               won't fight these foes yourself, but they do bring about a
               monster for you to tangle with regardless.

  Possessed Armor
 The spirits wandering the castle, tire of the living that disturb their
rest and so possess the enormous suits of armor that adorn the corridors.

 With their enormous mace, they easily smash the unwary, while the hard
armor protects their cold inner flame.

  My Thoughts: These guys take a lot of damage before you can defeat them.
               Their attacks aren't particularly hard to avoid, but they
               will still likely get in a good hit or two every now and
               again. Just stay back and be ready to jump at any time!

 The Hunchbacks have managed to dominate these once gentle giants by means
of larvae inserted into their brains.

 Their colossal size and disproportionate strength make them brutal tools
of war.

 However, their value as allies is often counteracted by fearsome outbursts
of fury that make them unpredictable in combat.

  My Thoughts: A boss character for Trevor Belmont! Check out the boss section
               for an in-depth view of what you can expect out of them. The
               whole "larvae in the brain" thing is... well... ugh.

  Night Watchman
 Although dead for many years, a terrible curse has prevented the Night
Watchman from leaving the world of the living.

 His only reason to exist is to keep the torches and lanterns lit, keeping
intruders away.

 Accompanied by his Scavens, he wanders the Castle corridors until the breeze
that comes when a new visitor arrives causes his cold and prized light to
flicker once again.

  My Thoughts: The first boss of the game (one of Simon's bosses). A really
               cool character design. Very neat!

 The Necromancer's mission is to seize Trevor's powerful Combat Cross for its
master, Zobek, Lord of the Dead.

 Having been promised the return of its soul for successful delivery of the
weapon, the Necromancer is a dangerous foe intent on completing its task
no matter what.

  My Thoughts: Another Simon boss fight. This fight is just cool. The attack
               animations are really neat.

 This sensual and intoxicating creature has the appearance of a woman yet
originates from the underworld and is intent on securing favor with her new

 From her illusory world, created from the fantasies of men, she awaits the
arrival of heroes to seduce, subjecting them to temptation then ultimately
offering them up to her liege lord.

  My Thoughts: Simon's last boss and a fun fight. The camera angles in this
               fight are really cool. Still, I do kind-of wish that she also
               had a fight with Alucard for nostalgic reasons.

 The remains of the Night Watchman transform into a creature with a voracious
appetite and insatiable need to move through the rooms of the castle in search
of meat with which to strengthen itself.

 It's putrid body, covered with a dense mop of hair, hide the true nature of
its supernatural origin, formed from hundreds of corpses it has devoured.

  My Thoughts: This fight is interesting. I actually had NO idea this thing
               was the remains of the Night Watchman until I read it in the
               bestiary. Huh. Weird.

  Daemon Lord
 Although defeated and humiliated by Gabriel many years ago, this powerful
creature has been released by the Witches to once again challenge its

 Harboring a profound hatred, it has sworn to destroy the offspring of its
enemy before returning to the Shadow Plane whence it came.

  My Thoughts: A very cool-looking enemy. The QTE scenes you get once you
               meet him or neat, even if you don't get to really fight it.

  Daemon Lord Resurrected
 The remains of the Daemon were assembled by the Toy Maker and made into a
horrific parody of its former self.

 Despite the rage that still flows through its new mechanical joints, the
beast has learned to control its Daemonic Powers to hunt the souls its
master needs in his macabre experiments.

  My Thoughts: The resurrected Daemon Lord gives Alucard a few good fights,
               as well as some awesome power. It's new mechanical arms look
               really cool and you have to love the electricity running
               through him.

  Lady of the Crypt
 Although known by the title of "Lady", due to the female appearance of its
appendage, this mysterious creature is actually an enormous deformed insect
that lives in the depths of the Crypt.

 For centuries, the cunning beast has grown feeding on the damned thrown into
its dark pit, whilst in the process learning to imitate them in order to lure
new prey.

  My Thoughts: What a fight this was! Oh man. Probably the best boss fight
               in the game. The creatures is just plain enormous and just
               fun as hell to fight, even if it is pathetically easy.

 A former knight chosen by the Brotherhood to defeat the Lords of Shadow
and restore light to the world. Gabriel fulfilled his mission but at a
heavy price.

 Tormented by the death of his wife, betrayed by his faith and led down a
path to eternal darkness, he returns from oblivion to the highest tower of
the castle, in search of revenge on those who wronged him.

  My Thoughts: The first Belmont has sworn vengeance against the Brotherhood
               and is filled with rage and hate. What else is there to say?
               You and I both know how utterly awesome Gabriel is.

  Toy Maker
 Once Gandolfi's most outstanding pupil, he is now trapped by a terrible

 With his skills and a dark curse that Walter Bernhard himself imparted all
those centuries ago, he never stops working on the creation of macabre
instruments of death and destruction.

 At least until the curse that is upon him is forever broken...

  My Thoughts: You only get to really see the Toy Maker once in the game,
               but you sure do fight a lot of things he had a hand in
               creating. That last sentence in his biography pretty much
               guarantees we'll be seeing him in Lords of Shadow 2!

  Lost Soul
 The Lost Soul is fate itself, the physical manifestation of the mirror.

 Anyone who is near its influence will be manipulated and guided to their
unavoidable destiny, without any opportunity to change it.

  My Thoughts: Here's the mysterious figure that guides the entire game as if
               directing some sort of play. Fate is a cold mistress...

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                               Knights                                >==O

 For kicks, here is a list of all of the Knights in the game along with
their scrolls. I put this list together because the scrolls are cool and
someday, someone out there may want to read through them all again.

 This list is separated by Character and Area.

                                 SIMON BELMOT

 o Cursed Village

 Knight 1/1

 It was the elderly, then the men, women and children, until there was not
a single person left standing.

 Not long after, the tombstones began to move.

 Neither the hard oak wood, nor the heavy stones of their graves could
prevent the return of the dead to the world of the living.

 o Castle's Outer Wall

 Knight 1/3

 As we crossed the bridge, the chain mechanism began to turn, quickly
withdrawing the platform we were standing on.

 Luckily I had the reflexes to jump back in time and watched, as the rest
of my company tumbled into the abyss.

 Knight 2/3

 I realized too late that I needed a Combat Cross to reach that platform.

 Now, with my back broken from the fall, all I can do is await death.

 My corpse will serve as a warning for others, do not enter this evil
place without the right equipment.     

 Knight 3/3

 Centuries ago, Pilgrims created this underground route to worship the
spirit of a woman who it was claimed had the power of healing.

 The tunnels they traveled through seeking health and good fortune now
seemed to be the only access into the castle.

 o Forgotten Cave

 Knight 1/2

 A dozen Mermen suddenly came out of the water and massacred my entire

 Terrified, I could only watch as they tossed the crippled bodies of my
comrades into the water, where still alive, they suffered in agony as
their offspring fed on them... 

 Knight 2/2

 Who could have installed such a strange device in this cave, so far from

 Such an act of witchcraft proves that this ground in unholy.

 I swear that the person responsible will pay for this sacrilege, even if
it costs me my life.

 o Deadly Waterfalls

 Knight 1/3

 Thousands of corpses of Men, Women and Children that were thrown into the
moat during the first war have infected the underground streams.

 The rivers that flow under the castle are now a death trap, capable of
dissolving flesh, bone and the very soul within.


 Knight 2/3

 The impact of the fall made me lose consciousness for a time.

 When I awoke, fear left me breathless, not because of my shattered body but
because of the sea of corpses I found myself lying amongst.

 I managed to drag myself out of that hell, but realized that some of the
corpses had begun to stir... dear God protect me!

 Knight 3/3

 In the eastern part of the cave, I have seen creatures transporting a
sacred chest.

 After such a long  journey, the cloudy water filtering through the rock
does not look so unpleasant now.

 Before continuing on my way, I will drink a little to regain my strength.

 o Castle Hall

 Knight 1/3

 As I entered the main hall, the lights flickered for a moment, distorting
the shadows and revealing dozens of eerie skulls before me.

 From within their empty sockets, eyes seemed to be watching me, waiting for

 The lights flicker again and my fears are realized; the skulls now lie ever

 A sharp whistle comes from the end of the corridor, the lights go out, is
this the end?

 Knight 2/3

 Behind this door lies the great animated chessboard, designed by vampires
to kill time during their long nights.

 It is said that a human is invited to play from time to time.

 If he wins, he is received into the vampire clan.

 If he loses, he is included on the dinner menu.


 Knight 3/3

 An enormous structure has collapsed on top of me.

 Now I will never return home or know love from another.

 I will die here, though my heart is filled with pride at having served the
holy cause, my poor soul yearns for release.

 o Guards Room

  Knight 1/1

 They told us to carry these magical scrolls with us at all times and to
never part with them.

 It would seem that they are able to reflect our thoughts onto the very
paper itself.

 If we die, they enable other brothers to learn from our mistakes, so that
they may complete their mission successfully. 

 o Cells

  Knight 1/1

 Crossing the bridge, we were careful not to trip over the piles of bones
stacked upon the ground, when suddenly one of our men shouted out in pain.

 His chest had been pierced by the rusted sword of a skeleton.

 In a heartbeat, the dead rose up around us, forming an army of fearsome
fleshless corpses...

 o Inner Cells

 Knight 1/3

 According to legend, Michael Gelhart Schneider, a most noble knight and
highly skilled archer was captured by the Bernhard's and imprisoned somewhere
in the castle.

 He died here but vowed vengeance on the castle and its occupants.

 It is aid, his spirit will come to the aid of a true warrior... Alas, I
have not seen it.

 Knight 2/3

 I was never an outstanding soldier.

 I was neither strong as my parents expected or brave as my comrades hoped.

 I abandoned them in their final battle.

 I'm sure none of them will shed a tear for this coward bereft of honor or

 Note: Only after using Teleporter

 Knight 3/3

 My God, protect me from these creatures of the devil. Free me from their
claws, save me from their voracious appetite and hide me from their eyes,
red as fire, thirsty for my blood. Lord protect me!

 o Vertical Prison

 Knight 1/2

 I found a note with the following instructions;

 "The worst prisoners must be isolated from the rest and taken to cells with
the levers inside. The mechanisms once activated allow water into the gallery,
drowning all of the convicts in the lower sections".

 I wonder at the cruelty of this place and feel the last remnants of any hope
leave my soul.

 Knight 2/2

 I will die in this cell tonight.

 I will end my life with one final act of cowardice, with great shame in my
heart, I shall take my own life.

 I refuse to watch the beasts remove the flesh from my bones.

 I will deny them my screams.

 o Kithcen

 Knight 1/1

 Waking in this dark place, I found a plate of roast meat and a glass of
spiced wine beside me.

 I prayed that my brothers would rescue me soon.

 Ravaged by hunger, I grabbed the juicy leg, took a bit, chewed and swallowed

 I hadn't taken more than two bites when I discovered, to my horror, that the
bone holding the meat was a human femur.

 o Theatre

 Knight 1/1

 I found puppets seated around a table, their wooden bodies positioned in a
way that suggested they were enjoying a great banquet.

 I approached and noticed the table filled with all kinds of delicious foods,
and reached out to grab a shiny apple.

 Its texture felt odd to me, but it was not until I picket it up that I
realised it was fake. A trick to attract my attention, but now it is too
late... they are here!

 o Library

 Knight 1/4

 Rinaldo Gandolfi decided to install retractable spurs on the end of the
combat cross.

 The theory is simple: Brotherhood Knights chosen from amongst the elite
could reach places inaccessible to others and thus, pose more of a threat
to the evils of the castle.

 Alas even Gandolfi himself is lost to us now.

 Knight 2/4

 A trail of ectoplasm led me to discover the location of a strange
translucent creature.

 When I stabbed its insubstantial body with my sword, I felt a strange
shiver pass through me.

 My hands were shrivelled, my legs could hardly hold me up and my hair
turned ghostly white.

 Knight 3/4

 The tomes seem to have been marked by some mad scholar.

 They may hide a great secret, or perhaps are just the mad ravings of
the insane.

 I wish I had enough time to decipher the message but alas time is not
on my side.

 Knight 4/4

 I have found a book with the following passage inscribed within:

 "When a great darkness loomed over the castle, a group of wise men schooled
in arcane magic took shelter in the library. As the days went by, their minds
were poisoned by envy, arrogance and hatred for each other. Forbidden rituals
were performed but the souls of the men were lost within the pages of the
books forever".

 o Main Tower Outside


 Those little Hunchbacks seem intent in their work to build and expand
the castle.

 I don't know where they come from or what drives them, but for some strange
reason they seem to be influenced by the darkness that surrounds the new Lord
of the Castle.


 o Mirror of Fate

 Knight 1/1

 As soon as I entered the great hall, I felt drawn to the mysterious mirror
in the centre.

 The world reflected in it trembled with every step I took until it
disappeared completely.

 I saw a terrible vision of a pale man, kneeling beside my corpse,
examining the last entry on my scroll.

 o Belfry

 Knight 1/2

 The gargoyles leapt from the columns and landed by my side with a look
of curiosity.

 I began to get rid of my belongings, in the hope of distracting them.

 First they chewed with pleasure on my sword, then my boots, my helmet
and finally a dagger.

 But what fascinated them was the taste of my magic medallion which is now
lost to me.

 Knight 2/2

 The large bell, located atop the clock tower, was once used both to
indicate the time and to send warnings to the inhabitants of the castle
of imminent attacks.

 I pray that the day comes in which its throng is heard again, as a sign
of victory of light over darkness...

 o Towers' Link

 Knight 1/1

 In the last three decades, a new shadow has spread, darkening the land.

 A huge tower, higher than Carmilla's, proclaims the supremacy of the
current Dark Lord.

 Brotherhood's soldiers will not rest until this abomination is destroyed
along with its current master.

 o Abandoned Mine

 Knight 1/3

 Water began to rush into the cave before I could take off the heavy
armor I was wearing.

 I held my breath and swam with all my might to the surface pulling off
the many pieces of metal that protected me as fast as I could muster. But
alas, the faces of my wife and children haunt me as the darkness surrounds
me... too late.

 Knight 2/3

 Scattered throughout the castle, I've noticed strange doors adorned with
the shape of a beast.

 Based on my research, these seals seem to have been installed to limit
access for the weaker creatures to certain parts of the castle.

 I wish I had the strength to break them and discover the secrets hidden
on the other side.

 Knight 3/3

 When we arrived upon the shore, it became necessary to build a small raft
to reach the other side.

 We used our armor as improvised oars until the water monsters snatched them
away from us.

 We had but one option left: get rid of our weapons and try to swim to the
 shore, in the hope that some would survive.

 o Kitchen

 Knight 1/3

 The terrible state of the pipes down here would perturb even my
Brother Mario.

 Some parts have rusted terribly, while others are covered with fungus
due to the high humidity.

 Not all the mushrooms look good to eat either, who knows what might
happen if I eat one?

 Knight 2/3

 The wound is growing worse and the infection is spreading.

 I feel too weak to fight and cannot recharge my magic medallion.

 All I can do now is sit and pray that my soul will join those of the
rest of my comrades quickly...

 Knight 3/3

 The wolves fell upon me with savagery, throwing me violently to the ground.

 One of them squeezed my neck in its jaws, somehow without breaking it, as
if it wanted to force me to watch as the rest devoured my entrails.

 I feel each bite rip away part of my flesh... my strength... my faith...

 o Theatre

 Knight 1/1

 A mysterious voice invited me to sit down. I had a perfect front row seat.

 The show began with a procession of wooden figures depicting the sad tale
of the toy maker.

 The show ended and the curtain closed. I applauded, lost in thought and
without realizing that beside me sat dozens of these puppets, all applauding
with me.

 o Clock Room

 Knight 1/1

 The electricity traps that protect the clock are just too fast for me.

 If only I could stop time then I would be able to climb to the top without

 Simple really... but mastery of time is a fools hope in this dark and evil

 o Toys Assembly Line

 Knight 1/2

 Amongst all the other puppets, I have discovered one that is different
from the rest.

 It looks like a young boy, around eight years old, who spends the day
playing hide and seek, like my dearly departed son Edward.

 Its gestures remind me a lot of him: it even whistles his favourite
songs... ...Edward, is that you?

 Knight 2/2

 I have studied the puppet manufacturing process carefully.

 First they cut the wood and then they polish them, connecting them together
with iron nails.

 Then they add a coat of paint and assemble the blades.

 Finally, a human soul is introduced and a spell cast upon them.

 Magical strings control their will and then the procedure is complete.

 o Toy Maker's Workshop

 Knight 1/2

 The abominable corpses that are preserved inside these tanks of formalin
seem to be the product of a cross between werewolves, vampires, and humans,
in different states of gestation.

 What diabolic experiments were they doing in this place? It's true what
they say, Frankenstein's mark is upon this place forever!

 Note: After Demonic Wings

 Knight 2/2

 Under my feet lies the Toy Maker's main workshop.

 He works without rest, moving from place to place, fixing Puppets, mixing
potions and drawing magic seals and wards.

 When he finishes one of his creations, he usually lets out a deep evil

 It makes my hair stand on end!

 o Carousel's Engine

 Knight 1/1

 This infernal machine has already taken the lives of too many of my comrades.

 I must find a way to deactivate it as soon as possible or face the same fate.

 Someone is coming!

 o Resurrection Room

 Knight 1/1

 I've seen an enormous beast carrying several human bodies.

 I hear their cries echoing in the dark. They howl in pain, begging for
mercy and some pray for their souls.

 Then, silence.

 It must do something supernatural with their bodies...

 Removing their souls so that the Toy Maker can use them for his new puppets...

 o Vampire's Tower

 Knight 1/1

 They came through the windows like black mist, carrying women under their
dark wings.

 Those who were unconscious were laid on the table, while the rest toyed with
those who tried to escape.

 The game was a depraved version of hide-and-seek that always ended the same
way: the girl's throats open and their captors enjoying their blood.

 o Throne entrance

 Knight 1/1

 I've come too far to give up now.

 I must find the orbs that Dracul created with his blood, only then can I
break the dragon seal and face him once and for all.

 Entrusted to their fellow vampires, the magic spheres must be kept hidden
somewhere in this tower, under the watchful eye of the guards.

                                TREVOR BELMONT

 o Castle Entrance

 Knight 1/1

 A ghost floated in the air and then suddenly went inside the enormous

 I raised my shield with all my might as a huge mace crashed down upon me.

 My arm shattered as I received the first blow.

 With the second, my shield was gone.

 God knows I won't withstand a third...

 o Unholy Church

 Knight 1/1

 Damn the beasts that have desecrated the sanctity of this church.

 Not satisfied with destroying the paintings, burning the pews and hacking
the statues, they have replaced the figure of the holy cross with a blasphemy.

 By my Knightly Honor, I swear I will rid this place of all evil.

 o Crypt

 Knight 1/2

 Heading into the depths of the Crypt, I hear the pitiful sobs of a woman.

 Consumed by love for a Knight who betrayed the Bernhard family she threw
herself into the pit, searching for him.

 For centuries her sorrow has echoed off the catacomb walls, under the light
of the Guardian Angel.

 Knight 2/2

 It is said that the Bernhard's were buried in this crypt together with some
of their most prized treasures.

 The family's chambers have remained untouched, despite the invasion of
monsters, thanks to being sealed with a powerful Shadow Magic.

 o Entrance Bridge

 Knight 1/1

 There was never any real chance of victory, I know that now.

 When the giant hit me with its enormous axe, I was thrown aside like an

 I no longer have the strength to fight back, only the hope that whoever
reads my final memories will not make the same mistake.

 Don't think twice brother, run away!

 o Crypt's Labyrinth

 Knight 1/2

 The Bernhard Family used to condemn traitors by locking them up inside
this pit.

 History does not contain testimony of survivors, but only the horrible
tortures performed by the Lords of the Castle.

 Knight 2/2

 This complex of tunnels does not seem to be the work of human hands, rather
that of some large creature.

 Strangely the marks on the wall remind me of an insect hive except that
the sheer size means it must be the work of an entire colony of thousands...

 o Castle Hall

 Knight 1/1

 The plans reveal a kind of emergency mechanism that unlocks the door of
what must be the games room at the end of the corridor.

 If I could find it, I might be able to see how accurate these old texts
really are.

 o Games Room

 Knight 1/1 

 What at first seemed to be the work of magic turned out to be a complex
mechanism of automatons and magnets, placed carefully beneath the board.

 The rules of the macabre game were far different from those of conventional
chess, making it clear that they were the product of some twisted imagination.

 o Cells

 Knight 1/4

 The electric bomb has helped me clear a route through the dungeons but care
must be taken - some of the enemies are resistant to its rays.

 Knight 2/4

 I was supposed to wait here while my comrade conducted a quick
reconnaissance on the nearby rooms.

 At first we thought that would be a good place to camp, but it's been too
long now since we parted company and I fear he has been taken or worse.

 Knight 3/4

 Trapped, I spent my final hours troubled by the dangers awaiting my
comrade who I couldn't warn.

 I trust his fate will be better than mine.

 Knight 4/4

 A creature with a glass mask appeared floating in the air inviting me to
discover the secrets of the Dark Room.

 For some reason I knew the end of my story would come within these walls,
and yet there seemed nothing I could do to change my destiny.

 o Vertical Prison

 Knight 1/2

 Bad fortune seems to follow my every turn.

 Of all the corridors open to me, why did I choose this one?

 Instead of salvation I find my death.

 Alas it was my last bad choice.

 Knight 2/2

 Locked in this cell there is no escape for me now.

 On the wall are the markings of so many who have suffered the same fate.

 Look there, some fellow by the name of chupacabras... what a strange name
for a warrior of the Brotherhood!

 o Abandoned Mine

 Knight 1/4

 From here there is an intricate complex of underground tunnels flooded
completely with water.

 Should anyone manage to get through, I beg you search for my comrades and
tell them I never learned to swim.

 Maybe they will come for me?

 Knight 2/4

 I've discovered a giant door on the upper floor that should lead to the
last relic made by Gandolfi, if the Brotherhood texts are true.

 However, its great value leads me to believe that obtaining it will not be
as easy as it might seem. I wonder what became of Rinaldo?

 NOTE: After Speed Boots

 Knight 3/4

 On the far eastern end of the mine there is a river of magma that blocks
the way to a sort of ancient pagan temple.

 I must find a way to jump far enough to reach the other side and rid the
place of evil once and for all.

 Knight 4/4

 I was attracted by the hypnotic voices echoing through the castle,
awakening an  uncontrollable carnal lust within me.

 Their song fogs my mind, clouds my will and invites me to take part in
some forbidden game.

 Forgive me, Celia, for I cannon control my actions...

 o Clock Tower

 Knight 1/3

 There remains a remote chance that I might actually defeat the Dark Lord.

 The tip of the mythical Vampire Killer that rid the world of that bitch,
Carmilla remains somewhere in the castle.

 It is my mission to find it and forge the weapon anew once again.

 Knight 2/3

 There is nothing left for me to do but to avenge my family, if anyone
should read this scroll dropped by the Brotherhood, know that I, the Great
Pirate King, swear vengeance upon the Dragon.

 I will not rest until he is dead and pledge that he will forever curse the
name of Danasty.

 Knight 3/3

 Inside the adjoining room I've found two magic seals with engraved messages.

 Left Seal:

 Doesn't matter when you ask, I'll always shelter from the light.

 Right Seal:

 Doesn't matter which magic you offer, we'll always unfold a path.

 o Belfry

 Knight 1/1

 So much swat and blood spilled to reach this point, all wasted due to a
simple mistake.

 I understand now! Light does not neutralize Light: Shadow does not defeat

 Balance between the two is the only thing that can finish off the Prince
of Darkness. Just as the legends foretold!

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                           Version History                            >==O

 Version 0.01: December 26th, 2012

 Some light formatting work and prep work to get a head start on the guide.
Added in the E3 demo gameplay, although that will likely have heavy alterations
done to it when the game comes out. Patiently waiting...

 Version 0.30: March 6-8th, 2013

 Finally have the game. Guide contains the Prologue and Act I. Likely the
game a lot so far. This version was only at

 Version 0.60: March 10-12th, 2013

 Work (real life and all) has been pretty brutal lately, but the guide now
has a completed Act II. Act III coming up! This version was only at

 Version 1.00: March 13-16th, 2013

 The guide is now complete. Well, the walkthrough at least. Still want to
add in tips (not a big priority given how easy the game is) and finish up
the enemies section. Also need to play through again to fill out the Skills
section. Wouldn't mind trying out Hardcore either.

 ALSO, put in a missed item in ACT I, so this guide WILL get anyone who
follows it 100% in the game and the extra cutscene at the end.

 Version 1.10: March 17th, 2013

 GameFAQs is on a updating break, so I'm going to add in the tips and
tricks and enemies section. Still need to fill out the skills section a
tad batter and try out Hardcore mode.

 Also, added in a bosses section.

            __  __ _                    ___   __   ___     _
           |  \/  (_)_ _ _ _ ___ _ _   / _ \ / _| | __|_ _| |_ ___
           | |\/| | | '_| '_/ _ \ '_| | (_) |  _| | _/ _` |  _/ -_)
O==<                               Credits                                >==O


 o Maybe you? Feel free to send an email!


 o Jeremy Wise from for the support.

 o DomZ for the Castlevania ASCii! You rock man!

 o Nathan West (Osrevad) for his DS ASCII art. Thanks man!

 o GameFAQs Contributor board for any and all support.

YOU FIGHT WELL...                                    Document © Bkstunt_31 2013
WORTHY OF THE                         Castlevania: Mirror of Fate © 2013 Konami
NAME, BELMONT.                                    E N D   O F   D O C U M E N T