Ridiculous Fishing Walkthrough [Guide]

Ridiculous Fishing – as the name alludes to – is certainly not your conventional fishing video game! Use your device to capture and destroy as many fish as possible in this crazy new game from Vlambeer, and while food would certainly not be on the table, a lot of fun and excitement certainly will be as you try to become the best fisherman of the open waters.

Ridiculous Fishing will require players do drop their line in different waters. They would then have to capture as many fish as possible and throw them into the air. From there, players would have to lay waste on fishes by shooting at them. Money earned would then be used to buy upgrades and other items that would help improve your fishing and shooting skills.

To play the game, players must control Billy that would cast the line into the water. Players must try to avoid fishes initially so that their line could go deeper into the sea. Once the line captures a fish, or if the line reaches its maximum limit, it will automatically retract, and it is here that players must try to capture as many fish as possible by tilting their device to the left or right.

Once the line reaches the surface, all of the fish will fly into the air, and players must continuously tap at all the fish before they fall back into the water. Destroyed fish will result in earned money, and results will be displayed once all fishes have either been destroyed or returned to the sea.

The store is where players will be using their money to improve on the way that they can capture or destroy fishes that they catch. Other items will also be available for aesthetic purposes.

Items that can be purchased include new reels, which will provide players with a bigger limit on how far their lines can go. There are also bigger and better guns that offer more firepower, which means that more durable fish can be destroyed with fewer taps. Lures would also be available which can be used to capture fish more easily, as well as gadgets that can help you do your fishing in more efficient albeit wacky ways. Lastly, some items will help you customize Billy, but serve no purpose with regards to your ability as a fisherman.

When buying items, make sure that you have enough money to make the purchase. Also pick the items that you will be buying, as you can bypass inferior items so that you can go straight for the more premium products. Thus, you would have to do some fishing with lesser equipment and save up so that you can make the more expensive purchases.

The Fishopedia is a compendium of all the fish that you have captured. It is relatively cheap, and it would be able to provide you with all the information on fishes that you will need, along with some funny descriptions and well as value. This will help you better decide as to which fishes to catch, and which to avoid when others are more of a priority.

The Fishopedia is available at the store under the Miscellaneous column.

New Locations
Ridiculous Fishing allows players to fish in different areas, which would allow players to get at different species of fish. Once players have acquired different varieties of fish in an area, chances are a new location would open up, so keep fishing so that new locations would be made available to you.

Byrdr is a Twitter parody where new feeds will provide you some useful information on how to improve on your tactics. This is available in the main menu, and it can also greatly help you become a better fisherman. Reading Byrdr can be quite enjoyable, too, as it provides a fresh take on giving tips and advice that is much better to read than describe.

Tips and Tricks
In order to become a good fisherman in Ridiculous Fishing, some tips and tricks can be considered. These can really help you in earning more coins and capturing more fish, allowing you to open up more locations and earn more money for the purchase of upgrades.

Good control of your tilts is essential in order to avoid fishes while your line is going down, and capturing fishes when your line is going up. Practice both light and heavy tilts as these methods can be used interchangeably depending on the situation. Also, try to avoid jellyfish as much as possible, as these will decrease the value of the fishes that you capture.

Once you start earning coins, try to prioritize buying reels that can help you get into deeper waters as soon as possible. The deeper you can get, the more fishes you would be able to capture, so it is important to try and get the best reels as quick as you can.

You do not have to buy all items once you have enough money. You can pass up on some purchases and you can save your hard earned money to buy better items. You can opt to skip maybe one or two items and go straight for better lures or weapons. This will save you a lot more time as you would no longer have to start from zero as your items slowly increment in improvement.

Try to unlock new areas as soon as you can. In theory, newer locations will provide better fish to catch, which would in turn yield you more coins.

Lastly, get items that will damage fishes even while they are in the water. An example of this is the chain lure, and this type of item would be able to destroy lower level fishes and heavily damage more durable ones, which means that you will have an easier time destroying fishes once they are up in the air.

Ridiculous Fishing was developed by Vlambeer and was released on March 14, 2013 via the Apple Store. It is available for Apple devices running iOS 5.0 operating systems and above.