Smooth Operators Walkthrough [Guide]

Running your own business is hard, and that applies even if your company is a virtual one. At least there’s no danger of losing tons of real money when playing business simulation games, which is why Smooth Operators is such fun to play. Despite not putting you in danger of bankruptcy, this game will test your managerial skills as you balance out your resources along with the tasks at hand, and handling clients will be a certain challenge as you slowly guide your business towards growth and success, or decline and failure. Are you ready for call center chaos? Read this guide so that you are properly equipped with the information that can get you ahead.

Smooth Operators is a simulation game where players are required to operate their own call center business and managing all aspects of the company from building rooms, hiring staff, and even managing transport from one floor to another. The goal of the game is to keep up with calls being made to and from the office, which would then earn players coins that they can use to further invest in the business. Of course, keeping your offices clean and your employees happy would also play a part, and you must micromanage all of these things in order to keep both employees and clients happy while still getting decent earnings.

There is also a speed up and slow down button that players can use. The game utilizes a pseudo-realistic clock that simulates office hours, and players can manipulate its speed as they please in order to speed up or slow down progress as they see fit.

Virtual cash is the currency at play in Smooth Operators. There are no premium currencies to speak of, and cash can be earned by completing jobs in the office as well as via rewards earned by reaching milestones. Cash can be used anywhere from building rooms to hiring and paying for employee services. Being able to manage your currency is important especially when managing both revenues and expenses. Players will be able to see their financial status at the end of the day via reports.

As the business grows, your company will be handling more and more clients, which will inevitably translate to more cash coming in. Being able to use this cash properly by building new rooms, as well as hiring and upgrading staff is essential in order to keep up with increased demands.,

Players will start with a one floor building containing one room. From there, they must build up buildings by adding floors and rooms using coins earned. Rooms serve a variety of functions, serving as office space, bathrooms, dining areas, and even recreational areas. New rooms will be unlocked as players unlock achievements, although new rooms can only be accessed if there are stairs or elevators already attached to it. Having the right number of each type of room is essential in order to ensure employee productivity and satisfaction.

Employees are the lifeblood of your company. Players can hire people of differing job descriptions, and it is your task to make sure that your workforce are maximized, especially when dealing with outbound and inbound calls. Not all workers are delegated in front of computers, however, as there are also janitors that must clean up offices, as well as IT staff that can fix broken computers.

Being able to ensure the satisfaction of employees is also required. Employees that are not satisfied with their work will slack off, resulting in lower productivity and missed revenue. Thus, players can look at employee statistics and perform the necessary functions to fix the situation. This may include promoting or training, as well as giving an employee vacation time. Of course, firing a worker is also an option, although in some cases this is not recommended especially when the company is handling multiple clients.