Starborn Wanderers Walkthrough [Guide]

In the deep recesses of space, there are the Starborn, keepers of peace within the galaxy, all the while protecting space from pirates and the Ravagers. In this massive game, players will be able to perform multiple tasks laid along an elaborate storyline that will lead players towards the path of the Wanderers and the Alpha Energy that they can control. You start off as a lowly recruit, but you are destined to become so much more. Get started on your journey towards greatness with Starborn Wanderers and this comprehensive guide.

Starborn Wanderers is an RPG type game set in space. As a cadet, players must perform quests that include defeating other ships in combat, going to different locations in space to mine minerals and purchase, sell, and collect different items. All of this is set in a storyline, but there are also optional quests as well. Rewards earned can be used to purchase upgrades for your ship, as well as abilities that you can use to be more formidable in combat.

Credits and crystals are the currencies within Starborn Wanderer. Credits are used to purchase regular items in the store as well in the exchange, while crystals can be used to acquire premium items that are much better than the ones that you can purchase with credits. Credits can be acquired through winning in combat and completing quests and contracts, while crystals are much more rarely awarded through regular means. Both credits and crystals can be acquired using in-app purchases.

Hyperfuel, on the other hand, is used to travel to different galaxies. Different locations will require both different quantities for hyperfuel as well as different hyperdrive classes. Hyperfuel slowly recovers over time but players can also refill it automatically using crystals. Hyperfuel is a very important part of the time especially when you have to perform missions in other sides of the universe.

Leveling Up
Completing quests and basically performing actions like mining and completing contracts will earn players experience points. Experience points will allow players to level up, which will in turn provide players with rewards in the form of credits and other items, as well as allow additional content from being unlocked in the game.

Your ship is the main vehicle by which you can travel through space. This is also your weapon when engaging in combat with other ships. Thus, it is very important to keep your ship in tip top shape. This involves purchasing new components for your ship so that you can have better offensive qualities, as well as increase your base attributes such as speed and durability. Players may also purchase new ships that they can also upgrade and add components of.

Ships can also have a different payload of additional items such as missiles and powerups that include the ability to increase a ship’s damage ability or to regenerate a ship’s health. It is very important to mount the correct items for the situation as there are limited slots and quantity of items that a particular ship can carry.

It is also very important to note that players can still perform basic attacks even after using items. This is an important piece of information to note especially when dealing with stronger enemies or when you are low on health and you are relying on a last ditch effort to destroy the enemy ships.

Aside from ships and weapons mounted within them, players can also use Alpha Energy which can be manifested offensively in the form of abilities. There are many abilities to access, and this would require Alpha Energy. In addition, special crystals can also be acquired in order to upgrade or evolve said abilities in order for them to be more effective.

As mentioned, abilities will require Alpha Energy, during each turn, your energy meter will increase, and sometimes excess Alpha Energy will also come out from enemy attacks. Lastly, certain items will be able to increase your energy meter. Different abilities will require different amounts of energy, and some abilities also work better than others depending on the situation.

Artifacts are special items that can be purchased for either credits or crystals. Some are even supplied for free. Artifacts can be activated which would provide boosts for a specific amount of time. These include boosts in experience, credits earned, cooldown periods for hyperfuel, and many more.

Missions are story driven quests that will require players to perform certain tasks. These may include engaging enemies in combat, purchasing items, or even speaking with different people at stations. There are many quests that can be performed, with more opening up as players complete each one. This is the easiest way to earn rewards, and this will also unlock more of the storyline for the player.

Contracts work pretty much like missions, although these are optional quests. Also, contracts also have time expiries, so it is important to accomplish these within the time limit in order to get the rewards. Contracts involve purchasing items from one station and selling them in another, collecting and embarking cargo, and many more. Players should check up on contracts on a regular basis as new ones pop up on a regular basis.

Social Function
Starborn Wanderers will, in the future, have a social function available. However, this is not ready for release yet so make sure to keep yourself updated and download any new versions once they are made available.

Tips and Tricks
Most actions that you are required to do within the game can be done with a regular ship. However, engaging in combat is a very different matter. This would mean that you would have to purchase and mount new parts for your ship. Should you have enough credits, you should also make it a point to purchase a new ship as well. In addition, items and additional ammunition like missiles and energy cells should be properly distributed so that you can use these should the situation required it so.

It is also important to note that your hold can only carry a specific load. You can place excess items in the warehouse located in the stations for storage, and you can pick them up again once you would require their use.

Contracts are also essential especially if you want to level up much more quickly. Not only will you earn credits by completing these tasks, but you will also get precious experience points. Make sure that you accomplish missions quickly, though, as they have a specific time limit. Do these simultaneously with missions and conserve on hyperfuel by doing all tasks that you can in a specific location before moving on. This will allow you to more as you will not have to travel back and forth and waste this precious resource in the process.

When it comes to combat, always keep an eye out on your health. Replenish this using nanites whenever needed, but only use it if you are in danger of losing the fight. Also, knowing which types of attack to choose will be essential to victory. Players have three basic types of attack that essentially work in the same way. However, these can be chained together in order to perform a more powerful combo strike. In the case of multiple enemies, using the Electricity works best as it has a chance of destroying enemies with low health while damaging others as well. Missiles also work well if you would like to sneak in an additional basic attack in addition to missile damage.

It would be an extreme disadvantage if you are outnumbered, as enemies will attack twice each turn while you can only attack once. Thus, it is important to get rid of one ship at a time to even the odds. Use more powerful attacks initially and don’t hesitate to use powerups should you feel that the situation calls for it. Also, learn to conserve your Alpha Energy and unleash abilities when the enemy ship still has moderate health. Abilities are your most powerful weapons and you would only be wasting energy should you use this up on ships that can otherwise be destroyed by regular attacks.

If you want to make the most out of your game, invest in using Artifacts, and take advantage of its effects by performing actions and engaging in fights depending on what the Artifact applies to. You can also earn extra credits by mining minerals from Asteroids which you can then sell off in the stations. Players can locate asteroids, as well as enemies and other objects, by accessing the map screen at the bottom left of the menu.

Lastly, don’t forget to log in daily as the game provides rewards for those that do so every day. Items such as credits and crystals as well as premium goods are often given as rewards here. Also, always keep yourself updated on news about new versions and additional content so that you can make the most out of this very engaging RPG space game.