Grand Theft Auto V Walkthrough/FAQ [Guide]

A complete and comprehensive Walkthrough of Grand Theft Auto V from story mode through 100% completion!

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|   | |                By: SilentPhill a.k.a. Phillnanas                | |   |
|   | |                Started: Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012                | |   |
|   | |           Contact Me: phillnanas [at] yahoo [dot] com           | |   |
|   | |                           Finished: N/A                         | |   |
|   | |                                                                 | |   |
|   | |                        Other Guides by Me                       | |   |
|   | |           PS2: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories              | |   |
|   | |           SNES: 2020 Super Baseball                             | |   |

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Use Ctrl+f to find your place by the Roman Numberal and the "}" symbol.

I.1} --------------------------------- Intro
I.2} ----------------------------- Copyright
I.3} ------------------------- Allowed Sites
I.4} ------------------------- Latest Update
I.5} ------------------------ Controls (360)
I.6} ---------------------- Busted 'N Wasted
I.7} -------------- Protagonists & Abilities
I.8} ------------------------- Random Events
I.8.1} ------------------------------ A's
I.8.2} ------------------------------ B's
I.8.3} ------------------------------ C's
I.8.4} ------------------------------ D's
I.8.5} ------------------------------ E's
I.8.6} ------------------------------ G's
I.8.7} ------------------------------ H's
I.8.8} ------------------------------ L's
I.8.9} ------------------------------ M's
I.8.10} ----------------------------- P's
I.8.11} ----------------------------- R's
I.8.12} ----------------------------- S's
I.9} ------------------ 100% Completion List (In Progress Until I Finish Guide)

II.1} ----------------------------- Prologue (Story Mission)
II.2} ------------------- Franklin and Lamar (Story Mission)
II.3} ------------------ Los Santos Gun Club (Hobbies & Pastimes)
II.4} ------------------------- Repossession (Story Mission)
II.5} ----------------------- Pulling Favors (Strangers and Freaks)
II.6} --------------------------- Shift Work (Strangers and Freaks)
II.7} ---------------------------- Paparazzo (Strangers and Freaks)
II.8} --------------------------------- Chop (Story Mission)
II.9} ------------------------- The Sex Tape (Strangers and Freaks)
II.10} ------------------------ Chop the Dog (Miscellaneous)
II.11} ------------------------ Street Races (IN PROGRESS)

???} $ EXTRAS $
???.1} ------------------------ Achievements
???.2} ---------------------- Radio Stations (In Progress)
???.3} ---------------------------- Vehicles
???.3.1} -------------------------- Boats
???.3.2} --------------------- Commercial
???.3.3} ----------------------- Compacts
???.3.4} ------------------------- Coupes
???.3.5} ------------------------- Cycles
???.3.6} ---------------------- Emergency
???.3.7} -------------------- Helicopters
???.3.8} --------------------- Industrial
???.3.9} ----------------------- Military
???.3.10} ------------------- Motorcycles
???.3.11} ------------------------ Muscle
???.3.12} ---------------------- Off-Road
???.3.13} ------------------------ Planes
???.3.14} ------------------------ Sedans
???.3.15} ----------------------- Service
???.3.16} ------------------------ Sports
???.3.17} --------------- Sports Classics
???.3.18} ------------------------- Super
???.3.19} -------------------------- SUVs
???.3.20} ----------------------- Utility
???.3.21} -------------------------- Vans
???.4} --------------- Vehicle Modifications
???.5} ----------------------------- Weapons
???.5.1} -------------------------- Melee
???.5.2} ---------------------- Hand Guns
???.5.3} ------------------- Machine Guns
???.5.4} ----------------- Assault Rifles
???.5.5} ------------------ Sniper Rifles
???.5.6} ----------------------- Shotguns
???.5.7} -------------------------- Heavy
???.5.8} -------------------- Projectiles
???.6} ------------------------------- Outro

$$$$									   $$$$
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$$$$									   $$$$

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                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
     INTRO      | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
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)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.1}---,  /    \ /    \\
 Welcome everyone to my third guide, Grand Theft Auto Five (V)! On this site,
I am known as Phillnanas, but on YouTube, I am known as SilentPhill. The reason
I mention this is because of the type of videos I upload on said site. I do
"let's plays," which are video guides of video games with narration. Eventually
when the copyright claim for this game expires, and I'm allowed to upload GTA5
videos with its cutscenes, then I will start recording them and having them
correspond to this guide, almost word for word.

 Now let me explain how I set out my guides. If you're a fan of my GTA: Vice
City Stories guide, then you'll love this one as well. I always go for 100% in
all my games, and this one is no different. The way I work out GTA games is I
do all side-missions as soon as possible, when they become available, AND at
the most convinent time. What I mean by this is that if a side-mission is way
too difficult to complete at an early stage in the game, but will be  a lot
easier later on after, say, you unlock some perk, then I will provide the info
for it. With these games, I'm also the type to reset my game if I ever get
Wasted or Busted, because I have to keep those numbers at 0. This is also good
because if I am able to stay alive during a mission, then I know the strategy
is good. As such, if you know of an alternate strategy, let me know!

 This guide in particular, I tried to make a theme out of it. It is understood
that GTA5 has a big feel of the current economy. It is difficult for people to
get money (the legal way). GTA5 shows this. I (try to) show this. You may get
what I mean throughout the guide, but if not, then just enjoy my dorky ASCII.

 I try to keep my guides as spoiler free as possible, so even if you read far
down, you will have no idea what is going on story-wise. With that in mind, I
am also very detailed in how things are planned out with each mission. The
updates may be slow, but for these guides, I like to play a mission several
times if need be to get the best angle and strategy.

 Finally, a little about me. My name is Philip Escobedo and I live in New York
City. I am currently attending Full Sail Universtiy Online, working at getting
a Bachelors of Science in Game Design, so yeah, I know a little something about
games. (Haha)

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
   COPYRIGHT    | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.2}---,  /    \ /    \\
 "Grand Theft Auto V" was created by:


 Rockstar Games is a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive Software, and copyright
in 2012. All right reserved. The official guide written by Tim Bogenn and Rick
Barba was used only for all item location maps, what was needed for 100%
completion, and help with some stats and explanations.

 As always, please do not copy/repeat my text anywhere and claim it as yours. I
put a LOT of work into this for all to read. If you would like to use my guide
on your site, however, feel free to email me. Naturally, do not change any bit
of text. I am usually lenient with other sites using my guide though.

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
 ALLOWED  SITES | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.3}---,  /    \ /    \\
 Original submissions are to GameFAQs, but other sites have been allowed to
host my guide. The list is based off of when they have asked me:


 Remember, if you wish to have my guide be a part of your site, you are more
than welcome to email me at phillnanas [at] yahoo [dot] com. As stated above,
you are not allowed to change anything unless otherwise noted by me, and it
must be credited towards me. Even if you have hosted other guides by me, I
would still appreciate it if you ask me anyway, just so I can keep tabs.

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
 LATEST  UPDATE | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.4}---,  /    \ /    \\
1.3 - Completed from "Repossession" to "Chop the Dog" in the main Walkthrough
      section. From now on, a new update will be made for every 10 new sections
      I make. Also, added a new website in the "Allowed Sites," along with
      putting in the perk for receiving all Gold in the Gun Club, thanks to a
      reader! Also, for a big part, I added all Random Events in the Pre-Guide
      section, since you need to know what you will be coming up against. There
      is a slight change to the order of things in the main walkthrough. Since
      I never wrote down the percentages for the Random Events, I restarted the
      game and did everything over again, finding out that some deals happen
      at different times as well.

1.2 - Completed the "Busted 'n Wasted" section, change a couple of sections
      around, and corrected a mispelling in the "Vehicles" section of Breaking
      to Braking... Yes, I had to take out the "e" in every one. Also enhanced
      the style of the "100% Completion List" section. Finally moved into the
      Walkthrough section and completed the "Los Santos Gun Club."

1.1 - Finished everything in the vehicle section (literally took me a day to
      get all the stats and mod features). Also cleaned things up compared to
      the previous version. Next update should have the rest of the "Extras"
      and "Pre-Guide" stuff completed, along with the more walkthrough. I hope.

1.0 - It has begun! All the basics are here for the Pre-Guide section. Working
      right now on the first mission and anything else that comes my (our) way!

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                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
    CONTROLS    | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
      (360)     |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.5}---,  /    \ /    \\
Lt Trigger ___                                                    __ Rt Trigger
              \ ____                                        ____ /
Lt Bumper ¯¯ .-*____;-_                                  _-;____*-. ¯ Rt Bumper
            /_-*___.._ ¯*------------------------------*¯ _..___*-_\
           /---¯      ¯-¯*----------------------------*¯-¯    __]---\
          /             ¯¯*--------------------------*¯¯     /\_/\   \
         /    _-**-_                                         \ | /    \
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      /   : :Lt-Stick: :    B(<|)   :  /\  :   (|>)RT  \/¯\/       \|_)/ \
     /     \ \      / /       ¯¯     -/  \-     ¯¯      ¯¯¯   ___   ¯¯¯   \
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 ;                     / /_|  |_\ \          / /      \ \                     ;
 |                    : :  D-PAD : :        : :Rt-Stick: :                    |
 |                     \ \¯|  |¯/ /          \ \      / /                     |
 |                      \_¯-..-¯_/            \_¯-..-¯_/                      |
 |                        ¯-..-¯                ¯-..-¯                        |
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 :       / /                                                        \ \       :
  \     / /                                                          \ \     /
   '-__+-'                                                            '-+__-'

On Foot:
          A ------------- Hold to Jog/Tap Repeatedly to Sprint/Tap to Answer
                          Phone/Kick Attack
          X ------------- Jump/Climb/Vault/Dodge
          Y ------------- Enter/Exit Vehicle
          B ------------- Reload/Melee/Hang Up Phone
          Left-Stick ---- Move
          Right-Stick --- Rotate Camera/Aim
          D-Pad Up ------ Use Phone
          D-Pad Right --- Talk to Nearby Ped/Hail Taxi/Interact
          D-Pad Down ---- Hold for Character Wheel/Tap to Quick Switch
          D-Pad Left ---- Detonate Sticky Bomb
          Back ---------- Cycle Camera Modes/Hold for Player Interaction Menu
                          while in GTA Online
          Start --------- Pause
          Left Trigger -- Aim Weapon/Lock On
          Left Bumper --- Hold for Weapon Wheel/Tap to Arm or Disarm Most
                          Recent Weapon
          Right Trigger - Fire Weapon/Melee
          Right Bumper -- Enter/Exit Cover

In Vehicle:
          A ------------- Handbreak/Answer Phone/Fire Aerial Weapon
          X ------------- Change Weapons
          Y ------------- Enter/Exit Vehicle
          B ------------- Cinematic Camera/Hang Up Phone
          Left-Stick ---- Steering/Pitch and Roll (in aircraft and submersible)
          Right-Stick --- Rotate Camera/Aim
          D-Pad Up ------ Use Phone
          D-Pad Right --- Hold for Convertible Roof/Tap to Toggle Headlights
          D-Pad Down ---- Hold for Character Wheel
          D-Pad Left ---- Hold for Radio Wheel/Tap to Quick Change Station
          Back ---------- Cycle Camera Modes
          Start --------- Pause
          Left Trigger -- Break/Reverse When Stopped/Plane Throttle Down/
                          Helicopter Descend
          Left Bumper --- Fire Drive-by or Mounted Weapons/Yaw (in aircraft and
          Right Trigger - Accelerate/Plane Throttle Up/Helicopter Ascend
          Right Bumper -- Handbreak/Yaw (in aircraft and submersible)

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
     BUSTED     ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
       'N       | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
     WASTED     |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.6}---,  /    \ /    \\
 Another good thing to read up on before you begin the game are the Wanted /
Busted and Wasted situations. First off, I'll will explain the ladder. (Please
note that much, but not, all of this information is taken from the BradyGuide
book. Hey, some information I never knew about.)

                             .MMMMMMZ   .7MMMMMM.
                             MMMMM$.       ?MMMMM
                             MMMI           .+MMM
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                            =.                  .,.       

 Unlike other Grand Theft Auto games, GTA V will only have a five-star Wanted
Level, instead of the usual six. To make up for the lack of a star, the levels
become a tad more difficult than what you may be use to in previous GTA games.
Anytime you commit a crime in front of a cop, or in front of a citizen who will
call the cops, you will obtain a one-star Wanted Level...

Obtained by: Killing civilians, shooting in public, or causing explosions.
These are the normal things you have always done in the past, right? Well...
You can also get this by pulling up behind a police vehicle and honking a lot,
or even standing too close to a cop and not moving away. Of course there is
always hitting another police vehicle with yours.

Expectancy: Police shoot if threatened. A police helicopter will track you at
night. Police try to arrest you, and if arrested, will be taken to the nearest
police station, losing cash and stripped of ammo. If you die while with a
Wanted Level, you will awaken in a hospital, but with a higher cash loss. They
have the new line of sight cones.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Maverick Helicopter (at night), and Sheriff Cruiser.

Obtained by: Must already have a one-star Wanted Level. Continue evading police
if in their sight, hitting a civilian or another car, threatening police with a
weapon, trespassing into Bolingbroke Penitentiary.

Expectancy: One officer will call for backup. Police fire at you if you have a
weapon out or not. Establish line of sight again. Drive faster and more
aggressively. Try to block you with their vehicles. Shooting or killing an
officer will grant a three-star Level.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Maverick Helicopter, Sheriff Cruiser.

Obtained by: Killing or shooting an officer, or trespassing LS International

Expectancy: Police shoot to kill. If a helicopter spots you, all units will
relocate in that area. Display tactical awareness of the environment, and try
to get better lines of sight (yes, the AI has become this evolved!). Again,
they drive more aggressively, trying to ram you. Full roadblocks. Extenct of
police response to pursuing you is incrased.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Police Transporter, Maverick Helicopter, Sheriff
Cruiser, Predator Boat (if you are in water). Two sharpshooters will shoot at
you from the helicopter.

Obatined by: Keep it up and you will eventually obtain this Level. Also given
by trespassing onto the Zancudo Army Base or the Humane Research Company.

Expectancy: Police and FIB agents pursue you and shoot to kill. Havily armed
and armored police officers. FIB agents shoot at you from their vehicles.
Response teams use freakin' hand signals to communicate with each other. If you
go down and alley or in a building FIB teams will work as a group to corner you
or chase you. Tear gas is used to flush you out. Helicopter sharpshooters
rappel down, but usually in remote areas. The extent of police responce is of
course, increased.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Police Transporter, Maverick Helicopter, FIB Cruiser,
FIB SUV, Sheriff Cruiser, Sheriff SUV, Predator Boat (if in water).

Obtained by: High is by continuing to do criminal acts during a four-star.

Expectancy: Multiple helicopter pursue you. Police and FIB try to take out your
vehicle with gunfire. Police and FIB try to completely disable your vehicle by
spinning it out or cause you to rear-end them. A large number of Police and FIB
roam the streets. NOOSE agents set up roadblocks.

Vehicles: Police Cruiser, Police Transporter, Police Riot, Maverick Helicopter,
FIB Cruiser, FIB SUV, Sheriff Cruiser, Sheriff SUV, Predator Boat (if in water)

 Okay! Now that you know all there is to know about the insane Wanted Levels,
I'll tell you how to get rid of them, which has slightly changed from previous

1. Obtaining a Level during a mission will be gone when you complete it.
2. Get away from the scene of the crime as cops will search around the area.
3. Respray your vehicle at a mod shop, but it must be the primary color and not
   if the police see you going in.
4. Changing to a new vehicle out of police site helps.
5. Stay out of the line of sight cones, even if you have to stop.
6. Use alleys or stay in dark areas.
7. Get out of the vehicle you were noticed in.
8. Go in a tunnel or under a bridge; police cannot see through bridges.
9. Dive underwater if you are near water.
10. In low levels, go off-road and take out the helicopter if it follow you.
11. Simply start a mission.


 Your health in the game seems more sensitive than in previous installments.
The Health bar appears in the lower-left corner of the screen, under the radar,
and is the green section of the bar. Light green stands for the health you have
while the dark green is simply the health you do not have. The bar will become
red as it gets into the danger zone.

 You can lose health from:
1. Getting shot.
2. Getting hit by a car.
3. Getting hit by a melee weapon.
4. Falling from too high a distance.
5. Drowning.
6. Running longer than your Stamina allows.
7. Getting caught in an explosion.
8. Getting attacked by an animal.
9. Whatever insane idea you can come up with, you psycho.

 What also has changed for GTA V is that if you Health drops below 50%, it will
slowly regenerate back up to 50%. Here, you must find either a First Aid Kit,
or eat some food/drink something to bring it back up. If you Health drops to 0,
you will be taken to the nearest hospital. There will be a hospital cost, and
the cost will be higher if you have a Wanted Level.

 There is Armor in the game as well, depicted as the blue line in the middle of
the bar (under the radar). Again, when the bar is light blue, that means you
have some armor still intact. If it is dark blue, that means you do not have
that percent of armor. There are Armor pickups laying around, or you can buy
different qualities from Ammu-Nation. Once the Armor is depleted, your Health
will begin to deplete. Exceptions are when you are caught in an explosion, then
your Health will deplete, or when you are drowning - Armor does not provide

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
  PROTAGONISTS  | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
   & ABILITES   |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.7}---,  /    \ /    \\
 As we all know, Grand Theft Auto V consists of not one, but THREE protagonists
(or antagonists if you want to get technical with things). This makes for very
interesting gameplay, and adds more depth to any GTA game previously released.
Also, each protagonist has their own unique special ability, explained below.
Along with this, the guys have eight different skills than can be enhanced over
time, but certain ones start off higher than the others, depending on what the
special ability is (again, explained below).

*Special: (Explained within the character bios)

*Stamina: Allows you to exert yourself for a period of time, whether it is by
running, swiming, or cycling. If you go for too long, however, you could over-
exert yourself and begin to lose health. The skill increases 1% for every 18
yards ran, every minute cycled, and every minute swam. Triathlons help incrase
the ability pretty well.

*Shooting: The more this skill incrases, you will have better weapon accuracy,
a faster reload time, more ammo capacity, and better crosshair movement. There
is a decrease, but it is only in the recoil of guns, which is a good thing. To
try and quickly incrase this ability, land hits on enemies, do headshots, and
successfully complete Shooting Range challenges. On top of this, the skill is
also incrased by 1% for every Bronze challenge completed, 2% for Silver, and 3%
for Gold.

*Strength: This incrases you melee damage, while also allowing you to take more
damage. When maxed, you can even climb ladders 10% quicker. To increase this
ability, you will get 1% for every 20 punches, but also playing sports like
Gold, Tennis, and Darts incrases this skill, and helps you become a better

*Stealth: You will move quicker while stealthed, and also become quieter in and
out of Stealth mode. This ability will incrase by 1% for every 49 yards walked,
and 1.5% for performing 2 Stealth takedowns.

*Flying: (This will be explained in detail once Flight School is available.)
For the moment, flying for 10 minutes will incrase this ability by 1%.

*Driving: While in the air, you will have better control of the vehicle, and
you can pull off longer wheelies. To incrase this ability, you will get 1% for
every second spend in the air and 1% for every 10 seconds in a wheelie. In the
game, Stunt Jumps are back, and if you perform these along with making a great
landing, you will receive a higher boost.

*Lung Capacity: Like San Andreas, this skill allows you to stay underwater for
longer durations of time. To incrase the ability, you will receive 1% for every
minute spent under da sea (where's Ariel?).

 _   _  _____  _____  _   _  _____  _____  _
| \ / ||_   _||  ___|| | | ||  _  ||  ___|| |
|  V  |  | |  | |    | '-' || |_| || '__  | |
| \ / | _| |_ | |___ | .-. ||  _  || .___ | |___
|_|V|_||_____||_____||_| |_||_| |_||_____||_____|

Michael used to be a professional bank robber back in the day who made a deal
with the FIB and now lives in Los Santos under witness protection with his
screwed-up family. This is not the life he wishes to live, and considering his
wife has been spending all his money, Michael goes back to the life he loved.
His kids are distant, his wife sleeps around, and his ego pushes people away.
He basically has it all, but does not know what to do with it.

BEST STAT: Michael is the best with guns. Given this, his Shooting ability
starts off much higher than Franklin's or Trevor's.

ABILITY: Michael's ability has somewhat of a "bullet-time" effect. While
shooting, you will be able to slow down the environment around you in order to
shoot your target with much better accuracy.

INCREASING SPECIAL ABILITY: In order to increase Michael's ability, you need to
be able to do special combat maneuvers.
*Headshot: 7.5% bonus
*Health drop below 25%: 20% bonus
*Maintaining high speeds in vehicles: small bonus
*Stealth kill or knock out: 10% bonus

 _____  _____  _____  _  _  _   __ _      _____  _  _
|  ___||  _  ||  _  || \| || | / /| |    |_   _|| \| |
| '--. | |_| || |_| ||  \ || '- / | |      | |  |  \ |
| .--' |  _  /|  _  || \  ||  _ \ | |___  _| |_ | \  |
|_|    |_| \_\|_| |_||_|\_||_| \_\|_____||_____||_|\_|

Franklin is a repo man, working for Armenian luxury car dealership, which scams
young people into buying cards they can't afford, then having people like ol'
Franklin go in and repo it. He and Michael became friends when working on a job
together. He lives in Rockford Hills, Los Santos and has ties to the Grove
Street Family. Along with all this, Franklin's friend Lamar has a rottweiler
named Chop. Chop is the distraction for Franklin as he reposses vehicles.

BEST STAT: Franklin is the wheelman of the group. Given this, his Driving
ability is much higher than Michael's or Trevor's.

ABILITY: Franklin's ability can also slow down the environment around him, but
only while he is driving. This will allow for much better precision driving.

INCREASING SPECIAL ABILITY: In order to increase Franklin's ability, you need
to do some extreme driving maneuvers.
*Drifting: Continuous bonus
*Driving at or above 90% of vehicle's top speed: Continuous bonus
*Driving through oncoming traffic: Continuous bonus

 _____  _____  _____  _   _  _____  _____
|_   _||  _  ||  ___|| | | ||  _  ||  _  |
  | |  | |_| || '__  | \ / || | | || |_| |
  | |  |  _  /| .___  \ V / | |_| ||  _  /
  |_|  |_| \_\|_____|  \_/  |_____||_| \_\

Trevor is, well, Trevor. Known to be a murderous drug dealer in San Andreas's
criminal underworld, Trevor is borderline psychotic. He also lives outside of
Los Santos in a small trailer park within Blaine County. He is the pilot of the
group and doesn't mind doing anything criminal, just for the fun of it. He use
to be friends with Michael until they had a falling out, but over what? He is
considered the polar opposite of Michael.

BEST STAT: Trevor is the Pilot of the group, so his Flying ability starts off
higher than Michael's or Franklin's.

ABILITY: Trevor's ability is more on melee combat. He can go into "Rage" mode
and take down an opponent with ease. He'll take less damage while in this mode
as well. When his stat is maxed out, his rage/invulnerability will last for 30

INCREASING SPECIAL ABILITY: In order to increase Tevor's ability, you need to
do things that make Trevor, well, angry.
*Bumping into peds: small bonus
*Failing a mission: small bonus
*Falling over: small bonus
*Headshot: 7.5% bonus
*Kill at least one ped in explosion: 15% bonus
*Maintaining high speeds in vehicles: small bonus
*Rammed by vehicle: small bonus
*Take damage: small bonus

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 RANDOM EVENTS  | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
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)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.8}---,  /    \ /    \\
 I am placing this section in the beginning, because the Random Events can
happen at almost anytime in certain locations. There are 57 total throughout
San Andreas, but only 14 count towards 100%. Because of these 14, and because
you could come up to any of them throughout your travels, this section is here.
I will also mark down in my guide when I, personally, come up to a random event
and will mark how much that event is worth percentage wise. Due to this reason,
please be aware that your percent and mine can differ until we both get those
14 events under the hood. The way these are listed are by the general name of
what is going on in the event, but also got help through other guides found
throughout the net.

 Know that you cannot just show up in a location and expect the Random Event to
begin. Though the events have their own locations, the times are actually
random, as long as you are not in a mission. I could find one event early on,
where as you could find the same event near the end of the game. Also, notice
that the count here is less than 57, but this is due to there being about 9
security vans grouped into one, along with several ATM robberies as well. Some
Events also do not appear until certain story missions have been completed too.
I.8.1} -----------------------------< A's >------------------------------------
|NAME: 		|Abandoned Vehicle 1
|LOCATION:	|Ron Alternates Wind Farm
|DESCRIPTION:	|On the highest road, you will hear a couple of guy... having
|		| some fun in an RV. When you get too close, they will see you
|		| and then come out gun's blazing. Shoot them both down.
|REWARD:	|Nothing
|NAME:		|Abandoned Vehicle 2
|LOCATION:	|Smoke Tree Road, Grand Senora Desert
|DESCRIPTION:	|May see an abandoned BF Surfer at night. If you go up to it,
|		| you will be shot in the head by a stun gun from a surprise
|		| attacker. When you wake up, you are wearing only underwear,
|		| your butt has had a fun experience, and you are on some train
|		| tracks.
|REWARD:	|Nothing
|NAME:		|Altruist Cult Shootout
|LOCATION:	|Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness (X)
|DESCRIPTION:	|This Even only begins after you deliver four victims to the
|		| cult. These victims are mentioned within the other Events I
|		| have listed. Trevor is captured, but escapes and picks up a
|		| machine gun. Using the rock as cover, take out five cultists
|		| on the other side. Keep using cover as you escape, taking out
|		| about eleven more cultists. Along the way, to the left of the
|		| boulder, go into the open porch and get some Armor, a Rocket
|		| Launcher, and an Assault Rifle. You can find a Health Kit in
|		| a guard tower. "Altruist cleared" will display when everyone
|		| is killed. Go to your vehicle just outside the gate and go.
|REWARD:	|$1000 per person taken out
|ADDITIONAL:	|At the shack by the water tower nearest the front gate is a
|		| porch. On this porch is a briefcase full of money, along with
|		| some more Armor.
|NAME:		|Arrests 1
|LOCATION:	|Grapeseed by the O'Neil farm
|DESCRIPTION:	|You can either help a cop capture a criminal, or take down the
|		| cop himself. If you gun down the criminal, you could still
|		| get a two-star Wanted Level. If you take down the cop, you
|		| could get a three-star Wanted Level. Either run him over or
|		| ignore the whole situation.
|REWARD:	|$250 for helping the criminal (but a 3-star WL)
|NAME:		|Arrests 2
|LOCATION:	|Ron Alternates Wind Farm, Senora Freeway
|DESCRIPTION:	|Exact same as Arrests 1.
|REWARD: 	|$250 for helping the criminal (but a 3-star WL)
|NAME:		|ATM Robberies
|LOCATION:	|Multiple places
|DESCRIPTION:	|When driving by an ATM, a thief could be stealing the person's
|		| money. Run him over or shoot them down. When you take back
|		| the money ($500), you could return it to the victim for a
|		| chance of a $50 reward, or you can just keep the full $500.
|REWARD:	|$500 or $50 (or $550 if you get the reward, then take down the
|		| victim after), amount is average
I.8.2} -----------------------------< B's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Bike Thief 1
|LOCATION:	|Rancho, Little Bighorn Ave
|DESCRIPTION:	|A bicycle thief will be peddling away. Run or shoot him down,
|		| then get on the bike and return it to the owner.
|REWARD:	|+3 Stamina Stat, plus share in Animal Ark, which can be sold
|		| for $100,000
|NAME:		|Bike Thief 2
|LOCATION:	|Hawick, Bridge St
|DESCRIPTION:	|Same as Bike Thief 1.
|NAME:		|Border Patrol 1
|LOCATION:	|Grand Senora Desert, Mt Haan Rd
|DESCRIPTION:	|Will be surrounded by some people on motorcycles who will yell
|		| at you to pull over. (Who you are playing as changes the
|		| racist names they yell.) Either run them down, do a drive-by,
|		| or quickly run and gun as each one has a Sawed-Off Shotgun.
|REWARD:	|About $700 total in money drop, plus weapon/ammo drops
|NAME:		|Border Patrol 2
|LOCATION:	|Tataviam Mountains
|DESCRIPTION:	|Same as Border Patrol 1.
|REWARD:	|About $700 in money drop, plus weapon/ammo drops
|NAME:		|Border Patrol 3
|LOCATION:	|Raton Canyon
|DESCRIPTION:	|Same as Border Patrol 1.
|REWARD:	|About $700 in money drop, plus weapon/ammo drops
|NAME:		|Burial
|LOCATION:	|Blaine County, Paleto Bay
|CHARACTERS:	|Any, but prefer Trevor
|DESCRIPTION:	|You will come across two guys buring a living girl. Quickly
|		| take them out before they take you out. Pick up the money
|		| they drop, then have the girl get in the vehicle. Here you
|		| have two destination: Her friend (GPS route), or the Altruist
|		| Cult (X) if you're playing a Trevor. I suggest doing it as
|		| Trevor though.
|REWARD:	|About $600 from the guys, plus full special ability meter
|NAME:		|Bus Tour
|LOCATION:	|Downtown Vinewood, Alta St
|DESCRIPTION:	|When at the bus, pay $40 to get a tour ticket. To start, HOLD
|		| down Y to enter (not drive) the bus. While on the trip, you
|		| can press Y to exit, press X to skip to the next location,
|		| press B to toggle 1st person view with the Right Stick to
|		| look around. There are 13 locations total.
|REWARD:	|Nothing
I.8.3} -----------------------------< C's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Car Theft 1
|LOCATION:	|North Chumash, Great Ocean Hwy
|DESCRIPTION:	|A thief will make off in a pink Vapid Peyote in the opposite
|		| direction of your approach. Chase him, then do a drive-by or
|		| ram the vehicle enough to make him exit, but do not blow up
|		| the vehicle. The driver has a Pistol, so take him out quickly
|		| and then return the vehicle back to the owner.
|REWARD:	|If you return the car, you get +5 Driving Skill
|NAME:		|Car Theft 2
|LOCATION:	|Los Santos International Airport, Exceptionalists Way
|CHARACTERS:	|Michael only
|DESCRIPTION:	|Same as Car Theft 1, except driving an Obey Rocato.
|REWARD:	|Returing the car gets you +5 Driving Skill, plus you will
|		| receive an email from the victim later, which places a Pale
|		| Blue Suite into your wardrobe (remember, it's only Michael)
|NAME:		|Chase Thieves City 1
|LOCATION:	|Hawick, Hawick Ave
|DESCRIPTION:	|A black van with "The Lost" decaled on it will drive away
|		| after the four occupants stole a man's wallet. Drive after
|		| them and either shoot out the tires to stop the van, or shoot
|		| the driver/occupants. If any come out, prepare to shoot them
|		| down. Go to the green dot on your radar to the wallet. You
|		| can then return it to the man or keep it.
|REWARD:	|$200 plus full Special meter of returned, $2000 if kept.
|NAME:		|Chase Thieves City 2
|LOCATION:	|Textile City, San Andreas Ave
|DESCRIPTION:	|This time a Lost gang member steals a wallet, then runs for a
|		| motorcycle where another member is waiting. Try to take them
|		| down before the chase starts, or else you will, well, have to
|		| chase after them. Again, they are armed, and you can choose
|		| what you want to do with the wallet.
|REWARD:	|$50 plus full Special meter if returned, $500 is kept.
|NAME:		|Chase Thieves Country 1
|LOCATION:	|Grapeseed, Grapeseed Main St
|DESCRIPTION:	|This is basically the same concept as the City versions. Four
|		| Lost members in a van take a wallet. Take them out, then you
|		| can return the wallet or not.
|REWARD:	|$25 plus full Special meter if returned, $250 if kept.
|ADDITIONAL:	|There is a clothing store across from where the victim stands.
|		| You can go inside and no one will be there due to the shoots
|		| fired. Shoot the registers and take about $550.
|NAME:		|Chase Thieves Country 2
|LOCATION:	|Grand Senora Desert, Route 68
|DESCRIPTION:	|Again, Lost member with a wallet in a van. The back doors will
|		| open up with the occupants in the back who will shoot at you.
|		| Take them all out, but then more on motorcycles will come in.
|		| Take them out as well, then do what you want with the wallet.
|REWARD:	|$12 plus full Special meter if returned, $120 if kept.
|ADDITIONAL:	|This can count for all Chase Events, but if you take out
|		| everyone right away and the wallet is revealed, the victim
|		| could run up and grab it himself, giving you no reward.
|NAME:		|Construction Accident
|LOCATION:	|Little Seoul, Calais Avenue
|DESCRIPTION:	|Pipes will trap a guy in a gas truck. Get in the nearby HVY
|		| Dozer (blue dot) and move away the pipes from the PASSENGER'S
|		| side door. The driver will scoot over and get out before the
|		| truck explodes.
|REWARD:	|+2 Driving Ability
|NAME:		|Countryside Game Fight
|LOCATION:	|Alamo Sea, Marina Drive
|CHARACTERS:	|Michael or Franklin
|DESCRIPTION:	|Take cover at the corner of the building, then aim around and
|		| take out the two Lost member, but not the drug dealer. Follow
|		| the dealer across the street, then take cover in the store as
|		| you quickly take out the next four Lost members who show up
|		| on motorcycles.
|REWARD:	|$1000 from dealer, plus any pickups from the bikers
|NAME:		|Countryside Robbery
|LOCATION:	|Harmony, Route 68
|DESCRIPTION:	|Drive carefully around the police (blue dots) to the parking
|		| lot beside the crooks. Get out and wait until one gets shot
|		| down. Take his briefcase, then quickly shoot down the other
|		| and take his. You will get a two-star Wanted Level, so take
|		| off and lose the heat.
|REWARD:	|$5,000 from each briefcase ($10,000!), plus any pickups
|ADDITIONAL:	|If you hit a police officer, the blue dots will turn red,
|		| meaning they have focused on you, and you get a three-star
|		| Wanted Level... Don't hit the cops.
|NAME:		|Crash Rescue (VERY IMPORTANT)
|LOCATION:	|Mount Chiliad, Senora Freeway
|DESCRIPTION:	|In the median of the freeway, there will be an overturned
|		| vehicle. Find a lady trying to crawl away from the wreck. You
|		| help her, and then she follows you back to your vehicle.
|		| Follow the GPS route to her hideout as you learn something
|		| quite interesting...
|REWARD:	|You unlock a heist crew member, Taliana Martinez
I.8.4} -----------------------------< D's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Deal Gone Wrong
|LOCATION:	|Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness
|DESCRIPTION:	|Discovering the deal gone wrong, go up to one of the red dots
|		| on the radar where a dying person lies next to a case full of
|		| money. Take the case and drive away, only to be attack by a
|		| gang that was part of the deal. Drive-by, or use your car as
|		| cover to take them out.
|REWARD:	|$25,000 from money in the case.
|NAME:		|Domestic
|LOCATION:	|Vinewood Hills, Wild Oats Dr
|DESCRIPTION:	|In your vehicle, allow the man to get in. Follow the GPS route
|		| to the Los Santos Golf Club. Simply drop him off at the
|		| marked location.
|REWARD:	|$80 for dropping him off, along with having a new golf buddy
|		| set on Hard difficulty.
|ADDITIONAL:	|If you are playing as Trevor, you can take him to the Altruist
|		| Cult, however you only need four total victims, and since
|		| the perks of this reward is pretty good, go ahead and take
|		| him to the Gold Club.
|NAME:		|Drug Shootout
|LOCATION:	|Mount Chiliad
|DESCRIPTION:	|You will notice this Even due to the marijuana leaf icon on
|		| your map. It is a Weed Farm that you can raid about every one
|		| to two weeks. Be careful while pulling up, then take cover
|		| wherever you can. Take out the six guys that attack (red dots
|		| on radar), then work your way to the case of money (green dot
|		| on radar). Take out the last guy and grab the case...
|REWARD:	|Between $40,000 - $100,000 per raid! (Largest Event payoff)
|NAME:		|Drunk Driver 1
|LOCATION:	|La Puerta, Aguja Street
|CHARACTERS:	|Any (Prefer Trevor)
|DESCRIPTION:	|Go into the La Spada parking lot and walk up to the two guys.
|		| After the conversation, either take the Gallivanter Baller
|		| nearby, or your own vehicle. Drive the drunk home carefully.
|REWARD:	|$80
|ADDITIONAL:	|This is another Altruist Cult victim. As Trevor, take him to
|		| the (X) on the radar instead of his home.
|NAME:		|Drunk Driver 2
|LOCATION:	|Sandy Shores, Armadillo Ave
|CHARACTERS:	|Any (Prefer Trevor)
|DESCRIPTION:	|Basically the same deal as Drunk Drive 1, but it's a couple
|		| outside a Chinese restaurant, and you must take them back to
|		| their hotel by using the Albany Emperor in the lot. The hotel
|		| is marked by a yellow dot, as with any other destination. The
|		| vehicle will be somewhat difficult to control as the couple
|		| gets pretty... well, entertaining in the back. (Trevor will
|		| offer to join in.)
|REWARD:	|$80
|ADDITIONAL:	|This is another opportunity to take victims to the Altruist
|		| Cult in Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness. If you are playing
|		| as Trevor, do so.
I.8.5} -----------------------------< E's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Escape Paparazzi
|LOCATION:	|Downtown Vinewood
|CHARACTERS:	|All (Prefer Trevor)
|DESCRIPTION:	|The acrtress gets in your vehicle. Drive through the alley
|		| without hurting the paparazzi (if they die, you fail). At the
|		| end, turn left up the hill, then go through whichever alleys
|		| you can, even going in circles until they lose sight of you.
|		| After, you can take her back to her place on Whispymound Dr.
|REWARD:	|$750
|ADDITIONAL:	|As usual, if playing as Trevor, you can take the actress to
|		| the Altruist Cult (X) instead of her home.
I.8.6} -----------------------------< G's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Gang Intimidation
|LOCATION:	|El Burro Heights, El Rancho Blvd & Fudge Ln
|CHARACTERS:	|Michael or Trevor
|DESCRIPTION:	|Stop and get out of your vehicle when the lady waves you down.
|		| Take your gun out and follow her between some houses where
|		| three guys will try and ambush you. Take them all out, then
|		| walk over their bodies for money pickups. If need be, run
|		| away a few blocks if you get a Wanted level.
|REWARD:	|$200 - $500 per person
|NAME:		|Getaway Driver (VERY IMPORTANT)
|LOCATION:	|Strawberry, corner of Strawberry Ave & Forum Dr
|DESCRIPTION:	|Go into the parking lot of Dollar Pills pharmacy. Pull up next
|		| to the two robbers holding up the store clerk. Let them get
|		| inside your vehicle and then take off. You will have a two-
|		| star WL, so drive through alleys or whever you can to get rid
|		| of it. Once done, drive the guys to their crib.
|REWARD:	|$1000 cut, but one guy is also Packie McReary from GTA IV! He
|		| can now be a crew member for Heist missions.
|ADDITIONAL:	|As Trevor, you can take them to the Altruist Cult (X), but I
|		| really suggest you do not, as you will lose out on Packie.
|		| You can also just kill the crooks, but again, you will lose
|		| out on Packie.
I.8.7} -----------------------------< H's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Hitch Lift 1
|LOCATION:	|Banham Canyon, Ineseno Road
|DESCRIPTION:	|Pick up the hitchiker and race him to the airport. Follow the
|		| GPS route, cutting corners when you can. You have 02:20 time.
|REWARD:	|+5 Driving, $100, and a stock tip about Tinkle (invest)
|NAME:		|Hitch Lift 2
|LOCATION:	|Mount Chiliad, North Calafia Way
|CHARACTERS:	|Any (Prefer Trevor)
|DESCRIPTION:	|The woman with a red backpack needs a lift. Stop and let her
|		| get in. Simply follow the GPS route to her villa.
|REWARD:	|+5 Driving and a Booty Call # (Ursula)
|ADDITIONAL:	|As Trevor, you can take this girl to the Ulturist Cult (X)
|		| instead of her villa. Your choice.
|NAME:		|Hitch Lift 3
|LOCATION:	|East Joshua Rd and San Chianski Mountain Range
|CHARACTERS:	|Any (Prefer Trevor)
|DESCRIPTION:	|Pick up the girl and take her to her boyfriend. When there,
|		| be prepared to get in a couple of fistfights (or gun fights
|		| if you want to be quick) with a couple of people.
|REWARD:	|+5 Driving
|ADDITIONAL:	|As Trevor, you can take the girl to the Altruist Cult (X)
|		| instead of to her boyfriend. Your choice.
|NAME:		|Hitch Lift 4
|LOCATION:	|Great Chaparral
|CHARACTERS:	|Any (Prever Trevor)
|DESCRIPTION:	|Pick up the bride and begin driving to her house. The groom
|		| will eventually give chase, so stop in front of him and he
|		| will stop as well. He will then get out and run up, so this
|		| is when you should take off, losing him (don't kill him). Now
|		| just continue to her home.
|REWARD:	|+5 Driving
|ADDITIONAL:	|As Trevor, you can take the girl to the Altruist Cult (X)
|		| instead of to her house. The groom can follow you if you want
|		| him to, or you can lose him first.
I.8.8} -----------------------------< L's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Luring Girl into Alley
|LOCATION:	|La Mesa, Supply St
|DESCRIPTION:	|Under the Olympic Freeway, follow the lady to her friend in
|		| the alley. The lady pulls a gun on you as her friend comes in
|		| from the left. Quickly pull yours out once you see this and
|		| take them both down. (If you take it out early, you fail.)
|REWARD:	|Get stolen money back
I.8.9} -----------------------------< M's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Mugging 1
|LOCATION:	|Chamberlain Hills, Strawberry Ave
|DESCRIPTION:	|Drive into the alley to see the mugging. Run over the thief or
|		| gun him down.
|REWARD:	|$20 plus full Special meter if returned, $200 if kept.
|NAME:		|Mugging 2
|LOCATION:	|Hawick, Meteor St
|DESCRIPTION:	|In the alley, you will see the mugging happen at gunpoint.
|		| Very quickly ram into the mugger before he guns the victim
|		| down, or snipe him from afar. If he sees you, he could shoot
|		| the victim dead.
|REWARD:	|Nothing
|NAME:		|Mugging 3
|LOCATION:	|Pillbox Hill, Vespucci Blvd
|DESCRIPTION:	|Chase down the mugger and run him over or shoot him dead. He
|		| does have a weapon, so be careful.
|REWARD:	|$200 plus full Special meter if returned, $2000 if kept.
I.8.10} ----------------------------< P's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Prisoner Lift 1
|LOCATION:	|Grand Senora Desert near Bolingbroke Penitentiary
|CHARACTERS:	|Michael or Franklin
|DESCRIPTION:	|Go to the police car that crashed into a tree. The guy nearby
|		| asks you to give him a lift to his clubhouse. You will get a
|		| one-star Wanted Level, so lose it quickly. Next, follow the
|		| GPS route to the destination.
|REWARD:	|+3 Driving
|NAME:		|Prisoner Lift 2
|LOCATION:	|Grand Senora Desert near Bolingbroke Penitentiary
|CHARACTERS:	|Michael or Franklin
|DESCRIPTION:	|As you drive up, the prisoner will draw his gun at you. Do a
|		| quick drive-by to take him out, or he will take your car.
|REWARD:	|Nothing
I.8.11} ----------------------------< R's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Rogue Altruists
|LOCATION:	|Grand Senora Desert, Bayfree Canyon Rd
|CHARACTERS:	|Michael or Franklin
|DESCRIPTION:	|Upon arrival, quickly take out the two Altruists Cultist by a
|		| drive-by, then let the victim get in your car. Take her home.
|REWARD:	|$80
I.8.12} ----------------------------< S's >------------------------------------
|NAME:		|Security Vans (9 Vans)
|LOCATION:	|Multiple Locations
|DESCRIPTION:	|You will receive a message on your screen indicating when you
|		| are near a security van, along with a blue dot on the radar.
|		| There can be multiple ways to take one out, such as stealing
|		| it before the guards get back in if they are out, taking out
|		| the tires to force the guards out, or killing the guards. You
|		| will naturally get a one- to two-star Wanted Level. Know that
|		| the windows are bulletproof, so you cannot shoot the guards
|		| that way. After you obtain a van, quickly drive off and do
|		| what you can to get rid of the Wanted Level. If you can, wait
|		| for the van to stop at a stoplight, then jack it. Once you
|		| are safe, you still have to crack the doors. Either shoot the
|		| handle area or place a sticky bomb and blow them off. If you
|		| blow up the van, the money will go everywhere. We don't want
|		| that. A money bag will pop out with $3000 to $8000.
|NAME:		|Shop Robbery 1
|LOCATION:	|Rockford Hills, Eastbourne Way
|DESCRIPTION:	|Bob Mulet Hair & Beauty shop is being robbed. After the scene,
|		| quickly take out your gun and try to take out the driver as
|		| they drive away, or try to pop the tires of the vehicle. Give
|		| chase is you couldn't. After taking them down, grab the bag
|		| of money and return it if you want.
|REWARD:	|No reward if returned, but $2000 if you keep it...
|NAME:		|Shop Robbery 2
|LOCATION:	|Del Perro, Prosperity Street Promenade
|DESCRIPTION:	|Suburban Store is being robbed. After the scene, quickly take
|		| out your gun and shoot the robbers who escape only on foot.
|		| Pick up the bag of money after.
|REWARD:	|25% discount next time you shop at the store, or $2000 if you
|		| keep the bag. Your choice
|NAME:		|Simeon Yetarian
|LOCATION:	|Strawberry, Adam's Apple Blvd & Power St
|CHARACTERS:	|Michael or Franklin
|DESCRIPTION:	|Before you begin "Mr. Philips" mission, you go to Simeon's
|		| car dealership. Walk through the front and be prepared to be
|		| ambushed. Take out all the guys (about three) and then get
|		| rid of the Wanted Level if you obtain one.
|NAME:		|Snatched
|LOCATION:	|Vinewood Hills, South Mo Milton Dr
|CHARACTERS:	|Any (Prefer Trevor)
|DESCRIPTION:	|Wait until the lady is thrown in the back of the van, then try
|		| to pop the tires before the van takes off. Lost members will
|		| eventually come out, four total, so get rid of them, but do
|		| not hit the lady in the back. With the lady now, begin to
|		| take her home, but more Lost will attack on two motorcycles,
|		| two Lost per cycle. You run them down or do a drive-by. After
|		| that, continue to take her home.
|REWARD:	|None
|ADDITIONAL:	|As Trevor, you can take her to the Altruists Cult (X) instead
|		| of her home.
|NAME:		|Sports Bike Theif
|LOCATION:	|Richman, North Rockford Dr
|DESCRIPTION:	|A thief takes a Pegassi Bati 801. Knock him off, but you do
|		| not have to kill him, as he will simply run away. You can
|		| return the bike to the owner.
|REWARD:	|+5 Driving and you can keep the bike if you do not want to
|		| return it
|NAME:		|Stag Do Running Man
|LOCATION:	|Great Chaparral, Route 68
|DESCRIPTION:	|You will see a man in pink underwear tied to a telephone pole
|		| (love this game). Go up to him and untie him, then allow him
|		| to get in your vehicle with you. Take him to his home and get
|		| in the Enus Super Diamond as the guy gets dressed. Once done,
|		| take him to a restaurant to pick up his best man. After, take
|		| them both to the wedding.
|REWARD:	|+5 Driving, along with the Enus Super Diamond

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
      100%      ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
   COMPLETION   | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
      List      |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |        &====[I.9}---,  /    \ /    \\
 This list is in order of how I go through my guide. You can also print this
and mark off each square to help you if you'd like. Or if you wanna save some
trees, you can just copy/paste it into your word program and place X's in the
boxes when completed. Know that is lists every single important tidbit, so some
will be for the 100% mark, while others (not marked by a percentage) are there
if a stat is raised or a perk is gained.

 To get 100%, you must:
1. Complete all 69 Story Mission - 50%
   - This basically explains itself.

2. Complete some Hobbies and Pastimes - 10%
   - There are certain ones that go towards the percentage, while other do not.
     They are listed below.

3. Complete some Strangers and Freaks - 10%
   - Again, some add to the percentage while others do not. Listed below.

4. Complete at least 14 Random Events - 15%
   - There are 57 total, but only 14 count towards 100%. Doesn't matter which.
     I will list the ones I do below, but will list all 57 in the "Extras"

5. Complete some Miscellaneous actions - 15%
   - This includes finding collectables, performing certain tricks, purchasing
     certain assets, and other seemingly random ordeals. Listed below.

IMPORTANT: Strangers and Freaks, and Random Events can happen at almost any
point during the game. I may get an Event while you may not. Due to this, the
percentages can be off many times during the game, but should still be close
enough to each other. The best way to keep track is to simply copy and paste
this list into your word program, then place an X in the "[]".

$ Welcome to Lost Santos $
[] Prologue ---------------------- 0%
[] Franklin and Lamar ------------ 1.6%
[] Los Santos Gun Club ----------- 3%
[] Repossession ------------------ 3.8%
[] Pulling Favors ---------------- 4.3%
[] Shift Work -------------------- 5.1%
[] Paparazzo --------------------- 5.6%
[] Random Event 1 ---------------- 5.9%
[] Chop -------------------------- 6.7%
[] Random Event 2 ---------------- 7.1%
[] The Sex Tape ------------------ 7.6%
[] Chop the Dog ------------------ 8.8%

$$$$									   $$$$
$$$$II}            W E L C O M E - T O - L O S - S A N T O S               $$$$
$$$$									   $$$$

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
    PROLOGUE    | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (Story)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.1}---,  /    \ /    \\
.----------------------------------$ NOTE 1 $---------------------------------.
| "What?! Where is the rest of the additioinal stuff?!" I bet that's what     |
|you're asking, right? As stated in the Intro II.1}, I will only list things  |
|as they become available. If they do not cross our path during the main-story|
|playtrhough, then I will list them at the end under Extras. Hey, like I said,|
|I want to get right into the game. Feel free to explore if you like. I'm not |
|holding you back, especially since the entire map is open from the beginning,|
|and if you complete anything that adds percentage to your score, make sure to|
|mark it off in the Completion List.                                          |
.----------------------------------$ NOTE 2 $---------------------------------.
| For those who do not know about this feature, certain missions can be done  |
|in various ways, depending on how you set them up. Due to this, my guide will|
|be written in a way that provides all the options first with a brief         |
|description of each option, then provide a "ctrl + f" link at the end. This  |
|way, you can jump right to the section you are most interested in. Sometimes |
|you may try and leave an area from different points, depending on where you  |
|set up the getaway vehicle, and I may provide tips and tricks for certain    |
|areas, however with these instances, I will be giving a more "general"       |
|direction of escape.                                                         |

% AVAILABLE % Start off with it active.

 Welcome everyone to the world of GTA V! Excited? I am! During the intro scene,
you will notice that you are not actually in Los Santos just yet, but instead
working out a heist in a North Yankton. After the door is kicked open, simply
move the left control stick forward until you pass the doorway.
.-----------------------------------$ NOTE $----------------------------------.
|You will notice that your radar is a square in the bottom-left corner of your|
|screen with dots marking certain objects, locations, or people. Underneath is|
|a tri-colored bar that represents your Health (green), Armor (blue), and     |
|Special (yellow). The colors are light when it is full, or they are dark when|
|it is gone. Also, you will notice that the other guy you will be able to play|
|as is called "T" by the others... If you pause and view the Stats, you will  |
|see why.								      |

 After the next scene, aim your gun at the security guard by pressing LT and
keep it on him as he stands up and walks into the next room. Next, flick the
Right Stick to the next guy who is on the floor, then the next. Once that is
completed, bring up your phone by pressing D-Pad Up, and then press A to view a
certain, "explosive" action. Tap A again to cause the action to happen.

 Beautiful. Well done my awesome psychotic follower. Next, move forward through
the doorway (it will swing open automatically as you pass through) and follow
the hallway. You noticed on your radar the yellow dot. Make you way around the
turns and to the dot. When you get inside the room, simply go to the corner
where the money is. You can pick up some extra money on the ground if you want.
You will notice a dollar amount increase in the bottom-right corner of the
screen. Now just walk back out of the room.

 Hello Michael. Now hold D-Pad Down and you will see a new action appear in
the bottom-right; the character-change icon. Push Right Stick to the right,
then let go of everything to choose the next person. The camera will move over
the shoulder the next theif holding the gun. Quickly aim your gun up at the
guard's head and shoot by pressing RT. Now follow the other guys to the end of
the hall with the crates by holding A to run. Press RB when near a crate to
take cover. After the next area is open, hit RB again to get out of cover. Go
up to the gate button and the theif will open it automatically.

 Snow! Outside, quickly run up to a support column and take cover. You can
move left and right behind the column, but do not move away from it. Hold LT to
aim around and take out any and all enemies. Do this in short bursts though. Do
not stay out from cover, shooting up the sky. (Obviously the more you are in
cover, the less you will get hit. Herp-de-dur.) To know where the enemies are,
pay attention to the red dots on your radar. You'll know if you have a good
shot when the dot turns red, and you'll know when their dead when the dot turns
into a red "x".

 After you take out the first wave, get out from cover and run forward to the
gate. You can take cover behind the gate or just run forward, but make sure you
take out the new guys that show up in the first vehicle. If you want to switch
to the "most relevant" player, do a quick tap of D-Pad Down and you will switch
back to Michael. Make your way down the road, using the vehicles as cover as
you take out group after group. At the end of the road, take out the last guys,
and then get to the vehicle (blue dot on the radar) and press Y to enter.

 Now we're driving! You notice that the radar changes to a GPS system with a
yellow line that you must follow. The control scheme also changes, so hold RT
to accelerate and use the Left Stick for the wheel. (LT accounts for the break
and reversing). Stay on the right side of the road as cops will be coming up
the left side. At the turn, if you want, hit A for the handbreak (or slow down)
and go right. Since you're on snow, I suggest slowing down.

 In cover again, take out as many enemies as you can that come your way. Again,
work in short burts. Pop out and shoot for a second or two, then go back in for
a split second, pop out and shoot, in, out, etc. The goal here is to just keep
everyone at bay for a short time until the official intro scene begins!

*Learned basic controls, switching characters, driving, firing a weapon, and
the cover system!

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
 FRANKLIN    ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
 and       | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
 LAMAR      |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
 (Story)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.2}---,  /    \ /    \\
 Welcome everyone to the fabulous city of Los Santos (modeled after real-life
Las Angeles). After the awesome intro mission, we are left playing as Franklin,
who is with his friend Lamar. Franklin starts off with $78 in his pocket.

% AVAILABLE % Start off with it active.

Not A Scratch - Deliver the repo car with minimal damage
Focused - Use Franklin's ability for 00:07
Winner - Win the race against Lamar
We Come In Peace - Avoid hitting any aliens in the movie studio

 Run forward and then make a right and press Y to get into either the white or
red car. (While a convertable is stationary, hold D-Pad Right to raise or lower
the roof.) If you wait too long, the owner will show up and pull you from the

 Now follow Lamar who is in the other vehicle. You can hold down B to focus the
camera on Lamar's position, but keep an eye on your surroundings. You do not
want to bang up the car too much. The better you drive, the quicker your
Driving ability/skill will rise. Lamar will eventually make a sharp right, so
pay attention to that. In the lower right of the GPS, you will see a yellow
bar that represents Franklin's ability meter (this goes for all protagonists).
You can click both L3 and R3 at the same time to activate the ability. For
Franklin, this is only able to happen while he is driving, and time will slow
down around you, allowing you to maneuver around obsticles with ease. This only
lasts for a short while however, so bare that in mind. (Remember, for a perfect
stat, you must use the ability for at least 7 seconds.)

 Remember, when needed, press A to perform a handbreak turn, or hold LT to
break and then turn. When you go through the movie studio, try avoiding the
aliens at all costs, as not hitting any will add to your perfect stat. Soon you
will get to some bumps in the road, and you can use the Left Stick to control
the car while it is in the air, which will help you stick a better landing.
You'll go through some tunnels until you reach a parking lot. (Try to remember
the path here, because if you replay the mission, you will have to beat Lamar
for the perfect stat.)

 Now you have a two-star Wanted Level. Joy. Now you get to driver wherever you
can while avoiding cops. On your radar, you will notice the red dots along the
streets. These are cops. Boo. Do whatever turns you can (while still trying to
keep the vehicle in tip-top shape) to get away from them. Once you've gone far
enough, the radar screen will no longer be blue, and instead you will see the
dots have this blue cone shape in front of them. This is the cop's point of
view (POV). Avoid this at all costs and you will also notice you wanted stars
blinking. This means that the cops are looking for you, but do not know where
you are at. Stay out of their sight long enough, and you will not longer have
that Wanted Level. Once gone, a yellow line will appear on your GPS leading you
towards your final destination, the car dealership.

 Out of the car now, walk into the larger room.
/ ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCK \--> Welcome to Los Santos (10G)

After the scene, go back outside and into Franklin's car. As stated by the
game, each character has their own unique vehicle. Now follow the GPS to
Franklin's home. You are not in a race this time, so feel free to view the
beauty of the city. To view Franklin's skills, hold D-Pad Down. When at the
house, park it in the garage.

*Be 1.6% towards 100%
*Receive $250
*Multiple businesses are now available, like Ammu-Nation.
.----------------------------------$ NOTE 1 $---------------------------------.
| You can replay missions to try and get gold status, or "perfect stats" as I |
|like to call them. Know that you do not need perfect stats for any misions,  |
|but if you are an Achievement whore like me, then trust me, you'll want them.|
|Remember, replaying missions only changes the outcome of the stats if you did|
|any better than before. If not, then nothing will change. It does not affect |
|the storyline either.         						      |
.----------------------------------$ NOTE 2 $---------------------------------.
| We are now at a point in the game where you can go either right to the next |
|mission, or do a side deal that has no affect of the storyline. As I have    |
|stated before, the way I write my guides are putting everything in them as   |
|as they become logically available. This means that if you can do some that  |
|would either benefit your percentage or stat, then I will have you do that,  |
|but if that side deal would be too difficult at the time, then I will have   |
|you wait until it can be easily completed. The next section will have you do |
|a side deal, which I highly suggest doing as it will help in future missions.|

 Now that you are in Franklin's safe house, you can hold D-Pad Right while next
to his closet to choose and change outfits. (Use Left Stick to move about, A to
select the clothes, and B to exit.) When near Franklin's bed, you and, again,
hold D-Pad Right to save the game, which will in turn advance the game by six
hours. In his kitchen, you will notice a green flashing health pickup. You
cannot pick it up now, as you have full health, but for future reference.

 Stepping outside, you will get a call from Simeon (Franklin's boss). Press A
to answer or B to ignore. It sets up the next story mission, marked by a green
"S" on your radar. We will not be doing this just yet.

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
   LOS SANTOS   ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
    GUN CLUB    | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
     (H & P)    |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.3}---,  /    \ /    \\
 Head to the garage and get back in Franklin's car. You can hold D-Pad Left
while using the Right Stick to choose radio stations, or just quickly tap D-Pad
Left to jump to the next station. Yay, we're learning things! Alright, when you
are done, the next best thing to do is work on raising Franklin's Shooting
ability, especially since the next story mission coming up will involve... you
guessed it. Shooting!

 Pause (Start) and then go into your Map (press A while the Map tab is high-
lighted). You will see Simeon's icon, but right next too it, you should see a
gun icon with a white circle around it. This stands for an Ammu-Nation with a
shooting range inside. You can hover over it or select it from the side menu,
but either way, press A again to set a waypoint. B to exit out, then drive over
there. Walk through the doors and then go to the back where the range entry
door is located. It costs $14 to use the Shooting Range. Start by pressing D-
Pad Left.

% AVAILABLE % After you beat, "Franklin and Lamar."

 A brief tutorial shows, which can be skipped by A. Basically, when you start,
a small countdown will begin. Once done, target will drop from the ceiling.
Each round will end when you either destory all the target, or the timer within
each round ends.

 There will be an accuracy round for each weapon. During these rounds, the
targets will be worth certain points based on where you shoot them. They are
set up as rings around each other. Starting at black, going inward:

Zone 4: 10 Points (Black)
Zone 3: 25 Points (Blue)
Zone 2: 50 Points (Red)
Zone 1: 100 Points (Yellow)

 If you hit targets without missing, you will get a bonus multiplier up to 3x.
Four consecutive hits ads 1x to the multiplier, so 12 consecutive hits to 3x.
Of course, if you miss, the bonus will reset. Automatic weapons allow one free
miss. Each weapon has three challenges/rounds to them. Each challenge in the
menu shows the Highest Medal earned and your Recent Score, Recent Accuracy, and
Best Score. Always try to aim for the Gold, as it will greatly help increase
the Shooting skill of the character. Remember, to reload, press B while aiming
with LT.
|Challenge 1: Multiple static targets. Targets exit after one hit.	      |
|Description: One target will drop at a time. After you shoot it (always try  |
|	      to aim for the middle), it will retract back, and a new one will|
|	      drop in a new location. Locations can be to the right, left, and|
|	      at different distances. The Pistol and Combat Pistol holds 12   |
|	      rounds, so remember there will be a reload time, and AP Pistol  |
|	      holds 36 rounds. 15 targets total.			      |
|Bronze: 1,400 Points							      |
|Silver: 2,000 Points							      |
|Gold: 2,800 Points							      |
|Challenge 2: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 1. Multiple|
|	      moving targets. Targets exit automatically.		      |
|Description: Only the time limit ends counts as the end, as the targs will   |
|	      always be coming. They way they move is they come down at either|
|	      the back or front of the range, move in the opposite direction, |
|             then retract back up when at the end.. Try to aim at the center,|
|             then while aimed, strafe to keep the center in focus and keep   |
|	      firing. Remember, the targets goes back automatically, not after|
|	      you hit them, so you can hit one target multiple times.	      |
|Bronze: 2,000								      |
|Silver: 10,000	(Obtainable only with AP Pistol)			      |
|Gold: 20,000	(Obtainable only with AP Pistol)			      |
|Challenge 3: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 2. One     |
|	      moving target. Target exits automatically.		      |
|Description: The target will come down on the right side, then slide to the  |
|	      left. At the end, it will flip around, showing its back. Do not |
|	      fire while this is happening. It'll eventually flip back around |
|	      and begin sliding right again. Flip, flip, slide, left/right.   |
|	      You can strafe as the speed is the same, or stand and aim.      |
|Bronze: 650								      |
|Silver: 3,000								      |
|Gold: 15,000	(Obtainable only with AP Pistol)			      |
|Challenge 1: Multiple static targets with the ability to flip. Targets exit  |
|	      automatically.						      |
|Description: When you start, there are five targets that drop at the same    |
|	      time. The middle one will have a target, however. After so long,|
|	      that will flip to face away, and the next one to the left will  |
|	      flip to the front. This will go down the line, then go back to  |
|	      the right. After the right, the left one will reveal itself     |
|	      twice, then go back into the wave formation.		      |
|Bronze: 4,000								      |
|Silver: 5,000								      |
|Gold: 12,000								      |
|Challenge 2: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 1. Single  |
|	      line of moving and flipping targets. Targets exit automatically.|
|Description: Four targets will drop at once, one behind the other, but will  |
|	      be flipped. The closest will flip front, then move left. Strafe |
|	      if you want and keep firing at the center. The rest will do the |
|	      same movement, but almost immediately after the one before it   |
|	      starts. Movement will begin as the target flips, so begin to    |
|	      strafe before firing. This will work itself back to the right,  |
|	      then to the middle before ending.				      |
|Bronze: 1,250								      |
|Silver: 2,500								      |
|Gold: 7,500								      |
|Challenge 3: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 2. Multiple|
|	      moving targets with height variation Targets exit automatically.|
|Description: Three targets will drop down for only a couple of seconds, but  |
|	      at different heights, one after the other: middle, far left, far|
|	      right, then fourth moves from far right to far left. A couple   |
|	      more appear, but eventually one will appear, then three will    |
|	      show their backs. Stay on the previous first one, as it will    |
|	      appear again, moving towards you. After that is gone, the three |
|	      will show, so shoot.					      |
|Bronze: 3,000								      |
|Silver: 5,000								      |
|Gold: 10,000								      |
|Challenge 1: Multiple Static targets. Targets exit after three hits.	      |
|Description: Three target drop and move from left ot right, then the next    |
|	      three drop and move from right to left. Remember, they either   |
|	      retract after they finish their movement, or after three hits.  |
|	      Targets will eventually drop in waves, to try to memorize the   |
|	      pattern, either going to the left or to the right. The last ones|
|	      try to take out from right to left, then the final from left to |
|	      right. Targets = 17.					      |
|Bronze: 2,500								      |
|Silver: 3,550								      |
|Gold: 7,550								      |
|Challenge 2: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 1. Single  |
|	      column of moving and flipping targets. Targets exit automatic...|
|Descripiton: Four drop first in a line behind one another in the far back    |
|	      right corner. Closest one flips front and slowly moves left.    |
|	      Strafe left as it moves and keep on firing until it turns around|
|	      after about five seconds. The next three, one after the other,  |
|	      will do the same. Reload as you move back to the right. After   |
|	      the fourth moves left, the first starts again, from left to     |
|	      right. The next three do the same again, but slowly.	      |
|Bronze: 4,750								      |
|Silver: 7,500								      |
|Gold: 17,500								      |
|Challenge 3: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 2. Moving  |
|	      targets of varying height and speed. Targets exit after three   |
|	      hits.							      |
|Description: Again, each target takes three hits before it retracts, so shoot|
|	      in short bursts if you can. First is in the far back-right area,|
|	      moving left to the middle. Next is at the left, but higher, and |
|	      moves to the middle as well before retracting. Third is lower in|
|	      the bottom-right corner. Fourth is in the high left area. Three |
|	      then drop from the back and move forward. Three more then drop  |
|	      and move slowly back.					      |
|Bronze: 1,000								      |
|Silver: 3,000								      |
|Gold: 5,000								      |
|Challenge 1: Static targets, exits after one hit. Hit as many as possible.   |
|Description: 16 targets drop at once. Four rows of four, three groups in all.|
|	      If you aim just right at multiple targets, you can take them out|
|	      at the same time. Aim for that goal of multiple targets in one  |
|	      shot, as you will get extra points. To aim at a few at once, go |
|	      to either side of the booth and shoot from and angle. Adjust    |
|	      your position as need be. 32 targets total.		      |
|Bronze: 22								      |
|Silver: 32								      |
|Gold: 46								      |
|Challenge 2: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 1. Moving  |
|	      and static targets. Shoot closer target to maximize score.      |
|Description: As the instructions say, wait until moving targets get close to |
|	      shoot them, as their score will increase. First appears in the  |
|	      back-right corner. Next appears in the middle (both move towards|
|	      you). Again adjust your movement around, recognize the patter,  |
|	      and fire at targets as they close in. 12 targets total.	      |
|Bronze: 290								      |
|Silver: 590								      |
|Gold: 700								      |
|Challenge 3: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 2. Moving  |
|	      targets, exits after one hit. Use spread to maximize score.     |
|Description: Try to get a Gold in the previous Challenge to get the Assault  |
|	      Shotgun. Three targets will enter the area from different points|
|	      and then move close togehter before retracting back up. When    |
|	      close, fire to try to take multiple ones out at once, giving you|
|	      a bonus. Like the previous challenge, 2 and once is +3, and 3 at|
|	      once is +5. Sometimes there will be 4 as well. 4 at once is +7. |
|	      20 targets total.						      |
|Bronze: 14								      |
|Silver: 18								      |
|Gold: 23								      |
|Challenge 1: Targets take multiple hits to exit. Target moves and respawns.  |
|Description: Each target takes five hits, but they are also timed, so can    |
|	      retract before hand. Reload if possible when no target is       |
|	      viewable (slow reload). Two drop at once in the middle, then two|
|	      more drop, then three, then four drop near the middle. Last drop|
|	      five at different distances. Remember, reload between stages.   |
|Bronze: 4,500								      |
|Silver: 5,500								      |
|Gold: 7,500								      |
|Challenge 2: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 1. A row of|
|	      distant targets that flip individually and exit automatically.  |
|Description: Five targets at differnt heights drop in the distance, but      |
|	      face backwards. Middle one flips forward first, then the one to |
|	      the left, the furthest left, then the one right of the middle,  |
|	      then the furthest right. The targets stay, but appear in a new  |
|	      order, starting with the most right. If need be, memorize the   |
|	      order and fire. Time limit of 1:04.			      |
|Bronze: 5,500								      |
|Silver: 12,000								      |
|Gold: 40,000								      |
|Challenge 3: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 2. Targets |
|	      take multiple hits to exit. More targets spawn continually.     |
|Description: First row drow in the far distance. Three drop at different     |
|	      heights, then another drops at the right side. Then, five drop  |
|	      in the distance. Targets take eight hits. Some will begin to    |
|	      overlap, so aim and fire at multiple targets, taking in the     |
|	      points. Try not to miss so you can keep your multiplier.	      |
|Bronze: 7,500								      |
|Silver: 19,000								      |
|Gold: 32,000								      |
|HEAVY - MINIGUN:							      |
|Challenge 1: One row of targets that respawn. Continuous hits increase your  |
|	      multiplier.						      |
|Description: You will not need to manually reload the Minigun. Best method is|
|	      to just sweep across the targets as they appear in the row. Each|
|	      takes five hits to retract. Just keep going back and forth and  |
|	      if done right, will be getting 300 points per sweep. Again, just|
|	      sweep. Do not focus on one target.			      |
|Bronze: 10,000								      |
|Silver: 25,000								      |
|Gold: 50,000								      |
|Challenge 2: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 1. Targets |
|	      that exit after multiple hits. Continuous hits increase your    |
|	      multiplier.						      |
|Description: Targets overlap in this challenge. Like the last one, hits on   |
|	      the first target are x100, then if there is no miss, the second |
|	      target is x200, then the same for the third, x300. First drop in|
|	      around the center, then the left area, then the right, then at  |
|	      other places, left, right and center. 47 targets total.	      |
|Bronze: 15,000								      |
|Silver: 30,000								      |
|Gold: 45,000								      |
|Challenge 3: Unlocks after you get at least a Bronze in Challenge 2. Infinite|
|	      respawning target. Exit after multiple hits. Continuous hits    |
|	      increase your multiplier.					      |
|Description: Target multiplier is the same again, x100, x200, x300. Quickly  |
|	      sweep again from left to right, right to left. Like the first   |
|	      Challenge, do not try to take out one target at a time, but keep|
|	      going onto the next.					      |
|Bronze: 20,000								      |
|Silver: 40,000								      |
|Gold: 70,000								      |
 I finally got Gold in all challenges. If you need to, zoom in with R3. Also,
Congrats for completing the challenges! Do try to get at least a Silver in all
though for a perk. Also, keep in mind that I will explain the actual store,
Ammu-Nation, itself when we need to go there. It's pretty simple, but a little
different from previous installments due to the upgrades. For now, head back to
Franklin's house and save if you like.

*Be 3% towards 100%
*Personally, I got Franklin's Shooting Skill to 100%
*With at least Silver in all rounds, you get Ammu-Nation discounts at 15%
*With Gold in all rounds, you get Ammu-Nation discounts at 25%**

**Thank you to babyhenchy1 for the Gold discount information.

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
    SIMEON'S    ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
  REPOSSESSION  | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (Story)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.4}---,  /    \ /    \\
 If you want to get a haircut, as suggested by Lamar, go for it. Whatever you
do, eventually head to the "S" icon for Simeon's new mission. Pull around the
back and walk into the show floor area. The mission will start automatically.

% AVAILABLE % After you beat "Franklin and Lamar."

Mission Time - Complete within 06:30.
Trail Blazer - Shoot he gasoline trail.
Headshots - Kill 6 enemies with a headshot.
Accuracy - Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%.

 After the scene, go back into your car with Lama. Follow the GPS route to
Vespucci Beach. You will see a small yellow marker glowing on the ground. This
is the destination marker, so drive into it, then get out and follow Lamar. At
the gate, press X to jump up and over. At the end of the alley, you will come
up to three closed garage doors. The vehicle is in the big one to the right, so
simply walk up to it to trigger a cutscene.
 Walk over the Pistol on the ground to automatically .--------$ NOTE $--------.
pick it up. Quickly press LB to bring up the Weapon  |BLIND FIRE - When behind|
Wheel, then while pressed, push the Right Stick up   |cover, you can fire     |
to select the gun. Remember you can press RB to take |around where you think  |
cover behind walls and other objects. Take out the   |the enemy is at without |
two or three guys surrounding you, then Lamar will   |revealing yourself. You |
point out the gas tank on the scaffolding above, so  |cannot Aim however, but |
shoot it to make it explode, taking out the guys by  |you can ajust your      |
it. Keep behind cover, as you slowly back back out   |position to slightly    |
of the alley. A guy in a car will back out and try   |change the area of fire.|
to drive away. The gas tank becomes punctured, so    '------------------------'
shoot the gas trail to ignite it, blowing up the car
and taking out anyone in close by it.

 After, you can safely make your way back out of the alley, jumping over the
gate, and then rushing back into your car. (If your Health dropped below 50%,
it will slowly regenerate back up to 50% as long as you do not take damage.) As
soon as you get in, press D-Pad Down to zoom out the map, making it easier to
find the target. When you get close, hold LB to do a drive-by and use the Right
Stick to aim, taking out the guy, or if you try hitting the bike, knocking him
off. After he's gone, get out and get on the bike, then follow the GPS to meet
Lamar at the Car Wash.

*Be 3.8% towards 100%

Your friend Stretch is getting out. Expect to be contacted.
(Press D-Pad up to view the text on your phone.)

EMAIL from TANISHA - "Me. Not us."
(Press B to back out of text and D-Pad Left then A to view email.)

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
    TONYA'S     ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
 PULLING FAVORS | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (S & F)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.5}---,  /    \ /    \\
 You will get a notice on your game about Strangers and Freaks, that can be
found throughout San Andreas at the "?." Each character has their own color-
coded marks. Franklin's is GREEN, Michael's is BLUE, and Trevor's is ORANGE.
Eventually, you will notice that these marks (not specifically tied to just the
Strangers and Freaks) come in two sizes. Larger ones can be taken by the
character you are playing, while smaller ones cannot. Some characters can both
go to the same mark, but it is dependent on what type of interaction it is, who
it is, or what mission it is. For now, you will see immediately on your radar
that a green "?" has appeared right in front of Franklin's home. Get in your
car and drive there.
.-----------------------------------$ NOTE $----------------------------------.
| Strangers and Freaks can become available at almost any time. Tonya's always|
|appears at this point, but after, others could appear randomly. First time I |
|went through the beginning part of the game, only one other S&F appeared once|
|I completed this one. Second time going through, two S&Fs appeared. This does|
|make it difficult to keep track of percentage, but as long as you keep track |
|of what you have completed, we will both come out to 100% by the end. This   |
|follows the second playthrough of two other S&Fs appearing.		      |

% AVAILABLE % After you beat, "Repossession."

Mission Time - Complete within 5:00
Unhook Bonus - Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery.

 After the scene, get back in your car along with Tonya. Follow the short GPS
route to the Davis Sheriff impound. Drive up to the entry gate and it will open
for you. Leave your car in the lot and get in the Tow Truck with Tonya. Follow
the new route to the abandoned car. When there, lower the crane with the Left
Stick, back up slowly to it on either the front or back end, then it will hook
automatically. Lift the crane back up and drive it back to the impound lot.
Know that the crane cannot be moved while the vehicle is in motion. At the lot,
make sure the car is within the "No Parking" zone, and then press D-Pad Left to
drop the car off.

*Be 4.3% towards 100%
*Tonya is now a Contact in your phone.

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
      HAO'S     ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
   SHIFT WORK   | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (S & F)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.6}---,  /    \ /    \\
 As you may see on the map, there is a new "?" marker between the S and F icons
(though first playthrough, this appeared later). Get a fast sports car and then
go to it. Franklin's Buffalo will work out as well.

% AVAILABLE % After you beat "Pulling Favors."

Fastest Lap - Complete a lap within 01:20.
Underdog - Finish the race within 02:50.
Clean Race - Finish the race with less than 5 collisions.

 This is a street race, so make sure you have a good, fast car (stats can be
viewed in my "Vehicles" section, ???.3}) and drive over to the starting spot.

 You will be racing against five other oppenents in a two-lap race. Each lap
has a total of 17 (or 18 if you count the starting line) checkpoints. There is
a trick that if you follow behind a racer, you will get a speed boost due to
driving in their slipstream, but know that they can do the same with you as
well, so just don't let them ride behind you for long. You cannot do drive-bys
either, but you can ram into other racers, however if you want a Gold rank, it
must be less than five times.

 Try to count the checkpoints your are going through to know what I am talking
about: At checkpoint 4 when you have to make a sharp left, you can cut across
the sidewalk for a shortcut. At checkpoint 8, use the Special to make the turn
(or simply slow down and turn) so you won't crash into any posts. Speed from 9
to 11, using Special if caught in traffic. At the turn at 12-13, stick to the
road as you may miss the 13th checkpoint. (Remember, if you do not get a Gold,
you can always repeat any Strangers and Freaks mission via the Game tab in the
pause menu.)

*Be 5.1% towards 100%
*Receive $200
*Unlock Street Races

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
   BEVERLY'S    ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
   PAPARAZZO    | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (S & F)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.7}---,  /    \ /    \\
 Pause and go into your Map. Press up or down on the D-Pad to come across a new
Strangers and Freaks "?" in the Strawberry area. Set your waypoint and go there
to meet a new Stranger who is hiding behind a tree.

% AVAILABLE % After you beat, "Pulling Favors."

Smack Down - Ensure Beverly takes out his rival on the 1st attempt.
Picture Perfect - Help Beverly snap and inspect 3 photographs.

 Quickly get on the Shitzu PCJ 600 and wait for Beverly to get on the back.
Start following the limo via the driver's side (left side in America) and match
speeds. The limo will not take any turns, so do not worry about that, and hold
B if you need to, to focus your sight on the vehicle.

 Eventually, after passing North Rockford Drive, another paparazzo comes in on
the back of a bike as well. Match speed with the enemy bike and get in close.
If Beverly pushes the guy off on the first try, it goes towards the perfect
stats, or Gold rank (use Franklin's Special to help out if need be).

 After the guy is down, follow the GPS route to the parking lot by Cafe
Redemption in Morningwood to finish.

*Be 5.6% towards 100%
*Beverly is now a Contact in your phone

#			      #
#			      #
 From the end point of this mission, I set my waypoint to the next mission, F.
Along the way, my first Event came up, a Security Van. This one was parked in
a gas station parking lot. Two guards were outside, leaning against the van. I
quickly came up to them with my gun pulled (you do not have to do it this way)
and one guard saw me. I received a three-star Wanted Leve (WL), but then
something interesting happened. I guess the other guard was still trying to get
the money in the back of the van, and as soon as the gunfire started, the money
dropped to the ground. After taking out the second guard, I quickly picked up
the case worth $5,584, took a car, and did whatever I could to get rid of the

*Be 5.9% towards 100%

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
   FRANKLIN'S   ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
      CHOP      | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (STORY)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.8}---,  /    \ /    \\
 You will notice that Franklin has two mission markers on his map. Considering
the outcome of the missions, I am going to go to the "F" first, which is at
Franklin's home.

% AVAILABLE % After you beat "Reposession" and "Pulling Favors."

Not a Scratch - Complete with minimal damage to lamar's van.
Homedog - Enter Chop's perspective for 00:10.
Advanced Reflexes - Use Franklin's special ability for 00:07.

 Doggy! (Yes, V has animals now.) Walk with Lamar and his dog Chop just up the
street and get in a parked van. Now follow the GPS route to Vinewood Boulevard.
Note the "Chop the Dog" app mentioned in the game.

 Run back into the van and quickly give chase. You go down some steep hills and
then make a right at the bottom. Remember to use your Special whenever possible
to easily maneuver between objects. You'll eventually head down a narrow alley
where the vehicle chase ends.

 Now run after the targets, climbing over fences, sliding over the hoods of
vehicles (press X when running up to one), and crashing through another fence.
Continue the chase through the trainyards until the next scene.

 A few more steps and then you get to... switch to Chop! (Remember, hold D-Pad
Down and move the Right Stick left, then let go.) Know that you cannot exactly
control Chop, but you get his POV. You'll then have to switch back to Franklin.
As Franklin, go to the boxcar doors and hold D-Pad Right to open them. Nothing.
Go ahead and stay as Franklin as you follow Chop past a couple more cars, then
you'll have to try and call him back by pressing D-Pad Right. Considering the
deed, you'll have to go up to him and stop him....

 Again, you are brought to the attention of the real-life app, but continue to
follow Chop, opening another door to find the target. Chase after him again,
but this time Chop tackles him.

 Now driving, follow the GPS trail for a while until you are told to stop. Do
so, then after the scene, drop Lamar off at his place.

*Be 6.7% towards 100%

This will happen soon enough, but guess what? Chop is now yours! His location
will appear as a bone icon on your map.
(I will get more into the Chop situation in a bit, but for now...)

#			     #
#			     #
 As I was heading to the next mission directly from the end of this one, I came
across a guy taking off on a motorcycle. At first, I thought it was Bike Thief,
but after I took him out, I had to pick up a wallet worth $500. Originally, I
thought ATM Robbery theives ran away on foot, but apparently they escape in
vehicles as well, as I could not make out any other Event that would match this
one. However, after I took back the wallet, there was no marker indicating the
victim, so I just kept it.

*Be 7.1% towards 100%

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
   BEVERLY'S    ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
  THE SEX TAPE  | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (S & F)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |       &====[II.9}---,  /    \ /    \\
 On your map, you will see a "p?" icon for a new S&F. This is Beverly's next
side-mission (p = paparazzo). I know it is a bit far up, but I want us to try
and open the map as much as possible (if you haven't already), and also I like
to get all the side stuff done as soon (and logically) as possible before the
next main story misison.

% AVAILABLE % After you beat, "Paparazzo."

Quick Dip - Jump in the pool whilst following Beverly.
Money Shot - Achieve full facial recognition during chase.

 Follow Beverly along the path and through the yard. (When you reach the pool,
take a quick dip in for a Gold stat.) Eventually, you'll take the camera from
Beverly to do his work for him.

 You'll now be in camera view mode, so push up on the Left Stick to zoom in
until the box around Poppy's face is green. You can move the Right Stick around
to move the camera, but really you just need to zoom in. Just keep filming
until you are caught.

 RUN FOREST, RUN! Follow Beverly and get in his car with him. You have control
of the camera again. Poppy, along with her security, will begin to chase after
you in their cards. Ignore the security vehicle and do your best to keep the
camera aimed at Poppy's face. Again, if the box around her face is red, you are
not getting a good shot. If it is green, you're doing well. (For the Gold stat,
try to keep it on her face when she pops her head up to scream at you.)
Eventually, she will crash and you will finish the mission.

*Be 7.6% towards 100%

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
      CHOP      ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
    THE DOG     | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
    (MISC.)     |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |      &====[II.10}---,  /    \ /    \\
 Head back to Franklin's Safehouse. Go ahead and save there as well. After,
move around to the backyard where your new dog, Chop, awaits! Without anything
equipped, hold LT to target in on Chop, then press RB to begin taking him out
for a walk. While Chop is with you, you can go into the Weapon Wheel (hold LB)
and select the Ball. Aim as you would a gun and then throw the ball, but only
into a safe area (such as not into traffic). Chop will go after the ball and
pick it up. Press D-Pad Left to call him back. He will drop the ball before
you, so simply walk over it pick it back up.

 Chop will ride in most vehicles with you except boats, helicopters, or planes.
He will not swim with you either. If you get in a bad accident or go into a
building Chop will run back to the safehouse. If you are walking along and get
in a fight, Chop may attack the aggressor, possibly killing them. Such a good

WARNING: The following app has only been released for the iPhone and iPad. A
fake has been released on the Android, but has been suspect for being Malware.
Rockstar says they will release the app for other systems in the future, but
for now, just wait.

 Rockstar has put out an app for our mobile and tablet devices called iFruit!
More information can be found a

 Within the app is a couple of mini-apps, one being "Chop the Dog." Within this
app, you get to play with a cartoonized version of Chop, having him beg, sit,
and you can shake his paw, then pet him to reward him. Another awesome feature
that you can teach Chop is to hunt for collectables. Everything here has a
direct effect to the actual GTA V game. Once Chop learns the trick, his video
game version will learn it as well! For the collectables, he will begin to bark
as he gets near an item, then bark more frequently as you close in. You can
send him to go find the collectable, which he'll run right to it, though you
must still be the one to pick it up.

Once learned, here are the controls for Chop (360 Version of course):
|RB	    |Walk or Dismiss Chop               |
|D-Pad Left |Whistle to make Chop return to you.|
|RT	    |Make Chop hunt for collectibles.   |
|X	    |Make Chop sit.			|
|B	    |Make Chop give paw.		|
|A	    |Make Chop beg.			|
|Y	    |Pet Chop.				|
*Be 8.8% towards 100%
*Learn to play with Chop

 If you have done two Random Events and three Strangers and Freaks, plus the
story missions I have listed, then our percents should match.


$$$$									   $$$$
$$$$???}                          E X T R A S                              $$$$
$$$$									   $$$$

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
  ACHIEVEMENTS  | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |      &====[???.1}---,  /    \ /    \\
.-----------------------------------$ NOTE $----------------------------------.
| I have the 360 version of the game, thus I will list the Achievements. They |
|may be the same for the PS3 Trophies, but I am unsure. Let me know!          |
|     | "A Lot of Cheddar"
| 20G |
|     | Spend a total of $200 million across all three characters.
|     | "A Mystery, Solved
| 15G |
|     | Solve the mystery of Leonory Johnson.
|     | "Above the Law"
| 80G |
|     | GTA Online: Reach Rank 100.
|     | "All's Far in Love and War"
| 10G |
|     | Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a private fare.
|     | "Altruist Acolyte"
| 5G  |
|     | Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruist Cult.
|     | "American Dream"
| 10G |
|     | GTA Online: Own an Apartment, Garage, and an Insured Vehicle.
|     | "Backseat Driver"
| 10G |
|     | GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as a co-driver in Rally Mode.
|     | "Career Criminal"
| 100G|
|     | Attain 100% Game Completion.
|     | "Clean Sweep"
| 10G | GTA Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10
|     | enemies.
|     | "Close Shave"
| 20G |
|     | Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Fight challenges.
|     | "Crew Cut"
| 5G  |
|     | GTA Online: Complete a Job as a member of a Crew.
|     | "Decorated"
| 50G |
|     | GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.
|     | "Dialling Digits"
| 5G  |
|     | GTA Online: Call for gang backup for the first time.
|     | "Enjoy Your Stay"
| 20G |
|     | GTA Online: Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer.
|     | "From Beyond the Stars"
| 15G |
|     | Collect and Return all spaceship parts.
|     | "Full Refund"
| 10G |
|     | GTA Online: Kill the thief that mugged you.
|     | "Kifflom!"
| 30G |
|     | Complete your path to enlightment... or not.
|     | "Los Santos Customs"
| 10G |
|     | Fully mod a vehicle.
|     | "Making Moves"
| 30G |
|     | GTA Online: Reach Rank 50.
|     | "Multi-Disciplined"
| 30G |
|     | Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies and pastimes.
|     | "Numero Uno"
| 20G |
|     | GTA Online: Obtain first place in all competitive game types.
|     | "Off the Plane"
| 5G  |
|     | GTA Online: Complete the Introduction.
|     | "Out of Your Depth"
| 5G  |
|     | You're gonna need a bigger boat....
|     | "Pimp My Sidearm"
| 10G |
|     | Fully mod a weapon.
|     | "Red Mist"
| 20G |
|     | Complete all Rampages.
|     | "Run Like The Wind"
| 20G |
|     | GTA Online: Survive for a day with a Bounty on your head.
|     | "San Andreas Sightseer"
| 30G |
|     | Explore all of Los Santos and Blaine County.
|     | "Show Off"
| 30G |
|     | Complete all Stunt Jumps.
|     | "Solid Gold, Baby!"
| 50G |
|     | Earn 70 Gold Medals on Missions and Strangers and Freaks.
|     | "Stick Up Kid"
| 10G |
|     | GTA Online: Hold up all 20 Stores.
|     | "The Midnight Club"
| 20G |
|     | GTA Online: Use custom vehicles to win 5 races.
|     | "Three Man Army"
| 20G | Survive 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted Level with all three
|     | characters together off mission.
|     | "Three-Bit Gangster"
| 20G |
|     | GTA Online: Reach Rank 25.
|     | "TP Industries Arms Race"
| 10G |
|     | Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms race.
|     | "Trading Pure Alpha"
| 10G |
|     | Make a profit over your total investments in the stock market.
|     | "Unnatural Selection"
| 20G |
|     | GTA Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival.
|     | "Wanted: Alive Or Alive"
| 10G |
|     | Deliver a bail bond target alive.
|     | "Waste Management"
| 15G |
|     | Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear waste.
----------------------------< SECRET ACHIEVEMENTS >----------------------------
|     | "Welcome to Los Sontos"
| 10G | You repo'd a car and raced it through the heart of a sun-soaked
|     | metropolis.
|     | "A Friendship Resurrected"
| 10G |
|     | With friends like these, who needs enemies?
|     | "A Fair Day's Pay"
| 10G |
|     | It's time for a little getaway.
|     | "The Moment of Truth"
| 10G |
|     | You have uncovered the truth about Brad.
|     | "To Live or Die in Los Santos"
| 40G |
|     | Completed the final mission.
|     | "Diamond Hard"
| 20G |
|     | You cleaned out Vangelico to pay back Martin Madrazo.
|     | "Subversive"
| 20G | You stole an experimental super weapon from Merryweather... and gave
|     | it back.
|     | "Blitzed"
| 20G |
|     | You performed a classic blitz play.
|     | "Small Town, Big Job
| 20G |
|     | You made a big impression at the Paleto Bay Chicken Festival.
|     | "The Government Gimps"
| 20G | You recovered sensitive information from a high defended federal
|     | building.
|     | "The Big One!"
| 20G |
|     | This ain't no dream no more.
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
 RADIO STATIONS | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |      &====[???.2}---,  /    \ /    \\
.-----------------------------------$ NOTE $----------------------------------.
| I wanted to get as many stations up as soon as possible, so went off a list |
|I found via I will look over these songs in detail however, and  |
|add, subtract, or correct whatever is needed.                                |

STATION: The Lowdown 91.91
DJ: Mama G
Soul Searchers - Ashley's Roachclip
Marlena Shaw - California Soul
Smokey Robinson - Cruisin
B.T. Express - Do It ('Til You're Satisfied)
Aaron Neville - Hercules
George McCrae - I Get Lifted
The Five Stairsteps - O-o-h Child
The Delfonics - Read or Not Here I Come (Can't Hide From Love)
The Trammps - Rubberband
The Undisputed Truth - Smiling Faces
War - The Cisco Kid
El Chicano - Viva Tirado

STATION: Vinewood Blvd Radio
DJs: Nate & Steve
The Black Angels - Black Grease
Shark? - California Grrls
Fidlar - Cocaine
Bass Drum of Death - Crawling After You
Ty Segall Band - Diddy Wah Diddy
Sam Flax - Fire Doesn't Burn Itself
Ceremony - Hysteria
Wavves - Nine is God (unreleased)
Moon Duo - Sleepwalker
Thee Oh Sees - The Dream
Hot Snakes - This Mystic Decade
Metz - Wet Blanket

STATION: Radio Los Santos
DJ: Big Boy
Kendrick Lamar - A.D.H.D.
The Game - Ali Bomaye
Gangrene (Alchemist & Oh No) - Bass Head (unreleased)
Malik - Hold Ups (not 100% on artist, title taken from lyrics, unreleased?)
Jay Rock - Hood Gone Love It
Future - How it Was (unreleased)
Ab-Soul - Illuminate
YG - I'm A Real 1
100 - The Life of a Mack (unsure of artist name/spelling, unreleased?)
A$AP Rocky - Goin' Back to Cali (title taken from lyrics, unreleased)
Problem ft. Glasses Malone - Say That Then
Clyde Carson - slow down
BJ the Chicago Kid ft Freddie Gibbs and Problem - Smokin' and Ridin'
Freddie Gibbs - Still Livin'
Gucci Mane - Too Hood

STATION: Worldwide FM
DJ: Gilles Peterson
Cashmere Cat - Mirror Maru
The Hics - Cold Air
Inc. - The Place
Trickski - Beginning
Mala - Ghost
Swindle - Forest Funk
Tom Browne - Throw Down
Candido - Thousand Finger Man
Donald Byrd - You and the Music
Toro Y Moi - Harm In Change
Kyodai - Breaking
Django Django - Waveforms
The Gaslamp Killer - Nissim
Owiny Sigoma Band - Harpoon Land
Guts - Brand New Revolution
Yuna - Live Your Life (MELo-X Motherland God Remix)
Tuccillo & Kiko Navarro feat. Amor - Lovery (Slow Cuban Vibe)
Richard Spaven - 1759 (Outro)
Hackman - Forgotten Notes

STATION: Non-Stop Pop 100.7 FM
DJ: Cara
Daryl Hall & John Oats - Adult Education
N-Joi - The New Anthem
Jane Child - Don't Wanna Fall in Love
Wham - Everything She Wants
Britney Spears - Gimme More
Fergie - Glamorous
Modjo - Lady (Hear Me Tonight)
Stardust - Music Sounds Better With You
Amerie - 1 Thing
Rhianna - Only Girl (In the World)
All Saints - Pure Shores
Corona - Rhythm of the NIght (Dub Mix Tequila with a Spoon)
Mis-Teeq - Scandalous
Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
Robyn - With Everything Heartbeat
Kelly Rowland - Work (Freemasons Club Mix)

STATION: Radio Mirror Park
DJ: George Lewis Jr.
Black Strobe - Boogie in Zero Gravity
??? - Change Your Heart (arist unknown, title taken from lyrics)
??? - Never Been Here Before (artist unknown, title taken from lyrics)
Feathers - Dark Matter
Poolside - Do You Believe?
Yeasayer - Don't Come Close (GTA exclusive, unreleased, on YouTube)
Battle Tapes - Feel the Same (pitched down, possible remix?)
Dan Croll - From Nowhere (Baardsen Remix)
Tony Castles - Heart in the Pipes
Nite Jewel(?) - ??? (not 100% on artist, but fairly certain)
Jai Paul - Jasmine (Demo Version)
Living Days - Little White Lie (pitched down, possible remix?)
DJ Mehdi - Lucky Boy
??? - Nowhere to Go (artists unknown, title taken from lyrics)
??? - Drill Me to the Floor (artist unknown, title taken from lyrics)
Yacht - Psychic City (Classixx Remix)
The C90s - Shine a Light (Flight Facilities Remix)
Twin Shadow - Shooting Holes
Chain Gang of 1974(?) - ??? (not 100% on artist, but fairly certain)
Toro y Moi - So Many Details
Miami Horror - Sometimes
Favored Nations - The Setup (GTA exclusive, unreleased)

STATION: Los Santos Rock Radio
DJ: Loggins
Simple Minds - All the Things She Said (Version)
Gerry Rafferty - Baker Street
Robert Plant - Big Log
Fereigner - Dirty White Boy
Don Johnson - Heartbeat
Stever Winwood - Higher Love
Bob Seager & the Silver Bullet Band - Hollywood Nights
Stevie Nicks - I Can't Wait
Phil Collins - I Don't Care Anymore
The Alan Parsons Project - I Wouldn't Want to Be Like You
Chicago - If You Leave Me Now
Kenny Loggins - I'm Free (Heaven Helps the Man)
Billy Squier - Lonely Is the Night
Bob Seger - Night Moves
Small Faces - Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Def Leppard - Photograph
Queen - Radio Ga Ga
The Cult - Rain
Steve Miller Band - Rock'n Me
Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting
Greg Kihn Band - The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'Em)
Julien Lennon - Too Late for Goodbyes
The Doobie Brothers - What a Fool Believes

STATION: Channel X
DJ: Keith Morris
The Adolescents - Amoeba
Youth Brigade - Blown Away
Agent Orange - Bored of You
The Germs - Lexicon Devil
The Weirdos - Life of Crime
Black Flag - My War
Descendents - Pervert
Circle Jerks - Rock House
T.S.O.L. - Abolish Government/Silent Majority
Suicidal Tendencies - Subliminal
Fear - The Mouth Don't Stop (The Trouble with Women Is)
Off - What's Next? (GTA exclusive, unreleased)

STATION: Space 103.2
DJ: Bootsy Collins
Kano - Can't Hold (Your Loving)
One Way - Cutie Pie
Sho-Nuff - Funkasize You
Rick James - Give it To Me Baby
Bernard Wright - Habaglabotribin'
Taana Gardner - Heartbeat (Club Version)
Zapp - Heartbreaker
Bootsy Collins - I'd Rather Be With You
Evelyn "Champagne" King - I'm in Love
Eddie Murphy - Party All the Time
Stevie Wonder - Skeletons
Kleeer - Tonight
D Train - You're the One for Me

DJ: N/A (Only music)
Palmbomen - Stock
Fatal Error - Fatal Error
Supersempfft - Let's Beam Him Up
Mim Suleiman - Mingi
FK Club - The STrange Art (In Flagranti remix)
Matias Aguayo - El Sucu Tucu
Daniel Avery - Naive Reception
Joe Goddard - Gabriel (Soulwax Remix)
Daniel Maloso - Body Music
Green Velvet & Harvard Bass - Lazer Beams
Zombie Nation - Tryouts
Tom Rowlands - Nothing But Pleasure
Jackson And His Computerband - Arp #1
Goose - Synrise (Soulwax remix)
Tiga - Plush (Jacques Lu Cont Remix)
The Hacker - Shockwave
Pulp - After You (Soulwax Remix)

DJ: Lee "Scratch" Perry
Joe Gibbs - Chapter Three
Half Pint - Crazy Girl
Lee "Scratch" Perry - Disco Devil
The Upsetters - Grumblin' Dub
Konshens - Gun Shot a Fire
Lee "Scratch" Perry - I Am a Madman
Protoje - Kingston Be Wise
Dennis Brown - Money in My Pocket
Gregory Isaacs - Night Nurse
Yellowman - Nobody Move Nobody Get Hurt
Chronixx - Odd Ras
Tommy Lee Sparta - Psycho
Junior Delgado - Sons of Slaves
Vybz Kartel & Popcaan - We Never Fear Dem

DJ: Don Cheto & Camilo Lara
Los Buitres - El Cocaino
Instituto Mexicano del Sonido - Es-Toy
La Vida Boheme - Radio Capitol
Fandango - Autos, Moda y Rock n' Roll
Don Cheto - El Tatuado
La Sonora Dinamita - Se Me Perdio la Cadenita
She's a Tease - Fiebre de Jack
Maldita Vecindad y Los Hijos del Quinto Patio - Pachuco
Hechizeros Band - El Sonidito (El Ruidito)
Milkman - Fresco
Jessy Bulbo - Maldito
La Liga Ft Alika - Tengo El Don
Los Tigres del Notre - La Granja
Los Angeles Negros - El Rey y Yo

STATION: Rebel Radio
DJ: Jesco White
Waylon Jennings - Are You Sure Hank Done it This Way
Charlie Feathers - I Can't Hardly Stand It
C.W. McCall - Convoy
??? - Get Out of My Car (artist unknown, title taken from lyrics, unreleased?)
Waylon Jennings - I Ain't Living Long Like This
Ozark Mountain Daredevils - If You Wanna Get to Heaven
Hank Thompson - I Don't Hurt Anymore
Johnny Paycheck - And I'll Be Hating You
Johnny Cash - The General Lee
Willie Nelson - Whiskey River
Jerry Reed - You Took All the Ramblin' Out of Me

STATION: West Coast Classics
DJ: DJ Pooh
2Pac - Ambitionz Az a Ridah
N.W.A. - Appetite for Destruction
Kurupt - C-Walk
DJ Quik - Dollaz & Sense
N.W.A. - Gangsta Gangsta
Snoop Dogg - Gin & Juice
Compton's Most Wanted - Late Night Hype
The Relativez & King Tee - Played Like a Piano
Geto Boys - Mind Playing Tricks on Me
Tha Dogg Pound - Nothin' But the Cavi Hit
Too $hort - So You Want to Be a Gangster
Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E.
Compton's Most Wanted - Streiht Up Menace
Dr. Dre - The Next Episode
Tha Dogg Pound - What Would U Do?
Kausion - What You Wanna Do?
Ice Cube - You Know How We Do It

DJ: Flying Lotus
Flying Lotus Ft. Niki Randa - Getting There
Clams Casino - Crystals (unreleased)
Flying Lotus - Crosswerved (unreleased)
Flying Lotus - Be Spin (unreleased)
Flying Lotus - See Thru to U
Flying Lotus - The Diddler (unreleased)
Flying Lotus - Computer Face Rmx (unreleased)
Hudson Mohawke - 100hm (unreleased)
Flying Lotus Ft. Niki Randa - The Kill (unreleased)
Tyler, the Creator - Garbage
Outkast - Elevators (Me & You)
Captain Murphy - Evil Grin (unreleased)
Flying Lotus - Catapult Man (unreleased)
Dabrye - Encoded Flow
Machinedrum - She Died There
DJ Rashad - F-T-why (unreleased)
Thundercat - Oh Sheit It's X
Flying Lotus - Stonecutters (unreleased)
Shadow Child - 23
Kingdom - Stalker Ha
Aphex Twin - Windowlicker

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
    VEHICLES    | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |      &====[???.3}---,  /    \ /    \\
???.3.1} --------------------------< BOATS >-----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Dinka Marquis				|$413,990	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 20%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 15%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 100%						      |
|NAME:		|Nagasaki Dinghy			|Special	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 95%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 35%						      |
|NAME:		|Police Predator					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 		      |
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Shitzu Jetmax				|$299,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 85%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 100%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 25%						      |
|NAME:		|Shitzu Squalo				|$196,621	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 40%						      |
|NAME:		|Shitzu Suntrap				|$25,160	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 170%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Shitzu Tropic				|$22,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
|NAME:		|Speedophile Seashark			|$16,899	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 5%						      |
|NAME:		|Submersible				|Special	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 45%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|N/A							      |
???.3.2} ------------------------< COMMERCIAL >--------------------------------
|NAME:		|Brute Stockade						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				                      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|HVY Biff						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%				 		      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|JoBuilt Hauler						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%				                      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|JoBuilt Phantom					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				                      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Maibatsu Mule						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%				                      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|MTL Packer						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				                      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|MTL Pounder						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				                      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Benson						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				                      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
???.3.3} -------------------------< COMPACTS >---------------------------------
|NAME:		|Dinka Blista				|MODS: Bumpers, Hood, |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Exhaust, Skirt, Turbo|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 60%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Karin Dilettante			|$25,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo          |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|Weeny Issi				|$18,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Bumpers, Skirt,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 60%				|Exhaust, Turbo	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
???.3.4} --------------------------< COUPES >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Bollokan Prairie			|MODS: Bumpers, Hood, |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				|Exhaust, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|Skirt, Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				 		      |
|NAME:		|Dewbauchee Exemplar			|$205,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 80%						      |
|NAME:		|Enus Cognoscenti Cabrio		|$185,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
|NAME:		|Lampadati Felon			|$100,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|MODS: Bumpers, Hood, |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 60%				|Exhaust, Spoiler,    |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				|Skirt, Turbo	      |
|NAME:		|Lampadati Felon GT			|MODS: Turbo	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|NOTE: Convertible    |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 60%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Ocelot F620				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 60%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Ocelot Jackal				|MODS: Bumpers, Hood, |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Exhaust, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Skirt, Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 80%						      |
|NAME:		|Ubermacht Zion				|$50,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|MODS: Exhaust, Hood, |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				|Spoiler, Roll Cage,  |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				|Roof, Trubo	      |
|NAME:		|Ubermacht Zion Cabrio			|MODS: Chassis, Hood, |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Exhaust, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Turbo		      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				|=====================|
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				|NOTE: Convertible    |
???.3.5} --------------------------< CYCLES >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|BMX					|$500		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 25%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 50%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 20%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
|NAME:		|Cruiser				|$3000		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 25%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 45%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 10%				 		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
|NAME:		|Endurex Race Bike			|$2,500		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 35%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 40%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 15%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
|NAME:		|Fixter							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 35%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 5%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 15%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
|NAME:		|Scorcher				|$1,000		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 30%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 45%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 20%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
|NAME:		|Tri-Cycles Race Bike			|$2,500		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 35%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 40%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 15%					  	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
|NAME:		|Whippett Race Bike			|$2,500		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 35%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 40%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 15%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 30%						      |
???.3.6} ------------------------< EMERGENCY >---------------------------------
|NAME:		|Ambulance						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|FIB							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|FIB SUV						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Fire Truck						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Lifeguard						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Park Ranger						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Police Bike						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 35%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Police Cruiser						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Police Prison Bus					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 50%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 40%						      |
|NAME:		|Police Riot						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Police Transporter					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Sheriff Cruiser					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Sheriff SUV						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Unmarked Cruiser					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
???.3.7} -----------------------< HELICOPTERS >--------------------------------
|NAME:		|Annihilator				|NOTE: Working Machine|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Guns.		      |
|BRAKING:	|About 100%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 85%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Buzzard						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 95%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 100%						      |
|NAME:		|Buzzard Attack Chopper			|$2,000,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%				|NOTE: Working Machine|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 95%				|Guns and Aircraft    |
|TRACTION:	|About 100%				|Guided Missiles.     |
|NAME:		|Cargobob				|$2,200,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 90%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Frogger				|$1,300,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 100%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 85%						      |
|NAME:		|Maverick				|$780,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 95%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 90%						      |
|NAME:		|Police Maverick					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 95%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 95%						      |
|NAME:		|Skylift						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 85%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
???.3.8} ------------------------< INDUSTRIAL >--------------------------------
|NAME:		|Brute Tripper						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Dock Handler						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 15%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 5%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|HVY Dozer						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 10%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 5%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 35%						      |
|NAME:		|HVY Dump						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 20%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|HVY Mixer						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|JoBuilt Rubble						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|MTL Flatbed						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Tipper							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
???.3.9} -------------------------< MILITARY >---------------------------------
|NAME:		|Barracks				|$450,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Canis Crusader				|$225,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|HVY Barracks Semi					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%				 		      |
|BRAKING:	|About 35%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				     		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Rhino Tank				|$3,000,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 30%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%				|NOTE: Appears in your|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				|hangar after purchase|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				|and working cannon.  |
???.3.10} ----------------------< MOTORCYCLES >--------------------------------
|NAME:		|Dinka Akuma				|$9,000		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 40%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 100%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Dinka Double-T				|MODS: Bodywork, Turbo|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Exhaust	      |
|BRAKING:	|About 45%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|LCC Hexer				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|Maibatsu Sanchez			|$7,000		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Nagasaki Carbos RS			|MODS: Turbo	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 45%				|NOTE: Appears only in|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%				|the Collector's      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%				|Edition of the game. |
|NAME:		|Pegassi Bati 801			|$10,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 45%				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
|NAME:		|Pegassi Bati 801RR			|MODS: Turbo	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 45%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
|NAME:		|Pegassi Faggio				|$5,000		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 50%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Pegassi Ruffian			|$10,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 85%				|Bodywork, Front Fork,|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				|Rear Mudguard.	      |
|NAME:		|Principe Nemesis			|MODS: Turbo	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 40%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Shitzu PCJ 600				|$6,000	| MODS: Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Exhaust, Bodywork,   |
|BRAKING:	|About 45%				|Mirrors, Plate Holder|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				|Front Mudguard, Frame|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Shitzu Vader				|$9,000		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|MODS: Turbo	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Western Bagger				|MODS:Turbo	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 40%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Western Daemon				|MODS: Exhaust, Trubo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Front Seat, Fuel Tank|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|Handlebars, Rear Mud-|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				|guard, Rear Seat.    |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
???.3.11} -------------------------< MUSCLE >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Albany Buccaneer			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Grille, Hood, Roof.  |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Bravado Gauntlet			|$32,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|MODS: Turbo.         |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Cheval Picador				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Declasse Sabre Turbo			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers, Grille, Hood|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Roll Cage, Spoiler,  |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				|Wheelie Bar.         |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Declasse Vigero			|$21,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				|Hood, Roll Cage,     |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				|Wheelie Bar, Spoiler.|
|NAME:		|Declasse Voodoo			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|Hotknife				|MODS: Bodywork, Turbo|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Hood.		      |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|=====================|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%				|NOTE: Only in the    |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%				|Collector's Edition. |
|NAME:		|Imponte Phoenix			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Exhaust, Grille, Hood|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Roof, Skirts, Turbo, |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				|Spoiler.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Imponte Ruiner				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Hood.		      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Rat-Loader				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Engine Bay, Fender,  |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|Griller, Hood, Truck |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				|Bed.		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Vapid Dominator			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bodywork, Bumpers,   |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Griller, Hood, Roof, |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
???.3.12} ------------------------< OFF-ROAD >---------------------------------
|NAME:		|BF Dune Buggy						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 60%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|BF Injection				|$16,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 60%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|Bravado Duneloader			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Canis Bodhi				|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Chassis, Fenders,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|Grille, Hood, Roll   |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				|Cage.		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Declasse Rancher XL			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Karin Rebel				|MODS: Truck Bed,     |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Bullbars, Turbo.     |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Nagasaki Blazer Lifeguard			   	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Nagasaki Blazer			|$8,000		      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Sandking SWB			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Chassis, Fuel Tank,  |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|Grille, Roof.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Sandking XL			|$45,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				|Chassis, Fuel Tank,  |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				|Grille, Roof.	      |
???.3.13} -------------------------< PLANES >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Buckingham Luxor			|$1,500,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 45%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 2%						      |
|NAME:		|Buckingham Shamal			|$1,150,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 45%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 2%						      |
|NAME:		|Cuban 800				|$240,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 30%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 3%						      |
|NAME:		|Duster					|$275,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 5%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 3%						      |
|NAME:		|Mallard				|$250,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 5%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 3%						      |
|NAME:		|Mammatus						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 5%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 3%						      |
|NAME:		|P-996 LAZER				|NOTE: Working Machine|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 5%				|Guns and Guided      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%				|Missiles.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 100%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 4%						      |
|NAME:		|Titan							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 40%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 1%						      |
|NAME:		|Velum							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 30%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 2%						      |
???.3.14} -------------------------< SEDANS >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Albany Emperor				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Albany Primo				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers, Grille,     |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
|NAME:		|Albany Washington			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Benefactor Schafter			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Roof, Hood, |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Grille, Spoiler,     |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				|Skirts.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Chariot Romero Hearse			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Cheval Fugitive			|$32,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Cheval Surge				|MODS: Skirt, Spoiler,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers.	      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|=====================|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%				|NOTE: Electric car,  |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%				|does not have Turbo. |
|NAME:		|Declasse Asea				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers, Roof, Hood, |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|Fenders, Spoiler,    |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				|Turbo.		      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Declasse Premier			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|Skirts.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Dundreary Regina			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%			 			      |
|NAME:		|Dundreary Stretch					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|Karin Asterope				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Karin Intruder				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Skirts.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
|NAME:		|Obey Tailgater				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Hood, Roof, |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Fenders, Grille,     |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Vapid Stanier				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Vulcan Ingot				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Zirconium Stratum			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
???.3.15} ------------------------< SERVICE >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Airport Bus						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Bus							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Dashhound						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Rental Shuttle Bus					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Taxi					|NOTE: Click the Left |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Stick to begin Taxi  |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Missions.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Tourbus						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Trashmaster						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
???.3.16} -------------------------< SPORTS >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Annis Elegy RH8			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Hood, Roof, |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|Grille, Roll Cage,   |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Benefactor Feltzer			|$145,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|MODS: Bumpers, Roof, |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				|Fenders, Spoiler,    |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				|Turbo.		      |
|NAME:		|Benefactor Schwartzer			|$80,000 | MODS: Roof,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Exhaust, Hood, Turbo,|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Bumpers, Grille, Roll|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				|Cage, Skirts, Spoiler|
|TRACTION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Benefactor Surano			|$99,000 | MODS: Hood,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 85%				|Bumpers, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|Exhaust, Skirt, Turbo|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 85%				|=====================|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				|NOTE: Convertible    |
|NAME:		|Bravado Banshee			|$90,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 85%				|Bumpers, Spoiler,    |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				|Hood.		      |
|NAME:		|Bravado Buffalo (Franklin's version)	|MODS: Exhaust, Hood, |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Roll Cage, Bumpers,  |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Roof, Skirt, Spoiler,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%				|Grille.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Bravado Buffalo (Standard version)	|MODS: Bumpers, Skirt,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Exhaust, Spoiler.    |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Dewbauchee Rapid GT			|MODS: Chassis, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Exhaust, Spoiler,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|Hood.		      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 90%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Dewbauchee Rapid GT Soft Top		|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Hood, Spoiler.	      |
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|=====================|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 90%				|NOTE: Convertible    |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Enus Super Diamond			|$250,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Grotti Carbonizzare			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 85%				|Hood, Spoiler.	      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 90%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
|NAME:		|Invetero Coquette			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumper, Fenders, Hood|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Spoiler, Roof, Skirt,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				|Roll Cage.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Karin Futo				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Bumpers, Hood, Roof, |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|Grille, Roll Cage,   |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Karin Sultan				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Hood, Roof, |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|Roll Cage, Skirts,   |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				|Spoiler.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Maibatsu Penumbra			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers, Hood, Roof, |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Grille, Roll Cage,   |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Obey 9F				|$120,00	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 85%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Hood, Skirt,|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				|Spoiler.	      |
|NAME:		|Obey 9F Cabrio				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 85%				|Chassis, Hood, Skirt,|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|Bumpers, Spoiler.    |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%				|NOTE: Convertible    |
|NAME:		|Pfister Comet				|$85,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 85%				|Bodywork, Bumpers,   |
|TRACTION:	|About 85%				|Roll Cage, Spoiler.  |
|NAME:		|Schyster Fusilade			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Bumpers, Hood, Skirt,|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Spoiler.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Ubermacht Oracle 1			|$80,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Ubermacht Oracle 2			|$80,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 70%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo.|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
|NAME:		|Ubermacht Sentinel			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers, Hood, Skirt,|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Spoiler.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Ubermacht Sentinel XS			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers, Hood, Skirt,|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|Roll Cage, Spoiler.  |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
???.3.17} --------------------< SPORTS CLASSICS >------------------------------
|NAME:		|Albany Manana				|MODS: Bumpers, Trubo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Bodywork, Engine Bay,|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%				|Exhaust, Fenders,    |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%				|Grille.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Declasse Tornado			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Bumpers, Fenders,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%				|Hood.		      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|Dewbauchee JB 700			|$475,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Grotti Stinger				|$1,000,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Grotti Stinger GT			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 65%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Pegassi Monroe				|$490,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Truffade Z-Type			|$10,000,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|MODS: Grille, Hood,  |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				|Headlights (covers), |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%				|Skirts, Turbo.	      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Peyote				|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Exhaust, Chassis,    |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%				|Fenders, Grille, Hood|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
???.3.18} --------------------------< SUPER >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Coil Voltic				|MODS: Bumpers, Hood, |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|=====================|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 90%				|NOTE: Electric car.  |
|TRACTION:	|About 85%				|Had no Turbo.	      |
|NAME:		|Grotti Cheetah				|$650,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				|Spoiler.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Overflod Entity XF			|$795,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 85%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 30%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				|Bodyworks, Bumpers,  |
|TRACTION:	|About 85%				|Skirts, Spoiler.     |
|NAME:		|Pegassi Infernus			|$440,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 85%				|Spoiler.	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Pegassi Vacca				|$240,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%				|Bodywork, Spoiler,   |
|TRACTION:	|About 80%				|Hood.		      |
|NAME:		|Truffade Adder				|$1,000,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 85%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 35%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Bullet				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 80%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 80%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 75%						      |
???.3.19} --------------------------< SUVS >-----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Albany Cavalcade (Classic version)	|$70,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Bumpers, Side  |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				|Step, Grille, Chassis|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%				|(subwoofer).	      |
|NAME:		|Albany Cavalcade (Modern version)	|MODS: Bumpers, Grille|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Side Step, Chassis   |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|(subwoofer).	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Benefactor Dubsta			|MODS: Exhaust, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|Bumpers, Grille, Hood|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Fenders, Roof, Side  |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				|Step, Tailgate.      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|NAME:		|Benefactor Serrano			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Exhaust, Skirts,     |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%				|Grille, Spoiler.     |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Bravado Gresley			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Exhaust, Hood, Skirt.|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Canis Mesa				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Canis Seminole				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Declasse Granger			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Dundreary Landstalker			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Exhaust, Side Step,  |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				|Roof.		      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Emperor Habanero			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Fathom FQ 2				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Gallivanter Baller			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Exhaust, Skirts.     |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Gallivanter Baller (Version 2)		|$98,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Karin BeeJay XL			|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				|Roof, Skirts.	      |
|BRAKING:	|About 25%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Mammoth Patriot			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Obey Rocoto				|$85,000	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				|=====================|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 65%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Radius				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 75%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 70%						      |
???.3.20} -------------------------< UTILITY >---------------------------------
|NAME:		|Airtug							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 20%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 15%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 35%						      |
|NAME:		|Caddy							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 35%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 5%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 75%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Docktug						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 40%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 40%						      |
|NAME:		|Lawn Mower						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 10%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 10%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 40%						      |
|NAME:		|Ripley							      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 40%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 5%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 40%						      |
|NAME:		|Scrap Truck						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Stanley Fieldmaster					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 25%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 35%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Towtruck						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Towtruck (Classic)					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 50%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Tractor						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 20%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 20%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 35%						      |
|NAME:		|Utility Truck					   	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Utility Truck (Version 2)				      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 60%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Sadler				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
???.3.21} --------------------------< VANS >-----------------------------------
|NAME:		|BF Surfer				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 25%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Boxville						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Bravado Bison				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 50%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Bravado Rumpo						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Bravado Youga				|MODS: Bumpers, Turbo,|
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				|Bodywork, Exhaust,   |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%				|Hood, Roll Cage.     |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 55%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|TRACTION:	|About 50%						      |
|NAME:		|Brute Boxville						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Brute Camper						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Brute Pony						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Declasse Burrito					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Declasse Gang Burrito					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 40%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Taco Van						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 45%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Bobcat XL			|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%						      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Minivan				|MODS: Turbo.	      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 65%				 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|
|BRAKING:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|N/A							      |
|TRACTION:	|About 60%					 	      |
|NAME:		|Vapid Speedo						      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 70%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 45%						      |
|TRACTION:	|About 55%						      |
|NAME:		|Zirconium Journey					      |
|TOP SPEED:	|About 55%						      |
|BRAKING:	|About 10%						      |
|ACCELERATION:	|About 30%					 	      |
|TRACTION:	|About 40%						      |

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                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
    VEHICLE     | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
 MODIFICATIONS  |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
________________)____|\   _/\         | |                (@)/     /  \   /  \ /
)            (@)       |    /         | |      &====[???.4}---,  /    \ /    \\
 If you looked through the Vehicle section just above, you would have noticed
that many of them can be modified. There are four mod shops on the map, called
"Los Santos Customs." Their locations are Burton, La Mesa, Los Santos
International Airport, and at Grand Senora Desert. The last location, however,
must be purchased by Franklin, and when it is, Franklin can get all his mods
done there for free! Remember, as stated in the "Busted 'n Wasted" section of
this guide, you can also lose your Wanted Level by driving into a mod shop when
you are not seen by the cops, then changing the color of your vehicle.

 Speaking of respaying, you have your primary and secondary (stripes and other
markings) for your vehicle. Primary include Chrome Classic (75 options, $400),
Matte (20 options, $1,000), Metallic (75 options, $650), and Metal (3 options,
$900). Bringing up the Wanted Level again, change the primary.

 You will have noticed as well in the "Vehicle" section just above that every
vehicle has a Top Speed, Braking, Acceleration, and Traction category, with
their base stat percentages being around what I have named. (If any is off,
let me know.) In the mod shops, you can raise the stats of Braking and
Acceleration by adding a few things:
|BRAKES:      |Race, Street, or Sport Brakes      |Braking     |
|ENGINE:      |EMS Upgrade, Lvl 1 - 4*            |Acceleration|
|TRANSMISSION:|Race, Street, or Sport Transmission|Acceleration|
|TURBO:       |Turbo Tuning			  |Acceleration|
*EMS Stands for Engine Monitoring System.

 Simple enough, right? Now for the actual modifications. Keep in mind that you
must complete certain mission within the game to unlock more modifications. I
list when things become unlocked after each mission, but for those who are
impatient, and don't want to read through everything with this guide, new mods
are available after the missions: "Father/Son," "Casing the Jewel Store," "Dead
Man Walking," and "I Fought the Law." After you complete those, check back at
the mod shops to see what is new! Keep in mind that before you can actually mod
anything, the vehicle must be fully repaired first, which changes depending on
damage and vehicle type. Here are the mods explained as if you have unlocked
everything. Small percentages can be seen earlier in the game, while higher
percentages could be unlocked later. Also note that if there is not much to say
about the mod, then I just put in a definiton. Also, also (haha), keep in mind
that prices range for the level of the mod, along with the type of vehicle:
|ARMOR:		|5 Types ranging from 20% to 100% (bulletproof). Windows can  |
|		| still be shot out. You can bulletproof tires as well. Price |
|		| ranges from $2,500 to $250,000.			      |
|BRAKES:	|The higher you make the Acceleration stat, the higher you    |
|		| will need to make the Braking stat. The types of brakes are |
|		| listed just above in the previous box. Price ranges from    |
|		| $1,000 to $17,500.					      |
|BUMPER:	|Price ranges from $500 to $13,000. Allows the vehicle to     |
|		| sustain an impact without damage to the vehicle's safety    |
|		| system.
|ENGINE:	|As shown in the small box above, EMS increases the Acceler-  |
|		| ation stat. Price ranges from $9,000 to $3,350. You will get|
|		| a 15% acceleration increase if you upgrade EMS to level 4.  |
|CHASSIS:	|The base frame of a vehicle or other wheeled conveyance. This|
|		| includes the roll cages.				      |
|FENDERS:	|Frames a wheel well that keeps mud, rocks, and dirt from     |
|		| flying up into the air.				      |
|GRILLE:	|An opening of several slits side by side in front of a       |
|		| vehicle to let air enter, but keep animals and people out.  |
|HOOD:		|A hinged cover over the engine of a vehicle.		      |
|HORN:		|Beep! Beep!						      |
|LIGHTS:	|These are geared more towards the lights you may have seen   |
|		| vehicles with underneath, such as a blue neon glow. The     |
|		| brand is the game is Xenon Lights and go for about $1,450.  |
|MUFFLER:	|This is the exhaust mod. Mufflers are more of a soundproofing|
|		| system for the engine.				      |
|ROOF:		|The section that keeps your head covered. There are differnt |
|		| types of roofs for certain vehicles.			      |
|SKIRTS:	|Panes on the side of the vehicles below the doors.	      |
|SPOILER:	|"Spoils" unfavorable air movement across a body of a vehicle |
|		| in motion, or in other words reduces turbulance.	      |
|SUSPENSION:	|Changes the handling of a vehicle. The vehicle's cornering   |
|		| ability will be increased due to the lower center of gravity|
|		| and price ranges from $500 to $2,200.			      |
|TRANSMISSION:	|As stated in the small box, this changes your Acceleration   |
|		| stat. Four-wheel transmission ranges from $14,750 to $20,000|
|		| while two-wheel (motorcycles) range from $2,950 to $4,000.  |
|		| Highest upgrade adds 5% to the acceleration.		      |
|TURBO:		|Obviously will give you the highest acceleration increase.   |
|		| Price ranges from $5,000 to $12,500 (on this one, it is all |
|		| due to vehicle type) and you will gain a 25% boost.	      |
|SUBWOOFER:	|Listen to that beat, baby!				      |
|WHEELS:	|This one is a little different, as there are multiple types  |
|		| of wheel options. High End has 20 options, Lowrider has 15, |
|		| Muscle has 18, Off-Road has 11, Sport has 25, SUV has 19,   |
|		| and Tuner has 24 options. Some vehicles (espeically motor-  |
|		| cycles), can have multiple options on them at once!	      |
|WINDOWS:	|Minly has tinting options.				      |
.-----------------------------------$ NOTE $----------------------------------.
| This section may be updated once I fully complete the game in order to list |
|every option available. Though I feel I explained a lot, I still want to have|
|everything available to my faithful readers. Know that this will probably be |
|added as one of the final updates to the guide.			      |
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¯¯¯¯|                                                        \
                ||¯¯||                      .--,                              /
     WEAPONS    | ¯¯ | ___   () ___   (@) <.,$$,)                q"()"p q"()"p\
                |   -|=8¯¯ .-/--8¯¯  |[ }--- ""                   \{}/   \{}/ /
                |    |    / /        |[_]                    ,     $$     $$  \
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)            (@)       |    /         | |      &====[???.5}---,  /    \ /    \\
???.5.1} --------------------------< MELEE >-----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Knife							      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|This carbon steel 7" bladed knife is dual edged with a       |
|		| serrated spine to provide improved stabbing and thrusting   |
|		| capabilities.						      |
|NAME:		|Nightstick						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|24" polycarbonate side-handled nightsick.		      |
|NAME:		|Hammer							      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Normally used to hit nails into wood. *wink wink nudge nudge*|
|NAME:		|Baseball Bat						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Knock baseballs - but mostly heads - with this wooden piece  |
|		| of sports equipment.					      |
|NAME:		|Crowbar						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Normally used to pry apart construction projects, but can    |
|		| also be used to beat someone to a pulp.		      |
|NAME:		|Golf Club						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Found at Los Santos Golf Club. Hang onto it when you leave to|
|		| use as a melee weapon.				      |
???.5.2} ------------------------< HAND GUNS >---------------------------------
|NAME:		|Pistol							      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Standard handgun. A .45 caliber pistol with a magazine       |
|		| capacity of 12 rounds that can be extended to 16.	      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 30%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 40%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 40%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 25%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|24 Rounds				|$19		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|12 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|16 Rounds				|$387		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$472		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage   |$1,837		      |
|		| and range. 				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Combat Pistol						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|A compact, lightweight, semi-automatic pistol designed for   |
|		| law enforcement and personal defense. 12-round magazine with|
|		| option to extend to 16 rounds.			      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 25%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 40%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 50%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 30%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|24 Rounds				|$19		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|12 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|16 Rounds				|$397		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$472		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage   |$1,837		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|AP Pistol						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|High-penetration, fully-automatic pistol. Holds 18 rounds in |
|		| magazine with option to extend to 36 rounds.		      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 30%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 80%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 45%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 30%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|36 Rounds				|$25		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|18 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|36 Rounds				|$412		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$462		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage   |$1,825		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Stun Gun						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Fires a projectile that administers a voltage capable of     |
|		| temporarily stunning an assailant. Take approximately 4     |
|		| seconds to recharge after firing. A recharge counter appears|
|		| in the top-right corner after firing. When fully charged,   |
|		| you can then fire another round.			      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 5%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 35%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 10%						      |
|Black Tint:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|Army Tint:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|Free		      |
|LSPD Tint:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|Free		      |
???.5.3} -----------------------< MACHINE GUNS >-------------------------------
|NAME:        	|Micro SMG						      |
|DESCRIPTION: 	|Combines compact design with a high rate of fire, 	      |
|            	| approximately 700 - 900 rounds per minute.		      |
|DAMAGE:      	|About 20%						      |
|FIRE RATE:   	|About 60%						      |
|ACCURACY:    	|About 30%						      |
|RANGE:       	|About 25%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|32 Rounds		  		|$20		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:  |16 Rounds		  		|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP: |30 Rounds		  		|$342	     	      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark. 		|$475		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.     |$1,372		      |
|               | Slightly increases accuracy.		|		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage   |$1,937		      |
|      		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |

|NAME:        	|SMG							      |
|DESCRIPTION: 	|This is known as a good all-round submachine gun. Lightweight|
|             	| with an accurate sight and 30-round magazine capacity.      |
|DAMAGE:      	|About 20%						      |
|FIRE RATE:   	|About 55%						      |
|ACCURACY:    	|About 40%						      |
|RANGE:       	|About 35%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|38 Rounds				|$60		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|16 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP: |30 Rounds				|$342		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$475		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality. 	|$1,372		      |
|        	| Slightly increases accuracy.		|		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage	|$1,937		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:	      	|MG							      |
|DESCRIPTION: 	|General purpose machine gun that combines rugged design with |
|             	| dependable performance. Long-range penetrative power. Very  |
|             	| effective against large groups.			      |
|DAMAGE:      	|About 30%						      |
|FIRE RATE:   	|About 60%						      |
|ACCURACY:    	|About 40%						      |
|RANGE:       	|About 60%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|108 Rounds				|$50		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|54 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP: |100 Rounds				|$362		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.     |$1,125		      |
|		| Slightly increases accuracy.		|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:	      	|Combat MG						      |
|DESCRIPTION: 	|Lightweight, compact machine gun that combines excellent     |
|	      	| maneuverability with a high rate of fire to devastating     |
|		| effect.						      |
|DAMAGE:      	|About 30%						      |
|FIRE RATE:   	|About 65%						      |
|ACCURACY:    	|About 45%						      |
|RANGE:	      	|About 60%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|200 Rounds				|$92		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|100 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|200 Rounds				|$315		      |
|GRIP:		|Gives the added stability and slightly |$322		      |
|		| increases accuracy.			|		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionatliy.	|$1,397		      |
|		| Slightly increases accuracy.		|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
???.5.4} ----------------------< ASSAULT RIFLES >------------------------------
|NAME:		|Assault Rifle						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|The standard assault rifle boasts a large capacity magazine  |
|		| and long-distance accuracy.				      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 25%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 60%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 45%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 45%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|60 Rounds				|$36		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|30 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|60 Rounds				|$322		      |
|GRIP:		|Gives added stability and slightly     |$397		      |
|		| incrases accuracy.			|		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$472		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.	|$2,025		      |
|		| Slightly incrases accuracy.		|		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage   |$1,937		      |
|		| and accuracy.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Carbine Rifle						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Combining long-distance accuracy with a high-capacity	      |
|		| magazine, this gun can be relied on to make the hit.	      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 35%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 65%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 50%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 45%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|60 Rounds				|$36		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|30 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|60 Rounds				|$262		      |
|GRIP:		|Gives added stability and slightly	|$330		      |
|		| increases accuracy.			|		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$375		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.	|$1,125		      |
|		| Slightly incrases accuracy.		|		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage	|$2,037		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Advanced Rifle						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|The most lightweight and compact of all assault rifles,      |
|		| without compromising accuracy and rate of fire.	      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 30%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 70%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 50%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 45%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|60 Rounds				|$36		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|30 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|60 Rounds				|$310		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$397		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.	|$1,125		      |
|		| Slightly incrases accuracy.		|		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage   |$2,030		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
???.5.5} -----------------------< SNIPER RIFLES >------------------------------
|NAME:		|Sniper Rifle						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Standard sniper rifle ideal for situations that require      |
|		| accuracy at long range. Limitations include slow reload     |
|		| speed and very low rate of fire.			      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 95%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 25%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 75%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 95%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|20 Rounds				|$48		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage	|$2,300		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.	|Equipped by default. |
|ADVANCED SCOPE:|Advanced-range zoom functionality.	|$2,437		      |
|		| Adds a fair amount to the accuracy	|		      |
|		| stat.					|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Heavy Sniper						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Features 6 armor-piercing rounds per magazine for heavy      |
|		| damage. Comes with laser scope as standard. There is no     |
|		| suppressor option for this rifle.			      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 95%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 95%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 100%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|12 Rounds				|$29		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.	|Equipped by default. |
|ADVANCED SCOPE:|Advanced-range zoom functionality.	|Free		      |
|		| Adds a fair amount to the accuracy	|		      |
|		| stat.					|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
???.5.6} -------------------------< SHOTGUNS >---------------------------------
|NAME:		|Pump Shotgun						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Standard shotgun ideal for short-range combat. A high        |
|		| projectile spread makes up for its lower accuracy at long   |
|		| range.						      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 70%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 35%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 20%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|16 Rounds				|$8		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$472		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage	|$2,437		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Sawed-Off Shotgun					      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|The single-barrel,sawed-off shotgun compensates for its low  |
|		| range and ammo capacity with devistating efficiency in close|
|		| combat. Sawed-off shotguns can be used in motorcycle and    |
|		| drive-bys.						      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 95%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 20%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 15%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|16 Rounds				|$8		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Assault Shotgun					      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Fully automatic shotgun with 8-round magazine and high rate  |
|		| of fire.						      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 80%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 50%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 25%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 20%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|16 Rounds				|$8		      |
|DEFAULT CLIP:	|8 Rounds				|Equipped by default. |
|EXTENDED CLIP:	|32 Rounds				|$347		      |
|GRIP:		|Gives added stability and slightly     |$375		      |
|		| increases accuracy.			|		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$562		      |
|SUPPRESSOR:	|Silences but slightly reduces damage	|$2,247		      |
|		| and range.				|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
???.5.7} ---------------------------< HEAVY >----------------------------------
|NAME:		|Grenade Launcher					      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|A compact, lightweight grenade launcher with semi-automatic  |
|		| functionality. Holds up to 10 rounds.			      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 95%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 15%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 50%						      |
|GRENADES:	|50 Rounds				|$20		      |
|GRIP:		|Gives added stability and slightly	|$320		      |
|		| increases accuracy.			|		      |
|FLASHLIGHT:	|Provides light when dark.		|$462		      |
|SCOPE:		|Standard-range zoom functionality.	|$1,312		      |
|		| Slightly increases accuracy.		|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|RPG							      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|A portable, shoulder-launched, anti-tank weapon that fires   |
|		| explosive warheads. Very effective for taking down vehicles,|
|		| helicopters, or large groups of assailants.		      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 100%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 5%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 10%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 70%						      |
|ROCKETS:	|2 Rounds				|$100		      |
|GRIP:		|Gives added stability and slightly	|$320		      |
|		| increases accuracy.			|		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
|NAME:		|Minigun						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|A devistating 6-barrel machine gun that features Gatlint-    |
|		| style rotating barrels. Very high rate of fire (2000 to 6000|
|		| rounds per minute).					      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 30%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 100%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 40%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 55%						      |
|ROUNDS:	|100 Rounds				|$50		      |
|BLACK TINT:	|Tints the gun black.			|Equipped by default. |
|ARMY TINT:	|Tints the gun desert sand.		|$100		      |
|LSPD TINT:	|Tints the gun metallic blue.		|$600		      |
???.5.8} ------------------------< PROJECTILES >-------------------------------
|NAME:		|Grenade						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Standard fragmentation grenade. Pull pin, throw, then find   |
|		| cover. Ideal for eliminating clustered assailants.	      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 95%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 10%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 15%						      |
|NAME:		|Jerry Can						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Leaves a trail of gasoline that can be ignited by shooting   |
|		| the trail with any firearm or Molotov.		      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 5%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 15%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 30%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 5%						      |
|NAME:		|Molotov						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|A crude incendiary bomb consisting of a rag stuck in a bottle|
|		| of gasoline. Causes burning death, and multiple attacks on a|
|		| vehicle can cause vehicle detonation.			      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 50%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 20%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 20%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 10%						      |
|NAME:		|Tear Gas						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|Tear gas grenades are particulary effective at incapacitating|
|		| multiple assailants. Sustained exposure can be lethal.      |
|DAMAGE:	|0%							      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 20%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 10%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 15%						      |
|NAME:		|Sticky Bomb						      |
|DESCRIPTION:	|A plastic explosive charge fitted with a remote detonator.   |
|		| Can be thrown and then detonated, or attached to a vehicle  |
|		| and then detonated. You can attach multiple Sticky Bombs and|
|		| detonate them all at once if desired. To detonate after     |
|		| being thrown, press D-pad Right. These can be used to blow  |
|		| the doors off the back of Gruppe Sechs security vans to     |
|		| revealthe case of money inside.			      |
|DAMAGE:	|About 95%						      |
|ACCURACY:	|About 10%						      |
|FIRE RATE:	|About 30%						      |
|RANGE:		|About 10%						      |
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 Alright everyone, this is the end of my guide! I hope you enjoyed everything
from point A to point B, or at least just the sections you read. I first want
to thank you for taking your time to go through my guide, and hopefully for
spreading the word... *wink wink nudge nudge* Again, I want to thank BradyGames
for putting out an awesome guide that I will happily admit to using for item
locations and vehicle/weapon stats. My thanks also goes out to those who have
helped me build this guide, whether it's corrections, suggestions, or just
plain ol' compliments.  

Those who have personally helped, in order of who helped first.

1. babyhenchy1

- Philip Escobedo

phillnans (at) yahoo (dot) com