RoboCop (iOS) Walkthrough [Guide]

In line with the soon-to-be-released remake of the popular 80’s sci-fi action flick RoboCop, the mobile version of the game will give players a first glimpse of what they can expect from the film. The game features intense shooting action as the eponymous cybernetic police officer takes down the meanest and baddest scum of Delta City with powerful weapons and tools. Show the criminals what you’re made of with this exciting game, and use this guide to help you win fights to uphold the law in the best way that you can.

RoboCop is a shooting game where players can complete stages that play out across one or more levels. At each level, players will control RoboCop where his mission is to eliminate all enemies that appear on the screen. The challenges will become progressively harder, which is why players must use items like drones to help him out during these battles. Players can also purchase and upgrade different types of weaponry as well as upgrade RoboCop’s suit so that he will have more health and will have more effective skills.

Controls are pretty simple, as players can use the left side of the screen to aim and the right side to both aim and shoot. While not shooting, RoboCop will hide behind walls and other objects for cover, although sometimes this will not save him from attacks. There are also instances where in the player must save innocents that are being held hostage.

There are three types of currencies within the game. The basic currency is cash, and this is mostly used for making purchases on guns as well as upgrades on your suit and weapons. Gold, which is the premium currency, may also be used as an alternative in addition to being able to buy premium weapons, special suit upgrades, as well as drones and repair kits. Lastly, special credits are used to increase your chances of being able to unlock special nodes for updates.

Both credits and cash can be won during missions, and these can also be won through random prizes by buying mystery boxes. Gold, on the other hand, is awarded less frequently, and the most convenient way to get this resource is via in-app purchases. This, however, is completely optional.

Energy is a resource that is required whenever you want to participate in events. Energy regenerates over time. However, those who would like to play more without waiting can opt to spend some gold in order to be able to play immediately. It is also recommended that you expend all of your energy before logging out so that you can come back to a full bar of energy when you return to the game.

Players can purchase different kinds of weapons that they can use to get rid of the city’s criminal scum. Some can be purchased using either cash or gold, while higher level weapons are available exclusively using gold. Each weapon has specific tiers, which makes them usable only in certain areas. Thus, make sure to swap weapons and use the right one for the situation, as each weapon has different statistics such as firepower and fire rate, among others. Also, keep in mind that, no matter how powerful your weapon, you should be careful to not let your weapon overheat during battle, as overheating will cause your weapon to be non-functional for a couple of seconds.

Weapons may also be upgraded so that they can become more powerful, as well as add some special abilities for your weapon. This comes in the form of trees where in previous upgrades must be purchased first before others become accessible. Upgrades can be unlocked by using either cash or gold, while some would require gold exclusively so that they can be acquired.

Breakthrough nodes, on the other hand, not only would require cash to unlock, but there’s a certain chance of failure unless players are willing to spend credits in order to increase the chances of a successful unlock. Some upgrade nodes will also require some time to complete, and you cannot upgrade further until these have been completed. You can speed up this process and have it completed instantly, however, by spending gold.

Your suit is one of your most powerful weapons, but this can be boosted further by purchasing upgrades which would increase your health as well as give you more time to focus your shots at multiple targets. Like upgrading weapons, you can upgrade your suit, and there are also breakthrough modes where you must utilize both cash and credits to unlock. Upgrading your suit is very important so that you can keep up with further challenges, and having a high level suit may also be a requirement in some missions that you will encounter.

RoboCop can call on different special abilities during missions. These include focus, which allows you to shoot down enemies more accurately by having you target them with slowed down time. There’s also scan, where weaknesses of enemies would be displayed so that you can take them down more easily. You can also call on drones that can provide you with support fire, while repair items will regenerate your health. The first two abilities will regenerate over time while the latter two items would have to be replenished by buying them.

Different kinds of missions are available within the game. There are challenges of increasing difficulty as well as daily events that are only accessible for a limited amount of time. You can also move to different areas where in having weapons belonging to a specific tier are required. Other cities will open up once you have completed the main missions on the previous area. Energy is required so that you can enter missions, so make sure that you have enough before playing.

Missions will also recommend that your weapons and suits reach a certain criteria. It will also display the difficulty that you will face given the suit and weapon that you have. Check out this information before going into the mission so that you will have a higher chance of success.