Devious Dungeon Walkthrough [Guide]

A great evil has befallen the kingdom, and it’s up to a great hero to ensure that the castle remains safe against the various ogres, skeletons, slugs, and other monsters that are lurking about. With your trusty sword, you venture forth and lay siege to anyone that would dare bring harm to your beloved home. Devious Dungeon brings back the charm of old school hack and slash games, and this title does not fail in bringing back those 8-bit side scrolling memories. If you feel the need to shake off some of that rust, then feel free to read through this guide first.

Devious Dungeon is a side scrolling hack and slash game where in players must go through different levels in order to meet the ultimate boss. In each level, players must fight through different types of enemies, avoid fires, spikes, and other obstacles, and find a key which will open up the portal that would take you to the next level. Currency earned can be used to buy new weapons, armor, rings, and other items which can be used to boost your personal stats.

Coins are the game’s main form of currency. Coins can be found in chests and other items that can be broken within the game, and there are also coins that defeated enemies would drop. There’s also a coin doubler that may be purchased using real money, and extra coins may also be acquired via an in-app purchase. Coins are spent at the store where stronger weapons and other items may be purchased so that your character would become stronger and be better equipped in tougher levels.

By defeating enemies, players will be able to earn experience points. Once enough has been earned, players will be able to level up. Leveling up will fully replenish your health while also giving you the option to permanently boost one of the three attributes that you have. Make sure to boost all of your stats more or less equally each time you level as there is no point in having a strong attack if you can be finished off with just a few hits and vice versa.

Your character has three stats which would define how he would be able to perform. Obviously, strength pertains to the amount of damage that you could do, while dexterity increases the chance of you being able to perform critical attacks which would deal much more damage to enemies as usual. Stamina, on the other hand, represents your maximum health. All of these stats can be personally boosted via leveling up, and temporary boosts may also be achieved by equipping the right item at the store.

The store is where players will be able to buy and equip new items which would provide boost to your character’s stats. This is also where in-app purchases can be made so that you would be able to acquire extra coins. Items available for purchase will include weapons, armor, rings, potions, artifacts, and others. It is important to note that previous items previously purchased may be re-equipped, although typically newer items would provide a much better advantage. Also, succeeding items are locked until after the current one available has been purchased. Thus, all items in the store must be purchased in order to acquire all items available and to eventually max out your stats.

Tips and Tricks
Keep exploring. Not only do some keys will require you to search every nook and cranny of the level, but there are also some hidden areas where in you will be able to find heaps of coins. Some of these areas are not displayed on the map, so keep an eye on places that seem to have other access points. Most of the times, the rewards will be highly worth it.

When it comes to attacking, make sure to keep your distance. Simply touching enemies will damage you, and you must be able to take advantage of the length of your weapon in order to be able to attack. Also, try and discover how your enemies attack. Oftentimes, there are visual cues before enemies would strike, so keep hitting them until this comes up, and then move away so that you would not get damaged.

Of course, enemies are not the only danger within the levels. Keep your eye out for spiked floors and other traps, and make sure that your jumps would land you in a safe spot free from any environmental dangers as well as enemies. There’s no time limit within the game, so make it a point to look before you leap or if you drop from one platform to another.

During the early stages of the game, try and concentrate on stamina upgrades whenever you level up. Later, try and alternate between damage and dexterity in order to boost your offensive capabilities. When it comes to the store, it doesn’t really matter which ones you acquire first as you’re pretty much required to buy everything eventually. Still, make sure that your stats are pretty much balanced so that you won’t have any shortcomings on both offense and defense.

Lastly, make sure to break any objects within the level whenever you are safe to do so. Every bit of coin counts and you don’t really have to buy any coins in order to be able to acquire all items. Find a safe spot away from walking enemies or any projectiles, and then feel free to grab those precious coins.