Block Legend Walkthrough [Guide]

Block Legend is not your usual RPG. It is not your usual match-type game also. This title blends the two together, and this allows players to control battles – as well as character progression – in a variety of ways, and the way that you advance will really depend on the roll of the dice… as well as on how you handle the cards that you have been dealt. Block Legend is unique and very enjoyable, as there are many characters to play as, and many environments and enemies to encounter. Get ready for a fun adventure and don’t forget to keep this guide within arm’s reach.

Block Legend is an RPG game with collapse slash match type game elements thrown in. Here, players must choose characters that would then cross different levels where they will encounter towns as well as different creatures. Actions that will be performed will depend on matches that are available as well as matches that would be made. Each tile represents actions that will either increase your health, defense, experience, or cause players to attack. There are also special items that can be equipped and would allow players to gain advantages during regular gameplay.

The main currency within Block Legend is called Starblocks, and these can be spent in between games. Starblocks can be used to purchase new characters, levels, as well as items that you can bring with you in your journey. Starblocks are earned whenever players finish a stage, and more can also be earned via in-app purchases. Starblocks are really not that necessary, but you need to acquire these especially if you want more content to be available to you.

Within the game, the main currency is gold, and this can be acquired by defeating enemies as well as collecting gold tiles. Gold earned can be used to buy items whenever players come across towns that have shops in them. Gold cannot be acquired via in-app purchases and would reset each time you start a new game.

Different characters are available within the game, and all can be unlocked by using Starblocks. Aside from the differences in appearance, each character has a unique attribute that would set them apart from other characters. They also have differing initial stats, but they would more or less be on equal footing later on as you level up your characters. Choose the right character that will suit your playing style best.

Each character has four distinct attributes, namely strength, vitality, agility, and intelligence. Each stat affects how effective certain actions are, and would also make certain tile arrangements either advantageous or disadvantageous to the player.

Strength pertains to how much damage a character would cause, while vitality represents the amount of damage that players can withstand before getting knocked out as well as how many shields they could have. The latter is important to note that, while health tiles and items are available, shield tiles are much more abundant, and players would only get damaged should they run out of shields.

Agility increases the chance of players blocking attacks as well as chances of getting critical hits. In addition, agility also increases the amount of gold earned by players. Lastly, intelligence affects the effectiveness of magic when it comes to dealing damage and restoring your health.

Stats can be increased whenever players level up, although players can choose only which attribute to upgrade whenever they do so. It is recommended that players concentrate on increasing vitality first, followed by defense and attack. However, your attributes should pretty much be at respectable levels all throughout so that you will be ready for any type of situation. It should also be taken note of that all levels and stats will reset to their default values once the player is defeated and the game is restarted.

Players can also get to purchase items once they are in town. Items have different effects that can either affect your stats or the tiles contained within the grid. For instance, there are items that will increase your strength by a certain number of points for a couple of turns, and there are also items that will turn certain tiles in your grid into a different one. Items can be triggered by simply tapping on them, and are gone once they have been used.

Items can be purchased during the game using gold, while Starblocks are used should you want to equip items beforehand. The items that are available whenever players stop by the shop are random, and players can choose as to which one they would like to buy or skip purchasing any item altogether.

Players will get to see different kinds of tiles, with their appearances and effects differing based on one of two situations. During travel mode where in there are no enemies, attack tiles will change into experience blocks, and the reverse would happen whenever enemies do appear. Magic, on the other hand, will have the effect of replenishing your health during travel mode, but deals damage to enemies during combat mode.

Other tiles that will be seen include chests that might contain items, hearts that are used for healing, and shields that will help replenish your defense. There are also magical swords that will remove all tiles close by. The number of tiles removed from the grid, along with your character’s attributes, will affect how effective attacks, magic damage, or other actions would be.

Tips and Tricks
The choice of making matches should depend on the situation at hand. If you can dispatch of enemies easily, then use up that time to build up defenses, health, or even coins. Remember also that it would take quite a few turns for enemies to attack, so you can use that up to either line up tiles or replenish lost health. Also, don’t use up largely grouped tiles like attacks especially if the enemy has only limited health left. A good idea would be to use magic instead, as any remaining attack tiles would be converted to experience tiles once the enemy has been defeated, allowing you to level up much faster.

Also, don’t be afraid to spend on the store using your coins. If you should purchase items, however, prioritize on the ones that can change the tiles rather than those that would alter your stats for a limited period. The former can really help you out in a pinch especially if you can’t see any combinations that can help you out. It would also be good to know that the grid will automatically reshuffle should there be no more matches available.

Learn to adjust and readjust your strategies each time you start a new game. All progress will be lost each time you restart the game, so this will allow you to experiment and try out a new game plan in order to see which one would fit you best. Regardless, don’t forget to refill your health and shields whenever you can, especially if you are not in danger of getting attacked. These will allow you to last longer especially against enemies that would be able to take off a huge chunk of your health with one hit. Of course, don’t forget to upgrade your other abilities as well so that you will be able to develop a well rounded character regardless of which one you chose initially.