100 Balls Walkthrough [Guide]

You might think that having balls fall into cups would be boring, but playing 100 Balls would change your perspective. It’s an endless game that will be a bit monotonous at first, but you’ll definitely feel the excitement as the speed is turned up and your score increases dramatically with each ball that you can successfully place into your rotating cups. Here’s our guide on how to get the highest score in this surprisingly enjoyable game.

100 Balls is a game where in a conveyor belt carrying cups will rotate around the screen, and players will be tasked with controlling a chute that will drop balls into these cups. There are only a hundred balls that players will be given each time that they play, and collected balls inside cups will be dropped into the tank once they reach the type. Each cycle counts as one level, and the ultimate goal is to last for as long as possible and to score as many points as you can. The game ends if there are no more balls to catch or if there are no more cups to catch them with.

Players are provided with limited cups that will go around the screen, and they must be filled with at least one ball before their cycle ends or they will be removed from the game. In time, cups will also change in color, which would increase points earned once balls have been placed on them. Green will double your score, while blue will triple it. Violet cups will multiply scores by four, while red will multiply it by five.

Placing balls in colored cups will also change the balls’ color, and non-white balls placed in clear cups will still carry with them multipliers assigned to their particular colors. Colored balls placed in colored cups will transform them into that cup’s particular color, however, and this can work towards you getting a lower or higher multiplier depending on those balls’ initial colors.

Tips and Tricks
Hold and release the screen when controlling the ball chute, as simply tapping on it may not cause any balls to be released. This might cause you to not be able to place any balls in the cup, which would in turn cause it to be removed from the game. Also, prioritize filling cups, especially if they have a high multiplier. The balls that you would lose along the way might be worth it, especially if you still have a lot of balls left behind.

Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket, however, especially if you have a short number of balls left. Having no balls left in your chute may become a problem especially later in the game when the conveyor belt starts to move fast. Estimate as to when your balls would be returned to the tank in time for when the next cup would arrive so that you would still be able to keep all cups in play.

If you do need to sacrifice any cups, however, then let go of the clear ones or those with lower multipliers such as blue or green. You would still be able to score high with the same number of balls if you only have one violet and one red cup left as you would three clear ones. Also, you would have less cups to fill up to worry about. If you have a limited number of balls left and you would like to employ this strategy, then don’t hesitate to let a few cups go without opening up your chute.

Of course, timing is also very essential. Opening up your chute too early or too late may have precious balls spilling all over, wasting both balls and cups. Time accordingly and adapt based on how fast your belt is currently running. Eventually, you will need to do short tap and hold movements in order to keep all balls and cups at play.

Remember that you only need one ball to be in a cup to keep that cup for the next level. Focus also on the priority by which you would have to place balls in your cups. Prioritize filling up cups with high multipliers as compared to those that are clear or have lower multipliers. This will lead to you having higher colored balls to work with while still being able to maintain all cups. If this becomes too tedious, however, and it will eventually, then try to do the strategy mentioned above.

Players will also be able to share their high scores via social media, so don’t forget to share and brag about your achievements if they are worth boasting about. The game is also free, but a small payment can be made to remove ads that may pop up from time to time. This purchase is completely optional, but this would allow you to play unhindered.