Infamous: First Light [Guide]

Sucker Punch Studio has released a stand-alone expansion pack that serves as a companion piece to Infamous: Second Son. Entitled Infamous: First Light, the game stars Fetch and explores her story before the events of Second Son.

Infamous: First Light Walkthrough [Guide]
Written by Dalton “HorrorSpooky” Cooper and Trade
Copyright 2014

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This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

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1. Introduction and Controls
2. Walkthrough

Free the Neon
Stealing from the Enemy
Violence in Seattle
Tracking the Trafficker
Akurans Strike Back
Assault the Motherland
Training 2
Conduit Consequences
Surveillance Blackout
Price of Redemption
Kingpin of Seattle
Training 3
The End

3. Challenges
4. Upgrades
5. Side Missions
6. Conclusion

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1. Introduction and Controls
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Infamous: First Light is the story of Fetch and her trials and tribulations
as a Conduit before the events of Infamous: Second Son. It is available as a
stand-alone expansion pack, meaning that you can download it and play it
without even owning the core game, which is Infamous: Second Son.

The following control information was obtained through the digital manual for
the game which can be found online. To access it through your PlayStation 4
system, go to the Home menu. Then cycle over to the Infamous: First Light tab.
Go down to overview, and then you should see the manual on your right. Just
move over to it and tap X to access the manual.

Navigate – Left Stick
Select – X
Back – Circle

Move – Left Stick
Look – Right Stick
Interact – Touch Pad (press)
Jump – X
Melee – Circle
Melee Finisher – Triangle
Dash/Light Speed – Circle (hold)
Main Attack/Neon Bolt – R2
Heavy Attack/Homing Missiles – R1
Zoom/Laser Focus – L2
Stasis Attack/Stasis Blast – L1
Photon Jump (during Light Speed) – X
Air Dash (while in the air) – Circle
Ping – Left Stick – (click)

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2. Walkthrough
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The first thing that you do in the game is look into the cop’s flashlight. After that cop is done talking to you, walk over to the other cop on the dock. He will talk for a couple of seconds, then you’ll be prompted to speed away using your fancy Conduit powers!

Hold down the Circle button to activate your powers. Fetch will speed through the city at insanely fast speeds. You need to use this speed to evade the police. An easy way to do this is to run to the edge of the city and then just hug the very edge of it until the cops lose you.

Wait a second and you’ll get a phone call from Brent. Talk to him for a second, and he will tell you about a nearby penthouse. Go to the penthouse and stand outside the apartment that you’re supposed to enter. Push in the touchpad to try to open the door.

That won’t work, so instead shoot down the door using R2. Step through and into the apartment. A short scene will play, and then you have to fight off the Russians inside. Defeat them using a variety of your combat tactics, and then check the red duffel bag on the bed. Push in the touchpad when standing by the duffel bag to initiate another scene.

When that scene is over, use the nearby neon post to regenerate your powers. To do this, click in the touchpad. When that’s done, head to the docks and talk to Brent on the phone. When you reach the boat, yet another cut-scene will occur.

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The more intimate aspects of Fetch’s powers are explored here and taught to you in the form of a tutorial. So first what you want to do is hold in L2 to zoom in on the statues. The parts of their bodies that are glowing purple are where you want to shoot. This will result in an instant kill.

Keep destroying the statues in this manner. Then there will be holograms that are created by a Conduit named Eugene. There are three “thug” holograms and one hostage one. Shoot the thugs before they are able to kill the hostage, and then collect the hostage by walking into him.

Click in the left stick to see through the walls and find the location of the next hostage and the next group of thugs. Zoom on over to them and kill the thugs and collect the hostage. Repeat the process for the third hostage/thug situation.

Doing this will complete the “Friend of the People” challenge, which will earn you bonus SP. SP is used to purchase upgrades for Fetch. Press the Options button to get to this menu. Here is where you will find information on the various Challenges in the game, what you have left to do in terms of collectible content, and all of that jazz.

Use the triggers to cycle through menus in this screen. Specifically, press L2 to cycle over to the Upgrades menu. Cycle over to the Photon Jump upgrade using the left stick and purchase it by pressing X. It just requires a single SP point. This ability is activated by holding in Circle to dash and then pressing X, which will give Fetch a very useful jump boost ability.

Next you will have seven more hostages to save. In between saving the hostages, more enemies will be spawned, but you can just ignore them and wait for the next hostage to show up, kill the thugs around the hostage, and then snag the hostage. Keep doing this until you’ve collected all of the hostages. You can click in the left stick to see them through walls, remember, but this time the hostages will also appear on your mini-map when they show up in the form of a green radius.

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Go to the neon sign. Drain it by pushing in the touchpad. Now collect the “lumens” which are the purple balls of light, and what you use to further upgrade Fetch. Once you’ve obtained a few, you will be prompted to do what is called a Lumen Race.

A Lumen Race is a side mission that you can do in order to gain more Lumens. The goal is to follow the ball of light as it zips through the area. There are boost circles, aka Neon Clouds, that you can move through to give Fetch some extra speed. This particular Lumen race will end near the monument in the park. Jump into it to snag it.

Now a group of Russians will show up. Defeat the initial batch, and then more will replace them. At this point, you should have your energy filled up enough to use the Singularity special ability. Press down on the d-pad to activate this and automatically defeat the second wave of Russians.

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Climb on the top of Shane’s truck and ride with him throughout the streets. Your goal is to defend him from the Russians. The Russians will attack him from cars and from the streets. Defeat them in any manner you wish. Shane will drive by plenty of spots that provide prime opportunities to absorb some neon to replenish your power. Keep an eye on Shane’s health bar, which is located at the top of the screen. If Shane’s health is depleted, then you fail the mission.

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Go to the first sniper perch. Fetch will gain added power, and now when you hit an enemy, that initial blast will branch off with a wider explosion that will take out other enemies around them.

Use this ability to save the first hostage. Then go to the second hostage and then the third. Finally, go to the next sniper perch. At this point, you just have to keep taking out the enemies as they show up. There will also be enemy snipers that appear, so watch for the laser sights to show up and then take them out as priority targets.

Red dots will on the mini-map will let you know where the enemies are coming from. Defeat all of them to complete this mission successfully, following another phone call with Shane.

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After getting a phone call from someone calling herself “Jenny”, go to the designated area. Push in the left stick to scan the area. Go to the nearest camera icon and then push up on the d-pad to pull out Fetch’s phone. Aim the cursor at the camera to scan it.

Now just keep walking down the alley and continue scanning the cameras within the designated radius using Fetch’s phone. This will put together a pretty grisly story.

The last scene you’ll see is a woman being dragged away. Go to the dumpster she is hiding behind and pick up her phone from the ground.

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Head to the sniper perch. From here, take out all the Akurans as they start to rush the area. Again, they appear as red dots, and again, watch out for the red lasers, which is indicative of enemy snipers that have their scopes trained on you.

Once this is completed, head to the next area. There are six people here that are allied with Shane. You need to protect them from the Akurans. Push forward as you take down the Akurans, and watch the rooftops for snipers as well.

Reinforcements will arrive in cars. Blow up the cars to get rid of them as fast as possible. Also watch out for green lasers; these indicate the scopes of rocket launchers, so they should become priority, even over regular snipers. There should only be one rocket launcher-toting enemy to deal with, and he will be on the roof, so he’s not that hard to spot.

As long as you keep at least one of Shane’s soldiers alive and kill all of the Akurans, you will pass the mission. However, you really shouldn’t have any problem keeping everyone alive, or perhaps just losing one or two soldiers. Remember to use Singularity (down on the d-pad) if you start to become overwhelmed.

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Get back on Shane’s truck. Stay on top of the truck and defend it from enemies.

When you arrive at the docks, there are three highlighted areas to explore. At each area, click in the left stick. This will “ping” and show you the hostages inside of the crates. To free the hostages, go over to the crate doors and click in the touchpad.

Kill the enemies that get in your way, but don’t stress about trying to kill every single one of them. Shane’s men will be running around and helping in the fight as well, which should provide the necessary distractions while you go around and continue freeing hostages. There will be snipers in this area as well, so watch out for them as they will deal the most damage to Fetch.

After everyone has been saved, you need to escape from the DUP. Speed out of there. Just start making progress towards the next objective marker. Use the boosts and Fetch’s inherent speed until you get the new objective to go meet up with Brent.

Head over to Brent for a cut-scene.

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Back at the prison, you get to go through some more training exercises. First of all, you are taught a new move:  stasis. This move uses the L1 button, and it suspends enemies in mid-air inside of a neon bubble. They are unable to attack while in this position, and they can’t move either so they can be
attacked easier by Fetch.

Display your ability to use this power by killing some more holograms. This time the holograms are DUP soldiers, and they come in a few different varieties. You will have to defeat 10 waves of them, and throughout these waves, you will be introduced to new types of DUP soldiers. Keep in mind that the waves are both time and success based; if you complete a wave by killing all of the DUP holograms, you will automatically move on to the next wave, and if you don’t kill the enemies fast enough, the other enemies will start to  spawn regardless.

Like I said, there are different types of DUP soldiers, and this training session is basically meant to get you used to the new hazards that will be in Seattle once you return to the “Memories” portion of the main story. The first and most common type are the Pawns. These ones are equivalent to the Akurans that you’ve been facing up to this point in that they are easily killed and don’t pose much of a threat.

The next step up from a Pawn is a Knight. These are armored DUP soldiers that also have Conduit powers, specifically concrete Conduit powers. They launch themselves around, cling to walls, stuff like that. If you’ve played the main game, Infamous: Second Son, then you should be very familiar with them at this juncture. For the most part, they are still fairly easy to kill, except they just take more of everything–more neon blasts, more punches, etc.

The third type of enemy is the DUP Bishop. These are the “magic” class for the enemy DUP soldiers. They can bind Fetch with concrete. If this happens, mash on the face buttons to escape. They are very fast and often surround themselves with a protective barrier of floating concrete. Destroy the floating concrete barrier surrounding them to get to the actual Bishops themselves and then put them out of their misery.

The fourth and strongest type of DUP enemy is the DUP Rook. These are huge, heavily armored, extremely dangerous enemies. They need to be taken care of from afar, or by using Singularity. Stasis is not effective on them due to their sheer size.

Another objective that you will encounter during this training session is how to deal with turrets. Before you even get to killing the waves and waves of enemy DUP holograms, you are taught how to get turrets on your side. Enemy turrets will be red on your mini-map, so get behind them and then push in the touchpad. This will convert them to being allied with Fetch, and they will now be green on the mini-map.

Take note that when going through the waves, the enemy turrets actually count as enemies. So they need to be dealt with before you can proceed to the next wave. You can accomplish this by destroying them, but it is far easier and neon-efficient to just hack into them, or whatever Fetch does to take them under her control.

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When the mission starts, head to the DUP center. Go around and free all of the hostages from the pens first of all. To do this, just go to a pen and then push in the touchpad.

Then all you have to do is defeat all of the DUP soldiers here. You will have another option besides just killing them, though. Sometimes they will throw their hands up in surrender. At that point, their dot on the mini-map will go from red to green, and you can then subdue them peacefully by pressing the Square button.

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Jenny will contact Fetch about pesky police drones that are all over the city, which will make her quest to rescue her brother much more difficult than it otherwise would be.

Go to the first location that Jenny wants you to go to. Push in the touchpad. What this does is allow you to see through the site of the police drone. The drone itself is confined to the radius that is laid out on your mini-map at theoutset of this mission, so they really aren’t hard to find regardless. The idea behind this is that you are supposed to use the landmarks and what-not of what the drone is seeing in order to find its location. It definitely makes the drones easier to find, but it’s hardly necessary.

Once you see the drone, destroy it. Then go to the second drone and repeat the process. The third drone actually turns out to be a freaking helicopter, as it is a DUP ambush! Stay behind cover and blast at the helicopter to destroy it. If you need to recharge energy, look at the little pink blotches on your mini-map. These represent neon signs or the like that you can use to refill Fetch’s neon energy. They are also good for a quick heal.

Destroy the helicopter and wipe out any DUP soldiers that remain as well. Zip around town while talking to Jenny on the phone and when the conversation is over, the mission will be complete.

Completing this story mission will open up a new side mission for you. This side mission is to destroy all of the police drones in each of the districts of Seattle.

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Those boosts that you see throughout Seattle are called neon clouds, and they are extremely important in this mission. Basically, you have to quickly speed to various shipping containers that are being guarded by Shane’s men. You are timed, by going through the neon clouds will give you more time.

At each crate, defeat the enemies as quickly as possible, and then rip open the crate doors. Then start zooming to the next crate because each round will give you less and less time to work with.

At the final crate, just hang out during the conversation, then go to the next objective marker.

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Shane will force you into working for him some more. Go to the start point for the next mission, and then push in the touchpad to look through the camera that he wants you to look through. As you can see, there are a lot of cops around.

Shane wants the cops focused on you instead of him. To accomplish this, you have to start wreaking havoc across the city. You have a meter that measures how much chaos and destruction you’ve caused that is at the top of the screen. Destroying anything will raise the meter, but destroying pedestrian vehicles will fill it faster than anything else.

Once that meter has been completely filled, the cops will swarm in on your position. Get out of there and go to the vantage point designated by Shane. Hang tight there and then start taking out all of the cops that rush down the alley. They only come from one direction, but they do come in quite the number and they are fast, so staying zoomed in isn’t always helpful at this point. You may want to “fire from the hip”, so to speak, and just spam neon blasts down on them.

There will be one enemy sniper to deal with as well. You will be made aware of him long before he is even able to get into position, so you should be able to take him out with ease.

Afterwards, go to where Shane says Brent is waiting. Gas will start to fill the hallway. Words will pop up on the screen telling you to get out of there, but there’s nothing you can do in all actuality. So just sit tight and wait for the cut-scene.

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This segues directly into the third training process. Press R1 when prompted to shoot homing missiles at the three holograms that are laid out in front of you. This will destroy them all simultaneously.

Now you have to fight more waves of enemies, but these enemies are demons and fallen angels instead of DUP soldiers or the Akurans that you fought at the start of the game.

These demons come in a lot of different flavors. For one, there’s the standard armored ones that will swat off regular neon blasts. They can only be killed using melee attacks or the homing missiles. If you run out of homing missiles, you can refill them by going to one of the neon points on the map and then recharging by absorbing the neon there. These demons are known as Wraiths.

Other demon types that you will encounter from this “Nightmare” enemy variety include Fallen Angels, which can be killed with one hit, though they do deal a lot of damage themselves. The Night Terrors are basically the supremely evil version of the Fallen Angels, and are killed just as easily, though they tend to come in higher numbers.

Summoner enemies take a trick to kill. The fly around and have these two orbs that float around them. Zoom in on them with L2, and then you will see that the orbs count as the Summoners’ weak point. Shoot the orbs to kill the Summoner enemies.

Finally, there’s Swamers. These are little spider-like creatures that are very easy to kill, except they are also fast and somewhat annoying. They will latch onto Fetch, and when this happens you can get them off by holding in the Circle button or by tapping L1 to create a stasis bubble. On the mini-map, they appear as very small red dots, so if you can’t find the last enemies to kill, just look very closely at the map for the tiny red dots. A combination of melee hits and neon blasts will take them out best.

Go through 10 waves of holographic demon fighting to complete your training.

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Back in the “past”, Fetch decides to go after Shane’s drug shipments. She knows that he transports them in trucks, so go to a relay satellite on top of a roof. Click in the left stick near the relay and Fetch will send her powers across the city, allowing her to pinpoint the locations of the trucks.

You can keep clicking in the left stick to try to get a read on the trucks some more as you near them. They are outlined in thick green so it is fairly easy to find them.

When you get to a truck, defeat all of Shane’s thugs that are defending it. Then go into the back of it and destroy all of the drugs back there. When that is done, go to the side of the truck and push in the touchpad. You have to “tag” each truck. If you have been ignoring the side missions up to this point, allow me to explain what tagging is real quick.

Tagging is essentially spray painting from Second Son, except Fetch doesn’t have to use paint cans. She can just make pictures with her laser powers. However, the mechanic is pretty much handled the same in terms of controls.  Tilt the DualShock 4 controller around to control the cursor, and then use R2 to actually use the neon powers to try to line up with the outline.

After doing this to two trucks, the third truck that you try to tag will be interrupted by DUP soldiers. Defeat all of them and then finish the tag. Keep moving on to the next trucks. The final truck will be HEAVILY guarded, and, by the way, if you are having trouble finding a truck, don’t forget to use the roof relays to get a better read on where the truck sare.

If you have a Singularity stored up, use it as soon as you get to the final truck to clear out the alley a bit. They will call for reinforcements, so kill them all and then destroy the drugs. This time you don’t tag the truck, but rather do three separate tags on the outside of a nearby building for Brent. Complete the tag and then head to the location that Shane tells you to.

You will probably have another Singularity built up at this point, so pop it off right outside of where Shane’s hiding out. This will defeat all of the enemies outside, though that’s not even necessary; you can also just waltz right up to the front door and click in the touchpad.

Shane will drug you, but still run around and fight off the DUP as best as you can. Fetch will get more and more drugged up and will have greater difficulty handling the situation. Your vision will become blurry and it will be a little crazy, but just keep at it.

Fetch will then start hallucinating about her past. Just keep moving forward and let the hallucinations do the work for you.

You’ll then end up in a twisting tunnel with a bunch of shiny DUP guys trying to grab you and a giant skeleton demon monster thing groping at you from afar. Just blast away at everything. If one of the glowing DUP suckers grab you, just hold in R2 to blast them away and continue proceeding straight down the not-so-straight hallway of doom and/or terror.

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After a scene, get up and move through the path. You’ll reach a net that will allow you to get over the gap. You have to climb it Uncharted-style to get across.

You then reach a lift. Pull the lever by pushing in the touchpad, then go to the ladder and start to climb it. Continue climbing the ladders until Fetch falls down.

At this point, you have to move through some cave systems and tunnels, chasing after a faulty drone. Absorb the neon energy from the drone, and now you are back to full-power Fetch.

When you reach the outpost, use Singularity as instructed. Get rid of the remaining enemies, and continue zooming through the tunnels and canyons after Shane.

You will encounter more enemies, so just take them out. There will even be a helicopter, so destroy that as well. Keep an eye out for more drones, both faulty and flying, so that you can replenish Fetch’s energy.

Near the end, you will face a helicopter, TONS of high powered DUP guys, and opposition from all sides. The drones will provide health, but if you have a Singularity, USE it and you can destroy everyone with ease.

When that’s done, just move on towards Shane. When you reach him, press the buttons that pop up on the screen to complete the game. Enjoy the final cut-scene.


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3. Challenges
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!COMING SOON – Infamous: First Light – Challenges [Guide]!

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4. Upgrades
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Unlike the other protagonists in the inFamous series, Fetch’s upgrades are not based on a good/evil karma system. Any of the upgrades in the game are available to her regardless as there are no karmic choices to be made in the game.

Fetch can upgrade herself using SP, aka SuckerPunch points. SP is accumulated by completing challenges, progressing in the story, completing side missions, and collecting Lumens.

To upgrade Fetch, press the Options button and then use the triggers to cycle through the different menus. Go to the “Upgrades” screen, and then you can see all the available upgrades, what they do, and how much SP they cost.

Purchasing an upgrade will unlock all of the nearby upgrades so that you can then have the option of purchasing them for use with SP.

What you’ll find here is the upgrade tree and how much SP each ability costs. Fetch’s abilities are separated into a variety of different categories. You will also find information on how to use the abilities.

After you beat the game, you unlock the “Unleashed” abilities, which expand Fetch’s powers even further. The abilities that are “Unleashed” abilities are marked with an asterisks below.

How to use: Push in the touchpad when near objects that contain neon
Drain Neon
Neon Drain Capacity 1 – 3 SP
Neon Drain Capacity 2 – 4 SP
Neon Drain Capacity 3 – 5 SP
Neon Drain Capacity 4 – 6 SP

How to use: Press R2 to shoot a long range blast
Neon Bolt
Rapid Fire – 5 SP (hold R2)
Extended Clip – 11 SP
Ultraviolent Light* – 11 SP

How to use: Hold O
Light Speed
Photon Jump – 19 SP (hold O and then press X)
Air Dash – 8 SP (press O while in the air)
Extended Cloud Boost – 11 SP
Double Air Dash – 13 SP

How to use: Press Square
Melee Finisher – 4 SP (press Triangle when in range)
More Finisher Capacity – 8 SP
Dash Strike – 10 SP (press O and then Square)
Maximum Finisher Capacity – 11 SP
Dash Strike Recharge – 12 SP
Mega Finisher* – 14 SP

How to use: Hold L2
Laser Focus
Enhanced Focus – 8 SP
Extended Focus – 10 SP
Weak Point Recharge – 11 SP
Enslave* – 12 SP
Extended Captivity* – 12 SP

How to use: Press L1
Stasis Blast
Charged Blast – 8 SP (hold L1)
Extended Bubble – 11 SP
Hyper Charged Blast – 12 SP
Longer Blast – 14 SP
Volatile Stasis* – 15 SP

How to use: Press R1
Homing Missiles
Larger Salvo – 10 SP
More Missile Ammo – 11 SP
Massive Salvo – 12 SP
Maximum Missile Ammo – 14 SP
Insane Salvo – 15 SP
Heavy Detonation* – 15 SP

How to use: Press down on the d-pad when fully charged
Neon Singularity
Super Nova

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5. Side Missions
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Like the main game, First Light features side missions and collectibles that Fetch can complete in order to upgrade herself even further. The location of these attractions are clearly laid out for you on the map screen (which you can reach by pressing Options), so a simple description for each different activity is all that you’ll need to be ready.

First of all, Seattle is split up into different districts, and each district has a set amount of collectibles and side missions for you to complete. You can see what percentage of a district you’ve completed in the upper right-hand corner of the map screen by putting the cursor in that section of Seattle. Control the cursor on the map screen using the left stick, and use the right stick to zoom in and out.

These are the districts in the game, in alphabetical order:

Market District
Pioneer Square
Queen Anne
Seattle Center

Lumens are the glowing purple orbs that are scattered throughout Seattle. Fetch can collect these to get SP, which in turn is used to purchase upgrades in the game.

On the map, Lumens are represented by a black circle with purple star in their center.

Represented on the map by a black sqaure with two yellow flags that are criss-crossing, Lumen Races are a way for Fetch to collect special Lumens that are worth more SP than the Lumens she will find lying around the streets of Seattle.

A Lumen race will require Fetch to use the neon clouds, which will give her boosted speed so that she can better chase after the Lumens. The Lumens will speed away to a set location, and at that point, Fetch needs to jump in order to snag them before they fly away and she fails the mission.

A black square with a yellow spray paint can represents this side mission. The Neon Graffiti is similar to the graffiti mini-game from Infamous: Second Son.

However, Fetch doesn’t use spray cans, so no shaking of the controller is required! Instead, you just tilt the controller to aim the cursor as usual, and pull R2 to shoot the lasers. Try to copy the outline that is shown for the best results.

This side mission will be “unknown” to you and will have a “?” in its place because you can’t know about the police drones until a certain point in the story.

Once you reach that point, you can start destroying the police drones in each sector. Each sector has one drone. When a drone is destroyed, it will be labeled as “inactive” for its sector. When there is still a drone in a sector, the drone will be labeled as “active”.

Represented by a black square and a yellow camera icon on the map, to destroy the police drones, first go into the sector. Push into the touchpad to start looking through the drone camera, and then use the clues of its vision to figure out where it is (it will always be within the radius). Destroy it to complete this side mission.

There are a couple of other icons on the map that you should know about. For one, there are drive-by shootings that can occur from the Akurans. If there is a car that is about to do a drive-by, you can tell because it will be a yellow outlined car on your map. Enemy cars will always appear on your map in this manner, and your mini-map as well. You can also see potential hostage situations in progress, too.

Another thing to keep in mind is the Curdun Cay Battle Arena. You can fast-travel to it through the menus, but you can also go straight to it by exploring Seattle. The Curdun Bay Battle Arena is located in the Queen Anne section of Seattle and is represented by a black square with a yellow hawk in its center, the symbol of the DUP.

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6. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you complete Infamous: First Light on PlayStation 4!

For more on the game, feel free to check out the game’s cheat page right here:

Infamous: First Light – Cheat Page

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