Crossy Road Free Download – Save Some Hints to Cross the Road through Traffic

A game where you keep crossing roads and dodging obstacles to avoid losing your life, Crossy Road is fun to play!

In this game, you have to move across the streets, rivers, tracks of trains and keep walking as far as possible without dying. Are you confused to play? Let us take a tour of the entire game in a couple of minutes.

How to Play

Crossy Road is one of the easiest games to play, as you just have to keep walking. You play the role of a mascot such as bunny, chicken or a koala. If you do not watch your footsteps properly, while crossing the road, you will have to come across traffic or rivers that can cause a sudden loss of life. In addition to this, if you walk three blocks behind or stand at one place for a minimum of five seconds, an eagle will hover over you and snatch you away.

The Characters

You play a mascot of many characters in Crossy Road such as mallard, kiwi, fluffy sheep, cow, mad bull, lucky cat, jungle frog, penguin, floppy fish and many more. All the characters look different from each other, but serve the basic purpose of crossing the roads. Each makes different sounds and has typical ambience unlike the rest. In addition to this, every character has dissimilar obstacles faced in the game and a few choose to die in different ways.

The Controls

The controls of this game are easy to understand, behave responsive and accessible. If you wish to move forward by one-step, tap the screen of your phone once, swipe left to move to the left side and swipe right to take the mascot to the right direction. It is a calculative game, as it requires math to check at what speed the train or the traffic can come and sweep you off the road. Hence, you will have to think before you put every step forward.

The Effects

Every character has its own exceptional animation effect. There are warning sounds that are played in the background to make you aware before you are hit by an obstacle. Furthermore, the cars honk or the train whistles every time they come near you. In fact, the sound goes louder, the closer they come. This effect gives you a fair idea of the hazard you may have to face in next few steps. Use of pixel art graphics makes the Crossy Road game distinctive.

The Tips and Hints

  • Walk slowly if there is a huge traffic on the streets to avoid haste and death.
  • Try looking for patterns of the vehicles before stepping ahead.
  • Believe in yourself while tapping on the screen to move forward. Do not lose focus and tap erroneously as it may penalize your life.
  • Grab as many coins as possible to unlock new characters and to complete the animal collection.
  • Keep a check on free gifts as those help you to have more animals in your pocket.
  • Spend your coins wisely before you exhaust them at less relevant scenarios.

You will remember Crossy Roads the moment you hit the road to walk as it is that addictive. Try once and you will be a big fan of this game.