Alien: Isolation guide: Mission 14 Walkthrough

Mission 14: The Descent

Step off the lift and head through a couple of doors until you receive your first objective update to Investigate the Central Reactor. Turn to your left and Power Up the Tram Systems on the device with the cables running out of it. Now head right and choose the option to Activate Tram.

Now it’s time to follow some signs to the Workshop, before ducking inside a room on your right once you encounter the first security camera. Take out the Joes in the area before hitting up the Access Rewire panel on the wall and switching off the camera’s feed. Loot the rooms in the area to find supplies and an upgrade to your Cutting Torch. Once you’ve done this sneak past the two security scanners ahead and look for a nearby hatch which you can use your newly upgraded Cutting Torch on. Hop inside the vent behind the hatch and follow it until you emerge into a room with a save terminal. Backup your progress and then move into the next room.

The next room is a bit dangerous and hard to sneak through. We highly suggest taking the nearby Synthetic out as quickly as possible. EMP Mines and a few swings of your Maintenance Jack to the face should do the trick. Once he’s down you’ll need to hop on the platform he was on and Power Up the Workshop Controls. Follow the wires to a second device and do the same, once more following wires to a third device. Once you’ve powered up all three devices approach the nearby 2000-KJVS Generator and activate it to lift a vehicle in the middle of the room to reveal a floor access vent.

Drop into the vent and follow it until you come across a ladder. Climb up the ladder and once you emerge you’ll need to immediate climb up another ladder on your right. At the top you’ll reach a room with a Facility Management sign above it as well as a few Joes who have just blocked your way with a nice shiny security shutter. Your objective should now update to Unlock the Shutter, at which point you’ll need to follow the arrow on the Facility Manage sign until it takes you into a room with a table and chairs. Deal with the Joe here and collect the Boltgun from the desk in the next room.

Now access the Sevastolink Terminal next to where you grabbed the Boltgun and browse down to the Personal folder, grabbing the shutters unlock code, 6832. Move down to the Utility folder and enter the code to unlock and lift the shutters. Follow the path back and your objective will update to Get to the Reactor. Head through the door marked Reactor Access and keep following the signs until you reach a door with the option to Call Elevator. Board it once it arrives and take it down to the Central Reactor.

Upon arrival head through the door marked with a Central Reactor sign. Follow the corridor until you reclaim your Shotgun and Revolver at the bottom of a ladder. Climb the ladder and save your game at the top before once more following the signs to the Central Reactor.

Once you come to a room that triggers a radio conversation between Ripley and Ricardo take the lift and descent further into the reactor. This will trigger an objective update Descend to Base of Reactor and once the ride ends you’ll need to prepare your Boltgun for action as you’re about to have to take on several Working Joes. Once the Joes are down continue around the reactor platforms, following the objective indicator on your Motion Tracker. Once you pass through the Reactor Maintenance door you’ll come to an elevator that will take you to the Central Reactor Maintenance area. Use the elevator and descend into a mess that any Alien fans out there could have seen coming from a mile away… a massive Alien nest. This will update your objective to Destroy the Nest. Head forward, saving your game at the nearby terminal and then continue through the door once your objective refocuses to Overload Alpha Core. Follow the tunnel for a moment, but pull your shotgun out as you’re going to encounter one of those pesky Face-huggers soon. Pick up your Flamethrower from the table and go ahead and torch the other eggs around the area as a couple of them are yet to hatch. Interact with the keyboard on the desk to Enable the Conduit Interface and then move to the short pillar in the room and Disengage the Locking Mechanism before finally moving to the other side and flipping a switch to Activate Alpha Conduit.

With this complete backtrack to the main area where you entered, careful of your surroundings now as there are Aliens patrolling, yes I said Aliens…

Now your objective will update once more, Overload Beta core. Once you reach the save game terminal head through the opposite tunnel with the busted Secondary Coolant Storage sign above it. Follow the tunnel until you see a vent on the right side and sneak through it, hanging a right once you exit. Keep working your way forward to come across another save game terminal, and make sure the coast is clear before backing up your progress. Approach the desk in the raised up room in this area to update your objective to Redirect Power to the Central Core. To do this you’ll need to head down the tunnel on your left and keep an eye out for a vent-like tunnel on the left hand side. Follow this tunnel to an enclosed room with a break switch and once you reactivate the power your objective will update once more to Overload Beta Core. Head back to the raised room with the console and interact with it to Enable the Conduit Interface before once more using the switches on the pillar.

Now you need to Return to the Central Reactor in order to purge the system. Head back to the first area and then up the lift. Follow the catwalk to the left until you’re given the option to Overload Alpha Core on the console. Once this is done follow the objective indicator on your Motion Tracker to the center catwalk, where four Walking Joes entered just moments before. If you’re careful you can lead them astray and save your ammunition. Now you’re going to need to Deactivate the Core Limiter Alpha by moving to another console and Deactivating the Protective Relay Alpha. Once this is done follow your Motion Tracker around the catwalk to the next destination.

The tracker is very good about leading you to the correct console, and since it’s easy to get lost in the maze of catwalks we suggest following it until you reach to console with the option to Overload Beta Core. Then follow the tracker once more around the catwalks to the second to last console you’ll need to use here and Deactivate Protective Relay Beta. Once the protective relay is down hit up the only console you haven’t used and Deactivate the Core Limiter Beta. With this taken care of your objective will update to Redirect Power to Central Core. For this you’ll need to head back towards the nest and use the console here. Once your objective updates to Initiate Purge from Reactor Control head back towards the front of the room, where you first entered, and through the Emergency Exit. Dive into the vent and climb up the ladder at the far end. Follow the shaft into a control room and then approach the console here to Initialize Emergency Purge Sequence. Do the same thing on the other side and then move to the middle console and Commence Purge Sequence.

After a bout of fireworks and several Xenomorphs crawling across your limited vision your objective will once more update to Return to Ricardo. Head through the door labeled Transit Station and keep following the transit signs until you reach the boarding area and get an objective update telling you to Go To San Cristobal Medical Facility. Call the transit at Towerlink 02 and board it once it arrives to end this mission.