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Assassins Creed Unity – Money Making Guide

Do you need more money in Assassin's Creed Unity? Of course you do – Arno can never have enough to buy all his equipment and other necessities! Luckily, we've listed some of the best ways to make money in the game, so whether you need money for a certain weapon you're eyeing, that new upgrade, or you just want to say you're the richest person in all of France, we've got you covered. 

Assassin\'s Creed Unity

The Cafe Theater

Upgrade this cafe in order to unlock a cafe in the Intendant's Study. This is a special chest – it gets an automatic deposit every 20 minutes! The important thing to remember is to clear out the chest regularly. Once the chest is full up, you can't receive your deposit. To increase your deposit, upgrade additional cafes and finish cafe theater missions around the country. Don't forget – you can also link your game with the Ubisoft Social Club for bigger rewards. 

Kill Enemies

If you are really strapped for cash, kill some enemies and loot their bodies. Enemies can carry money, and they'll also carry items. You can either sell the items or use them, which means you won't have to buy them yourself. Don't forget – more difficult enemies will drop better loot, although they will also be harder to kill. Find a good balance.


Missions are an excellent way to make a ton of dough, whether you are doing heists, Paris stories, heists, or other missions. Some of these missions aren't easy, but they'll net you 25,000 each. Some missions can also be done co-op or multiplayer for better and bigger rewards. Give them a try, and don't forget to have fun!

Treasure Chests

This is a no-brainer. Treasure chests are a very easy way to find money. There are tons of them scattered throughout the game. You'll need to use lockpicks to open them, but it's always worth it. Make sure you are constantly upgrading Arno's lockpicking skill so that you can open chests in every area. 


Choose your weapons wisely – they are expensive and can be a money-sucker. Choose what weapon you want to choose from the start, and invest in only this weapon at first. You'll be able to save a lot of money this way. When you start having extra money to spend, then you can experiment with other types freely!