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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Update Adds Supply Drop Daily Challenges & More

Today’s update to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare on PC, PS4, and Xbox One adds a new set of daily challenges that will award you with some XP and a Supply Drop, or a rare piece of new armor that you can only get from these daily challenges called “KVA Recon” armor.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - KVA Recon Armor

This will will be nice for those of us that feel like Supply Drops don’t come as often as they should, and some new gear is nice as well.

Now if only they would increase (or remove entirely) the item limit, so hoarders like me aren’t forced to throw things away!

These Supply Drop Daily Challenges will be for various different game modes, and will require you to do things like complete certain objectives, get a certain amount of kills with a specific gun, etc. I like these types of challenges, because it gets players to go outside of their comfort zone and use weapons they may not commonly use, and play game modes they may not play otherwise.

There is currently no word about this update coming to the PS3 and Xbox 360, which makes me wonder if this is how updates will be going in the future.