Broken Hearts: A Soldier's Duty Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Broken Hearts: A Soldier’s Duty Walkthrough
Welcome to the Broken Hearts: A Soldier’s Duty Walkthrough!
Be swept away by a heartbreaking romantic tale of love, romance, deception, and tragedy seen through the eyes of Maria Lopez!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Broken Hearts: A Soldier’s Duty game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by Chie.
- General Tips
- Chapter 1
- Chapter 2
- Chapter 3
- Chapter 4
- Chapter 5
- Chapter 6
- Chapter 7
- Chapter 8
- Chapter 9
- Chapter 10
- Chapter 11
- Chapter 12
- Card Games
General Tips

- From the main menu, you can adjust a variety of settings, like music and sound volume and screen mode from the option menu.
- Always you can replay any levels from the main menu.
- There are three modes, normal, hard and insane. You can play hard mode after completing normal mode, and you can play insane mode after completing hard mode.
- You will need to find harder objects than the normal mode in hard mode and you need more hearts to complete each level. This guide is written mostly referencing the normal mode.
- The hard mode will have usually double the required number of hearts of normal mode.
- You will need to play without any hints in insane mode.
- When you get enough hearts points, you can buy some card games from the album screen and play them to get more hearts points. There are five games, Klondike, Prisoners, FreeCell, Golf and Pyramid.

- You will need to search by category, and in this tutorial there are two categories: jewelry and main course.
- Click on the silver bracelet that is pointed to by the yellow arrow to remove it.
- You will then see the bracelet go to the jewelry category.
- Each level has two categories. Click on a category in the bottom side of the screen to view a description of it.
- For difficult to find hidden items, hints in the bottom side of the screen can be very helpful. When you click on the name hint to see the name of an item.
- Using a hint freezes other hints for a short period time.
- The outline hint in the bottom corner is also helpful and can be used before the name hint if desired.
- The image hint will show you exactly what the item looks like.
- The location hint shows the general area of the object.
- The lobster will then be highlighted in stars and you can click on it.
- When you use hints, your amount of hearts will decrease. You can always check it in the bottom center of the screen. To get a higher score, use hints less often.
- Refer to the images to find two objects to complete this tutorial.
- When you click too fast or too often, your cursor will freeze and you will be unable to find objects until it defrosts. Watch the color of the cursor to tell if you are getting close to freezing.
Chapter 1
Level 1: My Wedding

- Find 10 objects in the scene, from the two categories in the menu. The categories and objects may be different when you play the game.
- There are 5 drink objects highlighted in red and 5 dessert objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- You should leave at least one heart at the end of this level.
- Refer to the image to find the locations of the hidden objects.
Chapter 2
Level 1: Day at the Beach

- Find 10 objects in the beach, from the two categories in the menu. The categories and objects may be different when you play the game.
- There are 5 fruits highlighted in red and 5 beach gear objects highlighted in green.
- The zoom location is the upper left corner of the screen. Some levels have an area that you can zoom into find more objects.
- Find 10 objects in the boat area. There are 5 safety devices objects highlighted in red and 5 fishing gear objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least two hearts.
- Score a higher star rank by using fewer hints. When you don’t use any hints, the star rank will then be 5.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Away From It All

- Start a fire in the wood stove to complete this level.
- First, open the stove door in the right side of the screen.
- Next, find four items needed to prepare the fire highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
- Finally, find the match highlighted in light blue in the bottom middle in the screenshot to start fire.

- Find 10 objects in the scene, from the two categories in the menu. The categories and objects may be different when you play the game.
- There are 5 footwear objects highlighted in yellow and 5 animal objects highlighted green.
- Finish with at least two hearts.
- Refer to the image to find the locations of the hidden objects.
Chapter 3
Level 1: Left Alone

- Find 10 objects in the scene, from the two categories in the menu. The categories and objects may be different when you play the game.
- There are 5 hats highlighted in yellow and 5 boats and ships highlighted in green.
- The zoom location is the painting in the upper side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the painting. There are 5 aircraft highlighted in yellow and 5 time related objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least four hearts.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Flowershop Workday

- Find 10 objects in the flower shop, from the two categories in the menu. The categories and objects may be different when you play the game.
- There are 5 art supplies highlighted in red and 5 office supplies highlighted in green.
- The zoom location is the street view area in the left side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the painting. There are 5 flowers highlighted in red and 5 numbers highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least four hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: One of Those Days

- First, unplug the three outlets highlighted in red in the screenshot.
- Next, open the fuse box in the upper left corner.
- Finally, find four fuses highlighted in green in the screenshot.

- Find 10 objects in the garage. There are 5 Halloween objects highlighted in red and 5 sport objects highlighted in green.
- Finish with at least four hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 4
Level 1: The Hideout

- Find 10 objects in the bed room. There are 5 musical objects highlighted in red and 5 cosmetics highlighted in green.
- The zoom location is the closet in the upper side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the closet. There are 5 famous landmarks highlighted in red and 5 toys highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least four hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: The Refuge

- Find 10 objects in the kitchen. There are 5 appliances highlighted in red and 5 meats highlighted in green.
- The zoom location is the fridge in the right side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the fridge. There are 5 condiments highlighted in red and 5 musical notation objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least five hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: Trapped

- Find 10 objects in the backyard. There are 5 bugs highlighted in red and 5 weapons highlighted in light blue.
- Finish with at least five hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- The zoom location is the shed in the left side of the screen.
- First, find three chainsaw parts highlighted in red in the screenshot.
- Next, the chainsaw in the bottom right corner will then be unlocked. Click on the chainsaw to cut the wooden board on the door.
- Then two objects will then unlock in the dismantle door category. Find the hammer and screw driver. They are highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finally, click on the top hinge and bottom hinge to complete this level.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 4: David’s Game Room

- Find 10 objects in the basement. There are 5 sport objects highlighted in yellow and 5 reading and writing objects highlighted in light green.
- Finish with at least five hearts.
- The zoom location is the bar in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the bar. There are 5 romance objects highlighted in yellow and 5 art supplies highlighted in light green.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 5
Level 1: Sole Survivor

- First, find two sticks and two ropes – they are highlighted in red in the screenshot – and build a splint from them.
- Next, find the disinfectant in the bottom of the screen.
- Find the needle and the thread highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- Then find the bandages in the bottom corner of the screen.
- Finally, find the pain killer in the bottom side of the screen.

- Find 10 objects in the crash area. There are 5 safety equipment objects highlighted in red and 5 weapons highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 8 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Welcome to the Jungle

- Find 10 objects in the jungle. There are 5 vegetables highlighted in red and 5 flowers highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the pond in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the pond. There are 5 gems highlighted in red and 5 time highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 8 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: Desert Desolation

- Find 10 objects in the desert. There are 5 sea creatures highlighted in red and 5 fruits highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the chest in the left side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the chest. There are 5 currencies highlighted in red and 5 glass objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 8 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 6
Level 1: Highschool Memories

- Find 10 objects in the high school. There are 5 objects reading and writing highlighted in yellow and 5 cleaning supplies highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the trophy case in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the trophy case. There are 5 football related objects highlighted in red and 5 bowling related objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 10 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Coffee Shop Chat

- Find 10 objects in the coffee shop. There are 5 famous landmarks highlighted in yellow and 5 drinks highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the kitchen in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the kitchen. There are 5 hazards symbol highlighted in yellow and 5 computer equipment objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 10 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: How We Met

- Find four objects highlighted in green to clean spill.
- The paint spill highlighted in yellow will then unlock and click on it.
- Find 5 objects highlighted in green to fix banner.
- Find 10 objects in the screen. There are 5 toys and games highlighted in red and 5 bugs highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 10 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 7
Level 1: Where I Am!?

- Find 10 objects in the hut. There are 5 electronic objects highlighted in red and 5 wooden things highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the Ganesha in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the Ganesha area. There are 5 camping gear related objects highlighted in red and 5 measuring related objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 11 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Explore

- Find 10 objects in the village. There are 5 aircrafts highlighted in red and 5 ancient weapons highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the well in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the well. There are 5 science objects highlighted in red and 5 beverages highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 11 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: Cleansing Ceremony

- First, find the three objects highlighted in green to clean yourself off.
- Next, the towel will then unlock, click on it in the bottom left corner of the screen.
- Finally, find four objects highlighted in yellow to make a “wishboat”.

- After finding all 9 objects, another hidden object scene will then unlock.
- Find 10 objects in the festival. There are 5 clothing accessories highlighted in red and there are 5 sea creatures highlighted in yellow.
- Finish with at least 11 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 8
Level 1: Back to Work

- Find 10 objects in the flower shop. There are 5 scientific instruments highlighted in red and 5 optical instruments highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the street view in the left side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the street view area. There are 5 jewelry objects highlighted in red and 5 security related objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 12 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Innocent Ice Cream

- Find 10 objects in the ice cream shop. There are 5 musical symbols highlighted in red and 5 cars highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the alley. When you click on the bottom middle of the screen, you can go to the scene.
- Find 10 objects in the alley area. There are 5 famous landmarks highlighted in yellow and 5 weapons highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 12 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: Walk in The Park

- First, find the tuna and the can opener highlighted in red in the screenshot.
- Next, find the fan in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Then find four eggs circled in red in the image.
- Finally, the mother bird will then unlock. Click on it in the upper right corner.

- Find 10 objects in the park. There are 5 optics related objects highlighted in red and 5 pieces of clothing highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 12 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 9
Level 1: Lost Locket

- Find 10 objects in the bedroom. There are 5 utensils highlighted in yellow and 5 lighting objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the closet area in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the closet area. There are 5 clothing accessories highlighted in red and 5 butterflies highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 13 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Searching

- Find 10 objects in the kitchen. There are 5 time related objects highlighted in red and 5 seafood objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the fridge area in the right side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the fridge area. There are 5 objects made of wood highlighted in red and 5 vegetables highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 13 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: Far and Wide

- Find 10 objects in the living room. There are 5 tools highlighted in red and 5 medical objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the painting area in the upper side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the painting area. There are 5 optical objects highlighted in yellow and 5 musical instruments highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 13 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 4: High and Low

- Find 10 objects in the basement. There are 5 cars highlighted in yellow and 5 weapons highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the bar area in the upper side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the bar area. There are 5 time related objects highlighted in yellow and 5 pieces of footwear highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 13 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 10
Level 1: Desert Run Away

- Find 10 objects in the desert. There are 5 beach objects highlighted in red and 5 musical objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the chest area in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the chest area. There are 5 gems highlighted in red and 5 jewelry accessories highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 14 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Jungle Escape

- Find 10 objects in the jungle. There are 5 construction related objects highlighted in red and 5 animal statues highlighted in blue in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the pond area in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the pond area. There are 5 fruits highlighted in red and 5 sports related objects highlighted in yellow in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 14 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: Transportation

- First, find three objects highlighted in red to repair cages.
- Next, find five chickens highlighted in green in the image.
- Find 10 objects in the roadside area. There are 5 numbers highlighted in red and 5 medical supplies highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 14 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 4: Jungle Escape

- Find 10 objects in the embassy. There are 5 hats highlighted in red and 5 optics related objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the elevator area in the middle of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the elevator area. There are 5 anatomy related objects highlighted in red and 5 cleaning accessories highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 14 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 11
Level 1: Hot Coffee

- Find 10 objects in the coffee shop. There are 5 butterflies highlighted in yellow and 5 drinks highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the kitchen area in the right side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the kitchen area. There are 5 art supplies highlighted in yellow and 5 hazard symbols highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 2: Nature Walk

- Find 10 objects in the park. There are 5 time related objects highlighted in red and 5 sports related objects highlighted in blue in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 3: Dinner Date

- First, find four chefs tools highlighted in red in the image.
- Second, find five ingredients highlighted in green in the image.
- Find 10 objects in the restaurant. There are 5 letters highlighted in red and 5 metal objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 4: Romantic Movie

- Find 10 objects in the movie theater. There are 5 musical instruments highlighted in yellow and 5 cleaning accessories highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the seats area in the right side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the seat area. There are 5 scientific instruments highlighted in yellow and 5 main course objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Chapter 12
Level 1: Locker Locator

- Find 10 objects in the garage. There are 5 camping gear related objects highlighted in red and 5 hazard symbols highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the image to find the locations of the hidden objects.
Level 2: Hide n Seek

- Find 10 objects in the living room. There are 5 tools highlighted in yellow and 5 computers highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the painting area in the upper side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the painting area. There are 5 musical instruments highlighted in red and 5 optics related objects highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the image to find the locations of the hidden objects.
Level 3: Culinary Caper

- Find 10 objects in the kitchen. There are 5 fruits highlighted in red and 5 measuring devices highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- The zoom location is the fridge area in the right side of the screen.
- Find 10 objects in the fridge area. There are 5 vegetables highlighted in red and 5 things made of wood highlighted in green in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the images for finding all location of objects.
Level 4: Backyard Evidence

- Find 10 objects in the backyard. There are 5 hats highlighted in red and 5 bugs highlighted in light blue in the screenshot.
- Finish with at least 15 hearts.
- The pond location will then unlock after finding all 10 objects.
- First, find the fish bowl and the net highlighted in red in the image.
- Next, find two fish highlighted in light blue in the image to catch fish.
- Then find three objects highlighted in green to drain the pond.
- Finally, click on the locket highlighted in light blue.
- The location of the hidden objects and the categories may be different in your play through.
- Refer to the image to find the locations of the hidden objects.
Happy Ever After

- Click anywhere to kiss and a new achievement and hard mode will then unlock.
- Hard mode requires double the amount of hearts that normal mode requires and finishing it will unlock insane mode.
- When you click 20 times to kiss in a short time, you will receive another new achievement.
- If you click and hold more than 3 seconds, you will receive new achievement as well.
Card Games

- The object of the game is to move the four Aces, as they appear, to the foundations, and build each up in suit from Ace to King( A-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-J-Q-K).
- The top cards of tableau pile and discard pile are available to play. You may build tableau pile down in sequence and alternating color.
- Once a card or group of cards is in the proper sequence they can be moved from pile to pile.
- Any face down cards become the top card of a stack if, during play, it turns over.
- Empty tableaus may be filled with a King or group of card headed with a King.

- Release the four aces in the Prisoners. Stack cards in descending order of any color. To win this game, stack from Ace to King.
- The object of the game is to release the four Aces from the four left piles and place them into the four top right foundations columns and every other card from Ace to King(A-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-J-Q-K).
- The top cards of the tableau piles and discard piles are available to play. You may build tableau piles down in sequence and they can be moved from pile to pile.
- Any face down cards become the top card of a stack if, during play, it turns over.
- Empty tableaus may be filled with a King or group of cards headed with a King.

- Stack cards in descending order with alternating colors. Use the four empty slots to hold cards. Stack from Ace to King to win.
- The top cards of the tableau pile and cards from the Cells are available to play.
- You can build tableau pile down by alternating colors.
- The top card of any tableau pile can also be moved to any Cell.
- Each Cell (or reserved space) may contain only one card.
- Cards in the cells can be moved to the foundation piles or back to the tableau piles, if possible.
- One new feature is that you have no stack limits.

- Deal one card from the draw pile and place it face-up on the table, starting with the discard pile
- Cards may be removed from the top of the tableau (i.e. with no other cards on top of them) and added to the discard pile if they are in sequence.
- Example: The first card in the discard pile is a 6. You may move an uncovered 7 or an uncovered 5 from the tableau to the top of the discard pile. Discards may go up and then down again.

- Cards in the PYRAMID are “exposed” if no cards are overlapping them.
- Only one card from the DRAW piles is “exposed” at a time.
- Drag an “exposed” card over it is matching card (to equal 13) to remove those cards from play.
- Simply clicking on any “exposed” King will remove it from play.