Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy Walkthrough
Welcome to the Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy Walkthrough!
Help a young doctor, Tifet, stop the deadly disease that is afflicting his father!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document features helpful tips and the complete Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy game walkthrough, with annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva.
General Tips & Information
- This is a point and click adventure game.
- When the cursor changes to a “Pointing finger”, it is indicating the accessible areas in the game.
- When the cursor changes to a “Fist”, there is the possibility of interacting on the background.
- When the cursor changes to a “Mouth”, you can dialogue with a game character.
- When the cursor changes to a “Map”, you can access the game map and transfer between locations.
- To open or hide the inventory bar, simply right-click on the mouse.
- The journal will give a brief synopsis of the past events.
- Saving is carried out automatically as you progress through the game.
- The Documentation button has numerous articles on the history of Heliopolis.

Chapter 1: A Call For Help
- You are awakened from a dream by a knock at the door.
- Open the door and a messenger delivers a letter.
- The letter is from your adoptive father, Djehouty. He is quite ill and wishes you home.
- Click on the message to exit.
- Turn around and take the Book of Remedies and the eye ointment from the counter.

- Exit the room to automatically travel to Heliopolis.
- Walk forward three times and you are met by an old neighbor who gives you a map of Heliopolis.
- Continue in the same direction, then turn right.
- Walk forward until you see a yellow door on the left.
- Enter the yellow door.
- Go through the courtyard and enter the house.
- A cut-scene shows you running through the house and up to the roof.
- Walk to the far corner and speak with Djehouty.
- He is very ill, but allows you to examine him.
- Select examine when it appears in the bottom of the screen.
- The Book of Remedies says it is an unknown disease.
- Talk to Djehouty again and discuss the medical scrolls at the temple.
- Exit the house and courtyard.
- Walk to the left until the map appears.
- Click to enter the map.
- Move the cursor over the temple and click to enter.

Chapter 2: Research the Sickness
- After the entrance cut-scene, walk to the far right.
- A man will inquire as to whom is in charge of the warehouse.
- Once he leaves, continue to the door.
- Speak to the man guarding the door several times until he tells you to prove that you are a priestess of Sakhmet.
- A mini-game will appear.
- The object of this mini-game is to move the tiles on the right, so they are in the same position as their counterparts on the left.
- Holding your cursor over a tile will reveal its mate.
- Slide the tiles around the grid to the proper formation.
- The lower right tile appears when you have completed the puzzle.

- Enter the door and walk across the courtyard.
- Talk to the guard at the door.
- He needs to record the names of all who pass, but does not have the correct tools.
- Turn and walk through the door on the left.
- Walk across the courtyard and enter the right door.
- Turn right and take the reed pen case from the shelf.

- Return to the library guard and give him the pen case to learn that he also requires ink.
- Walk through the door on the left.
- Cross the courtyard and enter the left door.
- Walk forward and take the ink off the shelf.

- Return to the guarded door and discover that the guard has left.
- Enter the library through the door.
- Walk to and open the last cabinet on the left.
- Read the remedies from the scrolls. They are added to your Book of Remedies.
- Read the prophecy to learn that many more may become ill.
- Take the scroll and the stone.

- Exit the library and walk to the door.
- A cut scene will return you to the main courtyard.
- Walk towards the main entrance and a woman will ask for your help.
- Talk to her until you can use the examine feature.
- Learn that both she and her husband have been ill since receiving wheat from the temple.
- Walk towards the front gate once, then turn to the left.
- Talk to and examine the small boy.
- Give him the eye ointment from your inventory.
- Turn right to the gate and click when your cursor becomes the map.
- Inside the map, move the cursor over the Neighborhood, and click when the inset appears.

Chapter 3: The Prophecy
- Return to your house with the yellow door.
- Cross the courtyard and enter the house.
- Walk through the door on the back wall and turn to the left to see the stairwell.
- Go up the stairs to the roof and talk to your adoptive father.
- Show him the prophecy scroll and tablet.
- Learn that he also ate wheat from the temple.
- You need to warn the Great Seer at the temple.
- Exit the roof and enter the main room of the house.
- Look down at the stool and take the ring.

- Exit the house and walk left to the map.
- Return to the temple.
- Once in the courtyard, walk to the right entrance flanked by the two seated statues.
- Talk to the guard and find you need a letter of recommendation from your adoptive father.
- Exit the temple courtyard and select ‘Neighborhood’ on the map.
- Return to your home.
- Cross the courtyard and enter the house.
- Return to the roof and speak to Djehouty.
- Djehouty agrees to write the letter and asks for parchment and his pens.
- Exit the roof and return to the main room of the house.
- Walk to the upper left corner.
- Take the parchment, wheat grains, sleeping potion, and reed pens.

- Return to the roof.
- Give Djehouty the reed pens, parchment and ink.
- *Note- Djehouty will not take the parchment until he has the pens.
- Place the letter into your inventory and exit the house.
- Return to the temple and walk to the right gate, flanked by the two seated statues.
- Give the guard the recommendation.
- Walk through the gate.
- Walk around the building and through the next gate into another courtyard.
- The Grand Seer approaches you automatically.
- Talk to him about the grain supply and he will ask for proof along with the granary report.
- The Great Seer gives you a bracelet.
- Place the bracelet into inventory.
- Return to the main courtyard of the temple.
Chapter 4: The Grain
- Walk through the left gate into the silo courtyard.
- Wall to the rear wall and talk to the man sweeping.
- He tells you where the inspector lives and that you should check out one of the silos.
- Turn around and walk forward once.
- Turn left and take the rope at the the base of the palm tree.

- Walk to the left side of the first silo.
- Take the plank and combine it with the rope inside of your inventory.

- Walk to the third silo and go up the stairs.
- Use the plank and rope on the opening.
- After the cut-scene, pick up some grain.

- Look up and click on the rope to exit the silo.
- Exit the silo courtyard.
- Exit the temple courtyard and return to the neighborhood using the map.
- Walk forward and talk to your neighbor to get directions to Hetep’s house.
- Walk forward twice and turn right.
- Enter the alley.

- Walk forward and enter the house.
- Look at the far left corner and take the mirror and the scribe seal.
- *Note- the seal shows as a bucket in your inventory.

- Exit the house and alley.
- Turn left and walk forward to the map.
- On the map, select the temple.
- Walk to the far right gate.
- Show the bracelet to the guard to gain access.
- Walk across the courtyard and enter the library.
- Walk to the rear and speak with the scribe.
- He tells you to look in the cabinets on the right for the report.
- Look in the center cabinet and take the fastener.

- Show the fastener to the scribe and he tells you that the markings indicate that it held the grain report.
- Exit the library and walk right to the scribe’s school.
- Talk to the Great Seer.
- Give him the wheat stalk and the seal and fastener will follow automatically.
- The Great Seer orders you to find a cure for this sickness.
Chapter 5: Find the Cure
- Walk to the center of the courtyard.
- The young boy informs you that Djehouty has taken a turn for the worse.
- Exit the temple and return home.
- Go to the roof and speak with Djehouty.
- He is not feeling well and has been unable to decipher the tablet.
- Djehouty gives you the tablet.
- Place the tablet and parchment into inventory.
- Inside of your inventory combine the tablet with ink.
- Use the inked tablet on the blank parchment.
- Show the legible parchment to Djehouty.
- The answer must be in Sakhmet’s temple.
- Exit the house.
- Walk left to the map and return to the temple.
- Walk through the gate flanked by the two seated statues.
- Walk around the building and through the gate.
- Cross the courtyard and go through the next gate.
- Walk forward and enter the third door on the left.

- Walk to the rear of the warehouse and talk to Irou.
- Choose the first selection of dialog to scare him into handing over the mallet.
- Place the mallet into your inventory.
- Exit the warehouse and go through the gate.
- Cross the courtyard and go through the gate.
- Walk forward and enter Sakhmet’s Temple.

- Click on the statue of Sakhmet to pray.
- Look at the floor in front of the statue.
- Place the mirror into the indentation.

- Look at the left wall for a small brick.
- Click on the brick to find it is loose.
- Use the mallet on the brick.

- The light comes in and reflects off the mirror.
- Sakhmet’s statue moves, revealing a parchment under the statue.
- Take the parchment and discover it is the recipe for the cure.
- Exit Sakhmet’s temple and walk through the gate.
- Cross the courtyard and enter the gate to the warehouses.
- Enter Irou’s warehouse and look at the baskets on the right.
- Take some caraway and juniper berries from the baskets.

- Walk to the center left cabinet and take the bean flour.

- Walk to the back of the warehouse and give Irou the gold ring.
- He will tell you the honey is located in the first cabinet on the right.
- Walk to the first right cabinet and take the honey.

- Exit the warehouse and temple area and return to the neighborhood via the map.
- Walk forward eight times and talk to the vendor.
- Give her the bracelet and she will trade lentils, dates, linseed oil and copper debens.
- Turn left and walk to the next stall on the right.
- Ask the vendor about willow leaves.
- Give the vendor the dates in exchange for the willow leaves.
- Ask the vendor about olive oil.
- Give the vendor the copper in exchange for the olive oil.
- Walk up the street just to the left of the stall to return to the harbor area.
- Walk to the stall up near the water and to the right.
- Ask the vendor about mandragore root.
- Give the vendor linseed oil in exchange for the mandragore (labeled as mandrake in your inventory) root.
- Ask about garlic.
- Give the vendor the lentils in exchange for the garlic.
- Ask the vendor about the fan tree leaves.
- He will tell you who has them available if you help him with his terrible bellyache.
- The book of remedies automatically appears, showing the recipe for the remedy.
- Click on the beetle to close the book.
- Return home and enter the house.
- Walk forward to the cauldron.

- Place the honey, bean flour, juniper berries, and caraway into the cauldron.
- You will automatically get the remedy for Djaou.
- Exit the house to the street and turn right.
- Walk forward seven times and turn left.
- Walk forward into the alley and turn left to find Djaou.
- Give the remedy to Djaou.
- He does not have the fan tree leaves, but tells you the Nubian should have them at the house of beer.
- Walk back to the harbor area and enter the second door on the right, just after you pass the scaffolding.
- Speak with the shop mistress. She warns you that the Nubian is dangerous.
- Ask her for beer.
- Give the shop mistress honey in exchange for beer.
- Walk to the back of the shop.
- Talk to the Nubian until he tells you to get a trade permit from the governor.
- Exit the shop and return to the map.

Chapter 6: The Trade Permit
- Select the Governor’s villa.
- Walk forward to the first guard and ask to see the governor. He allows you to pass.
- Walk to the next guard on the right.
- Choose the responses that indicate you are infatuated with warriors and soldiers.
- The first response is: “You’re a warrior, aren’t you?”
- The second response is: “You look like a fine soldier to me. You must have had adventures in so many countries.”
- The third response begins: “My whole life I’ve dreamed of meeting a warrior.”
- The fourth response starts: “Listen, my husband is in there. Let me through. I could tell him…”
- The fifth response begins” “My word is equal to the reputation of our country’s soldiers, untarnished.”
- Turn left and walk forward.
- A third guard approaches and will not let you pass. He is looking for the missing drummer girl.
- Exit the building and enter the garden on the right.
- Walk to the rear of the garden to the pavilion.
- Take the drum from the sleeping girl.

- Return to where you spoke with the guard looking for the drummer.
- The musician insists you play the drums.
- The object of this mini-game is to play the drums so that the dancing girl moves all the way to the right.
- Use any key from the right and left side of the keyboard to hit the drums.
- Try to follow the beats in the playing music.
- If you fail several times, lights will flash on the drums to show when you should play.
- This pattern is repeating: RR-L-R, RR-L-R-L.

- Walk to the left side of the room and speak to the Governor.
- He instructs you to go wait in his room.
- Turn around and walk outside to the terrace.
- Turn right and walk to the guard.
- Talk to the guard to gain entrance to the Governor’s room.

- Take the scroll from the back counter.

- You automatically read the scroll to find it is the granary report that states there is a problem with the wheat.
- The Governor arrives and you find that he is aware of the situation.
Chapter 7: Escape
- After a number of cut-scenes, you awaken in an underground chamber.
- There is a body nearby.
- Look at the body to discover that it is Hetep.
- Take the pickaxe.

- Enter the corridor on the right and follow it to a dead end.
- Turn right and push on the rock mechanism on the wall.

- Return to the main chamber.
- Enter the left corridor and follow it left, to a dead end.
- Use the pickaxe on the rocks where the cat has been scratching.

- Walk forward to exit the corridor and enter the map.
- Select the neighborhood on the map.
Chapter 8: Make the Remedy
- Walk forward and the the Nubian informs you that Djehouty has passed away.
- Enter your home and walk to the house.
- You automatically run upstairs.
- Talk to the Nubian and the young boy.
- Exit the roof and return to the main room.
- Talk to the girl to the left and discover that she has the sickness as well.
- Walk to the right and take the fan tree leaves.

- Walk to the cauldron in the opposite corner.
- Place in the cauldron, in order: willow leaves, mandrake, garlic, olive oil and the fan tree leaves.
- Once you add the beer, a mini-game appears.
- The object of this mini-game is to measure four units of beer.
- If we call the 3-unit jug ‘A’, the 5-unit jug ‘B’ and the 8-unit jug ‘C’, make the following moves:Pour C into B.
Pour B into A.
Pour A into C.
Pour B into A.
Pour C into B.
Pour B into A.

- The remedy will automatically appear in your hand.
- Walk to the sick girl and give her the remedy.
- After the cut-scene, you are on the roof.
- Talk to the Nubian to learn he believes you should give the remedy to the Great Seer.
- Exit the house and return to the map.
- Select the temple as your destination.
- Walk to the far right gate and talk to the guard.
- Open the door and enter the library courtyard.
- Walk through the left gate and across the courtyard.
- Give the Great Seer the remedy.
Chapter 9: Evidence
- Talk to the Great Seer and discover you need evidence against the Governor.
- Exit the temple and return to the neighborhood.
- Walk forward once and the Nubian advises you to make sure to quiet the Governor’s geese.
- After the cut-scene, you are automatically at the Governor’s villa.
- Enter the garden through the first entrance on the right.
- Follow the wall on the left to the second garden entrance.
- Inside your inventory, combine the sleeping potion with the wheat grains.
- Feed the sleeping grains to the geese.

- Walk through this entrance and enter the villa.
- Walk to the back of the room, along the right wall.
- Stop by the last pillar.

- Wait for the guard to walk to the left, then quickly go to the Governor’s room.
- Open the cabinet to the left of the Governor.
- Move the statue to open the other cabinet.

- Turn around and take the granary report from the opposite cabinet.

- Walk to the door and wait.
- Once the guard starts to the left, exit the room and enter the hall.
- Quickly exit the villa.
- The guard has awakened and is blocking your way.
- Enter the gardens through the gate by the sleeping geese.
- Look down in front of the gate and pick up some stones.
- Throw the stones at the sleeping geese.
- Walk along the wall to the other garden entrance.
- Walk across to the alcove and take the key.

- Return to the garden.
- Walk down the right to a door.
- Use the stolen key to exit to the map.

- Select the Temple on the map.
- Walk through the courtyard to the left door.
- Walk to the Great Seer and give him the Granary report.
You have just completed Egypt II: The Heliopolis Prophecy!