Lost Chronicles: Salem Walkthrough, Guide, & Tips
Lost Chronicles: Salem Walkthrough
Welcome to the Lost Chronicles: Salem Walkthrough!
Accused of Witchcraft, you must save your mom and escape the town of Salem during the conflict of 1692 in Lost Chronicles: Salem!
Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to get you from beginning to end, we’re pretty sure you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
This document contains a complete Lost Chronicles: Salem game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay!
We hope you find this information useful as you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough menu below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with.
Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you need more help. Have fun!
This walkthrough was created by prpldva, and is protected under US Copyright laws. Any unauthorized use, including re-publication in whole or in part, without permission, is strictly prohibited.
General Tips & Information

- Select ‘Current Profile’ on the main screen to add or delete player profiles (A).
- You may play this game in full screen or windowed mode by changing the settings in the options menu (B).
- You may adjust the volume of sounds and music in the options menu.
- The options menu is accessible from both the main screen and the in-game menu.

- Hidden object lists are random, your solutions may vary.
- Hints are unlimited, but you must wait for the meter to fill (C).
- Task are on the bottom right- click a task for more information (D).
- Your inventory is at the lower left (E).
- Use the scroll buttons to see all your inventory.
- Click the menu button to return to the main menu (F).
- During mini-games, a “Back” button will appear below the menu button (G).
- Select the journal to access the map, clues and other information (H).

- The “Familiars” tab in the journal shows how many there are in the game.
- Colored animals indicate that you have found the familiar and used the family heirloom (I).
- Outlined animals indicate the you have yet to find this familiar (J).

- Look at the map to show what needs to be done at each location.
- The map will show your current location (K) and highlight where goals can be accomplished (L).
Chapter One

- Click on 8 fireflies (A) to capture them for your hint jar (B).

- After speaking with your mother, look at the close-up of the table.
- Take the JOURNAL (C).
- The journal will open to show a brief synopsis on the different cursors, buttons and inventory.
- Take the family HEIRLOOM that was under the book (D).
- Note the trapdoor on the floor (E).
- When your mother sends you to pack, select the bed on the left (F).

- You will only be able to locate 3 items on this hidden object list.
- Fire will intrude and force you to leave.
- Open the trapdoor in the floor and go under the house to the cellar.

- Note the cellar door (G).
- Select the storage area for a hidden object scene (H).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The CELLAR KEY will go into your inventory.
- Use the CELLAR KEY on the cellar door and exit the room.
- Walk forward to the cornfields for a mini-game.

- The object is to move through the fields and avoid the men chasing you.
- Click on a firefly to move.
- The fireflies will show you the possible moves from your current position (I).
- The men move in a set position, so watch how they move before going forward.
- Move from the left, to the exit on the right (J).
- There are 3 screens to complete.

- The second screen will have two men.
- A possible path is shown.

- The third screen will have three men.
- A possible path is shown.

- Note the cornstalks blocking your way (K).
- Take the SMALL STONE (L).
- Select the scarecrow for a hidden object scene (M).
- Note the shovel handle (N).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The SCYTHE will go into your inventory.

- Click on the yellow bird that lands on the shovel handle (O).
- Look in the journal for instructions oh how to scare away familiars (P).
- You also have a new tab in your journal that has the outline of the available familiars.
- You need to scare off the familiars to prevent from being accused as a witch.
- Also, each familiar that you scare away will result in the hint recharge taking one second less.
- Take the FAMILY HEIRLOOM from your inventory and use it on the bird (Q).
- As the outer arrow stone spins, click your mouse when each stone lights to keep them lit (R).
- You may click anywhere on the screen.
- Should you click at the wrong time, the FAMILY HEIRLOOM will go back into your inventory.
- Light all the stones to scare away the familiar.
- Use the scythe on the cornstalks blocking the path, then move forward.
Chapter Two

- Note the area that looks like a hole had been dug (A).
- Throw the SMALL STONE at the fragile sign to distract the guard (B).
- Walk up the right path to the prison (C).

- Walk down the left side of the building to the rear of the prison (D).
- Select the lighted window to talk to the woman (E).
- Exit the rear of the prison (F).
- Leave the prison and walk down to enter the cornfields.
- Walk down twice, then enter the cellar.
- Walk down again to return to the main floor of your home.

- Take the DINNER KNIFE and the BELLOWS (G).
- Walk down to exit the house.

- Look at the close-up of the debris blocking the path (H).
- Click on the boards from top to bottom to remove them (1-5).
- Walk forward.

- Take the SHOVEL (I).
- Note the locked gate (J).
- Note the top of the left column (K).
- Walk down twice.

- Note the broken down wagon (L).
- Note the locked gate (M).
- Shake the tree to dislodge the acorn (N).
- Look at the close-up and take the acorn (O).

- Walk down once to the stables.
- Note the water pump (P).
- Look at the close-up of the stables (Q).
- Note the moving hay (R).
- Take the LADDER (S).
- Walk down and use the SHOVEL on the spot where a hole had been filled in and take the COMMON KEY.
- Walk left and up, then take the left path and walk past your house to the gate.
- Use the COMMON KEY to unlock the gate.

- Enter the common and ring the bell (T).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the fox that appears (U).
- You may need to hover your mouse over him to make him leave.
- Take the SHEARS (V).
- Note the right side of the gazebo (W).
- Select the gazebo for a hidden object area (X).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The SAPPHIRE GEM will go to your inventory.

- Walk to the right side of the gazebo.
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the snake (A).
- Look at the close-up of the plaque under the rose trellis (B).
- Click on the roses covering the plaque to reveal the entire plaque.
- Click on the plaque to read it and the information will be entered into your journal.
- Select the sparkling area by the yellow flowers for a hidden object area (C).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The STATUETTES will go into your inventory.
- Walk down twice to exit the commons.

- Look at the top of the left gate pillar.
- Use the STATUETTES on the device to trigger a mini-game (D).
- Look at your journal for the list of vices and virtues and the symbol associated with each pair (E).
- Use the arrow keys to rotate each disc to a vice and virtue pair, then click on the matching symbol (F).
- The vice and virtue pair will light up when correct.
- Repeat these steps with the remaining 6 pairs until all the buttons are down.
- Take the CEREMONIAL BEADS from the secret niche (G).
- Walk down 4 times, then go up to the prison.

- Look in the back of the wagon and take the BUCKET (H).
- Place the ACORN on the ground (I).
- Click on the shaking bush to roust the squirrel (J).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the squirrel (K).

- Walk to the rear of the prison.
- Look at the close-up of the stone wall at the base of the prison (L).
- Use the DINNER KNIFE to pry out the stone and take the RUBY GEM (M).
- Place the LADDER against the wall of the prison (N).
- Look at the close-up of the window (O).
- Give the CEREMONIAL BEADS to Tituba (P).
- Exit the close-up and walk to the front of the prison.
- Walk down, then to the left.

- Walk forward and look at the lock of the burying ground gate.
- Place the 3 GEMS into the slots with the same color.
- The object is to rotate the rings and align the colored paths.
- Moving some rings will affect other rings.
- The path will light when correct.
- Enter the burying ground.

- Use the SHEARS to cut the foliage from the 4 gravestones (Q).
- Select the unmarked gravestone for a hidden object area (R).
- Use the BELLOWS on the left 3 sets of candles to make the toad appear (S).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the toad (T).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The BONE CARVING will go into your inventory.
- Walk down 3 times, then up to return to the prison.
- Walk to the read of the prison and give the BONE CARVING to Tituba and she will give you the SERVANT’S KEY for the Parris house.
- Exit the close-up and walk to the front of the prison.
Chapter Three

- Walk down, then to the left.
- Walk forward and talk to the farmer in front of the burying ground gate.
- Take the left path, then go forward three times to the gazebo.
- Take the BROKEN WHEEL (A).
- Walk down 7 times to the area with the scarecrow.
- Take the BROKEN WHEEL (B).
- Walk down to the back of the house.

- Take the BROKEN WHEEL (C).
- Place each BROKEN WHEEL on the stump, one at a time- the axe will automatically break them apart (D).
- Look at the close-up of the stump.
- Create a wheel with the pieces.
- Left-click to take or place a piece into position (E).
- Take the completed CART WHEEL.
- Walk forward twice, then take the left path.

- Walk forward again to return to the farmer.
- Look at the close-up of the cart and place the CART WHEEL on the cart (F).
- Take the PITCHFORK that was hidden behind the cart (G).
- Take the right path.

- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the owl (H).
- Take the right path.
- Click on the turtle shell to turn the turtle right side-up (I).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the turtle (J).
- Select the area to the right of the bridge for a hidden object area (K).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The HAND BORE will go into your inventory.
- Walk down, then take the upper left path.

- Talk to the farmer.
- Select the barn for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The FIRE RUNE will go into your inventory.
- Walk right to the Mill pond.

- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the beaver as it circles around (1).
- Select the debris area in the back for a hidden object area (2).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The WATER RUNE will go into your inventory.
- Walk down, then up to the forest path.

- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the opossum (L).
- Note the wall in the background (M).
- Select the area on the left for a hidden object scene (N).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The AIR RUNE will go into your inventory.
- Select the wall in the background for a mini-game.

- The object is to push all the bricks into the wall.
- Pushing a brick will effect the surrounding bricks.
- Click on the bricks in numerical order (1-5).

- Walk forward and listen to the girls talk.
- Use the BUCKET on the stream (O).
- Pour the BUCKET of WATER onto the burning altar (P).
- Look at the altar for a mini-game (Q).

- Use the 3 RUNES on the table- they will automatically place themselves in the correct position.
- The object is to create a path between each set of runes without crossing paths.
- Click, hold and drag from one rune to the other.
- The fireflies will show your possible moves from each location.
- You will find the TOWN KEY.
- Walk down twice.
- The farmer will tell you the two girls are from Salem village.
- Walk down again and use the TOWN KEY to open the gate to the village.

- Walk through the gate.
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the wolf (R).
- Walk forward to the village.
- Walk forward again to the village center (S).

- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the eagle (T).
- Note the mud puddle (U).
- Take the PUMP HANDLE (V).
- Note the tavern windows (W).
- Enter the tavern (X).
- Talk to the tavern owner, then exit the building.
- Use the bucket on the puddle to get a BUCKET of MUD.
- Throw the BUCKET of MUD on the tavern windows.
- Walk down 3 times, then take the left path.

- Select the sparkling barn for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The FRESH MILK will go into your inventory.
- Walk down, then enter the gate.
- Walk forward twice, then enter the tavern.

- Talk to the tavern owner and he will leave.
- Use the FRESH MILK on the bar to distract the cat (A).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the cat (B).
- Select the sparkling area behind the bar for a hidden object scene (C).
- Note the stairs to the second floor (D).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The ROOM KEY will go into your inventory.
- Walk up the stairs.
- Use the ROOM KEY on the far door and enter the guest suite.

- Take the DULL KNIFE from the bed (E).
- Try the DULL knife on the ropes holding the wardrobe shut, but the blade is dull (F).
- Exit the tavern and walk down once.
- Walk to the left and select the sparkling quarry for a hidden object scene.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The SHARPENING STONE will go into your inventory.
- Walk down 4 times and the dog will arrive in front of the burying grounds.
- Walk down once more to the stables.

- Look at the close-up of the pump (G).
- Place the PUMP HANDLE on the pump (H).
- Place the SHARPENING STONE at the base of the pump (I).
- Use the DULL KNIFE on the sharpening stone (J).
- Look at the close-up of the stable (K).
- Use the PITCHFORK on the moving hay (L).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the raccoon (M).
- Walk forward, then take the right path.
- Walk through the gates and go forward twice.
- Enter the tavern and return to the room on the second floor.

- Use the SHARP KNIFE to cut the ties on the wardrobe and look inside.
- The object is to remove all the items from the wardrobe.
- You can only remove items that do not have other items on top of them.
- Remove the items in numerical order (1-15).
- Click on the wardrobe to move it and look through the hole in the wall.
- When the conversation is over, exit the tavern.
Chapter Four

- Walk forward to the building on the left.
- After talking with Judge Sewell, use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the spider (A).
- Select the desk in the back for a hidden object area (B).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The COURT DOCUMENT will go into your inventory.
- Give the COURT DOCUMENT to Judge Sewell.
- Select the desk area again for a mini-game.

- The object is to arrange the scrolls so that the columns and rows add up to the numbers on the top and right.
- Fill the empty slots with the scrolls from the top.
- Exit the building, then walk down 4 times to the gates of the burying grounds.
- Take the left path and enter your burnt house.

- Walk down the trapdoor and select the sparkling area for a hidden object scene.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The LOCK TILES will go into your inventory.
- Return to the upper floor.

- Use the LOCK TILES on the chest for a mini-game (C).
- The object is to slide the tiles and restore the crest (D).
- This video show one possible way to solve the slider mini-game.
- You will find the PROPERTY DEED.
- Exit the house and walk down 3 times.

- Walk up the right path to the prison and go the rear of the building.
- Look at the water barrel.
- Use the HAND BORE on the barrel (E).
- Take the BONE from the barrel (F).
- Exit the rear of the prison and walk down.

- Take the left path, then walk forward.
- Give the BONE to the dog (G).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the dog (H).
- Walk to the right and enter the gate.
- Walk forward 3 times to return to the Judge.
- Give the Judge the PROPERTY DEED.
- Select the desk area for a hidden object scene.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The MODEL MEETING HOUSE will go into your inventory.
- Exit the building and enter the tavern.
- Select the area behind the bar for a hidden object scene.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The MODEL TAVERN will go into your inventory.
- Exit the tavern and walk down 4 times.
- Enter the burying grounds and select the unmarked tombstone for a hidden object area.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The MODEL GATE will go into your inventory.
- Exit the burying grounds and walk down 3 times.
- Select the scarecrow for a hidden object scene.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The MODEL SCARECROW will go into your inventory.
- Walk forward, then take the left path.
- Walk forward, the take the right path and enter the gate.
- Walk forward again and take the left path to the Parris home.
- Use the SERVANT KEY on the door at the left end of the building.

- Enter the servant’s quarters.
- Collect the YELLOW FEATHER on the table (I).
- Look under the bed and take the RED FEATHER and the BLUE FEATHER (J).
- Take the GREEN FEATHER from the sill (K).
- Note the cow skull (L).
- Look at the doll and use the 4 FEATHERS on the doll (M).
- Take the DOLL and use it on the ceremonial table (N).
- Select the ceremonial table for a hidden object scene.

- Locate all the hidden objects on the list.
- The EYE GEM will go into your inventory.
- Use the EYE GEM on the cow skull and take the PARRIS KEY.
- Exit the servant’s quarters and use the PARRIS KEY on the front door of the house.

- Enter the Parris home and speak to Betty (O).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the lizard as it runs around (P).
- Note the cabinet (Q).
- Exit the house and walk down 3 times to the gate.
- Take the left path and walk forward to the forest path.

- Select the sparkling area on the left for a hidden object game.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The FLOWER BOUQUET will go into your inventory.
- Walk down twice and enter the gate.
- Walk forward, then left to return to the Parris home.
- Give the flowers to Betty and she will tell you of a secret box.
- Check out our video solution!
- Select the left rear cabinet for a mini-game.
- The object is to restore all four tiles.
- Slide the pieces to the center slots.
- Both the upper and lower pieces rotate by clicking on the button.
- The lower piece has arrows, that you use to move the picture piece to the other slot.
- Inside you will find the PUTNAM KEY.
- Exit the house and walk down.
- Walk to the right.

- Select the sparkling area at the quarry for a hidden object area.
- Locate all the items on the list.
- The DIVINING STONE will go into your inventory.
- Enter Bridget Bishop’s house on the left.

- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the skunk (R).
- Take the BROOM and use it on the floor (S).
- Look at the fireplace and take the BOWL, PILLOW, and GREEN BOOK (T).
- Look at the bed and take the POT and the PLATE (U).
- Look at the bookshelf and take the FORK and the BLANKET (V).
- Look at the table and take the RED BOOK, and the POKER (W).

- Look at the fireplace and replace the POT and the POKER (A).
- Look at the bed and replace the PILLOW and the BLANKET (B).
- Look at the bookshelf and replace the RED BOOK and the GREEN BOOK (C).
- Look at the table and replace the PLATE, BOWL, and FORK (D).
- Once a rock is thrown through the window, take the MODEL BRIDGE (E).
- Exit the house and walk down 3 times.
- Take the left path and talk to the farmer.
- Click on the right field for a mini-game.

- Take the SHOVEL and move it slowly over the field (F).
- Click to use the shovel once the DIVINING STONE starts shaking (G).
- You will need to dig several holes.
- You will find the MODEL BARN.
- Walk down and enter the gate.
- Walk forward, then take the right path.
- Walk forward to the Putnam house and use the PUTNAM KEY to unlock the door.

- Enter the house.
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the rat as it circles around (H).
- Note the locked door upstairs (I).
- Select the table and chairs for a hidden object area (J).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The STUDY KEY will go into your inventory.
- Use the STUDY KEY to unlock the door upstairs.

- Walk upstairs.
- Take the FALCONER’S GLOVE (K).
- Note the locked drawer (L).
- Look at the model town on the right table (M).

- Use the 6 MODEL pieces on the board to trigger the mini-game.
- Place the 8 model pieces in the correct slots.
- The the model town for a hidden object game.

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The DESK KEY will go into your inventory.
- Look at the drawer and use the DESK KEY.
- Exit the house and walk down.

- Use the FALCONER’S GLOVE on the scarecrow (N).
- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the falcon (O).
- Walk down, then forward twice to return to the Judge, but he is missing.
- Walk down 3 times where the mob is waiting.
- Walk to the right and select the sparkling area to the right of the bridge for a hidden object area.

- Find all the items on the list.
- The ROPE will go into your inventory.
- Walk forward twice.

- Use the FAMILY HEIRLOOM on the bat (P).
- Use the ROPE on the branch (Q).
- Click on the rope to climb up.

- Give the INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE to Putnam (R).
- Click in the right corner for a hidden object area (S).

- Locate all the items on the list.
- The PENDANT will go into your inventory.
Congratulations! You have completed Lost Chronicles: Salem!