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Work life balance – setting up priorities is important


Today when people are always on jobs and playing one or the other roles in the corporate world, it is very essential to understand and maintain a work life balance. People struggle hard to find the answer to the question “How can I change my life?” or “How do i maintain a proper work life balance?”

People often develop a notion that following some idealistic phrases that had been taught since the school days are ideal for life always. For example, poster messages like “never leave for tomorrow what you can get done today” is not always an ideal message for a good life, at least in the corporate world. Being a King for late night e mails and working for 20 hours a day in office may not always prove fruitful. It should be realized that a person can be a much better leader, Manager, employee, husband and friend when he takes the time to focus on achieving a proper balance. One this can be successfully done, it is certain to live a happier, healthier, and more productive life. Bottom of Form

The achievable five ways to achieve and maintain work life balance are discussed below. However, there is no one size fits all approach, but hopefully, these tips will lead to productive discussions for the corporate people.

1. To be open about one’s needs - It is very important that people need to do is identify what truly matters to them and communicate it. Others should not be left to guess what makes the person feel balanced and fulfilled. Transparency should be the key words for the needs.

2. Respect the boundaries - One should respect the boundaries t put in t have been put in place, to achieve the balance. It will be hard in the beginning but one need to stick with it and develop a routine and drive a lifestyle of predictability.

3. Understanding what really matters – people may be spending hours behind the tasks which don’t matter at all or may matter the least. Time is the most valuable commodity in life and it should be utilized in the right way. The focus should lie on what really matters. So the priorities must be identified before flying off a plan and working according to it. The day should be scrutinized in such a way that every second spent on a task gives an important output.

4. Freedom from technology at times – Though technology is very helpful, yet they prove more helpful if used rightly and in the right place.  It is hard at times but if made a practice, things turn to be easier. For example, carrying a cell phone to the dining table or on a vacation can be avoided to enjoy the time to the fullest without any external disturbances.

5. To Pace one self - To have a long, healthy, productive, and happy life and career it is important to know the value of pace. Throttling up and down with time and requirement is equally essential to understand one self and his needs.