Many of them reading this article would be shocked to realize video gaming as a career. Owing to lack of awareness, this profession is not known to many people. Some of them buy high configured consoles and play video games casually and there are others who are serious about it, but have no idea of how to make video game as a career. Video games are one of the fastest growing industries with an annual turnover of $76 billion in 2013. In the near future this shall be one of the leading industries in the world.
It is pretty much like sports or you may also call it an electronic sport that is e-sports. Many individuals compete at the international events held in different countries. Prizes offered here are worth more than $1000. Well-known electronic and entertainment companies sponsor each individual in the team. Travelling, stay and accessories are paid by sponsors. These sponsors expect a video gamer to win each competition so that they can promote their products through a gamer. This is tough job, as a video gamer need to be consistent and a hard worker. If a person cannot spend much time on gaming, then there are other ways where an individual may contribute to video games. Before getting into this profession there should be a massive amount of family backup. Without family support getting into this industry is really tough and a bit risky.
Various games are played on different consoles. Games like Dota 2(Defense of the ancients), CS:GO(Counter Strike Global offensive), FIFA, Trackmania, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 are held at every event. To master any one of these games, first one needs to have a highly configured console like the Xbox 360, Playstation4 or PC. You must start learning from basics and should try to dig as much as you can into the game. This is where unspoken and unknown move in the game will be known which at times in competitive level shall be enough to destroy the opponent. Practice for hours and try to master each level when you are playing with artificial intelligence or bots. Every game should start from amateur level and complete in legendary level. When you get defeated do not quit instead give a retry to develop skills. Remember, a quitter never wins and a winner never quits.
Once you have full knowledge of the game then move to online competitive level. This is the place where each player gets to know where he stands amongst the best players. The way you play with bots is totally different at the online level. It does take time initially to adapt it. The best way any player can achieve success will be from constant practice. Technique is one of the most important aspect to be the best gamer. Make friends and learn techniques that are essential for you in the game.
Once you have ample number of friends, create a team. The main advantage of a team is that you can learn several techniques from each member. Be a good team player at the same time push each other to the highest level and keep on motivating. Once your teammates have a bountiful amount of practice and experience then start competing at the national competitions.
Competing at the national level is like night and day. Things are pretty different from what you practice at home. Keyboard, mouse, gamepad would not suite to your gameplay style and even chairs will make you uncomfortable. Every gamer should Adjust to these conditions so that they can concentrate on the match. Greater number of participation at such events will gain self-confidence which will reflect on the international level.
The best way to learn techniques is to examine professional players playing in competitions. Many tutorials are uploaded on YouTube, personal blogs or on twitch TV. Keep on following these professional players in each social site that can make out how much hard work is required to be at the peak level.
If you cannot spend countless hours on gaming, then there are other ways where every video game enthusiast can contribute in developing games on different platforms. Different jobs are available for 2D, 3D artists, composers for music in games, journalist to write reviews, programmer to develop games, tester to test any glitch or bugs in-game and marketing professionals may get into the gaming industry.
Play video games with sheer determination and dedication. Never give up at any level and keep on retrying until you achieve perfection.