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How can I change my life to get out of the stress

It is really amazing how people can think negatively about life when the fact is life is beautiful if we see from another perspective. There are people who want to come out of the phase of their lives and look for something better for them. But the question remains unanswered as to how can I change my life to make it worth living? Since it is my life I have the answer. It is as we take life. People need to open their mouth and wait for an opportunity to criticize. Unless those people walk into my shoes, they will not know the path I have walked through and am still treading. Most of the time with the ups and downs of life we are stressed out and need some way out; at this time we can indulge in some Stress relief games and try to divert our minds.


People whom life is taking for a roller coaster ride often ask, how can I change my life?


The fact is there is no big rule book that will let you know how to change your life. Since it’s your life you need to know of the better ways and not ask questions wondering hither and thither. If you are thinking that you are the only person who is leading a miserable life and it has not treated you well then you’d better get out and look around.  There are thousands of people who are as miserable as you are and life hasn’t also treated them well and probably something that they do not deserve as well. But instead of crying over spilled milk, they are working hard to find a way out of their plight.


There is not a single person who does not experience stress in his or her life. It is as if it has become a part and parcel of the life. There are people who also do not do well without stress. Pretty ironic but true! We feel stressed due to the work pressure, professional life, our personal life and the environment and surroundings that we live in. There are many ways to overcome stress. Although, people have little time to spend with their family members, one should indulge in Stress relief games in order to come out of the stress. It is no longer possible to change the past and make amendments but at present we need to find ways of reducing the stressful situation to have a clear thinking.


One should be motivated to play outdoor games and other educational games as a part of Stress relief games as guided by the website abundancelifewheel which is in a way diverts the mind from the things that increases our stress level. In this way, one can have the answer to How can i change my life for the better and live life in contentment.