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Maintaining Work life balance is the key to stress free living

With everyday life becoming more and more complicated due to the rapidly evolving environment that we live in today , peace, happiness and fulfillment are often found missing in most people. People usually find it really tough to maintain Work life balance due to which they either perform poorly at work or are unhappy and sullen with family members or worst, sullen, non-performing and in stress in both the life spheres.

Unusual levels of stress and unhappiness is known to be the cause of many family breakups all across the world and now that the numbers have become alarmingly high, people are resorting to various means to relieve stress.

One of the most common things that people resort to in order to relieve themselves of stress is reading books by experts on How to relieve stress and in the next phase, books on How to deal with stress. Though reading such well researched articles on relieving stress is a good practice, people should first try to understand the basics, i.e. the underlying stress causing factors and then determine if there are aspects that need expert intervention. In instances where expert intervention is required, instead of reading up literature at random, people should follow directions given by experts and read along a particular line of thought.

Companies these days are also becoming increasingly concerned about the stress levels of their employees as they are aware that while they need to get the maximum productivity from their people, their stress levels also need to be kept under control as, that going over the bearable threshold will automatically lead to decline in productivity and eventually attrition; which in any case is not healthy for an organization.

HR managers and those in personnel management these days are using tools like the Life wheel to assess the mental makeup as well as stress and fulfillment levels of employees. This ancient tool has evolved over time and is currently so made that it can give automatic responses to assessments performed using this format.

The Life wheel available at abundancelifewheel helps life coaches as well as personnel managers asses the stress levels of employees basis which they devise their caching strategies. Also, given the fact that stress has become an indispensable part of our lives, instead of suggesting ways and means to eradicate stress causing factors, coaches these days help people understand How to relieve stress and How to deal with stress, which is a more practical approach in today’s scenario.

It can thus be said that while stress is an indispensible part of us, we have to maintain Work life balance to live a happy and fulfilling life with loved ones and tools like those available with Abundance Life Wheel help us in achieving this harmonious co-existence.