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Managing anxiety is the key to a calm mind and fulfilling life

With expectations rise anxiety and with anxiety comes stress; a vicious circle that has engulfed us all living in this age. This vicious circle or deathly trap if not broken can have disastrous effects on the human psyche and result in a lot of complication in life. People thus need to be increasingly informed about Managing anxiety.

Questions like ‘How can i change my life?’ keep nudging our ambitious selves all the times due to which we strive to do things with increasing levels of complexity so that in return we can be rewarded with all that we wish for. Though, for some of us such plans do work out well, for others these increased levels of expectations, wants and thus anxiety only lead to stress, failure and eventually disastrous health conditions.

Managing anxiety may not be as easy as it may sound as management in a way implies control and resistance which is definitely not very easy for us to resort to. Helping people in managing such situations are life coaches who know exactly what to tell you and what to make you recount that is sure to elevate your sense of security and fulfillment. Life coaches managing such individuals often use tools like the life wheel as it very accurately helps in assessing a person’s frame of mind and levels of anxiety. Life coaches and trainers use this 14 point grading system to first make people aware of their positions in life and then plan their strategies and therapies in order to help resolve issues that may loom large.

While most people assume that therapeutic sessions for adults only involve discussions, hardly do people know that Stress relief games form an equally important part too. Not just expert trainers or life coaches, people can use these games even in their everyday schedules as not only are these simple but fun and engaging too. Interestingly enough, these Stress relief games are used in increasing numbers even by HR managers and ESAT Spocs as along with engaging their audience during seminars and training sessions they also help employees relieve them of the baggage and become more receptive towards the training imparted. Games and assessment tools made available at abundancelifewheel act as a ready source for such engaging stress busting games and all, right from life coaches to Training managers use these to relive people of all the heaviness in their minds.

So now if you are feeling perturbed by the question ‘How can i change my life’, don’t get anxious and take stress, rather evaluate your personal standing using the tools made available at Abundance Life Wheel and bring about positive changes in your life sphere.