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The revolutionary Life wheel can act as the mirror to your mind


The Life wheel is a life assessing tool that was introduced way back in the 500B.C by the greatest of life teachers, Lord Buddha. This wheel lets people assess their state of mind and levels of fulfillment with the help of certain visuals and a system of grading. Though this system had evolved from a religious belief in the age of the Buddha, over the years it has been adopted and modified by various life teachers to help people evaluate and understand their life and expectations from life. This revolutionary tool in more ways than one helps one understand his/her standing in the Wheel of life.

Having evolved from ancient life coaching schools, the Wheel of life template has been experimented, researched and debated upon by many, this continuing process of experimentation and evaluation has led to the development of an all new and sophisticated Life wheel that personnel management organizations as well as life coaches from over the world use to assess the mental makeup of people they work closely with.

The wheel of life is also alternatively known as the wheel of balance or the wheel of happiness as the assessment formats here very realistically transcend into the actual frame of mind of people taking the assessment. While many would debate that this is only a tool made out of scientific theories, it may not accurately point to a person’s actual level of happiness or fulfillment as such things are often not expressed in simple black and white. Though such arguments cannot be completely negated as the human mind is indeed various shades of grey, scientific procedures have always been able to map the human brain very precisely and with this argument the Wheel of life deserves a fair chance to be tested in real life situations.

The Wheel of life template is not just used by life coaches but is used in overwhelming numbers even by HR managers of companies to map employee engagement, satisfaction and happiness and accordingly take steps to do away with any negative influences that might be harming an employee’s productivity. HR managers take the help of tools available at abundancelifewheel to assess the finer nuances of a person’s characters and accordingly help him/her adopt strategies that may eventually help in eliminating any trouble areas.

The wheel of life assessment and understanding tool available on Abundance Life Wheel is very interactive and visually appealing that not only keeps users engaged but also ensures that the users take this as a fun activity to participate in regularly; which in turn helps in keeping a check on their happiness meter.

Having discussed at length about this revolutionary life meter, it should also be stated that not always can humans rightly gauge their own feelings and emotions due to which such tools should always be given due importance, specially by life coaches and in life coaching trainings.