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Gamblers Anonymous Help for Pathological Gambling

People who suffer with pathological gambling are unable to resist the urge to gamble. The problem can escalate and lead to financial and relationship problems. This has lead to the formation of a Gamblers Anonymous group.  Gamblers Anonymous is a group dedicated to helping those suffering from pathological gambling who are willing to admit they have a problem and accept help. At times pathological gambling leads to thinking that somehow, some day, the person will be able to control their gambling, but this is the great obsession associated with pathological gambling. The persistence of this belief is strong and many pursue it into the gates of insanity, prison or death. Gamblers Anonymous helps people before the problem lead to destruction.
Gamblers Anonymous helps those suffering from pathological gambling free of charge. The group is self-supporting through donations. Gamblers Anonymous goal is to stop gambling and help the other pathological gamblers do the same. Gamblers Anonymous is not affiliated with any other groups such as political groups, religious denominations or any other type of organizations. The groups does not support or oppose any cause and only provides help to anyone in need of breaking the pathological gambling addiction. Pathological gambling is only halted when the addicts are willing to admit they are not like everyone else and they do have a problem.

Much like other addiction groups, Gamblers Anonymous treats pathological gambling with a 12-step program. These 12 steps are based on ancient principles along with medical therapies that are proven to work for those suffering with pathological gambling and are ready to take responsibility for their actions. Gamblers Anonymous stands by the fact that for some people gambling is an illness and leads to pathological gambling. The group wants those suffering from pathological gambling to know that there is an alternative to their destructive behavior and Gamblers Anonymous is the path to recovery.

As with other support groups, Gamblers Anonymous members are encouraged to obtain a sponsor. Having someone who also suffers with pathological gambling to offer help and advice can help addicts avoid temptation. Gamblers Anonymous recommends finding a sponsor who has had success overcoming pathological gambling and someone the new member feels comfortable with.  When members meet with other pathological gamblers and hear success stories of long-time Gamblers Anonymous members, it can give them hope for breaking their own addiction.

Gamblers Anonymous does not keep names and information about its pathological gambling members. Therefore, there are no statistics to back up any claims that Gamblers Anonymous is effective in treating pathological gambling. Those critical of Gamblers Anonymous recommend other forms of therapy along with this particular program to ensure that pathological gambling is stopped.  Another treatment for those who suffer with pathological gambling is cognitive behavior therapy. Some believe this in addition to Gamblers Anonymous is a more effective method of breaking the gambling addiction.