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Bobby Carrot Forever Wii Review

Bobby Carrot started in 2004 on mobile phones and became somewhat very popular amongst kids. Because of its immense popularity it survived all these years and now it comes to the Wii.

 Bobby Carrot Forever is spawned from one of those mobile titles called Bobby Carrot 5. The Wii version has better graphics, improved sound because of the Wii’s better hardware. It’s more fun playing the game on your wide screen TV than on your tiny mobile screen. The action is intense and Bobby - the rabbit, is the main hero in this series.

 Bobby has to traverse across many obstacles, like driving a lawnmower in the clouds, and walking on dragons who breathe fire. This may sound like one extreme to the other and indeed the elements of the game don’t seem to make any sense. Bobby Carrot Forever is a puzzle that few people can resolve and all the levels are quite difficult to complete. Your goal is to collect as many carrots as possible so that you can unlock a secret that enables you to progress to the next level of the game. You also collect money and can use it to buy other items that will help you on your quest. You will need many of these to aid you on your journey, without it you will find it near impossible.

 The game is not cheap and you will have to fork out the money to buy it at popular gaming stores who still have it in stock. Many are sold out due to the increasing demand for the game. The disc contains 6 levels of excitement and if you become so addicted and want to play more, you can purchase additional levels from the developer’s site. This rabbit game is specifically aimed at kids so adults may not want to play the game, or may find it quite listless. If you have kids who love the Wii, then you must get them a copy as soon as possible. They will love you for it.

 FDG Entertainment has spent a lot of time developing this game for the Wii. They have been so engrossed in the mobile version that calls for a Bobby on TV screen took a long time to manifest. But at last, Bobby is now available on the big wide screen and with its beautiful aesthetic graphics and smart controls it sure looks like a winner.

 No one knows at this stage if FDG Entertainment is planning to release more games for the Wii in this genre. For the time being enjoy Bobby Carrot Forever on your TV and forget about the tiny world he lived in when you played on your phone. This new release is filled with action packed levels of adrenaline and you won’t put down the Wii controls even long past your bedtime.

 Moms and dads should encourage kids to get more play time outside in the sun though. Too much Wii and Bobby may be good for a little fun indoors, but the real exercise and adventure is playing outside so kids can grow into healthy balanced adults. In this day and age there are not too many of those around and our future health is seriously in jeopardy.For all the Bobby fans out there, keep fighting and don’t let virtual reality rule your soul.