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Computer Games Brain Training: Pros And Cons

Computer Games: Brain Training?

The Nintendo DS is one of the most popular handheld consoles with nearly eighty million units sold world-wide. When it was first released it was marketed towards younger gamers, this is evident in the fact that 慛intendogs?is the best selling game on the console. However in the last couple of years there has been a boom in the sale of games such as 態rain Age?or 態ig Brain Academy?which claim to boost your cognitive ability and improve your memory. Whilst these appeal to people of all ages, it is clear that Nintendo is trying to capture an older market; the forty and fifty-something抯 who are worried that their brain isn抰 quite as sharp as it used to be.

People complain that you sit long hours before the computer or video screen without making much physical movements. This declined physical activity is not good for your health. It tends to make one lazy and also put a lot of stress on your eyes. Sitting long in one position again has bad impact on your spinal cord and affects your brain too.

It is easy to be sceptical of such games; can a games console really sharpen your mind?

It is good because it makes your brain work faster. There are some memory games which try to improve your memory to a great extent and some puzzles which enables your brain to think different and calculate faster. Games like bird watching improve your attention and power to track things quick. These qualities receive accolades, but there are darker sides too this games.

The key to keeping your brain healthy is a variety of mental challenges, so unless Nintendo can keep reinventing the software and add a greater selection of games and puzzles it is very easy to lose interest. Is it really worth buying games like these when there is a huge selection of other Nintendo DS games available on the market which will keep you occupied for weeks?

There have been reports that it helps you improve speed and efficiency when completing ordinary tasks however it is unlikely that there are any long term benefits. The key to keeping your brain healthy is a variety of mental challenges, so unless Nintendo can keep reinventing the software and add a greater selection of games and puzzles it is very easy to lose interest. Is it really worth buying games like these when there is a huge selection of other Nintendo DS games available on the market which will keep you occupied for weeks?