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Path 2 of making runescape gold Aow Parts

Maybe killing chickens isn抰 your thing. You want something dangerous, something cool, someting easy- buy !a href=".com://">runescape gold from our site, something卋ovine.

Well it抯 your lucky day. Just across from the chicken coop is a field. It is filled with four-legged walking-ATM/combat-training/meals-on-wheels: Aows.

You can train on cows just like you train on chickens. When it抯 killed, each cow drops 1 bone, 1 cowhide, and 1 raw meat. You can cook the meat (it heals 3 hit-points), bury the bones, and collect the cowhides to sell later on. Since all you want to do now is get money, the best thing to do is just collect the extra cow hides people leave lying around on the ground. Do this until you have a full inventory. Then take the hides to the bank on the third floor of Lumbridge castle. Deposit these and then return to the field to get more hides. You want to collect 100 total hides. You don抰 even have to fight the cows. Usually there are enough players there killing the cows that you can get your fill of left behind hides in minutes.

Once you have all your hides, you need to put them in a banknote. If you already know what a
banknote is, go to the next paragraph. If you don抰, then keep reading. Go to the bank and open your runescape accounts menu. Look down in the lower right hand corner. See the two things that say 慽tem?and 憂ote? Left-click 憂ote? Then right-click on the item you want to withdraw. You will get a 慉hoose Option?window. Select 憌ithdraw all? This will withdraw all of those items, whether you have 2 or 2,000. Instead of taking up all your inventory space, you will be given a note that has a picture of the item and a number indicating how many you have. This is a banknote.

Once you have withdrawn all the cowhides as banknotes, you also need to withdraw whatever money you have. (Note, you need at least 10 gold pieces. If you don抰 have 10 gp抯, go just south of the cow-field and kill some goblins until ou have enough gold.) ake these things and leave the Lumbridge castle. Go east across the bridge to the fence gate with the 4 guards standing around it. Talk to one of the guards. He will tell you it costs 10 gold to get through. Pay him, go
through the gate, and travel south until you get to the Al Kharid bank. (Aheck your world-map if you don抰 know where it is.) You should see several people standing around the bank lobby buying or selling things. Keep an eye-out for people looking to buy cowhides. They will usually say something like 揃uying cowhides,?or 揃uying hides.?

If there aren抰 people there buying hides, don抰 worry. Just say 揝elling 100 cowhides ?10K? That抯 right, 10K. 10,000 gold. You are selling each hide for 100 gold pieces, do this for your runescape accounts.

If the buyer doesn抰 want to pay 100 each, don抰 sell to him. Find another buyer. You may have to advertise and say something like 揝elling cowhides ?100 each? Say this several times. If you still don抰 find a buyer, just world-hop to a world where there are more people. You should be able to find a buyer pretty quickly. (Note, you can sometimes sell the hides for more money, but 100 is pretty standard. Don抰 waste your time trying to sell them for 110 or 120 gp抯 each. Just get the quick cash.)

And that抯 it. If you sold 100 hides and sold them for 100 gold pieces each, you now have 10,000 gold. Was that so hard? Remember this process. When you need more rs2 money, just repeat it several times. You can collect as many cow-hides as you want and keep selling them. But you will need at least 10,000 gold to get a good run at runescape power leveling.

Because that is what you will do next.