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Wii Homebreware My Review

Homebreware! Where have you been all my life? I recently checked out the Homebreware program from a buddy and neighbor of mine. The Homebreware allows you to backup games and play import games on your Nintendo Wii without voiding the manufacturer抯 warranty.

Backing up Nintendo Wii Games and having the ability to play import games is just two features of Homebreware. It goes so much deeper than that.

I was pleasantly surprised when I purchased Homebreware because they provided clear instructions to using their program. They also have a video tutorial. The tutorial is really cool too, because it抯 done from a camcorder and they go through the process of using Homebreware right in front of your eyes. How cool is that!

In the video, they show Super Mario Galaxy downloaded on a disc, inserted into the Wii and played live! If that isn抰 cool I don抰 know what is.
On the note of Super Mario Galaxy, it is one of the 2000 games you can download for free after you buy Homebreware. I got so excited when I was able to download video games like Super Mario Brothers, Guitar Hero, and Rock Band. Those games are over $50 dollars and you get them for free when you purchase Homebreware.

Have you ever used a modification chip?

I remember when I got the original Sony Playstation. Remember how big and bulky those things were? Now they抮e sleek and modern and cool looking. Anyways, that抯 besides the point. When I got my original Playstation a friend of mine from Korea used to bring back Japanese Playstation games. It was really cool because the games hadn抰 even been released in the U.S. yet.

Unfortunately though, they didn抰 work on U.S. Playstation consoles. We got a mod chip online from China and that sucker didn抰 work. Not only did it not work, it erased the data on my Playstation. I had to end up buying a whole new console. Every time I would turn it on, the screen would turn red.

I was so angry. I抦 turning red right now thinking about it. Arg!

I say all of that because Homebreware isn抰 a chip. It抯 a piece of software, which is great because it doesn抰 void the warranty.

When I heard that I bought the Homebreware. I thought to myself; what抯 the worst case scenario? If it doesn抰 work I抎 only be out $50 bucks, and best of all my system wouldn抰 be damaged.

So who is the Homebreware for?

Homebreware is for anybody looking to save some money on games, give their Nintendo Wii a boost, and get the maximum value out of their Nintendo Wii.

You don抰 have to be an avid gamer like me to enjoy Homebreware. But if you抳e got the Wii, you need to get Homebreware.

They抳e got real testimonials on their site of other users like myself who have used Homebreware and enjoyed it.

Checkout Homebreware. It抯 so so worth it! I just wish they would have had this years ago for my Playstation. LOL!