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Feel Like A Winner Playing Poker

As any game, Poker has its own terminology that is necessary to learn. Terms like flop, bet, call, raise, All-in, check, blind, pot are very common. Poker is played with a pack of 52 cards. At present, there are four popular poker抯 variations: Texas Hold抏m Poker, Omaha Poker, 7 Card Stud Poker and 5 Card Stud Poker. Hands are very important in this game, remember, Poker ranks are always based on five cards only.

It is the ranking of importance to the best Poker hands. Royal Flush is the highest poker hand. This hand consists of ace, king, queen, jack, all in the same suit. As all suits are identical, all royal flushes are equal. Straight Flush consists of five cards of the same suit but in sequence. Four of a kind consists in 4 cards of the same suit, another card can be anything. Full House consists of three cards of the same suit with two cards of another rank. Flush are different cards but all them of the same suit. These five hands are the most important and valuable.

Other hands like straight, three of a kind, two pairs, pair and high card are hands of less value. Poker is a game of luck and ability that requires a lot of practice and a bit of intuition. As a popular betting game, you should think before bet. If you have the chance to see how professional players play, you must watch these poker抯 tournaments on TV. International channels like ESPN or Fox Sports broadcast some tournaments. You can learn watching professional players in action.