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Get Paid To Play Video Games ?Become A Beta Game Tester

If you think that you will get paid to play video games, then think twice before opting for careers like this.

Often questions are raised on jobs like "paid to play video games" and people think whether it磗 a scam or for real?

Alluring offers and advertisements promise to pay a huge sum of money.

The tagline goes as "play video games to get paid thousands of dollars a week".

The advertisements convince people by some sort of reverse psychology by saying things like "playing video games and earning might not be an easy task, so will you dare to take the challenge?" and later convince the reader that this is a legitimate business project.

California calls for scam

In a few places in California, gamers were asked to become video game testers. This was done by some companies.

They had apparently put some sort of appealing ads that said "get paid to play video games" on the classified section of the newspaper mentioning disclosure of a few types of video games in order to get user ratings.

This was done so that so that when these companies bring the game out in the market they can label it as a good game.

Initially the games were tested by real gamers. Now we know that companies use this technique as a sort of a business to make money for themselves.

In other words they are simply trying to prove and convince people that they are gateways to such big video game companies. This sounds very fishy, isn磘 it?

If we put it in plain and simple words it seems to me like they want me to pay them (middle man) to find me gateways to these million dollar video game companies with which they are not even affiliated to.

My other question is why you will go through them when you have other options. You can always look at the local newspapers to get some information.

One should be aware of such scams. Offers like "get paid to play video games" might sound nice but they may cause trouble to you at the end.