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Carnival Games: Exclusive Halloween Party Games

The traditional carnival games are generally played at the carnival booths. It is a common factor that a person will be exchanging either 1 or more tickets for his turn on the game. Some of the examples of the carnival games are the Hoopla, Knock the Can, the Coconut Shy, and Duck Pond and Toss the Ball. If a person has decided to host the carnival party, he can hire the carnival booths or he can make it on his own. It is always better if it is the own preparation. For making the simple carnival booth for playing the carnival games, the items that are required are the small table, a big cloth for covering the table and a big piece of card and thick marker pens or some paints. It is better if the color of the cloth for covering the table is dark.

The table should be covered with the cloth in such a way that the cloth is hung down in the front side of table till the ground. With the help of the paint or the marker pen, the host has to write a fun symbol like the name of the game. He should be very creative in doing this. Lastly, the symbol written by him should be attached to cloth and now the carnival booth is ready to play. If an authentic look for the carnival booth is required, then the host should purchase some narrow and cheap plastic piping which he can get it from any of the plastic shops. The same has to cut in to lengths for forming a rectangular frame for the carnival booth. The plastic pipe should be of long than the length of the table and 2 short ones. The length of the pipe should be on the decision for the size of the frame.

The pieces should be bind by using the superior tape for forming a 2 sided rectangle. Then the same has to be attached to the table by using the tape. The symbol that is going to be fixed on it should be of light weight as the frame will not hold heavy weight. If interested, the host can purchase some of the readymade games for playing in the carnival booth. The food cans may be used by rinsing and drying. These cans then be covered with some of the bright color paper and can be stacked on the carnival table for knocking down. This game is called as the knock the can game. One or two bean bags made be added and now the game is ready for playing. The player or the guest will be throwing the bean bags one by one on the cans. If all the cans are knocked down, then he will be the winner.