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Why Use A Feral Druid Leveling Guide?

Druids have the ability to be the most flexible class in World of Warcraft, but also one of the most challenging. Levelling can be difficult even at lower levels, if you are not familiar with this class and its quirks. Whether it is your first time playing or you already have multiple characters a WoW resto druid leveling guide may be the help you need.

Now that Cataclysm has hit the World Of Warcraft, WoW level guide are having to be rewritten. Since every part of the world has changed and is now a 'new' zone even those that have levelled multiple characters before are clueless when faced with these new areas and quest chains. Whilst many of the quests remain the same, many are new, and quest chains have evolved.

Guides will usually detail not only the most efficient levelling paths but also the best talents to use, the best professions and how to make the most of your racial abilities. Gear is an important consideration for a druid with their many forms and so any information can be a big help. Even the smallest details can work together to make your levelling experience a pleasant one.

The druid consists of 3 separate roles in one character. They are capable of being a healer, tank or dps. With each of their forms comes a separate set of statistics requiring different armour. This is part of what makes the class so challenging.

Even details down to the race you choose for your character can impact levelling, if only slightly. Different professions will benefit different types of druid and every last detail can improve your levelling experience. What may seem like minor tweaks will often work together to create the ultimate character.

Other things to remember about levelling in Cataclysm are that some guilds may have an experience boost. This will increase experience gained from killing monsters and handing in quests and is achieved by a guild reaching level 2. Higher levels for guilds unlock further bonuses including further experience gain and increased mount speeds which can speed up your levelling.

Generally a guide is the quickest way to the level you are trying to achieve, whether it is 60, 70 or 85. Guides will usually omit quests that do not provide a worthwhile gain and include only tasks that provide the quickest route through the game. With the hundreds of quests now available to choose from it is difficult to know which ones are necessary and which could be setting you back.

The information provided can take hours, if not days and weeks to research and it is usually provided in an in game package. Most new guides are supplied as an in-game addon that is compatible with the Blizzard terms and conditions. This removes the need for pages upon pages of information to read through or stepping out of the game to check a guide.