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The greatest raid group of Final Fantasy XIV in JP, Lucrezia’s raid team has announced to disbanded on January 5, which aroused hot discussions about the reason of its’ breaking. At the same time, what group will be pushing for the world first in Midas Savage come 3.2 became a topic of concern as now that the biggest contender was out. What is your opinion?

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Lucrezia’s raid team disbanded since January 5, 2016
This Tuesday, the greatest Final Fantasy XIV raid team in JP, Lucrezia’s raid team has disbanded. The news was delivered from Lucrezia official twitter, on which the team told that they were not accepting applications on their homepage since then. Due to that, they also apologized to users for the inconvenience caused and thanked all those who have supported them.
It is no surprise that when this message was out, the community has popped up with different speculations about why they were breaking up. Some guessed there were something bad happened in the groups, while some negative comments even showed that the game is dead. To clarify the situation, the raid leader Yuya told on his twitter that the reason for disbanding the raid group is because of group management and the lack of his own personality, but not because something happened recently or because they get bored of FF14. Finally, he also expressed that there will still be raiders around who will create a new community.

Lucrezia’s raid team was ever the leading FFXIV raid team
Why people are so concerned about the team’s disbandment? In fact, most of the JP groups would reform before any new major raid tier, and Lucrezia was one of the few that lasted long. However, the difference is that Lucrezia was breaking up rather than reforming, not to mention that it was ever the greatest raid team in the JP region. For those who haven’t been aware, Lucrezia’s raid team was representing the top 0.01% players in FF14 and beat T9 with only lvl 90 gear when the international gear to beat T9 was lv 100-105 at average. You heard it right, when most of players cleared the ordinary turn 9, Lucrezia’s team was the world first who conquered the turn 9 (Savage) on August 10, 2014. This was the first time any raid team other than BG achieved a world first record. Unfortunately, the team was gone now, who will be the next world first?

Which group will follow Lucrezia to be the World First in 3.2?
Now that the biggest contender is out, people might be curious to see what groups will be pushing for world firsts in Midas Savage come 3.2. Someone told on reddit that Nerdscream will be the only End-game-world-first raiding group left, while others claimed that Nerdscream is more of a primal summon than a group. What do you think about it? If it is not Nerdscream – the NA’s real hero, what will be the next greatest raid team? Will it be Elysium, the team that still has 3 more World Progression teams, 2 of which achieved Week 2 AS3 Clears, one of which was NA 2nd on AS4? All teams would still like to be competitive, so just wait and see.

It is pity that many greatest people left the game, but there are also players who love the game still stay there. Just hope that fans can get more playable contents in patch 3.2. And if you need ffxiv gil, just come to safewow, where you can get ffxiv gil cheapest! Enjoy it.

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