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New Ways of Guild Wars 2 Integrating PVP into PVE

The countdown of Guild Wars 2 is getting closer, and expecting to it also has heated up. Last week's announcement of the game time has got fans and critics' attention. The importance of this news has been far more than before the stress test, and now let抯 talk about the stress tests.

Some people may not know much about the stress tests, ArenaNet held a small-scale activities, is now pre-order the game players can log in the game, experience a few hours. Players to help test the game server while also experience the fun of the game to prepare for the smooth when the game was released. This stress test and a.

In the last pressure test and the last BWE, ArenaNet has released a large-scale world events in the territory of the family of chalcone. Players in some of that area into a biological decay. When you become a monster, your appearance will change dramatically, you will add a new skill set to beat the other players. This skill can be cast, but in the running skill effect will fail, so that one can balance the massive damage caused by your new skills.

The activities in the best part is that it occurs in the PvE area of ??the game. Really interesting, I think we definitely worth a try. Until the most recent BEW, all the PvP in a separate area, and some organized PvP mode, and some the mass WvW war. The one thing I most enjoy in other MMO PvP combat in PvE area. Now I hope that Guild Wars 2 is also able to see this feature.

I can understand the reasons ArenaNet is not in all regions of open PvP. The main reason is that this model is not in line with the guidelines of the entire game world. All the major ethnic groups are united, not as in the past conflict, ready to wage war. Random with a team of players attack each other, it is not appropriate. You can put the players on the same map differentiated into two factions attack each other, so that we can set goals for each team, looks like a dynamic event, then the PvE area PvP no matter much.

Which content is most important is that there must be an event story. Because the Maronite against several players into a beast-like creatures. The monster team must complete the dragon's command to find the means to spread corruption. Not been infected with the players shoulder the task to prevent the spread of corruption, their mission is all infected things changed. But I do not know if there is one winner and what will happen, because the stress test before the party wins the end. When I recall the scale of this event, it does in this region and the player have caused some huge impact.

This event is a benefit that the players have spy gathered together. It created a game with a PvE and PvP players, and mutual understanding of each other's game. This new element has been added to the WvW on the map, so not only can have large-scale PvP play, but also about you in PvE exploration and sense of teamwork to integrate together. Perfect combination of these two different forms of the game together, players can try to play, if not a loss what to do in a completely unfamiliar environment.

The test activity of pressure is really fun, which let me more and more curious about whether ArenaNet is good "Guild Wars 2" function hiding. This creative has boundless possibilities. And I can not wait to take a look at ArenaNet in the end done. I hope that it can happen again in the last some weekend testing activities, but I can only wait. However, all will be worth.