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Your Old Discs Are Your Treasures

We all have our preferences to play games. Some like to play action, first person, strategy and arcade games on their Xbox 360 or PS3. There are abundant games available for each console in the market but there comes a time when every gamer stops purchasing new discs because of money. During all the years of collecting discs a huge collection automatically builds up. Many of them throw away the old discs which they do not use anymore. Instead of throwing away the discs it is better to do game trade in prices for PS3 and Xbox 360. You can earn money on selling the entire collection which would earn you enough money to build up an entire new collection.

The process to start selling your collection is not a tough thing. All you are required to do is follow some simple guidelines and you抣l be on the way to earn money on your old collection. Just bring down all your old collection to one place for the trade in games for cash online. Bringing it in one place will make it easy to sort out the useable and the non useable discs from the stack. Remove all the broken, cracked, dented and the heavily scratched discs from the lot. These types of discs cannot be sold because it is obvious that these discs cannot be used so no one will be willing to purchase them. Unfortunately you can count it as a loss and you will have to throw them away. Make sure that you dispose them properly because the plastic which a disc is made of is harmful for the environment.

If you find any discs with missing covers search for its cover because with its cover and original barcode the disc has no value in game trade in prices for Xbox 360 and PS3. Insert all the manuals in the covers along with the discs because the more original attachments the disc has the higher price you can get for them. This may be time consuming but you need to make sure that you do not put anything up for sale which may cause you any kind of trouble later on. If you end up paying back in terms of claims it will break up the trust of buyers in you and you will also end up paying back a lot of money.

When you have completed the sorting of all the discs, get to your computer and connect to the internet. Search in Google for the sites that purchase discs from users. Create your seller抯 account and be sure to add the correct information because it will be used to make the transaction. After you have completed filling in the information about you and your whereabouts, start the online trade in games for cash and start entering all the barcodes of the sellable discs. The invoice will start to be created automatically. After you have entered every disc click on finish and choose the desirable payment method. Enjoy your newly earned money and purchase all the discs you have ever wished for.