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Being a mom changes everything

I said, "Wouldn't it be great if someone made a round changing pad with pockets for storing wipes and diapers?" And that was it. I changed a diaper and, boom, there was my business. 揟ime for a change 揑 started doing research and realized there wasn't a round changing pad out there. Within weeks I created a prototype out of red construction paper. Then for Mother's Day my dear mom bought me a basic Singer sewing machine.

I vaguely remembered 5th grade home economics Diablo 3 Gold and knew the term "bobbin," though not what it did, but I started sewing anyway. I bought fabric scraps and sewed at night on the floor. I looked like I was playing Twister."Limitations Aren't Limiting I抦 a horrible seamstress.

I realized I had to find a professional, so I picked up the Yellow Pages, contacted a pattern maker, and she made my product. My husband looked at it and said, "You need the best patent attorney in the city." He's a parent. But I was never interested in putting Pate in hundreds of stores; I was all about selling a quality product and building the Pate brand. I did it by taking my kids and my samples to the park and handing out Pate pads to moms. I asked them to contact me with their thoughts. This was my market research. Then I rolled up my sleeves and sent out press releases and product samples to baby and parenting magazines. But a lot of the magazine editors were moms and they were so excited about a round changing pad.

The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, Baby Talk, Hip Mama, everyone was calling. For instance I should have researched manufacturers more thoroughly instead of quickly choosing one right here in San Francisco. But obviously I didn't know a thing about manufacturing and I can't beat myself up about it. I had to learn somehow. I'm one of those people who give 110 percent. When I was in corporate PR and marketing before having children I was a workaholic. But I actually work even harder now because it's not about me, it's about my kids. I have 4 children, I'm and entrepreneur and life is never easy, but family comes first.

Being a mom changes everything. My kids come to the office with me on weekends and I'm proud to say they finally know what I do. All I knew was that I wanted to drive people to my site.The word of mouth was incredible because I identified a need and filled it. I also wanted to do my own customer service, nothing automated, no assistant. I love talking to my customers. People are shocked when they call the company and get a return phone call from me.It was never looking to make money. But there are so many things I'm just not good at and eventually, as the business grew, I had to ask for help. When the producers from Oprah called asking for a video of me talking about Pate, my kids, my husband and I tore the house apart looking for the video camera.Then I used my infant son as a model while the rest of the family helped make the video, which took all day. James, shift happens. This is when your body's cells go from lax to lively, vibrating at a frequency conducive to health, happiness and enlightenment.