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Challenge Mode Gold Gear

We抮e not at all surprised that very little information is known about Challenge Mode gold gear or other rewards acquired from completing Challenge Mode dungeons successfully. Very few members of the World of Warcraft community have set foot in Challenge Modes, let alone prevailing at the content offered. If you have your own Challenge Mode gold gear, you抣l understand exactly what we mean. It isn抰 uncommon to be asked even by level 90 players, 揥here did you get that amazing set of gear??br /> Honestly, it抯 pretty similar to Naxxramas tier 3 in that sense. Back in the day, it was really uncommon to see a player or a guild who had managed to take a bite of Naxx content. The same can be said today for Challenge Modes and Challenge Mode gold gear. Many players have probably never even heard of Challenge Modes or anyone who has completed them successfully on their server. This is especially common for small servers or servers with a casual gaming population. This may not apply as much on servers such as the Alterac Mountains, Illidan, Kel抰huzad, or Moon Guard servers, which all have active populations and players who have achieved decent ratings or progression.
On top of that, Challenge Mode gold gear is absolutely impressive in appearance. It抯 the only series of gear sets in the game which are purely cosmetic and proc spell effects when you heal, cast a spell, attack an enemy, or make an emote. Each Challenge Mode gold gear set exemplifies the class that wears it. For example, the Warlock Challenge Mode gold gear looks akin to Illidan with green, glowing tattoos and curved demonic horns jutting out from the helmet. The Paladin Challenge Mode gold gear glimmers with holy energy when the player casts a spell or attacks. The Hunter Challenge Mode gold gear burns with fire and procs a targeting laser from the helmet when the Hunter is attacking an enemy with his bow or gun.
If owning the Challenge Mode gold gear wasn抰 impressive enough, you also get the silver and bronze Challenge Mode rewards if you acquire gold in every dungeon. You will be given an Ancestral Phoenix Egg which can be traded for one of four Pandaren Phoenix mounts at your faction抯 Pandaren capital city in Vale of the Eternal Blossoms. Every character at level 90 on your account will also receive the Undaunted title once you抳e completed bronze or above Challenge Modes. Keep in mind that the Pandaren Phoenix mount is like a Gladiator mount in that it only applies to the character who was awarded it. You may only choose one of the four Pandaren Phoenix mount colors, and this choice is permanent so choose wisely.
For pictures and detailed information about Challenge Mode gold gear and other rewards from Challenge Modes, you can visit The site has up to date information regarding Challenge Modes, their completion, and their rewards. The official World of Warcraft community website also has more information on Challenge Modes and how they work.