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My World Of Warcraft Guide For Newbies

This article is my World Of Warcraft guide for newbies who are just starting out and have no idea what to do in the game even though they may have heard of it before online. Besides the game overview, I will also be sharing tips on collecting gold and powering your character up to 80. But do not just read but play the game so that you can achieve results faster.

If you have never heard of World Of Warcraft before or have no idaa what it is all about, allow me to give you an overview..

World Of Warcraft first started out as Warcraft Universe in 1994. That time internet did not exist so you have to play the game on CD-ROM and get those strategy guides in your local bookstores. But now with internet, things are a lot different. You can not only get tons of information online but also make friends and interact with your fellow players for more advice.

Launched in November 2004, World of Warcraft is also the fourth edition of Warcraft series and also known as Massive Multi-Player Online Roleplaying Game or MMORPG in short. The story begins 4 years after the events of Warcraft 3 in the world of Azeroth.

The inhabitants of Azeroth are of 2 warring factions namely Alliance and Horde for world domination. Each faction comprises of 5 different races.

The Alliance consists of Draenei, Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans and Night Elves while the Horde is made up of Blood Elves, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls and Undead.

Upon selecting the faction, you will be prompted further to decide the character you want to play. Each character is unique not just in his or her personality but also strengths and weaknesses in terms of abilities, powers, weaponry and magic spells. Below are 10 classes for all World Of Warcraft characters.

1. Druid
2. Hunter
3. Mage
4. Paladin
5. Priest
6. Rogue
7. Shaman
8. Warlock
9. Warrior

You can only select the character class related to the faction you have chosen. Each of them can also learn different professions and make money in gold which should be one of your primary objectives since you need it to buy more powerful weapons, upgrades and other valuable items.

In the game, there are basically 2 types of professions as in:

A. Primary Professions:

1. Gathering - Mining, Skinning And Herbalism.

2. Production - Blacksmithing, Tailoring, Alchemy, Engineering, Enchanting, Jewelcrafting And Inscription.

B. Secondary Professions:

Cooking, Fishing and First Aid.

Having mentioned that, I hope this will help you to understand the game better before actually playing it.