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Wolfenstein New Order last 12 to 16 hours

Last week we traveled to London for upcoming news from Bethesda and stayed with Machine Games, studio responsible for Wolfenstein: New Order, the next installment of the license to be released later this year. This is information of interview.

How much of the original Wolfenstein find in this new release?
"We were big fans of Wolfenstein, probably for that feeling of being at the game and see things firsthand. And that's what attracted me to this kind of games, being in the world. Were other games with similar feelings but when Wolfenstein 3D came was something else entirely.'s memory of it and the memory of being in that place is the most important thing we want to capture. want the protagonist also be authentic to the original but not the killing machine it once was, now older, is in a world where nothing is as it was, everything he fought was lost so we've taken the opportunity to humanize "

"We wanted to honor the character of the original Wolfenstein did not want to move away from the idea that it was a killing machine, is BJ, that's part of his personality, but not all. There are times in which you will see in a different light than the a tough machine, we will broaden the perspective. want to use the full range of possibilities, we want domestic, intimate, creepy, sweet ... and sometimes it is pure action without barriers, we love the combination of the two worlds ".

What are the key differentiating playable Wolfenstein: New Order from other shooters?
"I think we play for is that feeling of being there, so our approach is not to invent interesting mechanics and repeat throughout the game, that's not the kind of games we love to do, our approach is to enter into a world and all you need to do to progress or to experience it, you can do it. So if a level makes sense for you to show driving, put a car, and if it makes sense to have situations where you have to move quietly, put a knife . Or in this area you can talk to people and learn a bit more of them. We treat it as an adventure. "

Can we expect outdoor scenes in this new release?
"Wolfenstein has never been a game to go outside. Not only is the game different, this is something that has never faced BJ, he's always been part of a war, fighting, and now in this world where all lost, this is the way we have structured the game. So the first chapter is in 1945 and we are still in the 2nd World War. But something happens then and remains in a coma for 14 years. Through a technological discoveries , the Nazi regime imposed manage and create their vision of Germania, a vision of science fiction, it's technology. So BJ wakes up in this world and look to both the player and the protagonist is surprised to discover and feel this world at the same weather.'s more than a shooter, we want a story, in many ways it is a reboot but not something that violates what happens in other games. "

How long can we expect from Wolfenstein?
"We think it will last between 12 and 16 hours, but we are trying also to be replayable, introducing an important decision that will alter the rest of the game, so even when you finish you decide otherwise and experiment with different consequences and changes introduced. adventure We are passionate individual to work we have to be very focused on what we do, we think that if we pose multiplayer, we will disperse and both the individual and the multiplayer adventure will eventually suffer, so we prefer to put it all in this part.