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Neverwinter : Interview with Zeke Sparkes

Neverwinter : Interview with Zeke Sparkes

Neverwinter has been one of the surprises in the MMORPG scene . Cryptic has done a great job and the beta has been rewarded with thousands of users and a very positive response from both the audience and the specialized media . In Spain we are hooked to IGN Neverwinter and we could not pass up the opportunity to talk with Zeke Sparkes , chief designer of Neverwinter .

Will we see new areas following patches in the worlds of Dungeons and Dragons ? Yes In Neverwinter our plans are to expand steadily and offer players new locations. We just started to give hints about what is to come next , so no concrete details yet , but stay tuned it sure will surprise you .

Today , in the open beta , and there are versions epic low level dungeons . They are , of course , much tougher versions of you have seen during the leveling process and provide access to two ' tiers ' of HLT . There is already a clash PvP levels above 60 .

Also soon launch Gauntlgrym , a huge stage PvE and PvP experiance offer a larger and more complex the game at the highest level and it is still under development . We are currently developing and adjusting internally but I can assure that holds tons of fun for both PvE and PvP .

Will there be any restrictions when using the Foundry ? Currently , all content developed by users in the Foundry is adjusted to the level of the players. This means that there is no problem with allowing level playing new missions and return to play your old favorites . We want to ensure that we do not divide and fracturamos community because of strict restrictions . In this way , the entire library is open missions and no matter when you want to play this or another story .

Is there a chance that you may declare a new type of PVP in the official release ?Stay tuned to Gauntlgrym . It is much more massive and larger scale sand encounters there now .

Does the system of ' crafting ' is useful for top-level dungeons ?Yes , of course. We want to ensure that the professions are important throughout the life of a character. Not only useful for top-level game of the most weighty equipment can be achieved only through the Professions !

Will we see some sort of world leaders or type Raid instances ?If you look at any of our previous games , we are well known for releasing some giant monsters at specific times ... As for raids , though Gauntlgrym is larger than the rest of content and many times going to need to go in group , we are not planning anything as an instanced raid .

Yes We locate Neverwinter Spanish. Right now we have English, German , French , Italian, Turkish , Polish and Portuguese planned . But the Spanish are very important players for us , like others, for example, the Russians. So currently it is only a question of bandwidth, development time and cost. But yes, we want a Neverwinter entirely in Spanish .

Why did you choose the worlds of D & D ?

The truth is that we love making games based on what we like . Many of us we take many hours with twenty-sided dice and creating stories with friends. So if you add have a game system like D & D and make Neverwinter . We launched !Once seen the care with which you are making the game : Do you work under pressure to meet a date or otherwise (and it seems) you you take your time to get a game round ?The truth is that it is a challenge to get capture the essence of a game like this , so we wanted to give us enough time to make adjustments as necessary. There have been many times when we have been analyzing what we did and did not like the feeling that conveyed so retroced韆mos and gave him another approach. If you look at the development , there have been many changes over the years.

How will the game store ? Will there be more powerful computer than there is in the game or just banal and aesthetic things ? there are many objects in the Zen aesthetic Market as exotic mounts , companions and vanity items . There are also useful objects as companions extra bank spaces and slots . The truth is that we have won many titles in our previous experience on what players expect to find in a content store .

Although perhaps more important to talk about what is in store. You will not find classes or paid content . We want everyone to enjoy the experience Neverwinter , from beginning to end free.One of the main songs recalls the great Hans Zimmer What have you based on the time of making the music of Neverwinter ?

We wanted to evoke both the history and the texture of a credible Forgotten Realms . We tried a lot of different musical styles and , in the end, we opted for the BSO orchestral mention .