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Online Arcade Sites Are Not Babysitters

My aunt inspired this article. What she used to do, is that she used to leave her 7 year old son before an online arcade website with some food and drinks by his side and then went on with her daily outdoor routine. I presume there are a few other parents like her in the world.

Now, what’s wrong with her? She thinks of an online arcade site as a babysitter, someone to engage and keep her kid entertained and out of trouble while she’s away for short periods. Well, what’s wrong with what my aunt’s line of thinking?

An online arcade site seems to fulfill many of the functions that a babysitter seems to, at the first glance. It engages a child and keeps him happy and entertained. It keeps him out of trouble, as the child will be busy playing game after game and so has no time to run around and cause havoc.

This line of thinking certainly has its merits. An online arcade site is addictive fun indeed. It can engage and entertain anyone let alone a child, as long as need be. There are lots of varied and very interesting games on these sites.

An online arcade website can challenge a child in many ways and keep him happy. But everyone must take breaks once in a while from the computer. A babysitter attends to a child’s every need and keeps him safe.

Arcade sites satisfy the fun aspect, keep the kid engaged and away from getting into trouble. But too much play without any breaks can be bad. If left alone, a child invariably keeps playing and doesn’t take breaks. Just as well, a child should have fun, but the fun shouldn’t lead him to be lonely and alone.

It shouldn’t replace his social interaction with other persons. Every kid needs to interact with other persons; this will help him in learning various social lessons such as how to interact with other people.

Oh and keeping food and drinks near a child playing arcade games doesn’t mean he will feed himself. Sometimes he may forget to eat and drink, as he plays one fun game after another. This can lead to health problems, due to not eating at proper times or not eating food at all.

So if you are a parent and you think that an arcade site can replace a babysitter, think again. It’ll be better for you and your child to have a person looking over your child and interacting with him. Let him have fun with an arcade site, but not at the cost of other important things.

An online arcade site is good, but don’t see it as replacement for the human aspect that every child should have in his life. Oh and about my aunt, she no longer leaves her kid alone with an online arcade site, to fend for himself because I showed her this article a few days ago. She is a bit embarrassed, but thankful for the “nudge” in the right direction.

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