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Get the Latest Starcraft 2 Info Here

You can find Starcraft 2 info on a number of websites. The information about this game is extensive. Many sites will offer information about how to play the game and what the storyline behind the game is. There has been an official site that has been created about the Starcraft 2 game.

Starcraft has not yet been released to the public but the creation of the game was first announced in Korea in 2007. This game will keep many of the original features from the first Starcraft game but gamers will be happy to know that there have been many additions as well that will improve the playing of the game. For example, players can play against each other rather than by themselves as was the case in the original Starcraft game. This feature is created in such a way so that players of equal ability can find each other and play.

Starcraft 2 has kept many of the same races and games as well. In the second game we see the continuation of many groups, including Protoss, Zerg and Terran. Starcraft 2 will also have cut-scenes which are pre-rendered, high quality movies that can be seen between levels to advance the plot. This was a feature that was first introduced in the original Starcraft game. In the new game, the graphics have been improved in such a way so that the player can create their own cut-scenes that are rendered from the game play. This means that players can stop and rewind their game and can watch game scenes at different times.

Starcraft 2 will feature many of the same units that were found in the first version of the game. However there have been upgrades’ and improvements made to these units. For example, the Protoss units now has the ability to charge with great force and speed, something they couldn’t do in the first game. Some units have been improved in similar ways will others have been replaced altogether.

There was a video release of the game that allowed future players to see many of the new upgrades that have been made to the game. Many upgrades have allowed more interaction amongst units. For example in the new version of the game, units can now be teleported into different levels of the game or they have the ability to traverse varying levels of terrain, something that could not be done in the previous version.

Starcraft 2 is being called a benchmark in real time strategy games. It has attracted computer gamers around the world, but most followers of the game can be found in South Korea. In this part of the world players even compete in many matches and can actually be called professional Starcraft players. The original version of the game has sold over ten million copies and it is expected that the sequel will surpass this number easily due to the improvements and upgrade that have been made. The creators of the Starcraft games have no current plans to change from the computer format of the game into a gaming system version. They are creating his game solely for use with a personal computer.

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